How do I find the n-root of a number?You can do it symbolically or numerically. fricas (1) -> nthRoot(4,
Type: AlgebraicNumber?
fricas nthRoot(4.0,
Type: Float
How do I solve inequalites?FriCAS lacks support for this. How do I find the angle in a scalar product? Degrees and radians.Homework! Program the mathematical formula and you are done. Is it possible to find the logarithm with base 10, 2 and 3 etc? In FriCAS fricas log %e
Type: Expression(Integer)
The lenght of a vector?Just enter the formula. fricas v := vector [1,
Type: Vector(Integer)
fricas len := sqrt dot(v,
Type: AlgebraicNumber?
How can I rewrite a expression to with respect to a variable? For example v=H*r and to make FriCAS rewrite this as r=H/r?Solve for it. fricas )clear prop v
Type: List(Equation(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
And I guess lcm is defined for only 2 numbers and not 3?You can compute the lcm of a list of values. fricas lst := [n for n in 1..10]
Type: List(PositiveInteger?)
fricas lcm lst
Type: PositiveInteger?
fricas lcm([2,
Type: PositiveInteger?
I realize that this is a lot of questions, so it is completely okay if you answer each questions short. I have tried a lot on my own, but need hints to understand the whole picture. I will also try to understand the coding of the programme afterwards:)It took me a short time to become natural with the programme, so thanks a lot! |