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Edit detail for SandBoxLinearOperator revision 1 of 15

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2011/04/28 13:36:29 GMT-7

)abbrev domain LAZY LazyLinearOperator
LazyLinearOperator(dim:NNI,gen:OrderedFinite,K:CommutativeRing): Exports == Implementation where
  NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
  NAT ==> PositiveInteger
  T ==> CartesianTensor(1,dim,K)

  Exports ==> Join(Ring, BiModule(K,K), Monoidal NNI, RetractableTo K) with
    inp: List K -> %
      ++ incoming vector
    inp: List % -> %
    out: List K -> %
      ++ output vector
    out: List % -> %
    arity: % -> Prop %
    basisVectors: () -> List %
    basisForms: () -> List %
    tensor: % -> T
    map: (K->K,%) -> %
    if K has Evalable(K) then Evalable(K)
    ravel: % -> List K
    unravel: (Prop %,List K) -> %
    coerce:(x:List NAT) -> %
      ++ identity for composition and permutations of its products
    coerce:(x:List None) -> %
      ++ [] = 1
    elt: (%,%) -> %
    elt: (%,NAT) -> %
    elt: (%,NAT,NAT) -> %
    elt: (%,NAT,NAT,NAT) -> %
    _/: (Tuple %,Tuple %) -> %
    _/: (Tuple %,%) -> %
    _/: (%,Tuple %) -> %
      ++ yet another syntax for product
    ev: NAT -> %
      ++ (2,0)-tensor for evaluation
    co: NAT -> %
      ++ (0,2)-tensor for co-evaluation

  Implementation ==> add
    import List NNI
    import NAT
    L == Record(domain:NNI, codomain:NNI, data:T)
    -- FreeMonoid provides unevaluated products
    Rep == FreeMonoid L
    rep(x:%):Rep == x pretend Rep
    per(x:Rep):% == x pretend %

    -- Prop (arity)
    dom(f:%):NNI == reduce(_+,map((y:L):NNI +-> y.gen.domain*y.exp,factors(rep f)))
    cod(f:%):NNI == reduce(_+,map((y:L):NNI +-> y.gen.codomain*y.exp,factors(rep f)))
    dat(f:%):T == reduce(product,map((y:L):T +-> y.gen.data^y.exp,factors(rep f)))
    arity(f:%):Prop % == f::Prop %

    retractIfCan(f:%):Union(K,"failed") ==
      dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat f)$T
      return "failed"
    retract(f:%):K ==
      dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat f)$T
      error "failed"

    -- basis
    basisVectors():List % == [per [0,1,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
    basisForms():List % == [per [1,0,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim]
    ev(n:NAT):% ==
      dx:= basisForms()
      reduce(_+,[ (dx.i)^n * (dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim])
    co(n:NAT):% == 
      Dx:= basisVectors()
      reduce(_+,[ (Dx.i)^n * (Dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim])

    -- manipulation
    map(f:K->K, g:%):% == per [dom g,cod g,unravel(map(f,ravel dat g))$T]
    if K has Evalable(K) then
      eval(g:%,f:List Equation K):% == map((x:K):K+->eval(x,f),g)
    ravel(g:%):List K == ravel dat g
    unravel(p:Prop %,r:List K):% ==
      dim^(dom(p)+cod(p)) ~= #r => error "failed"
      per [dom(p),cod(p),unravel(r)$T]
    tensor(x:%):T == dat(x)

    -- sum
    (f:% + g:%):% ==
      dat(f)=0 => g
      dat(g)=0 => f
      dom(f) ~= dom(g) or cod(f) ~= cod(g) => error "arity"
      per [dom f,cod f,dat(f)+dat(g)]

    (f:% - g:%):% ==
      dat(f)=0 => g
      dat(g)=0 => f
      dom(f) ~= dom(f) or cod(g) ~= cod(g) => error "arity"
      per [dom f, cod f,dat(f)-dat(g)]

    _-(f:%):% == per [dom f, cod f,-dat(f)]

    -- repeated sum
    (p:NNI * f:%):% ==
      p=1 => f
      q case NNI => q*f + f
      -- zero map (non-trivial)
      per [dom f,cod f,0*dat(f)]

