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IssueTracker is a subtopic of:

  1. FrontPage

Here are the pages which link to it:

  1. #110 Domain Variable() and Symbol
  2. #138 asin(complex(1.0,0.0))
  3. #198 integrate(sin(x**2),x) is not handled
  4. #230 IssueTracker input form should allow preview
  5. #235 Where is RadicalExtension and RationalRadical?
  6. #283 )trace interfering with 1::EXPR INT and '2/3::FRAC INT'
  7. #44 IssueTracker needs to be able to use old Axiom versions
  8. #58 error modifying title of bug (test)
  9. #6 integration result Gamma not TeXed correctly
  10. [#99 x^1 abc[y]? should be a syntax error]
  11. BugTracker
  12. FAQ
  13. FriCASWiki
  14. MathActionDevelopment
  15. SandBox Trace Analysed
  16. SandBox Trace EXPR and FRAC
  17. SandBoxGlossary
  18. SymbolsAndVariables

Here are it's subtopics.

  1. #401 unparse generates Fortran function names
  2. #402 binary for fedora core 6
  3. #403 wiki does not preserve spacing
  4. #404 axiom gold does not build on openSUSE 10.3 x86_64
  5. #10 romberg slowdown
  6. #100 integrate((z^a+1)^b, z) crashes
  7. #101 laplace(log(z), z,w)
  8. #102 solve(sinh(z)=cosh(z), z)
  9. #103 solve(z=z, z)
  10. #104 branch cuts differ?
  11. #105 integrate(z^3000, z=0..1)
  12. #106 Results of integrate(x^2) and integrate(x^2,x) are different
  13. #107 Interpreter code generation failed for expression1
  14. #108 InfiniteTuple and Stream
  15. #109 hyperdoc uncompress failed
  16. #11 Mathaction edit/save
  17. #110 Domain Variable() and Symbol
  18. #111 Fedora Core 3 binaries don't work (axiom-Feb2005-Fedora3-bin.tgz)
  19. #112 Returned type of compiled function
  20. #113 Compile fail on Suse 9.2
  21. #114 Map on Functions crash
  22. #115 color highlighting of Axiom compiler output
  23. #116 Hyperdoc links and spad files
  24. #117 Inheritance of Monoid Structure in Direct Product
  25. #118 Quaternion restriction
  26. #119 solve returns wrong answers and multiple answers to same trig problem
  27. #12 radicalSolve fails to find all roots ?
  28. #120 optimize the compilation with proclamation
  29. #121 bogus property change comments
  30. #122 Handling of power series
  31. #123 Compile modified spad file
  32. #124 Build failure in CVS top-of-tree sources in src/hyper
  33. #125 src/hyper/Makefile.pamphlet uses htadd bare, causing build failure.
