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- [SandBox Aldor Foreign]?
- Using Aldor to call external C routines
- [SandBox Aldor Generator]?
- Aldor defines a
for type Vector
- [SandBox Aldor Sieve]?
- A prime number sieve in Aldor to count primes <= n.
- [SandBox Aldor Testing]?
- Using Aldor to write Axiom library routines
- [SandBox Arrays]?
- How fast is array access in Axiom?
- [SandBox Axiom Syntax]?
- Syntax of if then else
- [SandBox Boolean]?
- evaluating Boolean expressions and conditions
- [SandBox Cast]?
- Meaning and use of
vs. strong typing
- [SandBox Categorical Relativity]?
- Special relativity without the Lorentz group
- [SandBox Category of Graphs]?
- Graph theory in Axiom
- [SandBox CL-WEB]?
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- [SandBox Content MathML]?
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- [SandBox Direct Product]?
- A x B
- [SandBox DistributedExpression]?
- expression in sum-of-products form
- [SandBox Domains and Types]?
- What is the difference?
- [AxiomEmacsMode]?
- Beginnings of an Emacs mode for Axiom based off of Jay's work and others
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- [SandBox Functions]?
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- [SandBox Functors]?
- What are they? In Axiom functors are also called domain constructors.
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- Numerical evaluation of the incomplete Gamma function
- [SandBox GuessingSequence]?
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Here is a simple Axiom command:
integrate(1/(a+z^3), z=0..1,"noPole")
integrate(1/(a+z^3), z=0..1,"noPole")
Type: Union(f1: OrderedCompletion
? Expression Integer,...)
And here is a REDUCE command:
load_package sfgamma;
load_package defint;
int(1/(a+z^3), z,0,1);
load_package sfgamma;
load_package defint;
int(1/(a+z^3), z,0,1);
<hr />
Common Mistakes
Please review the list of [Common Mistakes]? and the list
of [MathAction Problems]? if you are have never used
MathAction? before. If you are learning to use Axiom and think
that someone must have solved some particular problem before
you, check this list of Common [Axiom Problems]?.
Works with ASCII text output formatting.
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
solve([x^2 + y^2 - 2*(ax*x + ay*y) = l1, x^2 + y^2 - 2*(cx*x + cy*y) = l2],[x,y])
(- 2cy + 2ay)y - l2 + l1
[x= ------------------------,
2cx - 2ax
2 2 2 2 2
(4cy - 8ay cy + 4cx - 8ax cx + 4ay + 4ax )y
2 2
(4cy - 4ay)l2 + (- 4cy + 4ay)l1 + (8ax cx - 8ax )cy - 8ay cx
8ax ay cx
2 2 2 2
l2 + (- 2l1 + 4ax cx - 4ax )l2 + l1 + (- 4cx + 4ax cx)l1
Type: List List Equation Fraction Polynomial Integer
But fails with LaTeX?.
)set output tex on
)set output algebra off
The result of
depends on the type of '0':
>> Error detected within library code:
0**0 is undefined
The idea was, that defining
as 1 is ok whenever there is no notion of limit. However,
(0::EXPR INT)**(0::EXPR INT)
Type: Expression Integer
is not quite in line with this, I think.
There has been some discussion on this subject on axiom-developer.
It is easy to change this behaviour, if we know better...
Let's see if the same happens here:
sinCosProducts := rule
sin (x) * sin (y) == (cos(x-y) - cos(x+y))/2
cos (x) * cos (y) == (cos(x-y) + cos(x+y))/2
sin (x) * cos (y) == (sin(x-y) + sin(x+y))/2
Type: Ruleset(Integer,Integer,Expression Integer)
When you are typing or when you cut-and-paste commands directly
into the Axiom interpreter you must use an underscore character at
the end of each incomplete line, and you must use the ( ) syntax
instead of identation, like this:
sinCosProducts := rule (_
sin (x) * sin (y) == (cos(x-y) - cos(x+y))/2; _
cos (x) * cos (y) == (cos(x-y) + cos(x+y))/2; _
sin (x) * cos (y) == (sin(x-y) + sin(x+y))/2)
Alternatively, using a text editor you can enter the commands into a
file called, for example sincos.input
exactly as in MathActon? above
and the use the command:
)read sincos.input
)library cannot find the file RINTERPA.
)library cannot find the file RINTERP.
)library cannot find the file PCDEN.