    -- identity for sum (trivial zero map)
    0 == per [0,0,0]
    zero?(f:%):Boolean == dat f = 0 * dat f
    -- identity for product
    1:% == per [0,0,1]
    one?(f:%):Boolean == dat f = 1$T
    -- identity for composition
    I == per([1,1,kroneckerDelta()$T])
    -- inherited from Ring
    --(x:% = y:%):Boolean ==
    --  dom(x) ~= dom(y) or cod(x) ~= cod(y) => error "arity"
    --  dat(x) = dat(y)
    (x:% = y:%):Boolean == zero? (x - y)

    -- permutations and identities
    coerce(p:List NAT):% ==
      #p = 1 and p.1 = 1 => return r
      p1:List Integer:=[i for i in 1..#p]
      p2:List Integer:=[#p+i for i in p]
      per [#p,#p,reindex(dat r,p3)]
    coerce(p:List None):% == per [0,0,1]
    coerce(x:K):% == 1*x

    -- product
    elt(f:%,g:%):% == f * g
    elt(f:%,g:NAT):% == f * I^g
    elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT]::List NAT::%
    elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT,g3:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT,g3 @ NAT]::List NAT::%
    apply(f:%,g:%):% == f * g
    (f:% * g:%):% ==
      r:T := product(dat f,dat g)
      -- dom(f) + cod(f) + dom(g) + cod(g)
      p:List Integer := concat                _
        [[i for i in 1..dom(f)],              _
        [dom(f)+cod(f)+i for i in 1..dom(g)], _
        [dom(f)+i for i in 1..cod(f)],        _
        [dom(f)+dom(g)+cod(f)+i for i in 1..cod(g)]]
        -- dom(f) + dom(g) + cod(f) + cod(g)
      per [dom(f)+dom(g),cod(f)+cod(g),reindex(r,p)]

    -- repeated product
    (f:% ^ p:NNI):% ==
      p=1 => f
      q case NNI => f^q * f

    -- composition:
    -- f/g : A^n -> A^p = f:A^n -> A^m / g:A^m -> A^p
    (ff:% / gg:%):% ==
      g:=gg; f:=ff
      -- partial application from the left
      n:=subtractIfCan(cod ff,dom gg)
      if n case NNI and n>0 then
      -- apply g on f from the left, pass extra f outputs on the right
        print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _
              over(arity(ff)::OutputForm, _
                   arity(gg)::OutputForm*(arity(I)::OutputForm)^n::OutputForm) ]))$OutputForm
      m:=subtractIfCan(dom gg, cod ff)
      --  apply g on f from the left, add extra g inputs on the left
      if m case NNI and m>0 then
        print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _
              over((arity(I)::OutputForm)^m::OutputForm*arity(ff)::OutputForm, _
      r:T := contract(cod(f),dat f,f1, dat g,1)
      per [dom(f),cod(g),r]

    -- another notation for composition of products
    (t:Tuple % / x:%):% == t / construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%)
    (x:% / t:Tuple %):% == construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%) / t
    (f:Tuple % / g:Tuple %):% ==
      -- optimize leading and trailing identities ?
      f1:=0; f2:=length(f)-1
      --for i in 0..length(f)-1 repeat
      --  if select(f,i)~=I then
      --    if f1=0 then f1:=i
      --    f2:=i
      fs:List % := [select(f,i) for i in f1..f2]
      g1:=0; g2:=length(g)-1
      --for i in 0..length(g)-1 repeat
      --  if select(g,i)~=I then
      --    if g1=0 then g1:=i
      --    g2:=i
      gs:List % := [select(g,i) for i in g1..g2]
      fr / gr
      --if f1+cod(fr)+f2 ~= g1+dom(gr)+g2 then error "arity"
      --if cod(fr) < dom(gr) then  -- more inputs
      --  r:T := contract(cod(fr),dat fr,dom(fr)+1, dat gr,1+f1)
      --  -- move f1 inputs of gr before inputs of fr and f2 inputs of gr after inputs of fr
      --  -- r:=reindex(r,[])
      --  return per [f1+dom(fr)+f2,cod(gr),r]
      --else  -- more outputs?
      --  r:T := contract(dom(gr),dat fr,dom(fr)+1+g1, dat gr,1)
      --  -- move g1 outputs of fr before outputs of gr and g2 outputs of fr after outputs of gr
      --  -- r:=reindex(r,[])
      --  return per [dom(fr),g1+cod(gr)+g2,r]

    (x:K * y:%):% == per [dom y, cod y,x*dat(y)]
    (x:% * y:K):% == per [dom x,cod x,dat(x)*y]
    (x:Integer * y:%):% == per [dom y,cod y,x*dat(y)]

