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Time: 2015/05/11 13:15:29 GMT+0

-"GNU TeXmacs":http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/home/welcome.en.html is a free scientific text editor, which was both inspired by TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured documents via a wysiwyg (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) and user friendly interface. New styles may be created by the user. The program implements high-quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts, which help you to produce professionally looking documents. One major objective of TeXmacs is to promote the development of free software for and by scientists, by significantly reducing the cost of producing high quality user interfaces. Axiom is one of many programs for which "interfaces":http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/plugins/plugins.en.html exist. GNU TeXmacs runs on most Unix architectures, as well as on Windows. Detailed information is available for "downloading and installing":http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/download/download.en.html TeXmacs.
-Axiom Interface
-   On all Unix/Linux systems the most recent version of TeXmacs is pre-configured to automatically interface with Axiom provided that Axiom is "installed":AxiomBinaries and AXIOMsys is accessible at the command line (must be in the path). The current interface for Axiom has some known limitations when formatting long mathematical expressions.
-   "Cygwin":http://www.cygwin.com is a Unix-emulation environment for windows. The "cygwin version of TeXmacs":http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/download/cygwin.en.html automatically interfaces with "Axiom for Windows":AxiomBinaries provided that the Path enviroment variable includes the Axiom directory as described in AxiomBinaries. This path is set automatically by the "Axiom for Windows":AxiomBinaries installer program. 
-   <b>The "native windows":http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/download/windows.en.html
-version of TeXmacs does not require the installation of cygwin.
-A new version of the Axiom interface program
-that was written especially for Windows is included in the
-latest "Axiom for Windows":AxiomBinaries#windows installation program.
-This will be used automatically by the native windows version
-of TeXmacs.</b>
-   In TeXmacs with the new tm_axiom there is also a new Axiom command.
-   If you enter::
-     )set output texmacs
-   in an TeXmacs Axiom session you get the following explanation::
-     --------------------------- The texmacs Option ----------------------------
-      Description: options for display of AXIOM output in TeXmacs
-      )set output texmacs is used to control the TeXmacs-AXIOM interface
-     The default values are controlled by environment variable TM_AXIOM
-     and may be overriden by command line options.
-     Syntax:   )set output texmacs <arg>
-         where arg can be one or more of
-       break <on>|<off>      line-break algorithm
-       over <on>|<off>       convert 2-d \\over to 1-d
-       cdot <on>|<off>       convert \\cdot to \\ (space)
-       space <on>|<off>      convert \\ (space) to \\,
-       big( <on>|<off>       convert \\left( \\right to ( )
-       width <9.99>          line width in inches
-         <on> may be on, yes, 1
-         <off> may be off, no , 0
-     The current settings are:
-       break 1, over 1, cdot 1, space 0, big( 1, width 4.5
-   This new interface program is also recommended for use in cygwin. To check that you are using the new program, in a cygwin shell enter the command::
-      \$ which tm_axiom
-   If the response is::
-      /cygdrive/c/Program Files/axiom/mnt/windows/bin/tm_axiom.exe
-   (where the default location 'Program Files' might be different) then you are using the new version. Otherwise make sure you delete or rename the older version of tm_axiom and try the 'which' command again.
-   A new version of the Axiom stylesheet 'axiom.ts' is available in
-Axiom for Windows which improves the formatting of Axiom output.
-To obtain this stylesheet, use Windows file manager to replace the
-existing file in TeXmacs::
-     c:\Program Files\wintexmacs\TeXmacs\plugins\axiom\packages\session\axiom.ts
-with the file of the same name found in Axiom for Windows::
-     c:\Program Files\axiom\mnt\windows\axiom.ts
-On cygwin the file 'axiom.ts' is located in the directory::
-      cd /usr/share/TeXmacs/plugins/axiom/packages/session
-Overwrite existing stylesheet with the new stylesheet file::
-      cp /cygdrive/c/Program Files/axiom/mnt/windows/axiom.ts .
-To start an Axiom session from within TeXmacs use the menu options -- **Insert/Session/Axiom**
-1  If you do not see Axiom in the list of sessions then make sure that
-   you have installed the latest versions of both "Axiom for Windows":AxiomBinaries
-   and "!TeXmacs":http://axiom-wiki.newsynthesis.org/public/wintexmacs-1.0.5.exe .
