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Edit detail for SandBoxFrobeniusAlgebra revision 13 of 26

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2011/02/14 15:37:10 GMT-8
Note: scalar product

-$Y=\{ {y_k}^{ji} \} \ i,j,k =1,2, ... n $
$Y=\{ {y_k}^{ji} \ i,j,k =1,2, ... n \}$

---T:=CartesianTensor(1,n,DEXPR INT)
-T:=CartesianTensor(1,n,HDMP(concat[concat concat
-  [[[script(y,[[k],[j,i]])
-    for i in 1..n]
-      for j in 1..n]
-        for k in 1..n],
-          [script(u,[[i]]) for i in 1..n],
-            [script(v,[[i]]) for i in 1..n] ],FRAC INT))
T:=CartesianTensor(1,n,DEXPR INT)
--T:=CartesianTensor(1,n,HDMP(concat[concat concat
--  [[[script(y,[[k],[j,i]])
--    for i in 1..n]
--      for j in 1..n]
--        for k in 1..n],
--          [script(u,[[i]]) for i in 1..n],
--            [script(v,[[i]]) for i in 1..n] ],FRAC INT))

-AA := reindex(contract(Y,1,Y,2),[3,1,2,4])-Y*Y; ravel(AA)
test(reindex(reindex(Y,[1,3,2])*reindex(Y,[1,3,2]),[1,4,3,2]) = reindex(contract(Y,1,Y,2),[3,1,2,4]))
AA := reindex(reindex(Y,[1,3,2])*reindex(Y,[1,3,2]),[1,4,3,2])-Y*Y; ravel(AA)

A scalar product is denoted by $U = \{ u^{ij} \}$
    for i in 1..n]
      for j in 1..n]
We say that the scalar product is "associative" if the following tensor equation holds::

  Y I = I Y
   U     U

UA := reindex(reindex(U,[2,1])*reindex(Y,[1,3,2]),[3,2,1])-U*Y; ravel(UA)

An n-dimensional algebra is represented by a (1,2)-tensor Y=\{ {y_k}^{ji} \ i,j,k =1,2, ... n \} viewed as an operator with two inputs i,j and one output k. For example in 2 dimensions

)library DEXPR
DistributedExpression is now explicitly exposed in frame initial DistributedExpression will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/DEXPR.NRLIB/DEXPR n:=2

Type: PositiveInteger?
T:=CartesianTensor(1,n,DEXPR INT)

\label{eq2}\hbox{\axiomType{CartesianTensor}\ } (1, 2, \hbox{\axiomType{DistributedExpression}\ } (\hbox{\axiomType{Integer}\ }))(2)
Type: Domain
--T:=CartesianTensor(1,n,HDMP(concat[concat concat
--  [[[script(y,[[k],[j,i]])
--    for i in 1..n]
--      for j in 1..n]
--        for k in 1..n],
--          [script(u,[[i]]) for i in 1..n],
--            [script(v,[[i]]) for i in 1..n] ],FRAC
Y:=unravel(concat concat
    for i in 1..n]
      for j in 1..n]
        for k in 1..n]

{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}&{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}
{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}&{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}
Type: CartesianTensor?(1,2,DistributedExpression?(Integer))

Given two vectors U=\{ u_i \} and V=\{ v_j \}

U:=unravel([script(u,[[i]]) for i in 1..n])$T

\label{eq4}\left[{u_{1}}, \:{u_{2}}\right](4)
Type: CartesianTensor?(1,2,DistributedExpression?(Integer))
V:=unravel([script(v,[[i]]) for i in 1..n])$T

\label{eq5}\left[{v_{1}}, \:{v_{2}}\right](5)
Type: CartesianTensor?(1,2,DistributedExpression?(Integer))

the tensor Y operates on their tensor product to yield a vector W=\{ w_k = {y_k}^{ji} u_i v_j \}


\left[{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{2}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{2}}}+{{y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{2}}}}\right] 
Type: CartesianTensor?(1,2,DistributedExpression?(Integer))


  U   V
  2i  3j
   \ /

or in a more convenient notation:


\left[{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{2}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{1}}}+{{y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}\ {u_{1}}\ {v_{2}}}+{{y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}\ {u_{2}}\ {v_{2}}}}\right] 
Type: CartesianTensor?(1,2,DistributedExpression?(Integer))

The algebra Y is commutative if the following tensor (the commutator) is zero


0 &{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}-{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}
{-{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}+{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}& 0 
Type: CartesianTensor?(1,2,DistributedExpression?(Integer))

A basis for the ideal defined by the coefficients of the commutator is given by:


\label{eq9}\left[{{y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}-{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}, \:{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}-{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}\right](9)
Type: List(Polynomial(Integer))

An algebra is associative if:

  Y I  =  I Y
   Y       Y

  Note: right figure is mirror image of left!