    -- constructors
    inp(x:List K):% == per [1,0,entries(x)::T]
    inp(x:List %):% ==
      #removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 or
        #removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 => error "arity"
      per [(dom(first x)+1),cod(first x),[dat(y) for y in x]::T]$Rep
    out(x:List K):% == per [0,1,entries(x)::T]
    out(x:List %):% ==
      #removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x])~=1 or
        #removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x])~=1 => error "arity"
      per [dom(first x),(cod(first x)+1),[dat(y) for y in x]::T]$Rep

    -- display operators using basis
    coerce(x:%):OutputForm ==
      dom(x)=0 and cod(x)=0 => return dat(x)::OutputForm
      if size()$gen > 0 then
        gens:List OutputForm:=[index(i::PositiveInteger)$gen::OutputForm for i in 1..dim]
        -- default to numeric indices
        gens:List OutputForm:=[i::OutputForm for i in 1..dim]
      -- input basis
      inps:List OutputForm := []
      for i in 1..dom(x) repeat
        empty? inps => inps:=gens
        inps:=concat [[(inps.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#inps]
      -- output basis
      outs:List OutputForm := []
      for i in 1..cod(x) repeat
        empty? outs => outs:=gens
        outs:=concat [[(outs.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#outs]
      -- combine input (superscripts) and/or output(subscripts) to form basis symbols
      bases:List OutputForm
      if #inps > 0 and #outs > 0 then
        bases:=concat([[ scripts(message("|"),[i,j]) for i in outs] for j in inps])
      else if #inps > 0 then
        bases:=[super(message("|"),i) for i in inps]
      else if #outs > 0 then
        bases:=[sub(message("|"),j) for j in outs]
        bases:= []
      -- merge bases with data to form term list
      terms:=[(k=1 => base;k::OutputForm*base)
        for base in bases for k in ravel dat(x) | k~=0]
      empty? terms => return 0::OutputForm
      -- combine the terms
      return reduce(_+,terms)