-2  There is an <span style="background:lightgreen">
-   "update to tm_axiom":http://axiom-wiki.newsynthesis.org/public/tm_axiom.zip
-   </span> that corrects a problem that occurs if Axiom is installed
-   in a non-default location. The previous version would silently
-   fail to start Axiom if it is not located in c:\Program Files\axiom.
-   The following TeXmacs documents contain examples of how to use TeXmacs with Axiom:
--  The "Introduction to the AXIOM book":http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/axiom/book-axiom-intro.tm is available in TeXmacs format with embedded Axiom commands.
--  The "Axiom Tutorial":/uploads/tutorial.tgz is included in the Axiom
-   for Windows installation program but you can also use in on Linux.
-   Here are some instructions on
-   "how to use the tutorial":http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/axiom/tutorial-README.txt
--   You can also just download the
-   "pdf file generated by TeXmacs":http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/axiom/tutorial.pdf
-From unknown Wed Feb 2 03:42:21 -0600 2005
-Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 03:42:21 -0600
-Subject: axiom on Knoppix and graphical facility
-Message-ID: <20050202034221-0600@page.axiom-developer.org>
-I had installed axiom (3.0 beta, Feb, 2005) on Knoppix Linux with TeXmacs and other plugin software. But the "draw()" seems not to work, for instance as insput the following within TeXmacs:
-   Compiling function %D with type DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat
-   Graph data being transmitted to the viewport manager...
-   AXIOM2D data being transmitted to the viewport manager...
-   (1)  TwoDimensionalViewport: "sin x"
-                                                 Type: TwoDimensionalViewport
-But no picture was created. Does draw() still not work in this verion? Anyway, Axiom is excellent CAS and I will introduce this in my calculus class.
-From TimDaly Wed Feb 2 08:14:25 -0600 2005
-From: Tim Daly
-Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 08:14:25 -0600
-Subject: who are you?
-Message-ID: <20050202081425-0600@page.axiom-developer.org>
-There is no identifying information in this post so I cannot help you directly.
-I suspect the problem is that the axiom interface module is calling AXIOMsys
-(the actual axiom interpreter) rather than the axiom shell script. The axiom
-shell script starts the 'sman' (superman) process which starts AXIOMsys, the
-hyperdoc browser, and the graphics connection. If you call AXIOMsys directly
-then graphics will not work.
-Please open a command terminal, set your AXIOM variable and PATH variable,
-and type 'axiom'. Then retry the draw command. Please let me know if this
-succeeds or fails and send a message to the axiom-developer@nongnu.org
-mailing list.
-Tim Daly
-From unknown Sat Feb 19 15:07:52 -0600 2005
-Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:07:52 -0600
-Subject: Graphics still--John Sheppard
-Message-ID: <20050219150752-0600@page.axiom-developer.org>
-I too have problems displaying graphics. I finally managed to get the Windows version of axiom to work with the windows (non-cygwin) version of TeXmacs (i.e., WinTeXmacs). I tried the draw command from the axiom tutorial, both in axiom and from WinTeXmacs. Here's the sequence:
-s := operator 's
-DE := D(s(t),t,2) = -k^2*s(t) - c*D(s(t),t)
-S := solve(DE,s,t=0,[A,0])
-S1 == eval(S,[A=1,k=1,c=3])
-Following the compiling of the draw function, I get:
-  Graph data being transmitted to the viewport manager...
-  >>System error:
-  SOCK-SEND-INT is invalid as a function.
-  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
-This same error appears both in axiom alone and in WinTeXmacs. Any ideas for solving this would be appreciated. If I need to set the AXIOM and PATH variables, as suggested above, what should they be set to? You can respond to me at jws@cablespeed.com if you wish.
-John Sheppard
-From TimDaly Sat Feb 19 15:47:18 -0600 2005
-From: Tim Daly
-Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:47:18 -0600
-Subject: Graphics still--John Sheppard
-Message-ID: <20050219154718-0600@page.axiom-developer.org>
-In-Reply-To: <20050219150752-0600@page.axiom-developer.org>
-The windows version of Axiom does not have graphics.
-The graphics subsystem currently only works on Linux and needs X11.
-We are working on a windows solution.
