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Edit detail for SandBoxLinearOperator revision 4 of 15

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2011/05/03 18:28:20 GMT-7
Note: only evaluate when necessary

    eval: % -> %

-    dat(f:%):L ==
    dats(fs:List RR):L ==

-      for y in factors(rep f) repeat
      for y in fs repeat


    dat(f:%):L == dats factors rep f


    eval(f:%):% == per coerce dat(f)

-      f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1
-      r:T := contract(cod(f),dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
-      per coerce [dom(f),cod(g),r]

      -- optimize leading and trailing identities
      fs:=factors rep f
      gs:=factors rep g

      nf := first(fs).exp
      ng := first(gs).exp
      if first(fs).gen=I1 then
        if first(gs).gen=I1 then
          if nf < ng then
            l1 := nf
            ng := (ng - nf) pretend NNI
            nf := 0
            l1 := ng
            nf := (nf - ng) pretend NNI
            ng := 0
          ng := 0
        nf := 0
      if not first(gs).gen=I1 then
        ng := 0

      if nf>0 and ng>0 then error "either nf or ng or both must be 0"
      print(bracket [nf::OutputForm,ng::OutputForm])$OutputForm

      fn := last(fs).exp
      gn := last(gs).exp
      if last(fs).gen=I1 then
        if last(gs).gen=I1 then
          if fn < gn then
            t1 := fn
            gn := (gn - fn) pretend NNI
            fn := 0
            t1 := gn
            fn := (fn - gn) pretend NNI
            gn := 0
          gn := 0
        fn := 0
      if not last(gs).gen=I1 then
        gn := 0

      if fn>0 and fn>0 then error "either fn or gn or both must be 0"
      print(bracket [fn::OutputForm,gn::OutputForm])$OutputForm

      print(bracket [l1::OutputForm,t1::OutputForm])$OutputForm

      -- debugging defeat optimizations
      nf:=0; ng:=0
      fn:=0; gn:=0
      --l1:=0; t1:=0

      if l1 > 0 then
        first(fs).exp := nf 
        first(gs).exp := ng
      if t1>0 then
        last(fs).exp := fn
        last(gs).exp := gn

      if nf>0 then
        -- leading input identities (I^n*f)/g
        fs := last(fs,(#fs-1) pretend NNI)
      if ng>0 then
        -- leading output identities g/(I^n*g)
        gs := last(gs,(#gs-1) pretend NNI)
      if fn>0 then
        -- trailing input identities (f*I^n)/g
        fs := first(fs,(#fs-1) pretend NNI)
      if gn>0 then
        -- trailing output identities f/(g*I^n)
        gs := first(gs,(#gs-1) pretend NNI)

      f := per coerce dats(fs)
      g := per coerce dats(gs)

      if nf=0 and ng=0 then
        if fn=0 and gn=0 then
          -- no leading or trailing input or output
          r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
        else if fn>0 then
          -- trailing input 
          r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
          -- tailing output
          r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
        if nf>0 then
          if fn=0 and gn=0 then
            -- leading input
            r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
          else if fn>0 then
            -- leading input and trailing input
            r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
            -- leading input trailing output
            r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
          if fn=0 and gn=0 then
            -- leading output
            r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
          else if fn>0 then
            -- leading output and trailing input
            r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
            -- leading output and trailing output
            r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)

      I^l1 * per coerce [dom(f),cod(g),r] * I^t1

-      -- optimize leading and trailing identities ?
-      f1:=0; f2:=length(f)-1
-      fs:List % := [select(f,i) for i in f1..f2]
-      g1:=0; g2:=length(g)-1
-      gs:List % := [select(g,i) for i in g1..g2]
      fs:List % := [select(f,i) for i in 0..length(f)-1]
      gs:List % := [select(g,i) for i in 0..length(g)-1]

-    coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
    show(x:%):OutputForm ==


    coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
      r:OutputForm := empty()
      for y in factors(rep x) repeat
        if y.exp = 1 then
          if size rep x = 1 then
            r := show per coerce y.gen
            r:=r*paren(list show per coerce y.gen)
          r:=r*paren(list show per coerce y.gen)^(y.exp::OutputForm)
      return r