  34. #126 /bin/sh vs /bin/bash scripting inconsistancy
  35. #127 Building axiom from source fails on my Fedora Core 3
  36. #128 error displaying a certain nested list
  37. #129 patch-32 fails to display 3D graphics
  38. #13 AXIOM for Windows: )copyright and )s ummary
  39. #130 SpecialFunction(Integer) doesn't return Expression Integer
  40. #131 awk backslash causes failure in src/algebra/Makefile
  41. #132 Series expansion with complex doesn't print expansion point in type expression
  42. #133 missing \begin{quote} in Chapter on "Using Types and Modes"
  43. #134 suse 9.2, previous version OK
  44. #136 cercion of power series
  45. #137 solve problem
  46. #138 asin(complex(1.0,0.0))
  47. #139 Handling of power series
  48. #140 asin(complex(1.0,0.0))
  49. #141 atan(tan(3)) => 3
  50. #144 Domain abbreviation is no longer associated with filename
  51. #145 piping commands to sman does not work
  52. #146 configure script is shell dependent
  53. #147 axiom-Apr2005-src.tgz fails on fedora 3
  54. #148 Down-arrow button in examples can crash session
  55. #149 HyperDoc not working with Numlock on
  56. #15 integrate(1/(1+z^4), z=0..1) :: Complex Float
  57. #150 To create a function from an expresion
  58. #151 Environment variable AXIOM
  59. #152 Symbolic link SPADEDIT
  60. #153 make install does not install a needed libdb.text for HyperDoc
  61. #154 integrate does not produce asinh
  62. #155 failed coercion between Expression Fraction Integer and Expression Float in exponents
  63. #156 Axiom crashes when compiling simple Taylor code
  64. #158 Result with partial display in TeXmacs
  65. #159 build directory captured in scripts
  66. #16 Serious One Line Crashing Axiom
  67. #160 Axiom on Knoppix: ptyopen failed
  68. #161 viewpoint v does not work
  69. #162 nested cross products for Vector Polynomial Integer probelm
  70. #163 axiom output isn't right with _
  71. #164 min row and min col in IndexedOneDimensionalArray's IndexedTwoDimensionalArray
  72. #165 stream2.input infinite loops with streams
  73. #166 elemnum.input
  74. #167 Infinite Floats Domain
  75. #168 Linux Hyperdoc searches do not work
  76. #169 Print empty two dimensional array (i.e. Matrix, TwonDimensionalArray ...)
  77. #17 algebra BOOTSTRAP fixed point
  78. #170 Axiom fails to solve "separable" system of equations
  79. #171 Solve handles lists of expressions differently
  80. #172 bezout.spad.pamphlet and Knuth's reference
  81. #173 (1 . failed) cannot be coerced to mode (Integer) in TriangularMatrixOperations
  82. #174 (1 . failed) cannot be coerced to mode (Integer) in TriangularMatrixOperations
  83. #175 Works on implementation and/or documentation of LieSquareMatrix
  84. #176 Factored Polynomials aren't differentiated correctly
  85. #177 expand (cos (2*x))
  86. #178 Linear Agebra problem
  87. #179 differentiating sums with respect to a bound is wrong
  88. #18 Axiom domains and Aldor return types
  89. #180 bug #9216 differentiating sums with respect to a bound is wrong
  90. #182 Floating point error round(-3.77623) etc.
  91. #183 any? and every? should exit when the result is clear
  92. #184 Complex argument is false.
  93. #185 append vs concat
  94. #186 compose function crashes Axiom
  95. #188 the do instruction doesn't display any result
  96. #189 Graphics does not work on Debian
  97. #19 D(0^z, z) fails
  98. #190 Compile fail on Fedora Core 4
  99. #191 exquo and therefore gcd cannot handle UP(x, EXPR INT)
  100. #192 Folding does not work in Konqueror 3.1.4
  101. #193 Symbolic values (without variables) are not ordered properly in 'EXPR INT'
  102. #194 tracing complex on windows
  103. #195 Add a conjugateTranspose operation in MatrixCategory
  104. #196 )set functions compile on
  105. #197 DFLOAT format
  106. #198 integrate(sin(x**2),x) is not handled
  107. #199 integrate(exp(-x^2)+exp(x)/x,x)
  108. #20 D(1, z) fails
  109. #200 display of TwoDimensionalArray of type Union(...) is not properly formatted
  110. #201 New issue categories for Aldor
  111. #202 Axiom Tutorial PDF on Windows - Bitmap fonts used
  112. #203 Using local database messages occur on some builds and not others.
  113. #204 Loading $AXIOM/algebra/MSYSCMD.o for package MoreSystemCommands
  114. #205 Hyperdoc does not work in patch 44
  115. #206 Interpreter code generation failed for function returning a Type
  116. #207 certain limit failure
  117. #208 interpret(x::InputFor)=x is broken for functions and types
  118. [#209 The function |Domain| is undefined]?
  119. #21 Statistics generated by )set message summary on ?