)library cannot find the file GUESS.
)library cannot find the file GUESSINT.
)library cannot find the file GUESSP.
guess(n, [1, 5, 14, 34, 69, 135, 240, 416, 686, 1106], n+->n, [guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct, guessOne],2)$GuessInteger
GuessInteger is not a valid type.
Unknown wrote:
z:=sum(myfn(x),x=1..10) -- This fails, why?
The reason this fails is because Axiom tries to evaluate
first. But x
is not yet an Integer
so Axiom
cannot compute myfn(x)
. I guess you were expecting Axiom
to "wait" and not evaluate myfn(x)
until after x
been assigned the value 1, right? But Axiom does not work
this way.
The solution is to write myfn(x)
so that is can be applied
to something symbolic like x
. For example something this:
myfn(i : Expression Integer) : Expression Integer == i
Function declaration myfn : Expression Integer -> Expression Integer
has been added to workspace.
Type: Void
Compiling function myfn with type Expression Integer -> Expression
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Hi Bill:
Thanks for your quick response. I tried to respond to this earlier, but didn't see it in the sand box, please forgive me if you get multiple copies.
I tried to simplify the code from my original program, and generated a univariate function, however my actual code has a multivariate function,
and your excellent hint on the use of the Expression qualifier on the parameter and return type which works great for the univariate function case appears to fail for multivarite functions.
Please consider the following example.
a(n : Expression Integer, k : Expression Integer, p : Expression Float) : Expression Float == binomial(n,k) * p**(k) * (1.0-p)**(n-k)
Function declaration a : (Expression Integer,Expression Integer,
Expression Float) -> Expression Float has been added to
Type: Void
output(a(4,3,0.25)) -- see that the function actually evaluates for sensible values
Compiling function a with type (Expression Integer,Expression
Integer,Expression Float) -> Expression Float
Type: Void
z := sum(a(4,i,0.25), i=1..3) --- this fails
There are 6 exposed and 2 unexposed library operations named sum
having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable.
Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue
)display op sum
to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps
package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments
will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named sum
with argument type(s)
Expression Float
SegmentBinding PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
Type: Void
I did notice in the Axiom online book, chapter 6.6, around page 241, the recommendation to use untyped functions, which appears to allow Axiom to do
inference on parameter and result type.
b(n, k, p) == binomial(n,k) * p**(k) * (1.0-p)**(n-k)
Type: Void
output(b(4,3,0.25)) -- see that the function actually evaluates for sensible values
Compiling function b with type (PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger,
Float) -> Float
Type: Void
z := sum(b(4,i,0.25), i=1..3) --- this fails
Compiling function b with type (PositiveInteger,Variable i,Float)
-> Expression Float
There are 6 exposed and 2 unexposed library operations named sum
having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable.
Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue
)display op sum
to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps
package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments
will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named sum
with argument type(s)
Expression Float
SegmentBinding PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
Type: Void
For univariate functions the approach
c(k) == binomial(4,k) * 0.25**k * (1.0 - 0.25)**(4-k) -- This approach is only a test, but is not suitable for my program
Type: Void
output(c(3)) -- test to see if function can be evaluated for sensible arguments
Compiling function c with type PositiveInteger -> Float
Type: Void
z := sum(c(i), i=1..3) -- still doesn't work
Compiling function c with type Variable i -> Expression Float
There are 6 exposed and 2 unexposed library operations named sum
having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable.
Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue
)display op sum
to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps
package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments
will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named sum
with argument type(s)
Expression Float
SegmentBinding PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
Type: Void
But interestingly something like
d(k) == 1.5 * k -- coerce uotput to be a Float
Type: Void
z := sum(d(i), i=1..3) -- This works!
Compiling function d with type Variable i -> Polynomial Float
Type: Fraction Polynomial Float
Type: Void
Bill, thanks again for your quick help, unforutnatly I lack a local Axiom expert, any ideas would really be welcome here.
Try this
z := reduce(+,[b(4,i,0.25) for i in 1..3])
Type: Float
Hi all:
Thanks Bill Page for your help, it is much appreciated (although I used a for loop and not reduce :-)).
I'm having a bit of difficulty getting a Function returning a matrix to work as expected,
perhaps it is just cockpit error, but I don't see the error of my ways.
