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30 recent
409 all
57 open
190 closed
23 rejected
14 not reproducible
50 fix proposed
30 fixed somewhere
29 duplicate
10 need more info
33 critical
40 serious
270 normal
30 minor
33 wishlist
6 Axiom Aldor Interface
26 Axiom Compiler
139 Axiom Library
71 Axiom Interpreter
24 Axiom Documentation
47 Axiom User Interface
28 building Axiom from source
3 lisp system
26 MathAction
9 Doyen CD
1 Reduce
10 Axiom on Windows
13 Axiom on Linux

name category severity status age modified
#325 Severe bug in 'normalize$EFSTRUC' Axiom Library critical fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#16 Serious One Line Crashing Axiom Axiom Interpreter critical fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#194 tracing complex on windows Axiom on Windows critical fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#119 solve returns wrong answers and multiple answers to same trig problem Axiom Library serious fixed somewhere 17 years 3 years
#40 broken input file testing Axiom Documentation normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#45 regression testing is not being checked building Axiom from source normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#51 duplicate definition of function in PSETCAT Axiom Library normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#55 Graphics does not work on Windows Axiom on Windows normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#415 Stack misses some exports Axiom Library normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#268 )abbrev? with too little detail Axiom User Interface normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#305 compBound without a well-understood valuation Axiom Library normal fixed somewhere 17 years 14 years
#30 make install: no such file or directory Axiom on Linux normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#80 Semantic Errors when building algebra Axiom Compiler normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#282 In hyperdoc click on 'users' crashes hyperdoc Axiom User Interface normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#386 Infinite loop in LISP related to Tuple? Axiom Interpreter normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#126 /bin/sh vs /bin/bash scripting inconsistancy building Axiom from source normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#245 incorrect TeX output from radix() Axiom Library normal fixed somewhere 17 years 15 years
#421 improper call to system function bottomUp Axiom Interpreter normal fixed somewhere 16 years 16 years
#236 Clicking on 'Dependents' in HyperDoc Browse crashes HyperDoc Axiom User Interface normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#146 configure script is shell dependent building Axiom from source normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#151 Environment variable AXIOM building Axiom from source normal fixed somewhere 17 years 17 years
#203 Using local database messages occur on some builds and not others. Axiom Interpreter normal fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#207 certain limit failure Axiom Library normal fixed somewhere 17 years 9 years
#435 power series with different expansion variables Axiom Interpreter normal fixed somewhere 16 years 15 years
#420 Tuple, again Axiom Compiler normal fixed somewhere 16 years 16 years
#440 cannot take first of empty list in integral Axiom Library normal fixed somewhere 16 years 16 years
#311 Repeated output of the show system command for categories that do not export operations Axiom Interpreter minor fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#385 useful function not exported Axiom Library wishlist fixed somewhere 17 years 7 years
#120 optimize the compilation with proclamation Axiom Compiler wishlist fixed somewhere 17 years 16 years
#214 limit on products and sums Axiom Library wishlist fixed somewhere 17 years 7 years

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