-From unknown Sat Feb 19 15:59:29 -0600 2005
-Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:59:29 -0600
-Subject: Graphics still--John Sheppard
-Message-ID: <20050219155929-0600@page.axiom-developer.org>
-In-Reply-To: <20050219154718-0600@page.axiom-developer.org>
-Well, that certainly explains it. Many thanks!!
-From unknown Wed Apr 20 12:37:26 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 12:37:26 -0500
-Subject: Texmacs problem
-Message-ID: <20050420123726-0500@page.axiom-developer.org>
-The fc3 binary version of axiom seems to work fine from the terminal. But when I try to use it from texmacs something like this happens:
---> integrate(log(x),x)
-System error:
-  Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]
-  protected-symbol-warn called with (NIL)
-From unknown Thu Sep 29 03:29:55 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 03:29:55 -0500
-Subject: Using TeXmacs
-Message-ID: <20050929032955-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-I've just compiled Axiom 3.9 (and texmacs on a RH EL system. Both installed to non standard locations.
-While command line axiom works, and texmacs presents an axiom session (and actually launches axiom), I did not manage to get axiom working from within texmacs (I get no line promt ->, and when I press the ENTER key nothing happens, no evaluation, nothing). 
-Forgive my stupidity but ... any help??
-From unknown Mon Sep 12 12:42:27 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 12:42:27 -0500
-Subject: Graphics does not work under the TeXmacs 1.0.5 interface
-Message-ID: <20050912124227-0500@page.axiom-developer.org>
-Under linux with TeXmacs, the graphics doesn't appear at all. Just the message indicating the type is shown.
-I even followed the instructions on the FAQ and changed the AXIOMsys to axiom and even sman. But if I do that though HyperDoc appears, I have to press return several times(may be upto 7 times) before the answer appears on the texmacs interface. Just blank lines with the red axiom prompt keep on appearing.
-From unknown Mon Oct 10 13:49:38 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 13:49:38 -0500
-Subject: Hyperdoc and Axiom Help menu in the TeXmacs interface
-Message-ID: <20051010134938-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-Is there a possibility of using the hyperdoc type in the commands in the TeXmacs interface (to get a nicely formatted output)? I tried to replace the tm_axiom program with the one that launches axiom or sman  instead of AXIOMsys but doing that causes me to press the enter key several times to get the commands accepted and that is really annoying.
-I am using a Fedora-3. The problem seems to be in the sman or axiom as when I launch it separately, the same thing occurs--ie, I have to press the enter key several times to get the command accepted. I have used axiom built from the April 2005 sources as well as that from the September 2005 sources and the problem continues.
-Also can the axiom help/reference be lanched from within the TeXmacs as it can be done using MuPAD from TeXmacs.
-From unknown Mon Oct 10 13:55:10 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 13:55:10 -0500
-Subject: RE:Hyperdoc and Axiom Help menu in the TeXmacs interface
-Message-ID: <20051010135510-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-In-Reply-To: <20051010134938-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-I also face the same problem but on Mandrake Linux. Accessing online help would definately be wonderful idea. I know that Hyperdoc exists for this purpose but the way HyperDoc does this needs a lot of improvement to be useful.
-From root Mon Oct 10 13:57:15 -0500 2005
-From: root
-Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 13:57:15 -0500
-Subject: [AxiomBinaries] Hyperdoc and Axiom Help menu in	the TeXmacs interface
-Message-ID: <200510101852.j9AIq9713774@localhost.localdomain>
-In-Reply-To: <20051010134938-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-	(mathaction@axiom-developer.org)
-AXIOMsys does direct reads from its terminal.
-axiom is a script that launches sman (superman).
-sman starts hyperdoc, AXIOMsys, and 
-clef which is a command-line completion program.
-I don't know but I suspect "clef" is getting in the way.
-Try changing the call to 'axiom' to use 'axiom -noclef'
-and see if the behavior changes.
-From unknown Mon Oct 10 14:02:32 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 14:02:32 -0500
-Subject: HyperDoc dows not work with numpad turned on
-Message-ID: <20051010140232-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-HyperDoc does not take any input  if the NmPd key is on. I use KDE/3.3 on a Fedora-3. Is this peculiar to me or is a bug/feature of the HyperDoc :)
-Anyway I think its more convinient to enter numbers from the Numeric Kepad
-From unknown Tue Oct 11 02:21:42 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 02:21:42 -0500
-Subject: TeXmacs
-Message-ID: <20051011022142-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-The problem with starting axiom (or sman) instead of AXIOMsys from TeXmacs is that it writes the prompt twice instead of once when it starts. One can modify tm_axiom.c to wait for two prompts at start-up time. This was done in the old TeXmacs interface with commercial Axiom.
