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Edit detail for FreeModule revision 7 of 8

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Time: 2018/03/23 16:23:49 GMT+0

-)sh FreeModule

-From BillPage Thu Mar 10 16:05:26 -0800 2011
-From: Bill Page
-Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 16:05:26 -0800
-Subject: VectorSpace
-Message-ID: <20110310160526-0800@axiom-wiki.newsynthesis.org>

-)abbrev category FMCAT FreeModuleCategory
-++ Author: Michel Petitot petitot@lifl.fr
-++ Date Created: 91
-++ Date Last Updated: 7 Juillet 92
-++ Fix History: compilation v 2.1 le 13 dec 98
-++ Basic Functions:
-++ Related Constructors:
-++ Also See:
-++ AMS Classifications:
-++ Keywords:
-++ References:
-++ Description:
-++   A domain of this category
-++   implements formal linear combinations
-++   of elements from a domain \spad{Basis} with coefficients
-++   in a domain \spad{R}. The domain \spad{Basis} needs only
-++   to belong to the category \spadtype{SetCategory} and \spad{R}
-++   to the category \spadtype{Ring}. Thus the coefficient ring
-++   may be non-commutative.
-++   See the \spadtype{XDistributedPolynomial} constructor
-++   for examples of domains built with the \spadtype{FreeModuleCategory}
-++   category constructor.
-++   Author: Michel Petitot (petitot@lifl.fr)
-++   Note (Franz Lehner, June 2009):
-++   Since \spad{leadingTerm} makes no sense
-++   for unordered base sets,
-++   and at the time of this writing this domain was never used for such,
-++   it was changed to \spad{OrderedSet}.
-++   \spad{FreeModule} originally was not of FreeModuleCategory.
-++   Some functions (like \spad{support}, \spad{coefficients},
-++   \spad{monomials}, ...) from here could be moved to
-++   \spad{IndexedDirectProductCategory}
-++   but at the moment there is no need for this.
-FreeModuleCategory(R, S):Category == Exports where
-   R: Ring
-   S: OrderedSet
-   Term ==> Record(k: S, c: R)
-   Exports == Join(BiModule(R,R), RetractableTo S, IndexedDirectProductCategory(R,S)) with
-        "*"                : (R, S) -> %
-          ++ \spad{r*b} returns the product of \spad{r} by \spad{b}.
-        "*":(S,R) -> %
-          ++ \spad{s*r} returns the product \spad{r*s}
-          ++ used by \spadtype{XRecursivePolynomial}
-        coefficients       : % -> List R
-          ++ \spad{coefficients(x)} returns the list of coefficients of \spad{x}.
-        support            : % -> List S
-          ++ \spad{support(x)} returns the list of basis elements with nonzero coefficients.
-        monomials          : % -> List %
-          ++ \spad{monomials(x)} returns the list of \spad{r_i*b_i}
-          ++ whose sum is \spad{x}.
-        numberOfMonomials  : % -> NonNegativeInteger
-          ++ \spad{numberOfMonomials(x)} returns the number of monomials of \spad{x}.
-        monomial?: % -> Boolean
-          ++ \spad{monomial?(x)} returns true if \spad{x} contains a single
-          ++ monomial.
-        leadingMonomial    : % -> S
-          ++ \spad{leadingMonomial(x)} returns the first element from \spad{S}
-          ++ which appears in \spad{listOfTerms(x)}.
-        leadingCoefficient : % -> R
-          ++ \spad{leadingCoefficient(x)} returns the first coefficient
-          ++ which appears in \spad{listOfTerms(x)}.
-        monom : (S, R) -> %
-          ++ \spad{monom(s,r)} returns the product of the basis element \spad{s} by the coefficient \spad{r}.
-        coefficient :(%,S) -> R
-          ++ \spad{coefficient(x,s)} returns the coefficient of the basis element s
-        -- attributes
-        if R has Field then VectorSpace(R)
-        if R has CommutativeRing then
-             Module(R)
-             linearExtend:(S->R,%)->R
-          ++ \spad{linearExtend:(f,x)} returns the linear extension
-          ++ of a map defined on the basis applied to a linear combination
-        if R has Comparable then Comparable
-      add
-        if R has Field then
-          if S has Finite then
-            dimension():CardinalNumber == coerce size()$S
-          else
-             dimension():CardinalNumber == Aleph(0)
-        if R has Comparable then
-          smaller?(p:%,q:%):Boolean ==
-            if leadingMonomial(p)=leadingMonomial(q) then
-              if leadingCoefficient(p)=leadingCoefficient(q) then
-                smaller?(reductum p, reductum q)
-              else
-                smaller?(leadingCoefficient(p),leadingCoefficient(q))
-            leadingMonomial(p)<leadingMonomial(q)
-)abbrev domain FM FreeModule
-++ Author: Dave Barton, James Davenport, Barry Trager
-++ Date Created:
-++ Date Last Updated:
-++ Basic Functions: BiModule(R,R)
-++ Related Constructors:
-++ Also See:
-++ AMS Classifications:
-++ Keywords:
-++ References:
-++ Description:
-++ A bi-module is a free module
-++ over a ring with generators indexed by an ordered set.
-++ Each element can be expressed as a finite linear combination of
-++ generators. Only non-zero terms are stored.
-++ old domain FreeModule1 was merged to it in May 2009
-++ The description of the latter:
-++   This domain implements linear combinations
-++   of elements from the domain \spad{S} with coefficients
-++   in the domain \spad{R} where \spad{S} is an ordered set
-++   and \spad{R} is a ring (which may be non-commutative).
-++   This domain is used by domains of non-commutative algebra such as:
-++       \spadtype{XDistributedPolynomial},
-++       \spadtype{XRecursivePolynomial}.
-++   Author: Michel Petitot (petitot@lifl.fr)
-        Join(BiModule(R,R),FreeModuleCategory(R,S)) with
-    if R has CommutativeRing then Module(R)
- == IndexedDirectProductAbelianGroup(R,S) add
-    --representations
-       Term ==>  Record(k:S,c:R)
-       Rep :=  List Term
-    --declarations
-       x,y: %
-       r: R
-       n: Integer
-       f: R -> R
-       s: S
-       lt: List Term
-   --define
-       if R has EntireRing then
-         r * x  ==
-             zero? r => 0
---             one? r => x
-             (r = 1) => x
-           --map(x+->r*x1,x)
-             [[u.k,r*u.c] for u in x ]
-       else
-         r * x  ==
-             zero? r => 0
---             one? r => x
-             (r = 1) => x
-           --map(x1+->r*x1,x)
-             [[u.k,a] for u in x | (a:=r*u.c) ~= 0$R]
-       if R has EntireRing then
-         x * r  ==
-             zero? r => 0
---             one? r => x
-             (r = 1) => x
-           --map(x1+->r*x1,x)
-             [[u.k,u.c*r] for u in x ]
-       else
-         x * r  ==
-             zero? r => 0
---             one? r => x
-             (r = 1) => x
-           --map(x1+->r*x1,x)
-             [[u.k,a] for u in x | (a:=u.c*r) ~= 0$R]
-       r * s ==
-         r = 0 => 0
-         [[s,r]$Term]
-       s * r ==
-         r = 0 => 0
-         [[s,r]$Term]
-       coerce(x) : OutputForm ==
-         null x => (0$R) :: OutputForm
-         le : List OutputForm := nil
-         for rec in reverse x repeat
-           rec.c = 1 => le := cons(rec.k :: OutputForm, le)
-           le := cons(rec.c :: OutputForm *  rec.k :: OutputForm, le)
-         reduce("+",le)
-       leadingMonomial x == x.first.k
-       support x == [t.k for t in x]
-       coefficients x == [t.c for t in x]
-       monomials x == [ monom (t.k, t.c) for t in x]
-       retractIfCan x ==
-         numberOfMonomials(x) ~= 1 => "failed"
-         x.first.c = 1 => x.first.k
-         "failed"
-       retract x ==
-         (rr := retractIfCan x) case "failed" => error "FM1.retract impossible"
-         rr :: S
-       coerce(s:S):% == [[s,1$R]]
--- the following is to be replaced by monomial(r,b) everywhere
-       monom(b,r):% == [[b,r]$Term]
-       coefficient(x,s) ==
-         null x => 0$R
-         x.first.k > s => coefficient(rest x,s)
-         x.first.k = s => x.first.c
-         0$R
-       monomial? x ==
-         numberOfMonomials x = 1
-       listOfTerms(x) ==
---          (x::Rep)
---          coerce(x)@Rep
-         x pretend Rep
-       numberOfMonomials x == # (listOfTerms x)
-       if R has CommutativeRing then
-           f:S->R
-           x:%
-           t:Term
-           linearExtend(f,x) ==
-               zero? x => 0
-               res:R:= 0
-               for t in listOfTerms x repeat
-                   res := res + (t c)*f(t k)
-               res

