This page is set to execute \begin{axiom}... \end{axiom}
commands using FriCAS?. See also FriCASIntegration?.
Value = "FriCAS 1.3.1 compiled at Thu Feb 16 03:24:08 UTC 2017"
Any comments added here use this version of FriCAS?.
Type: List(Equation(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
Type: List(Equation(Expression(Integer)))
Type: List(Equation(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
Type: List(Equation(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
Type: List(Equation(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
radicalSolve(p^3 - p + 1/10=0,p)
Type: List(Equation(Expression(Integer)))
R1 ==> Record(foo1: String, remLexs: List Integer)
Type: Void
R2 ==> Record(foo2: String, remLexs: List Integer)
Type: Void
r1: R1 := ["a", [1,2,3]]
Type: Record(foo1: String,remLexs: List(Integer))
r2: R2 := ["b", [5]]
Type: Record(foo2: String,remLexs: List(Integer))
Type: List(Integer)
Type: List(Integer)
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
guessPRec [1, 0, 1, 1, 4, 10, 35, 120, 455, 1792, 7413, 31780, 140833, 641928, 3000361, 14338702, 69902535, 346939792, 1750071307, 8958993507, 46484716684, 244187539270, 1297395375129, 6965930587924]
2 2
(- n - 17n - 72)f(n + 3) + (4n + 30n + 44)f(n + 2)
2 2
(19n + 113n + 150)f(n + 1) + (14n + 42n + 28)f(n)
f(0) = 1, f(1) = 0, f(2) = 1]
Type: List(Expression(Integer))
guessRec([1,1,0,1,- 1,2,- 1,5,- 4,29,- 13,854,- 685])
(14) [[f(n): f(n + 2) + f(n + 1) - f(n) = 0,f(0) = 1,f(1) = 1]]
Type: List(Expression(Integer))
integrate(exp(x-x^2), x)
4 2x - 1 +---+
%e erf(------)\|%pi
(15) --------------------
Type: Union(Expression(Integer),...)
f(a) == ( local b; b:=sqrt(a); b^2-a)
Some or all expressions may not have rendered properly,
because Latex returned the following error:
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
\write18 enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
yphenation, arabic, farsi, croatian, ukrainian, russian, bulgarian, czech, slov
ak, danish, dutch, finnish, basque, french, german, ngerman, ibycus, greek, mon
ogreek, ancientgreek, hungarian, italian, latin, mongolian, norsk, icelandic, i
nterlingua, turkish, coptic, romanian, welsh, serbian, slovenian, estonian, esp
eranto, uppersorbian, indonesian, polish, portuguese, spanish, catalan, galicia
n, swedish, ukenglish, pinyin, loaded.
Document Class: article 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
`PSTricks' v1.15 <2006/12/22> (tvz)
`pst-plot' v1.05, 2006/11/04 (tvz,dg,hv)))
v97 patch 2, 1999/12/12
v1.41, 2004/05/18 <tvz>)))
Package geometry Warning: `lmargin' and `rmargin' result in NEGATIVE (-108.405p
`width' should be shortened in length.
) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/amsmath/amsmath.sty
For additional information on amsmath, use the `? option.
Package: `setspace
6.7 <2000/12/01>
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(/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/generic/xypic/xy.tex Bootstrap'ing: catcodes,
docmode, (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/generic/xypic/xyrecat.tex)
Xy-pic version 3.7 <1999/02/16>
Copyright (c) 1991-1998 by Kristoffer H. Rose <>
Xy-pic is free software: see the User's Guide for details.
