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Edit detail for FriCASContributions revision 3 of 3

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Editor: test1
Time: 2024/12/04 12:42:19 GMT+0

-"Dynamic Real Algebraic Closure":http://www.math.uvsq.fr/~lecerf/software/drc/index.html
"Dynamic Real Algebraic Closure", dead link to :http://www.math.uvsq.fr/~lecerf/software/drc/index.html

The following are not included in current FriCAS:

The Axiom Book in HTML+MathML format by Arthur Ralfs

Lisp's Fraction Integer Domain

This script converts the source text of a mathaction (FriCAS Wiki) page containing text, FriCAS interpreter commands, SPAD, and Aldor library code to a form that can be directly input to FriCAS. Example:
  $ curl http://wiki.axiom-developer.org/SandBoxTest2/src | \
         ./mathaction2input > test2.input

by D. Cyganski and Bill Page.

PAFF -- Package for Algebraic Function Fields in one variable, by Gaétan Haché, INRIA, 1999.


Simpson's method
Numerical integration

statistical functions

string conversions

reading structures from a file

Also: http://www.warwick.ac.uk/statsdept/staff/WSK/ca.html


Old ones

The one below are already included or replaced by better version and kept here only for historic reasons.

CommonDenominator for polynomials

Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition

"Dynamic Real Algebraic Closure", dead link to :http://www.math.uvsq.fr/~lecerf/software/drc/index.html


Guessing formulas for sequences

Jet Bundles -- Basic data structures and procedures for jet bundles. Copyright (c) 1993, Joachim Schue, Werner M. Seiler

recurrence relation operator

MathML output from Axiom by Arthur Ralfs
An External Method that can be called from a MathAction web page to generate graphics that can be displayed on the page that created them. The "gnupyplot" External Method uses a python script to call gnuplot to generate 2D and 3D graphics. By: D. Cyganski.

Rational Interpolation


SeriesSolve contributed by Martin Rubey

dirichlet.spad contributed by Martin Rubey