A bi-module is a free module over a ring with generators indexed by an ordered set. Each element can be expressed as a finite linear combination of generators. Only non-zero terms are stored.

This domain implements linear combinations of elements from the domain S with coefficients in the domain R where S is an ordered set and R is a ring (which may be non-commutative).

Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_module

See: [PolySpad]?

A [FreeModule]? over a [Field]? is a VectorSpace? unfortunately this is not currently understood by Axiom:

FreeModule(Fraction Integer,OrderedVariableList [e1,e1]) has VectorSpace(Fraction Integer)

\label{eq1} \mbox{\rm false} (1)
Type: Boolean

Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_space#Modules


        if R has Field then VectorSpace(R)
        if R has Field then
          if S has Finite then
            dimension():CardinalNumber == coerce size()$S
             dimension():CardinalNumber == Aleph(0)

F2:=FreeModule(Fraction Integer,OrderedVariableList [e1,e1])

\label{eq2}\hbox{\axiomType{FreeModule}\ } (\hbox{\axiomType{Fraction}\ } (\hbox{\axiomType{Integer}\ }) , \hbox{\axiomType{OrderedVariableList}\ } ([ e 1, e 1 ]))(2)
Type: Type
F2 has VectorSpace(Fraction Integer)

\label{eq3} \mbox{\rm false} (3)
Type: Boolean
The function dimension is not implemented in FreeModule(Fraction( Integer),OrderedVariableList([e1,e1])) .