-- braid
test(B3/B3/B3 = I*I*I)

CartesianTensor is now explicitly exposed in frame initial CartesianTensor will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/CARTEN.NRLIB/CARTEN Monoidal is now explicitly exposed in frame initial Monoidal will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/MONAL.NRLIB/MONAL Prop is now explicitly exposed in frame initial Prop will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/PROP.NRLIB/PROP LinearOperator is now explicitly exposed in frame initial LinearOperator will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/LIN.NRLIB/LIN

)abbrev domain LAZY LazyLinearOperator
LazyLinearOperator(dim:NNI,gener:OrderedFinite,K:CommutativeRing): Exports == Implementation where
  NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
  NAT ==> PositiveInteger
  T ==> CartesianTensor(1,dim,K)
Exports ==> Join(Ring, BiModule(K,K), Monoidal NNI, RetractableTo K) with inp: List K -> % ++ incoming vector inp: List % -> % out: List K -> % ++ output vector out: List % -> % arity: % -> Prop % basisVectors: () -> List % basisForms: () -> List % tensor: % -> T map: (K->K,%) -> % if K has Evalable(K) then Evalable(K) eval: % -> % ravel: % -> List K unravel: (Prop %,List K) -> % coerce:(x:List NAT) -> % ++ identity for composition and permutations of its products coerce:(x:List None) -> % ++ [] = 1 elt: (%,%) -> % elt: (%,NAT) -> % elt: (%,NAT,NAT) -> % elt: (%,NAT,NAT,NAT) -> % _/: (Tuple %,Tuple %) -> % _/: (Tuple %,%) -> % _/: (%,Tuple %) -> % ++ yet another syntax for product ev: NAT -> % ++ (2,0)-tensor for evaluation co: NAT -> % ++ (0,2)-tensor for co-evaluation
Implementation ==> add import List NNI import NAT L ==> Record(domain:NNI, codomain:NNI, data:T) -- FreeMonoid provides unevaluated products Rep == FreeMonoid L RR ==> Record(gen:L,exp:NNI) rep(x:%):Rep == x pretend Rep per(x:Rep):% == x pretend %
-- Prop (arity) dom(f:%):NNI == r:NNI := 0 for y in factors(rep f) repeat r:=r+(y.gen.domain)*(y.exp) return r cod(f:%):NNI == r:NNI := 0 for y in factors(rep f) repeat r:=r+(y.gen.codomain)*(y.exp) return r
prod(f:L,g:L):L == r:T := product(f.data,g.data) -- dom(f) + cod(f) + dom(g) + cod(g) p:List Integer := concat _ [[i for i in 1..(f.domain)], _ [(f.domain)+(f.codomain)+i for i in 1..(g.domain)], _ [(f.domain)+i for i in 1..(f.codomain)], _ [(f.domain)+(g.domain)+(f.codomain)+i for i in 1..(g.codomain)]] -- dom(f) + dom(g) + cod(f) + cod(g) [(f.domain)+(g.domain),(f.codomain)+(g.codomain),reindex(r,p)]
dats(fs:List RR):L == r:L := [0,0,1$T] for y in fs repeat t:L:=y.gen for n in 1..y.exp repeat r:=prod(r,t) return r
dat(f:%):L == dats factors rep f
arity(f:%):Prop % == f::Prop %
eval(f:%):% == per coerce dat(f)
retractIfCan(f:%):Union(K,"failed") == dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat(f).data)$T return "failed" retract(f:%):K == dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat(f).data)$T error "failed"
-- basis basisVectors():List % == [per coerce [0,1,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim] basisForms():List % == [per coerce [1,0,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim] ev(n:NAT):% == dx:= basisForms() reduce(_+,[ (dx.i)^n * (dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim]) co(n:NAT):% == Dx:= basisVectors() reduce(_+,[ (Dx.i)^n * (Dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim])
-- manipulation map(f:K->K, g:%):% == per coerce [dom g,cod g,unravel(map(f,ravel dat(g).data))$T] if K has Evalable(K) then eval(g:%,f:List Equation K):% == map((x:K):K+->eval(x,f),g) ravel(g:%):List K == ravel dat(g).data unravel(p:Prop %,r:List K):% == dim^(dom(p)+cod(p)) ~= #r => error "failed" per coerce [dom(p),cod(p),unravel(r)$T] tensor(x:%):T == dat(x).data
-- sum (f:% + g:%):% == dat(f).data=0 => g dat(g).data=0 => f dom(f) ~= dom(g) or cod(f) ~= cod(g) => error "arity" per coerce [dom f,cod f,dat(f).data+dat(g).data]
(f:% - g:%):% == dat(f).data=0 => g dat(g).data=0 => f dom(f) ~= dom(f) or cod(g) ~= cod(g) => error "arity" per coerce [dom f, cod f,dat(f).data-dat(g).data]
_-(f:%):% == per coerce [dom f, cod f,-dat(f).data]
-- repeated sum (p:NNI * f:%):% == p=1 => f q:=subtractIfCan(p,1) q case NNI => q*f + f -- zero map (non-trivial) per coerce [dom f,cod f,0*dat(f).data]
-- identity for sum (trivial zero map) 0 == per coerce [0,0,0] zero?(f:%):Boolean == dat(f).data = 0 * dat(f).data -- identity for product 1:% == per coerce [0,0,1] one?(f:%):Boolean == dat(f).data = 1$T -- identity for composition I == per coerce [1,1,kroneckerDelta()$T] (x:% = y:%):Boolean == zero? (x - y)
-- permutations and identities coerce(p:List NAT):% == r:=I^#p #p = 1 and p.1 = 1 => return r p1:List Integer:=[i for i in 1..#p] p2:List Integer:=[#p+i for i in p] p3:=concat(p1,p2) per coerce [#p,#p,reindex(dat(r).data,p3)] coerce(p:List None):% == per coerce [0,0,1] coerce(x:K):% == 1*x