  120. #210 Pamphlet support on MathAction
  121. #211 Products are differentiated incorrectly
  122. #212 substituting for an operator in a sum does not apply the summation algorithms
  123. #213 No equality of operators which use dummy variables
  124. #214 limit on products and sums
  125. #215 sin asin(7.0::COMPLEX FLOAT)
  126. #216 terminating condition for nextSubsetGray incorrectly documented
  127. #217 Invalid variables
  128. #218 New version Reduce 3.8 includes MathML
  129. #219 The interpreter does not understand dependend types
  130. #22 Modification of axiom.input ?
  131. #220 'StepThrough' is braindead
  132. #221 'PI' does not have 'OASGP'
  133. #222 FramedNonAssociativeAlgebraFunctions2 and map
  134. #223 Legendre Polynomials
  135. #224 ICARD fails to display database info
  136. #225 Series examples improvement idea
  137. #226 Equality in FunctionCalled
  138. #227 random()$Integer is a strange function
  139. #228 pamphlets only work on wiki.axiom-developer.org
  140. #229 Axiom Output in Documentation
  141. #23 using exp as a symbol in **
  142. #230 IssueTracker input form should allow preview
  143. #231 simplify working on matrices
  144. #233 Trace in Float caused Fatal Error
  145. #234 limit(-1/2)^n
  146. #235 Where is RadicalExtension and RationalRadical?
  147. #236 Clicking on 'Dependents' in HyperDoc Browse crashes HyperDoc
  148. #237 fails to display proper TeX
  149. #238 displaymath environment gives LaTeX error
  150. #239 Algebra does not have CharacteristicNonZero, but the book says so
  151. #24 System error: Cannot take first of an empty list
  152. #240 another 'limit' failure
  153. #241 Bug in handling 0^0 in Axiom
  154. #242 TeX display of long variable names is broken
  155. #245 incorrect TeX output from radix()
  156. #247 editing pamphlet does not update png image of first page
  157. #248 Bug#347199: axiom-doc: Book is all-monospaceafter page 1019
  158. #249 user id: doyen hangs log-in
  159. #25 Axiom graphics from inside TeXmacs?
  160. #251 About %%
  161. #253 factor returns wrong result
  162. #254 factor$AN doesn't factor $x^2-2$
  163. #255 install DoyenWiki from DoyenCD
  164. #256 unable to restart from the cd
  165. #257 unable to restart from the cd
  166. #258 RectangularMatrixCategory should have Finite when this is the case
  167. #259 redhat update deamon
  168. #26 Graphics in Solaris, patch 24, fixed!
  169. #260 unwanted glibc warning when closing a plot
  170. #261 Strange matrix addition
  171. #262 Local variables in output
  172. #263 ContinuedFraction returns incorrect types
  173. #264 tangle not working in Doyen CD pamphlets
  174. #265 Axiom binary for Fedora Core 4 does not start properly
  175. #266 Axiom binary for Fedora Core 4 does not start properly
  176. #267 tex.spad does not implement ALTSUPERSUB
  177. #268 )abbrev? with too little detail
  178. #269 some issues with the 'Factored' domain
  179. #27 Axiom on Windows GCL problems
  180. #270 integrating UTS
  181. #271 )show Expression Boolean gives a list
  182. #272 functions +-> and blocks of instructions
  183. #273 Factor Expression Integer does nothing
  184. #274 Can't get a parameter in an anonymous function
  185. #275 Compiler bug...Bug: gen0Syme: syme unallocated by gen0Vars
  186. #276 the result looks like a record but isn't a record
  187. #277 Patches for GCL on Linux
  188. #278 'simplifyLog' cannot cope with 'sqrt'
  189. #279 Equality fails for Set Any
  190. #28 GCL 2.6.5 on FC3
  191. #280 hyperdoc crashes when we enter either '**' or ' ""**" ' under Browse and operations
  192. #281 hyperdoc is not connected to AXIOM Server when it's restarted with ')hd'
  193. #282 In hyperdoc click on 'users' crashes hyperdoc
  194. #283 )trace interfering with 1::EXPR INT and '2/3::FRAC INT'
  195. #284 axiom crashes for a Groebner basis.
