-LazyLinearOperator(dim:NNI,gen:OrderedFinite,K:CommutativeRing): Exports == Implementation where
LazyLinearOperator(dim:NNI,gener:OrderedFinite,K:CommutativeRing): Exports == Implementation where
- L == Record(domain:NNI, codomain:NNI, data:T)
L ==> Record(domain:NNI, codomain:NNI, data:T)
- dom(f:%):NNI == reduce(_+,map((y:RR):NNI +-> (y.gen).domain*y.exp,factors(rep f)))
- cod(f:%):NNI == reduce(_+,map((y:RR):NNI +-> (y.gen).codomain*y.exp,factors(rep f)))
- dat(f:%):T == reduce(product,map((y:RR):T +-> (y.gen).data^y.exp,factors(rep f)))
dom(f:%):NNI ==
r:NNI := 0
for y in factors(rep f) repeat
return r
cod(f:%):NNI ==
r:NNI := 0
for y in factors(rep f) repeat
return r
prod(f:L,g:L):L ==
r:T := product(,
-- dom(f) + cod(f) + dom(g) + cod(g)
p:List Integer := concat _
[[i for i in 1..(f.domain)], _
[(f.domain)+(f.codomain)+i for i in 1..(g.domain)], _
[(f.domain)+i for i in 1..(f.codomain)], _
[(f.domain)+(g.domain)+(f.codomain)+i for i in 1..(g.codomain)]]
-- dom(f) + dom(g) + cod(f) + cod(g)
dat(f:%):L ==
r:L := [0,0,1$T]
for y in factors(rep f) repeat
for n in 1..y.exp repeat
return r
- dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat f)$T
dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat(f).data)$T
- dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat f)$T
dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat(f).data)$T
- basisVectors():List % == [per [0,1,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
- basisForms():List % == [per [1,0,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
basisVectors():List % == [per coerce [0,1,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
basisForms():List % == [per coerce [1,0,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
- map(f:K->K, g:%):% == per [dom g,cod g,unravel(map(f,ravel dat g))$T]
map(f:K->K, g:%):% == per coerce [dom g,cod g,unravel(map(f,ravel dat(g).data))$T]
- ravel(g:%):List K == ravel dat g
ravel(g:%):List K == ravel dat(g).data
- per [dom(p),cod(p),unravel(r)$T]
- tensor(x:%):T == dat(x)
per coerce [dom(p),cod(p),unravel(r)$T]
tensor(x:%):T == dat(x).data
- dat(f)=0 => g
- dat(g)=0 => f
dat(f).data=0 => g
dat(g).data=0 => f
- per [dom f,cod f,dat(f)+dat(g)]
per coerce [dom f,cod f,dat(f).data+dat(g).data]
- dat(f)=0 => g
- dat(g)=0 => f
dat(f).data=0 => g
dat(g).data=0 => f
- per [dom f, cod f,dat(f)-dat(g)]
- _-(f:%):% == per [dom f, cod f,-dat(f)]
per coerce [dom f, cod f,dat(f).data-dat(g).data]
_-(f:%):% == per coerce [dom f, cod f,-dat(f).data]
- per [dom f,cod f,0*dat(f)]
per coerce [dom f,cod f,0*dat(f).data]
- 0 == per [0,0,0]
- zero?(f:%):Boolean == dat f = 0 * dat f
0 == per coerce [0,0,0]
zero?(f:%):Boolean == dat(f).data = 0 * dat(f).data
- 1:% == per [0,0,1]
- one?(f:%):Boolean == dat f = 1$T
1:% == per coerce [0,0,1]
one?(f:%):Boolean == dat(f).data = 1$T
- I == per([1,1,kroneckerDelta()$T])
- -- inherited from Ring
- --(x:% = y:%):Boolean ==
- -- dom(x) ~= dom(y) or cod(x) ~= cod(y) => error "arity"
- -- dat(x) = dat(y)
I == per coerce [1,1,kroneckerDelta()$T]
- per [#p,#p,reindex(dat r,p3)]
- coerce(p:List None):% == per [0,0,1]
per coerce [#p,#p,reindex(dat(r).data,p3)]
coerce(p:List None):% == per coerce [0,0,1]
- (f:% * g:%):% ==
- r:T := product(dat f,dat g)
- -- dom(f) + cod(f) + dom(g) + cod(g)
- p:List Integer := concat _
- [[i for i in 1..dom(f)], _
- [dom(f)+cod(f)+i for i in 1..dom(g)], _
- [dom(f)+i for i in 1..cod(f)], _
- [dom(f)+dom(g)+cod(f)+i for i in 1..cod(g)]]
- -- dom(f) + dom(g) + cod(f) + cod(g)
