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Edit detail for SandBoxTensorProduct revision 5 of 9

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2009/05/13 08:05:16 GMT-7
Note: corrections

-**On Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 21:46:06 +0200 Franz Lehner wrote:**
**Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 21:03:00 +0200 Franz Lehner wrote:**

-There seems to be some confusion with free modules.

-FreeModule1 is of category FreeModuleCat,
-its Rep however is FreeModule.
FreeModuleCat does not require OrderedSet, but FreeModule does.
FreeModule1 is of category FreeModuleCat, its Rep however is FreeModule.



-TensorProduct(R:CommutativeRing, B1:SetCategory, B2:SetCategory,M1:FreeModuleCat(R,B1),M2:FreeModuleCat(R,B2)): TPcat == TPimp where 
-    TPcat == Join(TensorProductCategory(R,M1,M2),FreeModuleCat(R,Product(B1,B2))) 
TensorProduct(R : CommutativeRing, B1 : OrderedSet, B2 : OrderedSet, _
    M1 : FreeModuleCat(R, B1), M2 : FreeModuleCat(R, B2)): TPcat == TPimp where
    TPcat == Join(TensorProductCategory(R,M1,M2),FreeModuleCat(R,Product(B1,B2))) with
             if M1 has Algebra(R) and M2 has Algebra(R) then Algebra(R)

-    TPimp == FreeModule1(R,Product(M1,M2)) add 
-       -- Representation
-       -- Rep == FreeModule1(R,Product(M1,M2))
-       Rep == List TERM
    TPimp == FreeModule1(R, Product(B1, B2)) add

-       -- One should expect the following 3 functions to be inherited from FreeModule1
-       -- but there are problems if these are omitted.
-       outTerm(r:R, s:B1xB2):OutputForm ==
-            r=1  => s::OutputForm
-            r::OutputForm * s::OutputForm
-       coerce(a:%):OutputForm ==
-            empty? (a pretend Rep) => (0$R)::OutputForm
-            reduce(_+, reverse_! [outTerm(t.c, t.k) for t in (a pretend Rep)])$List(OutputForm)
-       leadingMonomial(x:%):B1xB2 == (x pretend Rep).first.k
-       product(x1:M1,x2:M2):% == 
-            zero? x1 or zero? x2 => return 0
-            x1l:List TERM1 := ListOfTerms x1
-            x2l:List TERM2 := ListOfTerms x2
-            res:List Rep := [[[makeprod(s1.k,s2.k),s1.c*s2.c ] for s2 in x2l] for s1 in x1l]
-            (reduce(concat,res)) pretend %
       product(x1:M1,x2:M2):% ==
           zero? x1 or zero? x2 => return 0
           ltx1:List TERM1 := ListOfTerms x1
           ltx2:List TERM2 := ListOfTerms x2
           res : List TERM := []
           for s1 in ltx1 repeat
               for s2 in ltx2 repeat
                   res := concat!(res,[makeprod(s1.k, s2.k), s1.c*s2.c]$TERM)
           res pretend %
       if M1 has Algebra(R) and M2 has Algebra(R) then 
         (x1:% * x2:%):% ==
              res : % := 0
              for t1 in ListOfTerms x1 repeat
                 for t2 in ListOfTerms x2 repeat 
                    -- the coefficients
                    t1c:R := t1.c
                    t2c:R := t2.c
                    -- the basis elements
                    t1k:B1xB2 := t1.k
                    t2k:B1xB2 := t2.k
                    t1a: M1 := monom(selectfirst t1k,1)
                    t1b: M2 := monom(selectsecond t1k,1)
                    t2a: M1 := monom(selectfirst t2k,1)
                    t2b: M2 := monom(selectsecond t2k,1)
                    res:= res +  t1.c*t2.c *product(t1a*t2a,t1b*t2b)