-Is it possible to get rid of the first prompt? Having prompts not preceeding user input is very annoying.
-From BillPage Tue Oct 11 09:36:59 -0500 2005
-From: Bill Page
-Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 09:36:59 -0500
-Subject: nicely formatted output
-Message-ID: <20051011093659-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-Unknown wrote:
-> Is there a possibility of using the hyperdoc type in the commands
-> in the TeXmacs interface (to get a nicely formatted output)?
-Axiom 'hyperdoc' is **not** required to get nicely formatted output
-in TeXmacs. AXIOMsys generates Tex/LaTeX output that is processed
-by TeXmacs.
-Could you please describe what effect you would like to achieve
-in TeXmacs? In what way is the current TeXmacs output not nicely
-From Varun Tue Oct 11 14:09:26 -0500 2005
-From: Varun
-Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 14:09:26 -0500
-Subject: AxiomBinaries Hyperdoc and Axiom Help menu in the TeXmacs interface
-Message-ID: <20051011140926-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-I've already tried using axiom -noclef but to no help.
-As per Andrey:
-One can modify tm_axiom.c to wait for two prompts at start-up time. This was done in the old TeXmacs interface with commercial Axiom.
-Can someone tell how this can be done or change the tm_axiom and distribute the code.
-Any help is welcome.
-From Varun Tue Oct 11 14:30:56 -0500 2005
-From: Varun
-Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 14:30:56 -0500
-Subject: RE: Hyperdoc and Axiom Help menu in the TeXmacs interface
-Message-ID: <20051011143056-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-Bill Page wrote:
->nicely formatted output --Bill Page, Tue, 11 Oct 2005 09:36:59 -0500 >reply
->Unknown wrote: 
->Is there a possibility of using the hyperdoc type in the commands in >the TeXmacs interface (to get a nicely formatted output)?
->Axiom hyperdoc is not required to get nicely formatted output in >TeXmacs. AXIOMsys generates Tex/LaTeX output that is processed by >TeXmacs.
-What I intended was: Can I use the HyperDoc while still working under TeXmacs and get nicely formatted output.
-Sorry for my not being clear.
->Could you please describe what effect you would like to achieve in >TeXmacs? In what way is the current TeXmacs output not nicely >formatted?
-There are a lot of things that can be improved in TeXmacs. First of all an online reference would certainely help a lot (those who are Turbo C IDE fans would know this)--one just presses some hot key and gets more information on the command he wishes to use and is not so sure about. He can get some examples on how to use the system, just fill in some entries and get the command output without having to learn hundreds of functions. This would be most beneficial to users new to axiom and to those who have just started to use Computer Algebra Systems. Not only that, this I think would save time of those users who are just using the 'interactive' axiom and not programming with it.
-From BillPage Tue Oct 11 22:26:46 -0500 2005
-From: Bill Page
-Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 22:26:46 -0500
-Subject: TeXmacs interface improvements
-Message-ID: <20051011222646-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-Yes, I agree that TeXmacs has great potential as an graphical user
-interface for Axiom (and many other computer algebra packages as
-well). In principle it should be possible to implement almost all
-of the hyperdoc functionality directly in TeXmacs as well as support
-for incorporating Axiom graphics into TeXmacs documents and even
-compiling SPAD and Aldor library programs.
-Unfortunately, not a lot of resources are available to do this.
-At this time, the only person that I know who is working on this
-is Andrey G. Grozin. See
-From Andrey Wed Oct 12 03:49:57 -0500 2005
-From: Andrey
-Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 03:49:57 -0500
-Subject: TeXmacs
-Message-ID: <20051012034957-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-It is easy to modify tm_axiom.c to start axiom (with hypertex
-and graphics)
-Instead of starting AXIOMsys, it should start 'axiom -noclef'
-Also, in void session(void), declare::
-  int prompts=0;
-and, a few lines later, replace the line::
-  else if (code==PROMPT) break;
-by the line::
-  else if (code==PROMPT) { if ((++prompts)==2) break; }
-However, it would be much better to fix this damn double-prompt
-problem once and for all. Axiom *must not* write a prompt when
-it is not prompting the user to input something.