- per [dom(f)+dom(g),cod(f)+cod(g),reindex(r,p)]
(f:% * g:%):% == per(rep f * rep g)
- r:T := contract(cod(f),dat f,f1, dat g,1)
- per [dom(f),cod(g),r]
r:T := contract(cod(f),dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
per coerce [dom(f),cod(g),r]
- --for i in 0..length(f)-1 repeat
- -- if select(f,i)~=I then
- -- if f1=0 then f1:=i
- -- f2:=i
- --for i in 0..length(g)-1 repeat
- -- if select(g,i)~=I then
- -- if g1=0 then g1:=i
- -- g2:=i
- --f2:=length(f)-1-f2
- --g2:=length(g)-1-g2
- --if f1+cod(fr)+f2 ~= g1+dom(gr)+g2 then error "arity"
- --if cod(fr) < dom(gr) then -- more inputs
- -- r:T := contract(cod(fr),dat fr,dom(fr)+1, dat gr,1+f1)
- -- -- move f1 inputs of gr before inputs of fr and f2 inputs of gr after inputs of fr
- -- -- r:=reindex(r,[])
- -- return per [f1+dom(fr)+f2,cod(gr),r]
- --else -- more outputs?
- -- r:T := contract(dom(gr),dat fr,dom(fr)+1+g1, dat gr,1)
- -- -- move g1 outputs of fr before outputs of gr and g2 outputs of fr after outputs of gr
- -- -- r:=reindex(r,[])
- -- return per [dom(fr),g1+cod(gr)+g2,r]
- (x:K * y:%):% == per [dom y, cod y,x*dat(y)]
- (x:% * y:K):% == per [dom x,cod x,dat(x)*y]
- (x:Integer * y:%):% == per [dom y,cod y,x*dat(y)]
(x:K * y:%):% == per coerce [dom y, cod y,x*dat(y).data]
(x:% * y:K):% == per coerce [dom x,cod x,dat(x).data*y]
(x:Integer * y:%):% == per coerce [dom y,cod y,x*dat(y).data]
- inp(x:List K):% == per [1,0,entries(x)::T]
inp(x:List K):% == per coerce [1,0,entries(x)::T]
- per [(dom(first x)+1),cod(first x),[dat(y) for y in x]::T]$Rep
- out(x:List K):% == per [0,1,entries(x)::T]
per coerce [dom(first x)+1, cod(first x), [dat(y).data for y in x]::T]$L
out(x:List K):% == per coerce [0,1,entries(x)::T]
- per [dom(first x),(cod(first x)+1),[dat(y) for y in x]::T]$Rep
per coerce [dom(first x), cod(first x)+1, [dat(y).data for y in x]::T]$L
- dom(x)=0 and cod(x)=0 => return dat(x)::OutputForm
- if size()$gen > 0 then
- gens:List OutputForm:=[index(i::PositiveInteger)$gen::OutputForm for i in 1..dim]
dom(x)=0 and cod(x)=0 => return (dat(x).data)::OutputForm
if size()$gener > 0 then
gens:List OutputForm:=[index(i::PositiveInteger)$gener::OutputForm for i in 1..dim]
- bases:= []
bases:List OutputForm:= []
- for base in bases for k in ravel dat(x) | k~=0]
for base in bases for k in ravel dat(x).data | k~=0]
CartesianTensor is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CartesianTensor will be automatically loaded when needed from
Monoidal is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Monoidal will be automatically loaded when needed from
Prop is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Prop will be automatically loaded when needed from
LinearOperator is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
LinearOperator will be automatically loaded when needed from
)abbrev domain LAZY LazyLinearOperator
LazyLinearOperator(dim:NNI,gener:OrderedFinite,K:CommutativeRing): Exports == Implementation where
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
NAT ==> PositiveInteger
T ==> CartesianTensor(1,dim,K)
Exports ==> Join(Ring, BiModule(K,K), Monoidal NNI, RetractableTo K) with
inp: List K -> %
++ incoming vector
inp: List % -> %
out: List K -> %
++ output vector
out: List % -> %
arity: % -> Prop %
basisVectors: () -> List %
basisForms: () -> List %
tensor: % -> T
map: (K->K,%) -> %
if K has Evalable(K) then Evalable(K)
ravel: % -> List K
unravel: (Prop %,List K) -> %
coerce:(x:List NAT) -> %
++ identity for composition and permutations of its products