-- product elt(f:%,g:%):% == f * g elt(f:%,g:NAT):% == f * I^g elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT]::List NAT::% elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT,g3:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT,g3 @ NAT]::List NAT::% apply(f:%,g:%):% == f * g (f:% * g:%):% == per(rep f * rep g)
-- repeated product (f:% ^ p:NNI):% == p=1 => f q:=subtractIfCan(p,1) q case NNI => f^q * f 1
-- composition: -- f/g : A^n -> A^p = f:A^n -> A^m / g:A^m -> A^p (ff:% / gg:%):% == g:=gg; f:=ff -- partial application from the left n:=subtractIfCan(cod ff,dom gg) if n case NNI and n>0 then -- apply g on f from the left, pass extra f outputs on the right print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _ over(arity(ff)::OutputForm, _ arity(gg)::OutputForm*(arity(I)::OutputForm)^n::OutputForm) ]))$OutputForm g:=gg*I^n m:=subtractIfCan(dom gg, cod ff) -- apply g on f from the left, add extra g inputs on the left if m case NNI and m>0 then print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _ over((arity(I)::OutputForm)^m::OutputForm*arity(ff)::OutputForm, _ arity(gg)::OutputForm)]))$OutputForm f:=I^m*ff
-- optimize leading and trailing identities I1:L:=[1,1,kroneckerDelta()$T] fs:=factors rep f gs:=factors rep g
l1:NNI:=0 nf := first(fs).exp ng := first(gs).exp if first(fs).gen=I1 then if first(gs).gen=I1 then if nf < ng then l1 := nf ng := (ng - nf) pretend NNI nf := 0 else l1 := ng nf := (nf - ng) pretend NNI ng := 0 else ng := 0 else nf := 0 if not first(gs).gen=I1 then ng := 0
if nf>0 and ng>0 then error "either nf or ng or both must be 0" print(bracket [nf::OutputForm,ng::OutputForm])$OutputForm
t1:NNI:=0 fn := last(fs).exp gn := last(gs).exp if last(fs).gen=I1 then if last(gs).gen=I1 then if fn < gn then t1 := fn gn := (gn - fn) pretend NNI fn := 0 else t1 := gn fn := (fn - gn) pretend NNI gn := 0 else gn := 0 else fn := 0 if not last(gs).gen=I1 then gn := 0
if fn>0 and fn>0 then error "either fn or gn or both must be 0" print(bracket [fn::OutputForm,gn::OutputForm])$OutputForm
print(bracket [l1::OutputForm,t1::OutputForm])$OutputForm
-- debugging defeat optimizations nf:=0; ng:=0 fn:=0; gn:=0 --l1:=0; t1:=0
if l1 > 0 then first(fs).exp := nf first(gs).exp := ng if t1>0 then last(fs).exp := fn last(gs).exp := gn
if nf>0 then -- leading input identities (I^n*f)/g fs := last(fs,(#fs-1) pretend NNI) if ng>0 then -- leading output identities g/(I^n*g) gs := last(gs,(#gs-1) pretend NNI) if fn>0 then -- trailing input identities (f*I^n)/g fs := first(fs,(#fs-1) pretend NNI) if gn>0 then -- trailing output identities f/(g*I^n) gs := first(gs,(#gs-1) pretend NNI)
f := per coerce dats(fs) g := per coerce dats(gs)
if nf=0 and ng=0 then if fn=0 and gn=0 then -- no leading or trailing input or output f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else if fn>0 then -- trailing input f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else -- tailing output f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else if nf>0 then if fn=0 and gn=0 then -- leading input f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else if fn>0 then -- leading input and trailing input f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else -- leading input trailing output f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else if fn=0 and gn=0 then -- leading output f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else if fn>0 then -- leading output and trailing input f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1) else -- leading output and trailing output f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f), dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
I^l1 * per coerce [dom(f),cod(g),r] * I^t1
-- another notation for composition of products (t:Tuple % / x:%):% == t / construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%) (x:% / t:Tuple %):% == construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%) / t (f:Tuple % / g:Tuple %):% == fs:List % := [select(f,i) for i in 0..length(f)-1] gs:List % := [select(g,i) for i in 0..length(g)-1] fr:=reduce(elt@(%,%)->%,fs,1) gr:=reduce(elt@(%,%)->%,gs,1) fr / gr
(x:K * y:%):% == per coerce [dom y, cod y,x*dat(y).data] (x:% * y:K):% == per coerce [dom x,cod x,dat(x).data*y] (x:Integer * y:%):% == per coerce [dom y,cod y,x*dat(y).data]
-- constructors inp(x:List K):% == per coerce [1,0,entries(x)::T] inp(x:List %):% == #removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 or #removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 => error "arity" per coerce [dom(first x)+1, cod(first x), [dat(y).data for y in x]::T]$L out(x:List K):% == per coerce [0,1,entries(x)::T] out(x:List %):% == #removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x])~=1 or #removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x])~=1 => error "arity" per coerce [dom(first x), cod(first x)+1, [dat(y).data for y in x]::T]$L