  196. #285 equal in AlgebraicNumber fails
  197. #286 Axiom Build closing a graphics window
  198. #287 Firefox PDF missing plugin
  199. #288 seriesSolve cannot find fixedPointExquo
  200. #289 Trouble with escapes or map?
  201. #29 for i in 1..1 repeat print(sin(i) :: Complex Float)
  202. #290 Axiom failed to integrate elementary function
  203. #291 small typo in docs
  204. #292 integrate(sin(x)**2) problem
  205. [#293 integrate (x^2+1)/(1+x^4)]?
  206. #294 Infinite recursion during integration
  207. #295 PERM movedPoints wrong
  208. #296 PERMGRP should compute cycle indicator polynomial
  209. #297 Wrong values of limit
  210. #298 undesirable horizontal scroll bar
  211. #299 MachineFloat is not a FIeld
  212. #3 )cd directory does not work in Windows version 0.1
  213. #30 make install: no such file or directory
  214. #300 Axiom does not evaluate (a+b)^7 in TEXMAC session
  215. #301 seriesSolve - generates bad fixedPointExquo
  216. #302 Cannot rename the file erlib to NRLIB
  217. #303 Some errors in book.pemphlet
  218. #304 path to libXpm.a with Xorg >= 7.0
  219. #305 compBound without a well-understood valuation
  220. #306 libXpm.a is in /usr/lib under Ubuntu.
  221. #307 repeatedly asks me to set preference before editing
  222. #308 Runtime error on integration
  223. #309 partial fraction with unknown constants
  224. #31 Hyperdoc segfault
  225. #311 Repeated output of the show system command for categories that do not export operations
  226. #312 Bug in sqrt() for UnivariateTaylorSeries
  227. #313 sqrt(x,0) should not give 1 in RealClosedField
  228. #314 Wrong answer for integrate(2*atan(x)/(1+x^2),x)
  229. #315 segmentation fault when the compiler processes badly indented macro that contain $Lisp
  230. #316 solve dies on included code
  231. #317 two files that differ only in case
  232. #318 integrate: implementation incomplete (constant residues)
  233. #319 Mutliset examples page not found in hyperdoc
  234. #32 Debian Sarge GCL configure parameters
  235. #320 use of #!/bin/awk -f in src/hyper/search.pamphlet
  236. #321 Syntax of sort (/hyper/search.pamphlet) is deprecated with sort version 5.97
  237. #323 Handling of the history in a file
  238. #324 Bug in width$OutputForm
  239. #325 Severe bug in 'normalize$EFSTRUC'
  240. #326 Meaning of F0 and F1 ?
  241. #328 AXIOM interpreter cannot iterate over Stream
  242. #329 fuzzy error in factor.
  243. #33 GCL fails to compile on Fedora Core 3
  244. #330 generating 3d plot from hyperdoc fails
  245. #333 asin 1.0 over Complex Float fails
  246. #334 Misrecognized variable in Expression.
