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Edit detail for SandBoxRelativeVelocity revision 2 of 2

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2013/09/18 18:28:03 GMT+0
Note: work-round image cropping bug


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Some or all of this page may not have rendered properly, because of the following error:
dvips: cd '/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/'; /usr/bin/dvips -z -o 'SandBoxRelativeVelocity.ps' 'SandBoxRelativeVelocity.dvi'
This is dvips(k) 2022.1 (TeX Live 2022)  Copyright 2022 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com)
/usr/bin/dvips: DVI file can't be opened: SandBoxRelativeVelocity.dvi: No such file or directory

\digraph{RelativeVelocity1}{rankdir=LR; P->Q [label="v"]; Q->R [label="w"]; Q->P [label="v'"]; P->R [label="w + v"]; }