-- display operators using basis show(x:%):OutputForm == dom(x)=0 and cod(x)=0 => return (dat(x).data)::OutputForm if size()$gener > 0 then gens:List OutputForm:=[index(i::PositiveInteger)$gener::OutputForm for i in 1..dim] else -- default to numeric indices gens:List OutputForm:=[i::OutputForm for i in 1..dim] -- input basis inps:List OutputForm := [] for i in 1..dom(x) repeat empty? inps => inps:=gens inps:=concat [[(inps.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#inps] -- output basis outs:List OutputForm := [] for i in 1..cod(x) repeat empty? outs => outs:=gens outs:=concat [[(outs.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#outs] -- combine input (superscripts) and/or output(subscripts) to form basis symbols bases:List OutputForm if #inps > 0 and #outs > 0 then bases:=concat([[ scripts(message("|"),[i,j]) for i in outs] for j in inps]) else if #inps > 0 then bases:=[super(message("|"),i) for i in inps] else if #outs > 0 then bases:=[sub(message("|"),j) for j in outs] else bases:List OutputForm:= [] -- merge bases with data to form term list terms:=[(k=1 => base;k::OutputForm*base) for base in bases for k in ravel dat(x).data | k~=0] empty? terms => return 0::OutputForm -- combine the terms return reduce(_+,terms)
coerce(x:%):OutputForm == r:OutputForm := empty() for y in factors(rep x) repeat if y.exp = 1 then if size rep x = 1 then r := show per coerce y.gen else r:=r*paren(list show per coerce y.gen) else r:=r*paren(list show per coerce y.gen)^(y.exp::OutputForm) return r
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/3672196540805373868-25px002.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   LAZY abbreviates domain LazyLinearOperator 
   initializing NRLIB LAZY for LazyLinearOperator 
   compiling into NRLIB LAZY 
   importing List NonNegativeInteger
   importing PositiveInteger
   processing macro definition L ==> Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)) 
   processing macro definition RR ==> Record(gen: Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)),exp: NonNegativeInteger) 
   compiling local rep : $ -> FreeMonoid Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K))
      LAZY;rep is replaced by x 
Time: 0.14 SEC.
compiling local per : FreeMonoid Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)) -> $ LAZY;per is replaced by x Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported dom : $ -> NonNegativeInteger Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported cod : $ -> NonNegativeInteger Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local prod : (Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)),Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K))) -> Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)) Time: 0.06 SEC.
compiling local dats : List Record(gen: Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)),exp: NonNegativeInteger) -> Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)) Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local dat : $ -> Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)) Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported arity : $ -> Prop $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : $ -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : $ -> Union(K,failed) Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retract : $ -> K Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported basisVectors : () -> List $ Time: 0.12 SEC.
compiling exported basisForms : () -> List $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported ev : PositiveInteger -> $ Time: 0.12 SEC.
compiling exported co : PositiveInteger -> $ Time: 0.06 SEC.
compiling exported map : (K -> K,$) -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: K already in scope augmenting K: (Evalable K) compiling exported eval : ($,List Equation K) -> $ Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported ravel : $ -> List K Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported unravel : (Prop $,List K) -> $ Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported tensor : $ -> CartesianTensor(One,dim,K) Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported + : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported - : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0.10 SEC.