)abbrev domain LAZY LazyLinearOperator
LazyLinearOperator(dim:NNI,gen:OrderedFinite,K:CommutativeRing): Exports == Implementation where
  NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
  NAT ==> PositiveInteger
  T ==> CartesianTensor(1,dim,K)
Exports ==> Join(Ring, BiModule(K,K), Monoidal NNI, RetractableTo K) with inp: List K -> % ++ incoming vector inp: List % -> % out: List K -> % ++ output vector out: List % -> % arity: % -> Prop % basisVectors: () -> List % basisForms: () -> List % tensor: % -> T map: (K->K,%) -> % if K has Evalable(K) then Evalable(K) ravel: % -> List K unravel: (Prop %,List K) -> % coerce:(x:List NAT) -> % ++ identity for composition and permutations of its products coerce:(x:List None) -> % ++ [] = 1 elt: (%,%) -> % elt: (%,NAT) -> % elt: (%,NAT,NAT) -> % elt: (%,NAT,NAT,NAT) -> % _/: (Tuple %,Tuple %) -> % _/: (Tuple %,%) -> % _/: (%,Tuple %) -> % ++ yet another syntax for product ev: NAT -> % ++ (2,0)-tensor for evaluation co: NAT -> % ++ (0,2)-tensor for co-evaluation
Implementation ==> add import List NNI import NAT L == Record(domain:NNI, codomain:NNI, data:T) -- FreeMonoid provides unevaluated products Rep == FreeMonoid L rep(x:%):Rep == x pretend Rep per(x:Rep):% == x pretend %
-- Prop (arity) dom(f:%):NNI == reduce(_+,map((y:L):NNI +-> y.gen.domain*y.exp,factors(rep f))) cod(f:%):NNI == reduce(_+,map((y:L):NNI +-> y.gen.codomain*y.exp,factors(rep f))) dat(f:%):T == reduce(product,map((y:L):T +-> y.gen.data^y.exp,factors(rep f))) arity(f:%):Prop % == f::Prop %
retractIfCan(f:%):Union(K,"failed") == dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat f)$T return "failed" retract(f:%):K == dom(f)=0 and cod(f)=0 => retract(dat f)$T error "failed"
-- basis basisVectors():List % == [per [0,1,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim] basisForms():List % == [per [1,0,entries(row(1,i)$SquareMatrix(dim,K))::T] for i in 1..dim] ev(n:NAT):% == dx:= basisForms() reduce(_+,[ (dx.i)^n * (dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim]) co(n:NAT):% == Dx:= basisVectors() reduce(_+,[ (Dx.i)^n * (Dx.i)^n for i in 1..dim])
-- manipulation map(f:K->K, g:%):% == per [dom g,cod g,unravel(map(f,ravel dat g))$T] if K has Evalable(K) then eval(g:%,f:List Equation K):% == map((x:K):K+->eval(x,f),g) ravel(g:%):List K == ravel dat g unravel(p:Prop %,r:List K):% == dim^(dom(p)+cod(p)) ~= #r => error "failed" per [dom(p),cod(p),unravel(r)$T] tensor(x:%):T == dat(x)
-- sum (f:% + g:%):% == dat(f)=0 => g dat(g)=0 => f dom(f) ~= dom(g) or cod(f) ~= cod(g) => error "arity" per [dom f,cod f,dat(f)+dat(g)]
(f:% - g:%):% == dat(f)=0 => g dat(g)=0 => f dom(f) ~= dom(f) or cod(g) ~= cod(g) => error "arity" per [dom f, cod f,dat(f)-dat(g)]
_-(f:%):% == per [dom f, cod f,-dat(f)]
-- repeated sum (p:NNI * f:%):% == p=1 => f q:=subtractIfCan(p,1) q case NNI => q*f + f -- zero map (non-trivial) per [dom f,cod f,0*dat(f)]
-- identity for sum (trivial zero map) 0 == per [0,0,0] zero?(f:%):Boolean == dat f = 0 * dat f -- identity for product 1:% == per [0,0,1] one?(f:%):Boolean == dat f = 1$T -- identity for composition I == per([1,1,kroneckerDelta()$T]) -- inherited from Ring --(x:% = y:%):Boolean == -- dom(x) ~= dom(y) or cod(x) ~= cod(y) => error "arity" -- dat(x) = dat(y) (x:% = y:%):Boolean == zero? (x - y)
-- permutations and identities coerce(p:List NAT):% == r:=I^#p #p = 1 and p.1 = 1 => return r p1:List Integer:=[i for i in 1..#p] p2:List Integer:=[#p+i for i in p] p3:=concat(p1,p2) per [#p,#p,reindex(dat r,p3)] coerce(p:List None):% == per [0,0,1] coerce(x:K):% == 1*x
-- product elt(f:%,g:%):% == f * g elt(f:%,g:NAT):% == f * I^g elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT]::List NAT::% elt(f:%,g1:NAT,g2:NAT,g3:NAT):% == f * [g1 @ NAT,g2 @ NAT,g3 @ NAT]::List NAT::% apply(f:%,g:%):% == f * g (f:% * g:%):% == r:T := product(dat f,dat g) -- dom(f) + cod(f) + dom(g) + cod(g) p:List Integer := concat _ [[i for i in 1..dom(f)], _ [dom(f)+cod(f)+i for i in 1..dom(g)], _ [dom(f)+i for i in 1..cod(f)], _ [dom(f)+dom(g)+cod(f)+i for i in 1..cod(g)]] -- dom(f) + dom(g) + cod(f) + cod(g) per [dom(f)+dom(g),cod(f)+cod(g),reindex(r,p)]
-- repeated product (f:% ^ p:NNI):% == p=1 => f q:=subtractIfCan(p,1) q case NNI => f^q * f 1
