The order in ---------------------------------------- Z2:=FreeAbelianGroup Symbol a:= a::FreeAbelianGroup Symbol b:= b::FreeAbelianGroup Symbol z:= 0::FreeAbelianGroup Symbol a < -b -b < z z < a ---------------------------------------- thus fricas (1) -> a:= a::FreeAbelianGroup Symbol proposed patch in the last few lines of free.spad: 545,546c545,546 < ta.gen < tb.gen => true < ta.gen > tb.gen => false --- > ta.gen < tb.gen => tb.exp > 0 > ta.gen > tb.gen => ta.exp < 0 apparently revlex order is intended but is not achieved in the current implementation, as the sign of the trailing exponent is not taken into account. Fixed in wh-sandbox Revision: 496 --kratt6, Mon, 09 Apr 2007 13:50:56 -0500 reply Status: open => fix proposed
Fixed in OpenAxiom