CFM(Q : Matrix(Float)): Matrix(Float) ==
x := nrows(Q)
MyIdentityMatrix : Matrix(Float) := new(x, x, 0)
for i in 1..nrows(MyIdentityMatrix) repeat
MyIdnetityMatrix(i,i) := 1.0
Ninv := MyIdnetityMatrix - Q
N := inverse(Ninv)
Function declaration CFM : Matrix Float -> Matrix Float has been
added to workspace.
Type: Void
--test ComputeFundamentalMatrix
X := matrix[[0, 0.5, 0],[0.5, 0, 0.5],[0, 0.5, 0]]
Type: Matrix Float
+0.0 0.5 0.0+
| |
|0.5 0.0 0.5|
| |
+0.0 0.5 0.0+
Type: Void
N := CFM(X)
The form on the left hand side of an assignment must be a single
variable, a Tuple of variables or a reference to an entry in an
object supporting the setelt operation.
Type: Void
Any ideas where I'm blowing it here? I tried explicitly setting N to be a Matrix type but that failed too.
CFM(Q : Matrix(Float)): Matrix(Float) ==
x := nrows(Q)
MyIdentityMatrix : Matrix(Float) := new(x, x, 0)
for i in 1..nrows(MyIdentityMatrix) repeat
MyIdnetityMatrix(i,i) := 1.0
Ninv := MyIdnetityMatrix - Q
N := inverse(Ninv)
Function declaration CFM : Matrix Float -> Matrix Float has been
added to workspace.
Compiled code for CFM has been cleared.
1 old definition(s) deleted for function or rule CFM
Type: Void
--test ComputeFundamentalMatrix
X := matrix[[0, 0.5, 0],[0.5, 0, 0.5],[0, 0.5, 0]]
Type: Matrix Float
+0.0 0.5 0.0+
| |
|0.5 0.0 0.5|
| |
+0.0 0.5 0.0+
Type: Void
N : Matrix(Float) := CFM(X)
The form on the left hand side of an assignment must be a single
variable, a Tuple of variables or a reference to an entry in an
object supporting the setelt operation.
N is declared as being in Matrix Float but has not been given a
Thanks again for all your help.
Bill M. (Sorry, my unique last name attracts too much spam).
although I used a for loop and not reduce :-)
Good thinking. ;)
You have a simple typographical error. You have written both:
and :
BTW, instead of the complicated construction of the identify matrix
you should just write:
Ninv := 1 - Q
For matrices 1
denotes the identity.
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
FunFun := x**4 - 6* x**3 + 11* x*x + 2* x + 1
4 3 2
(28) x - 6x + 11x + 2x + 1
Type: Polynomial Integer
x =
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
- 9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
30 |--------------------- - 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
15 |--------------------- + 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
- 144 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
15 |--------------------- + 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
|9 |--------------------- + 15 |--------------------- + 169
| 3| +-+ 3| +-+
| \| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
|------------------------------------------------------------- + 3
| +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
| 9 |---------------------
| 3| +-+
\| \| 27\|3
x =
+---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
- 9 |--------------------- + 30 |---------------------
3| +-+ 3| +-+
\| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
- 169
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
15 |--------------------- + 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
- 144 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
|9 |--------------------- + 15 |--------------------- + 169
| 3| +-+ 3| +-+
| \| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
| +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
| 9 |---------------------
| 3| +-+
\| \| 27\|3
| +---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
|9 |--------------------- + 15 |--------------------- + 169
| 3| +-+ 3| +-+
| \| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
|------------------------------------------------------------- + 3
| +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
| 9 |---------------------
| 3| +-+
\| \| 27\|3
x =
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
- 9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
30 |--------------------- - 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
15 |--------------------- + 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
144 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
15 |--------------------- + 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
|9 |--------------------- + 15 |--------------------- + 169
| 3| +-+ 3| +-+
| \| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
- |------------------------------------------------------------- + 3
| +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
| 9 |---------------------
| 3| +-+
\| \| 27\|3
x =
+---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
- 9 |--------------------- + 30 |---------------------
3| +-+ 3| +-+
\| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
- 169
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
15 |--------------------- + 169
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
144 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +-+ +----+
|2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
9 |---------------------
3| +-+
\| 27\|3
| +---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
|9 |--------------------- + 15 |--------------------- + 169
| 3| +-+ 3| +-+
| \| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
| +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
| 9 |---------------------
| 3| +-+
\| \| 27\|3
| +---------------------+2 +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+ | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79 |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
|9 |--------------------- + 15 |--------------------- + 169
| 3| +-+ 3| +-+
| \| 27\|3 \| 27\|3
- |------------------------------------------------------------- + 3
| +---------------------+
| | +-+ +----+
| |2069\|3 + 144\|- 79
| 9 |---------------------
| 3| +-+
\| \| 27\|3
Type: List Equation Expression Integer
)set output tex on
)set output algebra off
t:=matrix ([[0,1,1],[1,-2,2],[1,2,-1]])
Type: Matrix Integer
We cat diagonalise t by finding it's eigenvalues.