compiling exported - : $ -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : (NonNegativeInteger,$) -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported Zero : () -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported zero? : $ -> Boolean Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported One : () -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported one? : $ -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported = : ($,$) -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : List PositiveInteger -> $ Time: 0.14 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : List None -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : K -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,PositiveInteger) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported apply : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported ^ : ($,NonNegativeInteger) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported / : ($,$) -> $ Time: 7.62 SEC.
compiling exported / : (Tuple $,$) -> $ Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling exported / : ($,Tuple $) -> $ Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling exported / : (Tuple $,Tuple $) -> $ Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling exported * : (K,$) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : ($,K) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : (Integer,$) -> $ Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported inp : List K -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported inp : List $ -> $ Time: 0.05 SEC.
compiling exported out : List K -> $ Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported out : List $ -> $ Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling local show : $ -> OutputForm Time: 0.08 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : $ -> OutputForm Time: 0.03 SEC.
****** Domain: K already in scope augmenting K: (Evalable K) (time taken in buildFunctor: 20)
;;; *** |LazyLinearOperator| REDEFINED
;;; *** |LazyLinearOperator| REDEFINED Time: 0.03 SEC.
Warnings: [1] dom: domain has no value [2] cod: codomain has no value [3] /: l1 has no value [4] /: t1 has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor LazyLinearOperator Time: 8.94 seconds
finalizing NRLIB LAZY Processing LazyLinearOperator for Browser database: --------(inp (% (List K)))--------- --->-->LazyLinearOperator((inp (% (List %)))): Not documented!!!! --------(out (% (List K)))--------- --->-->LazyLinearOperator((out (% (List %)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((arity ((Prop %) %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((basisVectors ((List %)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((basisForms ((List %)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((tensor (T$ %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((map (% (Mapping K K) %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((eval (% %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((ravel ((List K) %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((unravel (% (Prop %) (List K)))): Not documented!!!! --------(coerce (% (List NAT)))--------- --->-->LazyLinearOperator((coerce (% (List NAT)))): Improper first word in comments: identity "identity for composition and permutations of its products" --------(coerce (% (List (None))))--------- --->-->LazyLinearOperator((coerce (% (List (None))))): Improper first word in comments: [] "[] = 1" --->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % NAT))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % NAT NAT))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % NAT NAT NAT))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((/ (% (Tuple %) (Tuple %)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator((/ (% (Tuple %) %))): Not documented!!!! --------(/ (% % (Tuple %)))--------- --->-->LazyLinearOperator((/ (% % (Tuple %)))): Improper first word in comments: yet "yet another syntax for product" --------(ev (% NAT))--------- --->-->LazyLinearOperator((ev (% NAT))): Improper first word in comments: "(2,{}0)-tensor for evaluation" --------(co (% NAT))--------- --->-->LazyLinearOperator((co (% NAT))): Improper first word in comments: "(0,{}2)-tensor for co-evaluation" --->-->LazyLinearOperator(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->LazyLinearOperator(): Missing Description ; compiling file "/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/LAZY.NRLIB/LAZY.lsp" (written 03 MAY 2011 06:28:04 PM):
; /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/LAZY.NRLIB/LAZY.fasl written ; compilation finished in 0:00:03.875 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LazyLinearOperator is now explicitly exposed in frame initial LazyLinearOperator will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/LAZY.NRLIB/LAZY
>> System error: The bounding indices 163 and 162 are bad for a sequence of length 162. See also: The ANSI Standard, Glossary entry for "bounding index designator" The ANSI Standard, writeup for Issue SUBSEQ-OUT-OF-BOUNDS:IS-AN-ERROR