-From unknown Sun Oct 23 15:50:24 -0500 2005
-From: unknown
-Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 15:50:24 -0500
-Subject: HyperDoc and TeXMacs
-Message-ID: <20051023155024-0500@www.axiom-developer.org>
-Thanks Andrey. I followed your tips and HyperDoc now seems to work except for problems created when I use HyperDoc to enter commands.
-From tyler Thu Nov 30 08:05:35 -0600 2006
-From: tyler
-Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:05:35 -0600
-Subject: "axiom tutorial" doesn't display properly on FC4
-Message-ID: <20061130080535-0600@wiki.axiom-developer.org>
-I noticed that the tutorial (tutorial.tgz) above doesn't display correctly on FC4 with TeXmacs 1.0.6.  Having just started texmacs for the first time I'm not sure of the details, but the .tm files like oneStep01.tm "link" to the axiom and axiom-tutorial styles and don't display correctly.  I discovered that by reversing the order so that axiom comes before axiom-tutorial they seem to work ok.  A bit of perl will clean them all up:
-save the following as a file and do a 'perl file tutorial'::
-	use strict;
-	use warnings;
-	use Cwd;
-	use File::Find;
-	my \$read_dir=\$ARGV[0];
-	my \$top = getcwd();
-	find(&d, "\$top/\$read_dir");
-	sub d
-	{
-	  my \$file = \$File::Find::name;
-	  if (-f \$file && \$file =~ m/\.tm\$/)
-	  {
-		  print("found tex style file \$file\n");
-		  `mv -v \$file \$file.bak`;
-		  open(IN,"\$file.bak") or print("couldn't open \$file.bak\n") && next;
-		  open(OUT,">\$file") or print("couldn't open \$file for writing\n") && next;
-		  while(my \$line = <IN>)
-		  {
-			  \$line =~ s/\|axiom\|axiom/\|axiom/g;
-			  \$line =~ s/axiom-tutorial\|axiom/axiom\|axiom-tutorial/;
-			  print(OUT \$line);
-		  }
-		  close(IN);
-		  close(OUT);
-	  }
-	}
-<a href="uploads/tutorial.tgz">tutorial.tgz</a>
"GNU TeXmacs":http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/home/welcome.en.html is a free scientific text editor, which was both inspired by TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured documents via a wysiwyg (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) and user friendly interface. New styles may be created by the user. The program implements high-quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts, which help you to produce professionally looking documents. One major objective of TeXmacs is to promote the development of free software for and by scientists, by significantly reducing the cost of producing high quality user interfaces. FriCAS is on of programs that can
use TeXmacs as user interface.  GNU TeXmacs runs on most Unix architectures, as well as on Windows. Detailed information is available for "downloading and installing":http://www.texmacs.org/tmweb/download/download.en.html TeXmacs.

FriCAS interface

FriCAS contains special output format for interfacing with TeXmacs.  Together with
appropriate plugin included in reasonably recent versions of TeXmacs it allows
accessing FriCAS via TeXmacs.  Recent version of TeXmacs is pre-configured to automatically interface with FriCAS provided that FriCAS "installed" and available via commandline
(in the path).

In the past different interface was in use, see OldTeXmacs

GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was both inspired by TeX? and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured documents via a wysiwyg (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) and user friendly interface. New styles may be created by the user. The program implements high-quality typesetting algorithms and TeX? fonts, which help you to produce professionally looking documents. One major objective of TeXmacs is to promote the development of free software for and by scientists, by significantly reducing the cost of producing high quality user interfaces. FriCAS is on of programs that can use TeXmacs as user interface. GNU TeXmacs runs on most Unix architectures, as well as on Windows. Detailed information is available for downloading and installing TeXmacs.

FriCAS interface

FriCAS contains special output format for interfacing with TeXmacs. Together with appropriate plugin included in reasonably recent versions of TeXmacs it allows accessing FriCAS via TeXmacs. Recent version of TeXmacs is pre-configured to automatically interface with FriCAS provided that FriCAS "installed" and available via commandline (in the path).

In the past different interface was in use, see OldTeXmacs