  247. #335 sort! drops list elements
  248. #336 'binomial$COMBF' is not evaluated consistently
  249. #338 'eval' misses main variable
  250. #339 interpreter gives up in loop
  251. #34 Axiom missing rm, cat
  252. #340 divisors$IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions incorrect for units, i.e., 1, -1
  253. #341 'primes' seems to be slow
  254. #342 axiom from CVS not building on Fedora core 6
  255. #343 Bug in FreeAbelianGroup
  256. #344 Tube Plots
  257. #345 fails to compute some simple limits
  258. #346 Returns formal integration sign for (1 + tan(x))^(1/3), which is elementary
  259. #347 bug in map$Set
  260. #348 Equality in Any
  261. #35 Aldor compiler won't build
  262. #350 interpreter crash
  263. #351 interpreter crash factoring 1+2%i in COMPLEX PF 5
  264. #352 'PFECAT' is not implemented yet
  265. #353 case sensitive file names
  266. #354 Complex R is not necessarily a field when R is a field
  267. #355 Wrong sign in derivation of besselK
  268. #356 domain for general constants
  269. #358 EXPR does not handle conditional definitions
  270. #359 map with ::Boolean damages memory
  271. #36 sman/graphics connection hang
  272. #360 integral yields strange error message
  273. #361 integral yields strange error message
  274. #362 lower bound in a loop must be an integer
  275. #363 A slow summation
  276. #364 coerce is missing from domain Expression
  277. #365 random does not produce arbitrarily large numbers
  278. #366 gcl-2.6.7 crashes building "wh-sandbox"
  279. #37 )co aldor file does not work
  280. #370 Improper code emmited by mkUnionFunList, impacts defintrf.spad
  281. #371 iprint from InternalPrintPackage makes malformed call to FORCE-OUTPUT
  282. #374 radix
  283. #375 A simple stream generation enters an infinite loop
  284. #376 setelt does not work on function results
  285. #377 Comparing pi^e and e^pi
  286. #378 Declarations with multiple variables don't work inside of functions
  287. #379 acos(1.0::Complex Float) fails
  288. #38 triset.spad.pamphlet TSETCAT-.lsp BOOTSTRAP missing
  289. #380 Axiom doesn't start
  290. #381 silver axiom file missing during install
  291. #384 factors returns nonsense for EXPR INT
  292. #385 useful function not exported
  293. #386 Infinite loop in LISP related to Tuple?
  294. #387 overloading functions in the interpreter does not work
  295. #39 catdef.spad.pamphlet EUCDOM-;expressIdealMember;LSU;10
  296. #4 )copyright does not work on MathAction
  297. #40 broken input file testing
  298. #41 fresh databases are not copied back for build
  299. #42 Escaping $ is tedious...
  300. #43 when is broken
  301. #44 IssueTracker needs to be able to use old Axiom versions
  302. #45 regression testing is not being checked
  303. #46 termio vs ptermio (in src/clef/edible.c)
  304. #47 complexForm(log(%i) - log(-%i))
  305. #48 #define unlikely defined in linux/compiler.h
  306. #49 GCL argument list too long
  307. #5 )edit command ignores file name
  308. #51 duplicate definition of function in PSETCAT
  309. #52 axiom option -rm no longer works
  310. #53 axiom option -rv no longer works
  311. #54 Packaging Axiom and TeXmacs together
  312. #55 Graphics does not work on Windows
  313. #56 Hyperdoc does not work on Windows
  314. #57 Databases are not copied back
  315. #58 error modifying title of bug (test)
  316. #59 make install sets the wrong shell variable in the axiom script
  317. #6 integration result Gamma not TeXed correctly
  318. #60 bugs duplicate functions exists. optimizer complains during rebuild
  319. #61 cot(0.0), csc(0.0), asec(0.0), acsc(0.0), asech(0.0), acsch(0.0), cot(0.0), coth(0.0), acoth(0.0
  320. #62 make GCL= does not override properly
  321. #63 bugs Problems raising a UTS to a negative integer power
  322. #64 clef does not understand end, delete, etc
  323. #65 protect* functions should be #:NAG only
  324. #66 one? function calls need to be restored
  325. #67 Underlying common lisp system should have a binding to OpenMATH library
  326. #68 shell script for bug reporting
  327. #69 sqrt(-1/abs(x))-1/sqrt(-abs(x))
  328. #7 Simplify changes the type of an expression