  2  3 6   2 5  6      2  3  4
   \/ /     \ \/        \ | /
    \/   =   \/    =     \|/
     \       /            |
      4     1             1

In other words an algebra is associative if and only if the following (3,1)-tensor A=\{ {a_s}^{kji} =  {y_s}^{kr} {y_r}^{ji} - {y_r}^{kj} {y_s}^{ri} \} is zero.

test(Y*Y = contract(product(Y,Y),3,4))

\label{eq10} \mbox{\rm true} (10)
Type: Boolean
test(Y*Y = contract(Y,3,Y,1))

\label{eq11} \mbox{\rm true} (11)
Type: Boolean
test(reindex(reindex(Y,[1,3,2])*reindex(Y,[1,3,2]),[1,4,3,2]) =

\label{eq12} \mbox{\rm true} (12)
Type: Boolean
test(reindex(reindex(Y,[1,3,2])*reindex(Y,[1,3,2]),[1,4,3,2]) = reindex(contract(Y,1,Y,2),[3,1,2,4]))

\label{eq13} \mbox{\rm true} (13)
Type: Boolean
AA := reindex(reindex(Y,[1,3,2])*reindex(Y,[1,3,2]),[1,4,3,2])-Y*Y;

\left[{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}^2}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \:{-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}}, \right.
\left.\:{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}^2}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}}, \:{-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}}, \right.
\left.\:{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}+{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}^2}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \:{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}+{{y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}^2}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}+{{y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}}, \right.
\left.\:{-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \:{{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}}\right] 
Type: List(DistributedExpression?(Integer))

\left[{{{\left({y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}-{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}\right)}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}^2}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}^2}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}^2}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}^2}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}^2}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{\left({{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}^2}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}\right)}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}^3}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}^2}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \:{{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {{y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}^2}}+{{\left(-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}\right)}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+ 
{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}
Type: List(Polynomial(Integer))

Type: PositiveInteger?

The Jacobi identity requires the following tensor to be zero:

  2    3 6   2 5    6   2 6  3   
   \  / /     \ \  /     \ \/   
    \/ /       \ \/       \/\   
     \/    -    \/    -    \/   
      \         /           \   
       4       1             4  

BA := AA - reindex(contract(Y,1,Y,2),[3,1,4,2]); ravel(BA)

\left[{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}^2}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \right.
\left.\: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \right.
\left.\:{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}}, \right.
\left.\: \right.
{{y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}^2}+{{y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}- 
{2 \ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}
Type: List(DistributedExpression?(Integer))
Type: List(Polynomial(Integer))

Type: PositiveInteger?

A scalar product is denoted by U = \{ u^{ij} \}

    for i in 1..n]
      for j in 1..n]

{u^{1, \: 1}}&{u^{1, \: 2}}
{u^{2, \: 1}}&{u^{2, \: 2}}
Type: CartesianTensor?(1,2,DistributedExpression?(Integer))

We say that the scalar product is "associative" if the following tensor equation holds:

  Y I = I Y
   U     U

UA := reindex(reindex(U,[2,1])*reindex(Y,[1,3,2]),[3,2,1])-U*Y; ravel(UA)

\left[{-{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}+{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{u^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}}-{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{u^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{u^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{u^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}+{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{-{{u^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}+{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}+{{u^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{u^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 1}}}+{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{u^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}-{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{1, \: 2}}}-{{u^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{1, \: 2}}}+{{u^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{u^{1, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 1}}}+{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{u^{2, \: 2}}\ {y_{2}^{2, \: 1}}}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{u^{1, \: 2}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}-{{u^{2, \: 1}}\ {y_{1}^{2, \: 2}}}}\right] 
Type: List(DistributedExpression?(Integer))