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Biquaternion Calculus Domain

D. Cyganski and Bill Page - July 2007

This version is implemented as a new domain in Aldor .

(1) -> <aldor>
#include "fricas"
import from NonNegativeInteger
BiQuaternion(R:Join(OrderedSet,CommutativeRing)): Exports == Implementation where C==>Complex Expression R Exports ==> QuaternionCategory(C) with qlist: List C -> % -- takes a complex list (parameter l) into a quaternion listq: % -> List C -- takes a quaternion into a list matrixq: % -> SquareMatrix(2,C) -- takes a quaternion into a matrix sig0:% sig1:% sig2:% sig3:% siglist: % -> List C -- Pauli basis representation of the biquaternion if Complex(Expression(R)) has PartialDifferentialRing(Symbol) then D: (%,Symbol,Symbol,Symbol) -> % -- quaternion derivative rot: (C,%) -> % -- biquaternion rotation /: (%,%) -> % /: (C,%) -> % /: (%,C) -> % abs: % -> C exp: % -> % coerce: Complex R -> %
Implementation ==> Quaternion C add import from C
coerce(z:Complex R):% == import from Expression(R),ComplexFunctions2(R,Expression R) map(coerce,z)::%
-- Define a function that takes a complex list (parameter l) into a quaternion qlist(l:List C):%== import from Integer quatern(l 1,l 2,l 3,l 4) -- Define a function that takes a quaternion into a list listq(x:%):List C == [real x, imagI x, imagJ x, imagK x] -- Define a function that takes a biquat into a matrix matrixq(x:%):SquareMatrix(2,C) == import from List List C matrix [[real x + imaginary()*imagI(x), imagJ x + imaginary()*imagK(x)], [-imagJ(x) + imaginary()*imagK(x), real x - imaginary()*imagI(x)]] -- Define a function that produces the Pauli basis representation of the biquaternion siglist(x:%):List C == [real x, -imaginary()*imagK(x),-imaginary()*imagJ(x),imaginary()*imagI(x)] sig0:% == quatern(1,0,0,0) sig1:% == imaginary() * quatern(0,0,0,1) sig2:% == imaginary() * quatern(0,0,1,0) sig3:% == -imaginary() * quatern(0,1,0,0) -- Define the quaternion derivative (Morgan, 2001, Eq. 2) if Complex(Expression(R)) has PartialDifferentialRing(Symbol) then D(q:%,x:Symbol,y:Symbol,z:Symbol):% == sig1*D(q,x)+sig2*D(q,y)+sig3*D(q,z) -- Define a biquaternion rotation operator that takes a biquat through a rotation -- of theta radians about the axis defined by the unit q biquat (Morgan 2001, Eq 3). rot(theta:C,q:%):% == import from Integer, SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer, Kernel(C)) cos(theta/2::C)::% - imaginary()*q*sin(theta/2::C) ((x:%)/(y:%)):% == x*inv(y) ((x:C)/(y:%)):% == (x::%)*inv(y) ((x:%)/(y:C)):% == x*inv(y::%) abs(q:%):C == sqrt(retract(q*conjugate(q))) exp(q:%):% == import from Integer, SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer, Kernel(C)) q-conjugate(q)=0 => exp(retract(q+conjugate(q))/2::C)*sig0 exp(retract(q+conjugate(q))/2::C) * (sig0*cos(abs(q)) + (q-conjugate(q))/abs(q-conjugate(q)) * sin(abs(q)))</aldor>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using Aldor compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
Compiling Lisp source code from file 
   Issuing )library command for 8265291018112466544-25px001
Reading /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/8265291018112466544-25px001.asy
   BiQuaternion is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   BiQuaternion will be automatically loaded when needed from 

)show BiQuaternion
BiQuaternion(R: Join(OrderedSet,CommutativeRing)) is a domain constructor Abbreviation for BiQuaternion is BIQUAT This constructor is exposed in this frame. ------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
0 : () -> % 1 : () -> % sample : () -> % sig0 : () -> % sig1 : () -> % sig2 : () -> % sig3 : () -> % ?*? : (%, Integer) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has LINEXP(INT) ?*? : (%, Fraction(Integer)) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD ?*? : (Fraction(Integer), %) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD ?<=? : (%, %) -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has ORDSET ?>? : (%, %) -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has ORDSET ?>=? : (%, %) -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has ORDSET D : % -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has DIFRING D : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has DIFRING D : (%, Symbol) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) D : (%, List(Symbol)) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) D : (%, Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) D : (%, List(Symbol), List(NonNegativeInteger)) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) D : (%, Symbol, Symbol, Symbol) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) ?^? : (%, Integer) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD associates? : (%, %) -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has ENTIRER associates? : (%, %) -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD charthRoot : % -> Union(value1: %,failed: Enumeration(failed)) if Complex(Expression(R)) has CHARNZ differentiate : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has DIFRING differentiate : (%, List(Symbol)) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) differentiate : (%, Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) differentiate : (%, List(Symbol), List(NonNegativeInteger)) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has PDRING(SYMBOL) eval : (%, Complex(Expression(R)), Complex(Expression(R))) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has EVALAB(COMPLEX(EXPR(R))) eval : (%, List(Complex(Expression(R))), List(Complex(Expression(R)))) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has EVALAB(COMPLEX(EXPR(R))) eval : (%, Equation(Complex(Expression(R)))) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has EVALAB(COMPLEX(EXPR(R))) eval : (%, Symbol, Complex(Expression(R))) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has IEVALAB(SYMBOL,COMPLEX(EXPR(R))) exquo : (%, %) -> Union(value1: %,failed: Enumeration(failed)) if Complex(Expression(R)) has ENTIRER exquo : (%, %) -> Union(value1: %,failed: Enumeration(failed)) if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD max : (%, %) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has ORDSET min : (%, %) -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has ORDSET smaller? : (%, %) -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has ORDSET unit? : % -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has ENTIRER unit? : % -> Boolean if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD unitCanonical : % -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has ENTIRER unitCanonical : % -> % if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD unitNormal : % -> Record(unit: %,canonical: %,associate: %) if Complex(Expression(R)) has ENTIRER unitNormal : % -> Record(unit: %,canonical: %,associate: %) if Complex(Expression(R)) has FIELD