\label{eq1}\hbox{\axiomType{LazyLinearOperator}\ } (2, \hbox{\axiomType{OrderedVariableList}\ } ([ ]) , \hbox{\axiomType{Expression}\ } (\hbox{\axiomType{Integer}\ }))(1)
Type: Type

Type: LazyLinearOperator?(2,OrderedVariableList?([]),Expression(Integer))

\label{eq3}{|_{1 \  1}^{1 \  1}}+{|_{2 \  1}^{1 \  2}}+{|_{1 \  2}^{2 \  1}}+{|_{2 \  2}^{2 \  2}}(3)
Type: LazyLinearOperator?(2,OrderedVariableList?([]),Expression(Integer))

\label{eq4}\ {\left({{|_{1}^{1}}+{|_{2}^{2}}}\right)}\ {{\left({{|_{1 \  1}^{1 \  1}}+{|_{2 \  1}^{1 \  2}}+{|_{1 \  2}^{2 \  1}}+{|_{2 \  2}^{2 \  2}}}\right)}^2}\ {\left({{|_{1}^{1}}+{|_{2}^{2}}}\right)}(4)
Type: LazyLinearOperator?(2,OrderedVariableList?([]),Expression(Integer))
-- braid
[1,0] [0,1] [0,0]

\ {\left(1 \right)}\ {\left({
{|_{1 \  1 \  1}^{1 \  1 \  1}}+{|_{2 \  1 \  1}^{1 \  1 \  2}}+{|_{1 \  1 \  2}^{1 \  2 \  1}}+ 
{|_{2 \  1 \  2}^{1 \  2 \  2}}+{|_{1 \  2 \  1}^{2 \  1 \  1}}+{|_{2 \  2 \  1}^{2 \  1 \  2}}+ 
{|_{1 \  2 \  2}^{2 \  2 \  1}}+{|_{2 \  2 \  2}^{2 \  2 \  2}}
Type: LazyLinearOperator?(2,OrderedVariableList?([]),Expression(Integer))
test(B3/B3/B3 = I*I*I)
[0,0] [0,0] [0,0] [0,0] [0,0] [0,0]

\label{eq6} \mbox{\rm true} (6)
Type: Boolean