coerce:(x:List None) -> %
++ [] = 1
elt: (%,%) -> %
elt: (%,NAT) -> %
elt: (%,NAT,NAT) -> %
elt: (%,NAT,NAT,NAT) -> %
_/: (Tuple %,Tuple %) -> %
_/: (Tuple %,%) -> %
_/: (%,Tuple %) -> %
++ yet another syntax for product
ev: NAT -> %
++ (2,0)-tensor for evaluation
co: NAT -> %
++ (0,2)-tensor for co-evaluation
Implementation ==> add
import List NNI
import NAT
L ==> Record(domain:NNI, codomain:NNI, data:T)
-- FreeMonoid provides unevaluated products
Rep == FreeMonoid L
RR ==> Record(gen:L,exp:NNI)
rep(x:%):Rep == x pretend Rep
per(x:Rep):% == x pretend %
-- Prop (arity)
dom(f:%):NNI ==
r:NNI := 0
for y in factors(rep f) repeat
return r
cod(f:%):NNI ==
r:NNI := 0
for y in factors(rep f) repeat
return r
prod(f:L,g:L):L ==
r:T := product(,
-- dom(f) + cod(f) + dom(g) + cod(g)
p:List Integer := concat _
[[i for i in 1..(f.domain)], _
[(f.domain)+(f.codomain)+i for i in 1..(g.domain)], _
[(f.domain)+i for i in 1..(f.codomain)], _
[(f.domain)+(g.domain)+(f.codomain)+i for i in 1..(g.codomain)]]
-- dom(f) + dom(g) + cod(f) + cod(g)
dat(f:%):L ==
r:L := [0,0,1$T]
for y in factors(rep f) repeat
for n in 1..y.exp repeat
return r
arity(f:%):Prop % == f::Prop %
retractIfCan(f:%):Union(K,"failed") ==
dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat(f).data)$T
return "failed"
retract(f:%):K ==
dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat(f).data)$T
error "failed"
-- basis
basisVectors():List % == [per coerce [0,1,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
basisForms():List % == [per coerce [1,0,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
ev(n:NAT):% ==
dx:= basisForms()
reduce(_+,[ (dx.i)^n * (dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim])
co(n:NAT):% ==
Dx:= basisVectors()
reduce(_+,[ (Dx.i)^n * (Dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim])
-- manipulation
map(f:K->K, g:%):% == per coerce [dom g,cod g,unravel(map(f,ravel dat(g).data))$T]
if K has Evalable(K) then
eval(g:%,f:List Equation K):% == map((x:K):K+->eval(x,f),g)
ravel(g:%):List K == ravel dat(g).data
unravel(p:Prop %,r:List K):% ==
dim^(dom(p)+cod(p)) ~= #r => error "failed"
per coerce [dom(p),cod(p),unravel(r)$T]
tensor(x:%):T == dat(x).data
-- sum
(f:% + g:%):% ==
dat(f).data=0 => g
dat(g).data=0 => f
dom(f) ~= dom(g) or cod(f) ~= cod(g) => error "arity"
per coerce [dom f,cod f,dat(f).data+dat(g).data]
(f:% - g:%):% ==
dat(f).data=0 => g
dat(g).data=0 => f
dom(f) ~= dom(f) or cod(g) ~= cod(g) => error "arity"
per coerce [dom f, cod f,dat(f).data-dat(g).data]
_-(f:%):% == per coerce [dom f, cod f,-dat(f).data]
-- repeated sum
(p:NNI * f:%):% ==
p=1 => f
q case NNI => q*f + f
-- zero map (non-trivial)
per coerce [dom f,cod f,0*dat(f).data]
-- identity for sum (trivial zero map)
0 == per coerce [0,0,0]
zero?(f:%):Boolean == dat(f).data = 0 * dat(f).data
-- identity for product
1:% == per coerce [0,0,1]
one?(f:%):Boolean == dat(f).data = 1$T
-- identity for composition
I == per coerce [1,1,kroneckerDelta()$T]
(x:% = y:%):Boolean == zero? (x - y)
-- permutations and identities
coerce(p:List NAT):% ==
#p = 1 and p.1 = 1 => return r
p1:List Integer:=[i for i in 1..#p]
p2:List Integer:=[#p+i for i in p]
per coerce [#p,#p,reindex(dat(r).data,p3)]
coerce(p:List None):% == per coerce [0,0,1]
coerce(x:K):% == 1*x
-- product
elt(f:%,g:%):% == f * g
elt(f:%,g:NAT):% == f * I^g
elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT]::List NAT::%
elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT,g3:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT,g3 @ NAT]::List NAT::%
