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  1. #101 laplace(log(z), z,w)
  2. #102 solve(sinh(z)=cosh(z), z)
  3. #108 InfiniteTuple and Stream
  4. #117 Inheritance of Monoid Structure in Direct Product
  5. #122 Handling of power series
  6. #136 cercion of power series
  7. #146 configure script is shell dependent
  8. #15 integrate(1/(1+z^4), z=0..1) :: Complex Float
  9. #191 exquo and therefore gcd cannot handle UP(x, EXPR INT)
  10. #198 integrate(sin(x**2),x) is not handled
  11. #203 Using local database messages occur on some builds and not others.
  12. #204 Loading $AXIOM/algebra/MSYSCMD.o for package MoreSystemCommands
  13. #224 ICARD fails to display database info
  14. #227 random()$Integer is a strange function
  15. #234 limit(-1/2)^n
  16. #236 Clicking on 'Dependents' in HyperDoc Browse crashes HyperDoc
  17. #245 incorrect TeX output from radix()
  18. #258 RectangularMatrixCategory should have Finite when this is the case
  19. #260 unwanted glibc warning when closing a plot
  20. #262 Local variables in output
  21. #268 )abbrev? with too little detail
  22. #271 )show Expression Boolean gives a list
  23. #278 'simplifyLog' cannot cope with 'sqrt'
  24. #280 hyperdoc crashes when we enter either '**' or ' ""**" ' under Browse and operations
  25. #281 hyperdoc is not connected to AXIOM Server when it's restarted with ')hd'
  26. #282 In hyperdoc click on 'users' crashes hyperdoc
  27. #284 axiom crashes for a Groebner basis.
  28. #285 equal in AlgebraicNumber fails
  29. #288 seriesSolve cannot find fixedPointExquo
  30. #290 Axiom failed to integrate elementary function
  31. #292 integrate(sin(x)**2) problem
  32. #293 integrate 1/(1+x^2)
  33. #294 Infinite recursion during integration
  34. #301 seriesSolve - generates bad fixedPointExquo
  35. #305 compBound without a well-understood valuation
  36. #308 Runtime error on integration
  37. #311 Repeated output of the show system command for categories that do not export operations
  38. #314 Wrong answer for integrate(2*atan(x)/(1+x^2),x)
  39. #316 solve dies on included code
  40. #317 two files that differ only in case
  41. #321 Syntax of sort (/hyper/search.pamphlet) is deprecated with sort version 5.97
  42. #324 Bug in width$OutputForm
  43. #325 Severe bug in 'normalize$EFSTRUC'
  44. #330 generating 3d plot from hyperdoc fails
  45. #338 'eval' misses main variable
  46. #339 interpreter gives up in loop
  47. #340 divisors$IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions incorrect for units, i.e., 1, -1
  48. #351 interpreter crash factoring 1+2%i in COMPLEX PF 5
  49. #364 coerce is missing from domain Expression
  50. #370 Improper code emmited by mkUnionFunList, impacts defintrf.spad
  51. #374 radix
  52. #408 Gamma$EXPR INT cannot be evaluated as Float
  53. #409 Aldor interface is difficult to install on FriCAS / OpenAxiom
  54. #410 )di abb is broken
  55. #413 (semi)resultantEuclidean_naif, affects resultants for Finite IntegralDomains
  56. #414 insert! doesn't like non-ordered SetCategories
  57. #415 Stack misses some exports
  58. #417 slow integration
  59. #418 series expansion, but not differentiable
  60. #431 exponentiation wrong in 'LODO'
  61. #432 List doesn't check for circularity in length
  62. #435 power series with different expansion variables
  63. #440 cannot take first of empty list in integral
  64. #441 not a valid isolation interval in integral
  65. #442 'function any must have...' in integral
  66. #443 equality of nested products is random
  67. #47 complexForm(log(%i) - log(-%i))
  68. #51 duplicate definition of function in PSETCAT
  69. #56 Hyperdoc does not work on Windows
  70. #6 integration result Gamma not TeXed correctly
  71. #81 French error message when building SPLTREE
  72. [#83 Bug 5977 1::DMP([x]?,FRAC INT)::POLY FRAC INT ==> 0]
  73. AldorForFriCAS
  74. Axiom Algebra
  75. BootProgramming
  76. BugTracker
  77. BuildFriCAS
  78. BuildOnWindows
  79. CommonDenominator for polynomials
  80. Complex Polynomial
  81. Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition
