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Edit detail for SandBoxLeftFreeModule revision 2 of 5

1 2 3 4 5
Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/05/25 11:35:49 GMT-7
Note: Gaby's example

-There is no 'from LeftFreeModule' printed out.
There is no *from LeftFreeModule* printed out.

(2 * linearCombination([pair(x,2), pair(y,3)])$LeftFreeModule(Integer,OrderedVariableList ['x,'y]))$LeftFreeModule(Integer,OrderedVariableList(['x,'y])

)abbrev domain LFREEMOD LeftFreeModule LeftFreeModule(R: Ring, S: OrderedSet): Join(LeftModule R, IndexedDirectProductCategory(R,S)) with linearCombination: List Pair(S,R) -> % == IndexedDirectProductAbelianGroup(R,S) add Rep == List Pair(S,R) linearCombination x == per [u for u in x | second u ~= 0$R ] if R has EntireRing then (r: R) * (x: %) == r = 0$R => 0$% r = 1$R => x messagePrint("from LeftFreeModule")$OutputForm per [pair(first u, r * second u) for u in rep x] else (r: R) * (x: %) == r = 0$R => 0$% r = 1$R => x messagePrint("from LeftFreeModule")$OutputForm per [pair(first u,c) for u in rep x | (c := r *second u) ~= 0$R] coerce(x: %): OutputForm == x' := rep x null x' => 0$R :: OutputForm res : List OutputForm := nil for u in reverse x' repeat second u = 1$R => res := cons(first(u)::OutputForm, res) res := cons(second(u)::OutputForm * first(u)::OutputForm, res) reduce("+",res)
   Compiling OpenAxiom source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/833505762114505642-25px001.spad using 
      Spad compiler.
   LFREEMOD abbreviates domain LeftFreeModule 
   initializing NRLIB LFREEMOD for LeftFreeModule 
   compiling into NRLIB LFREEMOD 
   compiling local rep : % -> List Pair(S,R)
      LFREEMOD;rep is replaced by G1393 
Time: 0.07 SEC.
   compiling local per : List Pair(S,R) -> %
      LFREEMOD;per is replaced by G1393 
Time: 0 SEC.
   compiling exported linearCombination : List Pair(S,R) -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (EntireRing)
   compiling exported * : (R,%) -> %
Time: 0.02 SEC.
   compiling exported * : (R,%) -> %
Time: 0.05 SEC.
   compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0.10 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor:  0)
;;;     ***       |LeftFreeModule| REDEFINED
;;;     ***       |LeftFreeModule| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
   Cumulative Statistics for Constructor LeftFreeModule
      Time: 0.24 seconds
   finalizing NRLIB LFREEMOD 
   Processing LeftFreeModule for Browser database:
--->-->LeftFreeModule((linearCombination (% (List (Pair S R))))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LeftFreeModule(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->LeftFreeModule(): Missing Description
   LeftFreeModule is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   LeftFreeModule will be automatically loaded when needed from 

There is no from LeftFreeModule? printed out.

x := 'x::OrderedVariableList ['x,'y]
LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: OrderedVariableList? [x,y]?
x := 'y::OrderedVariableList ['x,'y]
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: OrderedVariableList? [x,y]?
2 * linearCombination([pair(x,2), pair(y,3)])$LeftFreeModule(Integer,OrderedVariableList ['x,'y])
LatexWiki Image(3)
Type: LeftFreeModule?(Integer,OrderedVariableList? [x,y]?)
Integer has EntireRing
LatexWiki Image(4)
Type: Boolean
(2 * linearCombination([pair(x,2), pair(y,3)])$LeftFreeModule(Integer,OrderedVariableList ['x,'y]))$LeftFreeModule(Integer,OrderedVariableList(['x,'y]) %1 Line 5: (2 * linearCombination([pair(x,2), pair(y,3)])$LeftFreeModule(Integer,OrderedVariableList ['x,'y]))$LeftFreeModule(Integer,OrderedVariableList(['x,'y]) ..................................................................................................................A...................................B Error A: Missing mate. Error B: syntax error at top level Error B: Possibly missing a ) 3 error(s) parsing top level syntax error