apply(f:%,g:%):% == f * g
(f:% * g:%):% == per(rep f * rep g)
-- repeated product
(f:% ^ p:NNI):% ==
p=1 => f
q case NNI => f^q * f
-- composition:
-- f/g : A^n -> A^p = f:A^n -> A^m / g:A^m -> A^p
(ff:% / gg:%):% ==
g:=gg; f:=ff
-- partial application from the left
n:=subtractIfCan(cod ff,dom gg)
if n case NNI and n>0 then
-- apply g on f from the left, pass extra f outputs on the right
print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _
over(arity(ff)::OutputForm, _
arity(gg)::OutputForm*(arity(I)::OutputForm)^n::OutputForm) ]))$OutputForm
m:=subtractIfCan(dom gg, cod ff)
-- apply g on f from the left, add extra g inputs on the left
if m case NNI and m>0 then
print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _
over((arity(I)::OutputForm)^m::OutputForm*arity(ff)::OutputForm, _
r:T := contract(cod(f),dat(f).data,f1, dat(g).data,1)
per coerce [dom(f),cod(g),r]
-- another notation for composition of products
(t:Tuple % / x:%):% == t / construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%)
(x:% / t:Tuple %):% == construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%) / t
(f:Tuple % / g:Tuple %):% ==
-- optimize leading and trailing identities ?
f1:=0; f2:=length(f)-1
fs:List % := [select(f,i) for i in f1..f2]
g1:=0; g2:=length(g)-1
gs:List % := [select(g,i) for i in g1..g2]
fr / gr
(x:K * y:%):% == per coerce [dom y, cod y,x*dat(y).data]
(x:% * y:K):% == per coerce [dom x,cod x,dat(x).data*y]
(x:Integer * y:%):% == per coerce [dom y,cod y,x*dat(y).data]
-- constructors
inp(x:List K):% == per coerce [1,0,entries(x)::T]
inp(x:List %):% ==
#removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 or
#removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 => error "arity"
per coerce [dom(first x)+1, cod(first x), [dat(y).data for y in x]::T]$L
out(x:List K):% == per coerce [0,1,entries(x)::T]
out(x:List %):% ==
#removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x])~=1 or
#removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x])~=1 => error "arity"
per coerce [dom(first x), cod(first x)+1, [dat(y).data for y in x]::T]$L
-- display operators using basis
coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
dom(x)=0 and cod(x)=0 => return (dat(x).data)::OutputForm
if size()$gener > 0 then
gens:List OutputForm:=[index(i::PositiveInteger)$gener::OutputForm for i in 1..dim]
-- default to numeric indices
gens:List OutputForm:=[i::OutputForm for i in 1..dim]
-- input basis
inps:List OutputForm := []
for i in 1..dom(x) repeat
empty? inps => inps:=gens
inps:=concat [[(inps.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#inps]
-- output basis
outs:List OutputForm := []
for i in 1..cod(x) repeat
empty? outs => outs:=gens
outs:=concat [[(outs.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#outs]
-- combine input (superscripts) and/or output(subscripts) to form basis symbols
bases:List OutputForm
if #inps > 0 and #outs > 0 then
bases:=concat([[ scripts(message("|"),[i,j]) for i in outs] for j in inps])
else if #inps > 0 then
bases:=[super(message("|"),i) for i in inps]
else if #outs > 0 then
bases:=[sub(message("|"),j) for j in outs]
bases:List OutputForm:= []
-- merge bases with data to form term list
terms:=[(k=1 => base;k::OutputForm*base)
for base in bases for k in ravel dat(x).data | k~=0]
empty? terms => return 0::OutputForm
-- combine the terms
return reduce(_+,terms)
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/4414695053041626152-25px002.spad using
old system compiler.
