last edited 16 years ago by kratt6 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | ||
Editor: kratt6
Time: 2008/06/12 08:15:32 GMT-7 |
Note: move species to new page |
This page demonstrates one of the very early attempts to do something similar to MuPAD? combinat's "decomposable objects" in Aldor/Axiom. Meanwhile, we adopted the point of view of species, as shown on SandBoxSpecies
(1) -> <aldor> #include "axiom.as"
macro CCC == CombinatorialClassCategory; import from Integer; import from List Integer; import from OutputForm;
CombinatorialClassCategory: Category == with { list: Integer -> List %; count: Integer -> Integer; import from NonNegativeInteger; default count(i: Integer): Integer == (#list(i))::Integer; coerce: % -> OutputForm; }
Primitive(n: Integer): CombinatorialClassCategory == add { Rep == Integer; count(i: Integer): Integer == if i=n then 1 else 0; list(i: Integer): List % == if i=n then [per 1] else []; coerce(x: %): OutputForm == message(" ") }
Epsilon: CombinatorialClassCategory == Primitive(0) add;
Atom: CombinatorialClassCategory == Primitive(1) add;
UnionClass(S1: CCC,S2: CCC): CCC == add { Rep == Union(s1: S1, s2: S2); count(i: Integer): Integer == count(i)$S1 + count(i)$S2; import from Rep; import from List S1; import from List S2; list(i: Integer): List % == { result: List % := []; for a in list(i)$S1 repeat result := cons(per union a, result); for b in list(i)$S2 repeat result := cons(per union b, result); result; } coerce(x: %): OutputForm == { (rep x) case s1 => ((rep x).s1)::OutputForm; ((rep x).s2)::OutputForm; } }
CrossClass(S1: CCC,S2: CCC): with { CombinatorialClassCategory } == add { Rep == Record(t1: S1, t2: S2); count(i: Integer): Integer == { result := 0; for k in 1 .. i-1 repeat { result := result + count(k)$S1 * count(i-k)$S2; } result; } import from Rep; import from List S1; import from List S2; list(i: Integer): List % == { result: List % := []; for k in 1..i-1 repeat { for a in list(k)$S1 repeat { for b in list(i-k)$S2 repeat { result := cons(per record(a, b), result); } } } result; } coerce(x: %): OutputForm == { a := ((rep x).t1)::OutputForm; b := ((rep x).t2)::OutputForm; c: List OutputForm := [a, b]; vconcat [hconcat [hspace 1, message("o")], hconcat [hspace 1, message("/"), hspace 1, message("\")], hconcat [a, hspace 3, b]] } }
TreeClass: CombinatorialClassCategory == UnionClass(Atom,CrossClass(TreeClass, TreeClass)
) add;</aldor>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file /var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/386348539091125073-25px001.as using Aldor compiler and options -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra Use the system command )set compiler args to change these options. "/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/386348539091125073-25px001.as",line 1: #include "axiom.as" ^ [L1 C1] #1 (Error) Could not open file `axiom.as'.
The )library system command was not called after compilation.
[count(i)$TreeClass for i in 1..7]
TreeClass is not a valid type.
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
(list(5)$TreeClass)::List OutputForm
TreeClass is not a valid type.