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
+-----------------+2 +-----------------+
| +-+ +------+ | +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345 |3\|3 + \|- 1345
3 |----------------- - 3 |----------------- + 7
3| +-+ 3| +-+
\| 6\|3 \| 6\|3
[radval= --------------------------------------------------, radmult= 1,
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
radvect =
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
- 12\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ +------+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345 +-+ +------+
(60\|3 + 6\|- 1345 ) |----------------- + 205\|3 + 3\|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
126\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
6\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ +------+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345 +-+ +------+
(117\|3 - 3\|- 1345 ) |----------------- - 71\|3 + 9\|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
126\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
radval =
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 - 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 + 3) |----------------- + 14
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(3\|- 3 - 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
radmult= 1,
radvect =
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
- 24\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((- 60\|- 3 - 60)\|3 - 6\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 6\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(205\|- 3 - 205)\|3 + 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 3\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
12\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((- 117\|- 3 - 117)\|3 + 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 + 3\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(- 71\|- 3 + 71)\|3 + 9\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 9\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
radval =
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 + 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 - 3) |----------------- - 14
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(3\|- 3 + 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
radmult= 1,
radvect =
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
- 24\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((60\|- 3 - 60)\|3 + 6\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 6\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(- 205\|- 3 - 205)\|3 - 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 3\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
12\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((117\|- 3 - 117)\|3 - 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 + 3\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(71\|- 3 + 71)\|3 - 9\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 9\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
Type: List Record(radval: Expression Integer,radmult: Integer,radvect: List Matrix Expression Integer)
Function definition for d is being overwritten.
Compiled code for d has been cleared.
+-----------------+2 +-----------------+
| +-+ +------+ | +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345 |3\|3 + \|- 1345
3 |----------------- - 3 |----------------- + 7
3| +-+ 3| +-+
\| 6\|3 \| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 - 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 + 3) |----------------- + 14
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(3\|- 3 - 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
[0, 0,
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 + 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(- 3\|- 3 - 3) |----------------- - 14
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+---+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
(3\|- 3 + 3) |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Now prove it by constructing the simularity transformation
from the eigenvectors:
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
- 12\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ +------+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345 +-+ +------+
(60\|3 + 6\|- 1345 ) |----------------- + 205\|3 + 3\|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
126\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
- 24\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((- 60\|- 3 - 60)\|3 - 6\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 6\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(205\|- 3 - 205)\|3 + 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 3\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
- 24\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((60\|- 3 - 60)\|3 + 6\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 6\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(- 205\|- 3 - 205)\|3 - 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 3\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
6\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ +------+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345 +-+ +------+
(117\|3 - 3\|- 1345 ) |----------------- - 71\|3 + 9\|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
126\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
12\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((- 117\|- 3 - 117)\|3 + 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 + 3\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(- 71\|- 3 + 71)\|3 + 9\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 9\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
12\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
((117\|- 3 - 117)\|3 - 3\|- 1345 \|- 3 + 3\|- 1345 )
| +-+ +------+
|3\|3 + \|- 1345
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
+---+ +-+ +------+ +---+ +------+
(71\|- 3 + 71)\|3 - 9\|- 1345 \|- 3 - 9\|- 1345
| +-+ +------+
+-+ |3\|3 + \|- 1345
252\|3 |-----------------
3| +-+
\| 6\|3
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
+0 1 1 +
| |
(34) |1 - 2 2 |
| |
+1 2 - 1+
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
)set output tex on
)set output algebra off
Axiom can't integrame exp(x^4) ;(
Type: Union(Expression Integer,...)
But Maple can...
f(x) == (1/4)*x*(-Gamma(1/4,-x**4)*Gamma(3/4)+%pi*sqrt(2))/((-x**4)**(1/4)*Gamma(3/4))
Type: Void
Compiling function f with type Variable x -> Expression DoubleFloat
Type: Expression DoubleFloat
This is not a big surprise: note that
is not an elementary function.