LAZY abbreviates domain LazyLinearOperator
initializing NRLIB LAZY for LazyLinearOperator
compiling into NRLIB LAZY
importing List NonNegativeInteger
importing PositiveInteger
processing macro definition L ==> Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K))
processing macro definition RR ==> Record(gen: Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)),exp: NonNegativeInteger)
compiling local rep : $ -> FreeMonoid Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K))
LAZY;rep is replaced by x
Time: 0.11 SEC.
compiling local per : FreeMonoid Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)) -> $
LAZY;per is replaced by x
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported dom : $ -> NonNegativeInteger
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported cod : $ -> NonNegativeInteger
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local prod : (Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)),Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K))) -> Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K))
Time: 0.06 SEC.
compiling local dat : $ -> Record(domain: NonNegativeInteger,codomain: NonNegativeInteger,data: CartesianTensor(One,dim,K))
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported arity : $ -> Prop $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : $ -> Union(K,failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retract : $ -> K
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported basisVectors : () -> List $
Time: 0.05 SEC.
compiling exported basisForms : () -> List $
Time: 0.13 SEC.
compiling exported ev : PositiveInteger -> $
Time: 0.15 SEC.
compiling exported co : PositiveInteger -> $
Time: 0.06 SEC.
compiling exported map : (K -> K,$) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: K already in scope
augmenting K: (Evalable K)
compiling exported eval : ($,List Equation K) -> $
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported ravel : $ -> List K
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported unravel : (Prop $,List K) -> $
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported tensor : $ -> CartesianTensor(One,dim,K)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported + : ($,$) -> $
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported - : ($,$) -> $
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported - : $ -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported * : (NonNegativeInteger,$) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported Zero : () -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported zero? : $ -> Boolean
Time: 0.28 SEC.
compiling exported One : () -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported one? : $ -> Boolean
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported = : ($,$) -> Boolean
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : List PositiveInteger -> $
Time: 0.15 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : List None -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : K -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,$) -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,PositiveInteger) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : ($,PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported apply : ($,$) -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : ($,$) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported ^ : ($,NonNegativeInteger) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported / : ($,$) -> $
Time: 0.79 SEC.
compiling exported / : (Tuple $,$) -> $
Time: 0.03 SEC.
compiling exported / : ($,Tuple $) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported / : (Tuple $,Tuple $) -> $
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported * : (K,$) -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : ($,K) -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported * : (Integer,$) -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported inp : List K -> $
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported inp : List $ -> $
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported out : List K -> $
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported out : List $ -> $
Time: 0.07 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : $ -> OutputForm
Time: 0.07 SEC.
****** Domain: K already in scope
augmenting K: (Evalable K)
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |LazyLinearOperator| REDEFINED
;;; *** |LazyLinearOperator| REDEFINED
Time: 0.02 SEC.
[1] dom: domain has no value
[2] cod: codomain has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor LazyLinearOperator
Time: 2.31 seconds
finalizing NRLIB LAZY
Processing LazyLinearOperator for Browser database:
--------(inp (% (List K)))---------
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((inp (% (List %)))): Not documented!!!!
--------(out (% (List K)))---------
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((out (% (List %)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((arity ((Prop %) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((basisVectors ((List %)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((basisForms ((List %)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((tensor (T$ %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((map (% (Mapping K K) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((ravel ((List K) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((unravel (% (Prop %) (List K)))): Not documented!!!!
--------(coerce (% (List NAT)))---------
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((coerce (% (List NAT)))): Improper first word in comments: identity
"identity for composition and permutations of its products"
--------(coerce (% (List (None))))---------
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((coerce (% (List (None))))): Improper first word in comments: []
"[] = 1"
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % NAT))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % NAT NAT))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((elt (% % NAT NAT NAT))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((/ (% (Tuple %) (Tuple %)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((/ (% (Tuple %) %))): Not documented!!!!
--------(/ (% % (Tuple %)))---------
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((/ (% % (Tuple %)))): Improper first word in comments: yet
"yet another syntax for product"
--------(ev (% NAT))---------
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((ev (% NAT))): Improper first word in comments:
"(2,{}0)-tensor for evaluation"
--------(co (% NAT))---------
--->-->LazyLinearOperator((co (% NAT))): Improper first word in comments:
"(0,{}2)-tensor for co-evaluation"
--->-->LazyLinearOperator(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LazyLinearOperator(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/LAZY.NRLIB/LAZY.lsp" (written 02 MAY 2011 11:40:24 PM):
; /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/LAZY.NRLIB/LAZY.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:02.655
LazyLinearOperator is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
LazyLinearOperator will be automatically loaded when needed from
>> System error:
The bounding indices 163 and 162 are bad for a sequence of length 162.
See also:
The ANSI Standard, Glossary entry for "bounding index designator"
The ANSI Standard, writeup for Issue SUBSEQ-OUT-OF-BOUNDS:IS-AN-ERROR