Most introductory material about Axiom applies to FriCAS. The first chapters of FriCAS book may serve as a tutorial.
A Quick TutorialOn this web site you can enter FriCAS commands and see the output in proper mathematical form. These commands can also be typed directly into FriCAS installed on your own computer. You must enclose each set of FriCAS commands in a \begin{axiom} [1/2, 3/4, 2/3] \end{axiom} When you save the changes you make to a page, FriCAS processes the contents of each section you have marked and the FriCAS output is displayed. Try this command: fricas (1) -> [1/7,
Type: List(Fraction(Integer))
Please feel free to play with this in the SandBox! Advanced ExamplesLet's see if we can perform a finite window Fourier inversion. fricas simplify(integrate(exp(%i*_\omega*t) * exp(-%i*_\omega * _\tau),
Type: Expression(Complex(Integer))
Try this integrating this fricas 2*x/sin(x)^2
Type: Expression(Integer)
fricas integrate(%,
Type: Union(Expression(Integer),
Now differentiate it fricas D(%,
Type: Expression(Integer)
fricas simplify(%)
Type: Expression(Integer)
Expressions (3) and (6) are really that same. fricas simplify(%%(3) - %%(6))
Type: Expression(Integer)
fricas D(x^x,
Type: Expression(Integer)
See, that was easy! Here are some more things to try. fricas integrate(log(sin(x)),
Type: Union(pole: potentialPole,
fricas limit(sum(1/i^2,
Type: Union("failed",
Can you explain these results? Advanced ProgrammingFor more details see: FriCASProgramming . Special FriCASWiki Markup for ProgrammingSpad To include Spad programs on web pages in this website click \begin{spad} )abbrev ... ... \end{spad} AldorTo include Aldor programs on pages in this website use: \begin{aldor} ... \end{aldor} or: \begin{aldor}[name] ... \end{aldor} LaTeXYou can add LaTeX formatted equations to pages on this web site by: $$ ... $$ and inline symbols such as To include arbitrary LaTeX on pages in this website use: \begin{latex} ... \end{latex} LispTo include Lisp programs on pages in this website use: \begin{lisp} ... \end{lisp} BootTo include Boot programs on pages in this website use: \begin{boot} ... \end{boot} |