-- composition: -- f/g : A^n -> A^p = f:A^n -> A^m / g:A^m -> A^p (ff:% / gg:%):% == g:=gg; f:=ff -- partial application from the left n:=subtractIfCan(cod ff,dom gg) if n case NNI and n>0 then -- apply g on f from the left, pass extra f outputs on the right print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _ over(arity(ff)::OutputForm, _ arity(gg)::OutputForm*(arity(I)::OutputForm)^n::OutputForm) ]))$OutputForm g:=gg*I^n m:=subtractIfCan(dom gg, cod ff) -- apply g on f from the left, add extra g inputs on the left if m case NNI and m>0 then print(hconcat([message("arity warning: "), _ over((arity(I)::OutputForm)^m::OutputForm*arity(ff)::OutputForm, _ arity(gg)::OutputForm)]))$OutputForm f:=I^m*ff f1:Integer:=dom(f)+1 r:T := contract(cod(f),dat f,f1, dat g,1) per [dom(f),cod(g),r]
-- another notation for composition of products (t:Tuple % / x:%):% == t / construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%) (x:% / t:Tuple %):% == construct([x])$PrimitiveArray(%)::Tuple(%) / t (f:Tuple % / g:Tuple %):% == -- optimize leading and trailing identities ? f1:=0; f2:=length(f)-1 --for i in 0..length(f)-1 repeat -- if select(f,i)~=I then -- if f1=0 then f1:=i -- f2:=i fs:List % := [select(f,i) for i in f1..f2] g1:=0; g2:=length(g)-1 --for i in 0..length(g)-1 repeat -- if select(g,i)~=I then -- if g1=0 then g1:=i -- g2:=i gs:List % := [select(g,i) for i in g1..g2] fr:=reduce(elt@(%,%)->%,fs,1) gr:=reduce(elt@(%,%)->%,gs,1) fr / gr --f2:=length(f)-1-f2 --g2:=length(g)-1-g2 --if f1+cod(fr)+f2 ~= g1+dom(gr)+g2 then error "arity" --if cod(fr) < dom(gr) then -- more inputs -- r:T := contract(cod(fr),dat fr,dom(fr)+1, dat gr,1+f1) -- -- move f1 inputs of gr before inputs of fr and f2 inputs of gr after inputs of fr -- -- r:=reindex(r,[]) -- return per [f1+dom(fr)+f2,cod(gr),r] --else -- more outputs? -- r:T := contract(dom(gr),dat fr,dom(fr)+1+g1, dat gr,1) -- -- move g1 outputs of fr before outputs of gr and g2 outputs of fr after outputs of gr -- -- r:=reindex(r,[]) -- return per [dom(fr),g1+cod(gr)+g2,r]
(x:K * y:%):% == per [dom y, cod y,x*dat(y)] (x:% * y:K):% == per [dom x,cod x,dat(x)*y] (x:Integer * y:%):% == per [dom y,cod y,x*dat(y)]
-- constructors inp(x:List K):% == per [1,0,entries(x)::T] inp(x:List %):% == #removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 or #removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x]) ~= 1 => error "arity" per [(dom(first x)+1),cod(first x),[dat(y) for y in x]::T]$Rep out(x:List K):% == per [0,1,entries(x)::T] out(x:List %):% == #removeDuplicates([dom(y) for y in x])~=1 or #removeDuplicates([cod(y) for y in x])~=1 => error "arity" per [dom(first x),(cod(first x)+1),[dat(y) for y in x]::T]$Rep
-- display operators using basis coerce(x:%):OutputForm == dom(x)=0 and cod(x)=0 => return dat(x)::OutputForm if size()$gen > 0 then gens:List OutputForm:=[index(i::PositiveInteger)$gen::OutputForm for i in 1..dim] else -- default to numeric indices gens:List OutputForm:=[i::OutputForm for i in 1..dim] -- input basis inps:List OutputForm := [] for i in 1..dom(x) repeat empty? inps => inps:=gens inps:=concat [[(inps.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#inps] -- output basis outs:List OutputForm := [] for i in 1..cod(x) repeat empty? outs => outs:=gens outs:=concat [[(outs.k * gens.j) for j in 1..dim] for k in 1..#outs] -- combine input (superscripts) and/or output(subscripts) to form basis symbols bases:List OutputForm if #inps > 0 and #outs > 0 then bases:=concat([[ scripts(message("|"),[i,j]) for i in outs] for j in inps]) else if #inps > 0 then bases:=[super(message("|"),i) for i in inps] else if #outs > 0 then bases:=[sub(message("|"),j) for j in outs] else bases:= [] -- merge bases with data to form term list terms:=[(k=1 => base;k::OutputForm*base) for base in bases for k in ravel dat(x) | k~=0] empty? terms => return 0::OutputForm -- combine the terms return reduce(_+,terms)
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/383248084152889850-25px001.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   LAZY abbreviates domain LazyLinearOperator 
   CartesianTensor is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   CartesianTensor will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   initializing NRLIB LAZY for LazyLinearOperator 
   compiling into NRLIB LAZY 
****** comp fails at level 1 with expression: ******
((|Monoidal| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))
****** level 1  ******
$x:= (Monoidal (NonNegativeInteger))
$m:= $EmptyMode
((((K # #) (|gen| # #) (|dim| # #) (|LazyLinearOperator| #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error: cannot compile (Monoidal (NonNegativeInteger))