  82. DancingSambaRamanujan
  83. DebuggingFriCAS
  84. Definite Integration
  85. Design By Contract
  86. DesignIssues
  87. dirichlet.spad
  88. DistributedExpression
  89. Division by zero during evaluation
  90. ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage example
  91. ExampleCompositeFunction
  92. ExampleGroebnerBasis2
  93. ExampleIntegration2
  94. ExampleSolve2
  95. FactorizationExample
  96. FAQ
  97. ForksInfo
  98. FractionFreeFastGaussianElimination
  99. FriCAS
  100. FriCAS Algebra
  101. FriCAS Book
  102. FriCAS Colloquium
  103. FriCAS compiler
  104. FriCAS language
  105. FriCAS Library Examples
  106. FriCAS Problems
  107. FriCAS Sources
  108. fricas-devel
  109. FriCASAdvantages
  110. FriCASContributions
  111. FriCASDocumentation
  112. FriCASEmacsMode
  113. FriCASGraphics
  114. FriCASIntegration
  115. FriCASInterpreter
  116. FriCASInVim
  117. FriCASIssues
  118. FriCASonCygwin
  119. FriCASOutputFormatting
  120. FriCASProgramming
  121. FriCASProgrammingModel
  122. FriCASSpecialIntegration
  123. FRICASsys
  124. FriCASTutorial
  125. FriCASWiki
  126. FrontPage
  127. FunctionalProgramming
  128. GroupAlgorithms
  129. Guessing formulas for sequences
  130. HistoricAxiom
  131. HowToContribute
  132. HyperDoc
  133. Indefinite Types
  134. indexed variables
  135. Installation Files
  136. Interval Arithmetic
  137. Jet Bundles
  138. LanguageDifferences
  139. LinearOperator
  140. LispInFriCAS
  141. ListProgramming
  142. MathAction
  143. MathAction Problems
  144. mathematical algorithms
  145. Mirrors
  146. Mutual Recursion
  147. Nature of expressions
  148. News
  149. noncommutative Groebner bases
  150. NoncommutativePolynomials
  151. OldGnuDraw
  152. OpenAxiom
  153. OverloadProblems
  154. PanAxiom
  155. PanAxiomCommunity
  156. PerCent
  157. Piecewise Functions
  158. Polynomial Coefficients
  159. ProgrammingSPAD
  160. RealClosure
  161. RealNumbers
  162. ReferenceSemantics
  163. RischImplementationStatus
  164. Root denesting
  165. SandBox
  166. SandBox Aldor Category Theory
  167. SandBox Aldor Generator
  168. SandBox Aldor Join and Meet
  169. SandBox Aldor Semantics
  170. SandBox Aldor Sieve
  171. SandBox Cast
  172. SandBox Category of Graphs
  173. Sandbox Errors
  174. SandBox Integration
  175. SandBox Lisp
  176. SandBox Lorentz Transformations
  177. SandBox Monoid Extend
  178. SandBox Risch
  179. SandBox Shortcoming
  180. SandBox Solve
  181. SandBox SPAD dependent types
  182. SandBox Tail Recursion
  183. SandBox Trace Analysed
  184. SandBox Trace with )math
  185. SandBox/interp/i-funsel.boot
  186. SandBoxAbs
  187. SandBoxCliffordAlgebra
  188. SandBoxCommutativeCategory
  189. SandBoxEqualizerInOpenAxiom
  190. SandboxErik
  191. SandboxFactoringNoncommutativePolynomials
  192. SandBoxFriCAS
  193. SandBoxFriCAS2
  194. SandBoxFunctionalSpecialFunction
  195. SandBoxGenericFunction
  196. SandBoxHopfAlgebra
  197. SandBoxJohn2
  198. SandBoxMonads
  199. SandBoxNonZeroInteger
  200. SandBoxPartiallyOrderedSet
  201. SandBoxSPADParser
  202. SandBoxSpecies
  203. SandBoxSpeciesAldor
  204. SandBoxSpeciesAldorSage
  205. SandBoxSTRING2SPAD
  206. SandBoxSymbolicInverseTrig
  207. SandBoxTensorProduct
  208. SandBoxVeryLongLaTeX
  209. SandboxWorkShopRISC2008
  210. SandBoxXHashTable
  211. ScreenShots
  212. series
  213. SeriesSolve
  214. simplify exponents
  215. simplifying Expressions
  216. Simpson's method
  217. Source Repository
  218. SpadFileConvention
  219. SpeedOfUserCode
  220. SubDomain
  221. Symbolic Integration
  222. SymbolicDifferentiation
  223. TaylorSeries
  224. TeXmacs
  225. TouchGraph
  226. TutorialIntroductionToFriCAS
  227. Type Equivalence
  228. TypeTowerDemo
  229. Unevaluated Expressions
  230. UnicodeIssues
  231. UserInterface
  232. Where do variables belong?
  233. Wish List
  234. WorkShopRISC2008

Here are it's subtopics.

  1. SandBoxFriCAS
  2. FriCAS Sources
  3. fricas-devel
  4. FriCASAdvantages
  5. FriCASIntegration
  6. BugTests