Q := BiQuaternion Integer

\label{eq1}\hbox{\axiomType{BiQuaternion}\ } (\hbox{\axiomType{Integer}\ })(1)
Type: Type
q:Q := quatern(q0,q1,q2,q3)

\label{eq2}q 0 +{q 1 \  i}+{q 2 \  j}+{q 3 \  k}(2)
Type: BiQuaternion?(Integer)

For testing the derivative we define this set of operators

Ft:=operator 'Ft; Fx:=operator 'Fx; Fy:=operator 'Fy; Fz:=operator 'Fz;
Type: BasicOperator?

Now form a general quaternion which is a function of x,y,z


\label{eq3}{Ft \left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}-{{Fz \left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}\  i \  i}+{{Fy \left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}\  i \  j}+{{Fx \left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}\  i \  k}(3)
Type: BiQuaternion?(Integer)

In the Pauli basis the derivative of this biquat should produce (Morgan 2001, eq 1):


which it does


\left[{{{Fz_{, 3}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}+{{Fy_{, 2}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}+{{Fx_{, 1}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{Ft_{, 1}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}+{{\left({{Fz_{, 2}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}-{{Fy_{, 3}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}\right)}\  i}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{Ft_{, 2}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}+{{\left(-{{Fz_{, 1}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}+{{Fx_{, 3}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}\right)}\  i}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{Ft_{, 3}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}+{{\left({{Fy_{, 1}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}-{{Fx_{, 2}}\left({x , \: y , \: z}\right)}\right)}\  i}}\right] 
Type: List(Complex(Expression(Integer)))


(comment out this test later)


Type: BiQuaternion?(Integer)

\label{eq6}\sqrt{- 1}(6)
Type: Complex(Expression(Integer))

\label{eq7}\sqrt{{{q 3}^{2}}+{{q 2}^{2}}+{{q 1}^{2}}+{{q 0}^{2}}}(7)
Type: Complex(Expression(Integer))

{\frac{{{\cos \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}\ {{\sin \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{2}}}+{{\cos \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{3}}+{\cos \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}}{{2 \ {{\sin \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{2}}}+{2 \ {{\cos \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{2}}}}}+ 
{{\frac{{{\sin \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{3}}+{{\left({{\cos \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{2}}- 1 \right)}\ {\sin \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}}}{{2 \ {{\sin \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{2}}}+{2 \ {{\cos \left({\sqrt{- 1}}\right)}^{2}}}}}\  i}
Type: Complex(Expression(Integer))

If I've defined these correctly, then the rotation about the x axis defined by qx below by 2 radians should give the same answer as exponentiation to -%i*qx (not a very complete test)


\label{eq9}i \  k(9)
Type: BiQuaternion?(Integer)

{\frac{{{\cos \left({1}\right)}\ {{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}+{{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{3}}+{\cos \left({1}\right)}}{{2 \ {{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}+{2 \ {{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}}}+ 
{{\frac{{{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{3}}+{{\left({{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{2}}- 1 \right)}\ {\sin \left({1}\right)}}}{{2 \ {{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}+{2 \ {{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}}}\  i}
Type: List(Complex(Expression(Integer)))

{\frac{{{\cos \left({1}\right)}\ {{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}+{{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{3}}+{\cos \left({1}\right)}}{{2 \ {{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}+{2 \ {{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}}}+ 
{{\frac{{{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{3}}+{{\left({{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{2}}- 1 \right)}\ {\sin \left({1}\right)}}}{{2 \ {{\sin \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}+{2 \ {{\cos \left({1}\right)}^{2}}}}}\  i}
Type: List(Complex(Expression(Integer)))

which it does


\label{eq12} \mbox{\rm true} (12)
Type: Boolean

I would love to express a proof of equality such as:

   rot(theta,q) = exp((-theta/2)*%i*q)

for arbitrary real \theta and biquaternion q as I would in Maple.

theta:Complex Expression Integer := _\theta

Type: Complex(Expression(Integer))
map(simplify, siglist( rot(theta,q) - exp((-%i*theta/2) * q)))::List Expression Complex Integer

{i \ {\sin \left({\frac{\theta \  q 0}{2}}\right)}}- 
{\cos \left({\frac{\theta \  q 0}{2}}\right)}
Type: List(Expression(Complex(Integer)))

map(simplify,siglist(rot(2,qx)))::List Expression Complex Integer

\label{eq15}\left[{\cos \left({1}\right)}, \: -{i \ {\sin \left({1}\right)}}, \: 0, \: 0 \right](15)
Type: List(Expression(Complex(Integer)))

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