This is both obviously wrong since the integrand is a positive function:
Type: Union(f1: OrderedCompletion
? Expression Integer,...)
Type: Float
)clear co
All user variables and function definitions have been cleared.
All )browse facility databases have been cleared.
Internally cached functions and constructors have been cleared.
)clear completely is finished.
n := 32
y : FARRAY INT := new(n,1)
Type: FlexibleArray
? Integer
n1 := sum(x^1, x=0..n-1)
Type: Fraction Polynomial Integer
n2 := sum(x^2, x=0..n-1)
Type: Fraction Polynomial Integer
n3 := sum(x^3, x=0..n-1)
Type: Fraction Polynomial Integer
n4 := sum(x^4, x=0..n-1)
Type: Fraction Polynomial Integer
A := matrix([[n4, n3, n2],_
[n3, n2, n1],_
[n2, n1, n0]])
Type: Matrix Fraction Polynomial Integer
X := vector([x1, x2, x3])
Type: Vector OrderedVariableList
? [x1,x2,x3]
B := vector([sum(x^2* u, x=0..n-1),_
sum(x* v, x=0..n-1),_
sum( w, x=0..n-1)])
Type: Vector Fraction Polynomial Integer
solve([A * X = B], [x1, x2, x3])
There are 20 exposed and 3 unexposed library operations named solve
having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable.
Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue
)display op solve
to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps
package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments
will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named solve
with argument type(s)
List Equation Vector Fraction Polynomial Integer
List OrderedVariableList [x1,x2,x3]
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
Type: Union(f1: OrderedCompletion
? Expression Integer,...)
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Union(f1: OrderedCompletion
? Expression Integer,...)
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Expression Float
a := matrix([ [-1,0,0,0,1,0], [0,1,0,0,0,0], [0,0,2,0,0,-2], [0,0,0,4,0,0], [0,0,0,0,3,0], [0,0,-3,0,0,3]])
Type: Matrix Integer
Type: NonNegativeInteger
Type: Union("failed",...)
a := matrix([ [-3,1,1,1]
?, [1,1,1,1]
?, [1,1,1,1]
?, [1,1,1,1]]
As := matrix([ [-3,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1]])
Type: Matrix Integer
A := subMatrix(As, 2,4,2,4)
Type: Matrix Integer
ob := orthonormalBasis(A)
Type: List Matrix Expression Integer
P : Matrix(Expression Integer) := new(3,3,0)
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Ps : Matrix(Expression Integer) := new(4,4,0)
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
PsT := transpose(Ps)
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
PsTAsPs := PsT * As * Ps
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Us : Matrix(Expression Integer) := new(4,4,0)
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Expression Integer
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
PsUsT := transpose(PsUs)
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
PsUsTAsPsUs := PsUsT * As * PsUs
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
Type: Union(Matrix Expression Integer,...)
c := PsUsTAsPsUs(1,1)
Type: Expression Integer
gQ := PsUsTAsPsUs / c
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
x1 := transpose(matrix([[1,2,3,4]]))
Type: Matrix Integer
v1 := transpose(x1) * As * x1
Type: Matrix Integer
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
v2 := transpose(x2) * PsUsTAsPsUs * x2
Type: Matrix Expression Integer
draw(y**2/2+(x**2-1)**2/4-1=0, x,y, range ==[-2..2, -1..1])
There are 20 exposed and 18 unexposed library operations named **
having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable.
Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue
)display op **
to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps
package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments
will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named **
with argument type(s)
FlexibleArray Integer
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
f1 := taylor(1 - x**2,x = 0)
Type: UnivariateTaylorSeries
?(Expression Integer,x,0)
Type: UnivariateTaylorSeries
?(Expression Integer,x,0)
Type: UnivariateTaylorSeries
?(Expression Integer,x,0)
integrate((x-1)/log(x), x)
Type: Union(Expression Integer,...)
Type: Union(Expression Integer,...)
[p for p in primes(2,1000)|(p rem 16)=1]
Type: List Integer
[p**2+1 for p in primes(2,100)]
Type: List Integer
integrate (2x^2 + 2x, x)
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named 2
with argument type(s)
Variable x
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
>> Error detected within library code:
index out of range
Is it error?
Type: Union(Expression Integer,...)