  329. #70 when is broken
  330. #71 The current free Axiom has no complete documentation
  331. #72 product over product or sum fails
  332. #73 )spool does not capture )sys output
  333. #74 XSLT style sheet to convert OpenMath to MathML
  334. #75 algebra creates the file code.lsp, this needs to be renamed before compile
  335. #76 Cannot edit status fields of issue pages with Page type: Plain text
  336. #77 protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
  337. #78 Axiom access to OpenMath library no longer works
  338. #79 log10 in GCL returns a bad value for log10(1000)
  339. #8 (Savannah bug #9297) output misses some parenthesis
  340. #80 Semantic Errors when building algebra
  341. #81 French error message when building SPLTREE
  342. #82 Sum should be evaluated by Gosper's method, but isn't
  343. [#83 Bug 5977 1::DMP([x]?,FRAC INT)::POLY FRAC INT ==> 0]
  344. #84 conjugate(c)
  345. #85 axiom on windows won't accept interrupts
  346. #86 Axiom (Windows) in a MAC VMWare won't install
  347. #87 solve(x + 1.1, 0.001) fails
  348. #88 Draw does not work under TeXmacs
  349. #89 Typos in the full book
  350. #9 )hist )write foo.input
  351. #90 coredump with infinite stream
  352. #91 coredump with infinite stream
  353. #92 coredump with infinite stream
  354. #93 Confusing amount of information on Axiom (beginner's issue)
  355. #94 TeX output misses parenthesis in FACTORED
  356. #95 TeX output misses parenthesis in FACTORED
  357. #96 no text before Axiom command in comment
  358. #97 match not working
  359. #98 configure script does not handle MAC OSX "Darwin"
  360. [#99 x^1 abc[y]? should be a syntax error]
  361. #250 no link on desktop to Doyen Home Page or Wiki
  362. #157 bad call to getdatabase
  363. #405 ContinuedFraction and Polynomial Domains
  364. #406 test specification of axiom version in issues
  365. #407 Cannot modify status of Issue
  366. #408 Gamma$EXPR INT cannot be evaluated as Float
  367. #409 Aldor interface is difficult to install on FriCAS / OpenAxiom
  368. #181 random(0)
  369. #410 )di abb is broken
  370. #411 "forbidden" type generated by trigonometric expression
  371. #412 Wrong definition of equality in TBAGG
  372. #413 (semi)resultantEuclidean_naif, affects resultants for Finite IntegralDomains
  373. #414 insert! doesn't like non-ordered SetCategories
  374. #415 Stack misses some exports
  375. #416 Wrong link to papers in home page
  376. #417 slow integration
  377. #418 series expansion, but not differentiable
  378. #187 trouble with tuples
  379. #419 bug in type inference for anonymous functions
  380. #420 Tuple, again
  381. #421 improper call to system function bottomUp
  382. #422 declarations escape Record
  383. #423 showSummary fails
  384. #424 Interpreter code generation failed
  385. #425 confusion over Category
  386. #426 Non-builtin domain values fail
  387. #427 Broken compilation of axiom-may2008 on Slackware 12.1
  388. #428 Equation Domain coerce to OutputForm and Boolean
  389. #429 Description of IndexedExponents in HyperDoc
  390. #430 Bad compilation of Spad code due to `nested' one-armed if-statement
  391. #431 exponentiation wrong in 'LODO'
  392. #432 List doesn't check for circularity in length
  393. #433 viewport manager does not restart
  394. #434 horizontal line not drawn
  395. #435 power series with different expansion variables
  396. #436 integrate(sqrt(1+tan(x)^2),x)
  397. #437 atanh(1.0) should fail
  398. #438 Conditional for inner functions in a package
  399. #439 iterator variable is not completely local
  400. #440 cannot take first of empty list in integral
  401. #441 not a valid isolation interval in integral
  402. #442 'function any must have...' in integral
  403. #443 equality of nested products is random
  404. #293 integrate 1/(1+x^2)
  405. #444 draw(surface(x,x*x,y),x=0..5,z=0..3)
  406. #445 horizontal fractions not converted to proper latex
  407. #446 reading: get_int: Connection reset by peer
  408. #447 integrals of abs and sqrt
  409. #448 R: Ring declaration does not work
  410. #232 Trace causes Bind Stack Overflow from erroneous input