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30 recent
409 all
57 open
190 closed
23 rejected
14 not reproducible
50 fix proposed
30 fixed somewhere
29 duplicate
10 need more info
33 critical
40 serious
270 normal
30 minor
33 wishlist
6 Axiom Aldor Interface
26 Axiom Compiler
139 Axiom Library
71 Axiom Interpreter
24 Axiom Documentation
47 Axiom User Interface
28 building Axiom from source
3 lisp system
26 MathAction
9 Doyen CD
1 Reduce
10 Axiom on Windows
13 Axiom on Linux

name category severity status age modified
#108 InfiniteTuple and Stream Axiom Documentation normal open 16 years 7 years
#229 Axiom Output in Documentation Axiom Documentation wishlist open 16 years 16 years
#71 The current free Axiom has no complete documentation Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#227 <code>random()$Integer</code> is a strange function Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 6 years
#429 Description of IndexedExponents in HyperDoc Axiom Documentation minor closed 16 years 16 years
#303 Some errors in book.pemphlet Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 15 years
#89 Typos in the full book Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#335 sort! drops list elements Axiom Documentation minor closed 16 years 6 years
#223 Legendre Polynomials Axiom Documentation serious closed 16 years 16 years
#248 Bug#347199: axiom-doc: Book is all-monospaceafter page 1019 Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#25 Axiom graphics from inside TeXmacs? Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#133 missing \begin{quote} in Chapter on "Using Types and Modes" Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#172 bezout.spad.pamphlet and Knuth's reference Axiom Documentation wishlist closed 16 years 7 years
#18 Axiom domains and Aldor return types Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#191 exquo and therefore gcd cannot handle UP(x, EXPR INT) Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 7 years
#202 Axiom Tutorial PDF on Windows - Bitmap fonts used Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#216 terminating condition for nextSubsetGray incorrectly documented Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#22 Modification of axiom.input ? Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 16 years
#235 Where is RadicalExtension and RationalRadical? Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 10 years
#291 small typo in docs Axiom Documentation minor closed 16 years 16 years
#239 <code>Algebra</code> does not have <code>CharacteristicNonZero</code>, but the book says so Axiom Documentation normal closed 16 years 10 years
#284 axiom crashes for a Groebner basis. Axiom Documentation normal fix proposed 16 years 16 years
#116 Hyperdoc links and spad files Axiom Documentation serious fix proposed 16 years 16 years
#40 broken input file testing Axiom Documentation normal fixed somewhere 16 years 16 years

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