Loading kernel: messages; fonts; allocations: state, direction,
utility macros; pictures: \xy, positions, objects, decorations;
kernel objects: directionals, circles, text; options; algorithms: directions,
edges, connections; Xy-pic loaded))
Xy-pic option: All features v.3.3
Xy-pic option: Curve and Spline extension v.3.7 curve, circles, loaded)
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Xy-pic option: Computer Modern tip extension v.3.3
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Xy-pic option: Line styles extension v.3.6 loaded)
Xy-pic option: Rotate and Scale extension v.3.3 loaded)
Xy-pic option: Colour extension v.3.3 loaded)
Xy-pic option: Matrix feature v.3.4 loaded)
Xy-pic option: Arrow and Path feature v.3.5 path, \ar, loaded)
Xy-pic option: Graph feature v.3.7 loaded) loaded)
Writing sage input file 6576055087707332466-16.0px.sage
) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/gnuplottex/gnuplottex.sty
LaTeX Error: Environment AxiomCode undefined.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.121 \begin{AxiomCode}
Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
l.122 f(a) == ( local b; b:=sqrt(a); b^
LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end{AxiomCode}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.124 \end{AxiomCode}
Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
l.124 \end{AxiomCode}
[1] (./6576055087707332466-16.0px.aux) )
(see the transcript file for additional information)
Output written on 6576055087707332466-16.0px.dvi (1 page, 644 bytes).
Transcript written on 6576055087707332466-16.0px.log.
f(a) == ( local b; b:=sqrt(a); b^2-a)
Type: Void
Compiling function f with type AlgebraicNumber -> AlgebraicNumber
)set output fortran
--------------------------- The fortran Option ----------------------------
Description: create output in FORTRAN format
)set output fortran is used to tell FriCAS to turn FORTRAN-style output
printing on and off, and where to place the output. By default, the
destination for the output is the screen but printing is turned off.
Also See: )set fortran
Syntax: )set output fortran <arg>
where arg can be one of
on turn FORTRAN printing on
off turn FORTRAN printing off (default state)
console send FORTRAN output to screen (default state)
fp<.fe> send FORTRAN output to file with file prefix fp and file
extension .fe. If not given, .fe defaults to .sfort.
If you wish to send the output to a file, you must issue this command
twice: once with on and once with the file name. For example, to send
FORTRAN output to the file polymer.sfort, issue the two commands
)set output fortran on
)set output fortran polymer
The output is placed in the directory from which you invoked FriCAS or
the one you set with the )cd system command.
The current setting is: Off:CONSOLE
)set output tex
----------------------------- The tex Option ------------------------------
Description: create output in TeX style
)set output tex is used to tell FriCAS to turn TeX-style output
printing on and off, and where to place the output. By default, the
destination for the output is the screen but printing is turned off.
Syntax: )set output tex <arg>
where arg can be one of
on turn TeX printing on
off turn TeX printing off (default state)
console send TeX output to screen (default state)
fp<.fe> send TeX output to file with file prefix fp and file
extension .fe. If not given, .fe defaults to .stex.
If you wish to send the output to a file, you must issue this command
twice: once with on and once with the file name. For example, to send
TeX output to the file polymer.stex, issue the two commands
)set output tex on
)set output tex polymer
The output is placed in the directory from which you invoked FriCAS or
the one you set with the )cd system command.
The current setting is: On:CONSOLE
)set output script
---------------------------- The script Option ----------------------------
Description: display output in SCRIPT formula format
)set output script is used to tell FriCAS to turn IBM Script formula-style
output printing on and off, and where to place the output. By default, the
destination for the output is the screen but printing is turned off.
Syntax: )set output script <arg>
where arg can be one of
on turn IBM Script formula printing on
off turn IBM Script formula printing off (default state)
console send IBM Script formula output to screen (default state)
fp<.fe> send IBM Script formula output to file with file prefix fp
and file extension .fe. If not given, .fe defaults to .sform.
If you wish to send the output to a file, you must issue this command
twice: once with on and once with the file name. For example, to send
IBM Script formula output to the file polymer.sform, issue the two commands
)set output script on
)set output script polymer
The output is placed in the directory from which you invoked FriCAS or
the one you set with the )cd system command.
The current setting is: Off:CONSOLE