-The code seems to work partially, at least elements are created,
-but most of the other functions are not accessible. Eq:
-leadingMonomial t
-numberOfMonomials t
-The last output shows that t was really created and the above errors
-are due to malfunction of the inheritance mechanism.
-1. The missing functions are probably due to the mixup of categories.
-   Why does the compiler not complain?
-2. Is there a way to extract the basis automatically from FreeModule?
-   Typing TensorProduct(R,B1,B2,M,N) every time is tedious.
-   That would need functions returning domains I guess.
-3. Is it difficult to implement a rep/per mechanism? 
-   The current magic is rather mysterious,
-   moreover the error messages of the compiler are somewhat cryptic.
-   I had a hard time interpreting the message::
-     >> Apparent user error:
-         NoValueMode
-	     is an unknown mode
-   before I split::
-     reduce(concat,[[[makeprod(s1.k,s2.k),s1.c*s2.c ]@TERM for s2 in x2l] for s1 in x1l]) pretend %
-   into two lines::
-     res:List Rep := [[[makeprod(s1.k,s2.k),s1.c*s2.c ]@TERM for s2 in x2l] for s1 in x1l]
-     (reduce(concat,res)) pretend %
-4. After TensorProduct ... == FreeModule1(R,Product(M1,M2)) add ...,
-   is it better to use::
-     Rep == FreeModule1(R,Product(M1,M2)) 
-   or rather::
-     Rep == List TERM 
-   as I did?
-**On Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 03:23:33 +0200 (CEST) Waldek Hebisch wrote:**
-The following seem to work OK:
-)clear completely
-)abbrev package TENSORD TensorProduct
-TensorProduct(R : CommutativeRing, B1 : OrderedSet, B2 : OrderedSet, _
-    M1 : FreeModuleCat(R, B1), M2 : FreeModuleCat(R, B2)): TPcat == TPimp where 
-    TPcat == Join(TensorProductCategory(R,M1,M2),FreeModuleCat(R,Product(B1,B2))) 
-    TERM1 == Record(k: B1, c: R)
-    TERM2 == Record(k: B2, c: R)
-    B1xB2 == Product(B1,B2)
-    TERM  == Record(k: B1xB2, c: R)
-    TPimp == FreeModule1(R, Product(B1, B2)) add 
-       import Rep, TERM1, TERM2, TERM, B1xB2
-       product(x1:M1,x2:M2):% ==
-           zero? x1 or zero? x2 => return 0
-	   x1l:List TERM1 := ListOfTerms x1
-	   x2l:List TERM2 := ListOfTerms x2
-	   res : % := 0
-	   for s1 in x1l repeat
-               for s2 in x2l repeat
-                   res := res + monom(makeprod(s1.k, s2.k), s1.c*s2.c)
-           res
-Note that both B1 and B2 is required to be OrderedSet, and I use
-just FreeModule1(R, Product(B1, B2))
-Note that the version I wrote does not use pretend.  My version
-may be quite slow -- if this is a problem than one can build a
-list using cons and add pretend.  However, list must be created
-in correct order, otherwise functions from FreeMonoid would
-work incorrectly.

Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 21:03:00 +0200 Franz Lehner wrote:

Attached is a prototype for tensor products. It is free modules over commutative rings.

FreeModule? is defined in poly.spad with a local category. FreeModuleCat? is defined in xpoly.spad. FreeModuleCat? does not require OrderedSet?, but FreeModule? does. FreeModule1? is of category FreeModuleCat?, its Rep however is FreeModule?.

)abbrev category TENSORC TensorProductCategory
TensorProductCategory(R:CommutativeRing, M : Module(R), N : Module(R)):Category == Module(R) with
    product: (M, N) -> %
)abbrev category TENSORP TensorProductProperty
TensorProductProperty(R:CommutativeRing, M : Module(R), N : Module(R), _
      MxN : TensorProductCategory(R, M, N), S : Module(R)): Category == with
    eval: (MxN, (M, N) -> S) -> S
)abbrev package TENSORD TensorProduct
TensorProduct(R : CommutativeRing, B1 : OrderedSet, B2 : OrderedSet, _
    M1 : FreeModuleCat(R, B1), M2 : FreeModuleCat(R, B2)): TPcat == TPimp where
    TPcat == Join(TensorProductCategory(R,M1,M2),FreeModuleCat(R,Product(B1,B2))) with
             if M1 has Algebra(R) and M2 has Algebra(R) then Algebra(R)
    TERM1 == Record(k: B1, c: R)
    TERM2 == Record(k: B2, c: R)
    B1xB2 == Product(B1,B2)
    TERM  == Record(k: B1xB2, c: R)
    TPimp == FreeModule1(R, Product(B1, B2)) add
       import Rep, TERM1, TERM2, TERM, B1xB2
       product(x1:M1,x2:M2):% ==
           zero? x1 or zero? x2 => return 0
           ltx1:List TERM1 := ListOfTerms x1
           ltx2:List TERM2 := ListOfTerms x2
           res : List TERM := []
           for s1 in ltx1 repeat
               for s2 in ltx2 repeat
                   res := concat!(res,[makeprod(s1.k, s2.k), s1.c*s2.c]$TERM)
           res pretend %
       if M1 has Algebra(R) and M2 has Algebra(R) then 
         (x1:% * x2:%):% ==
              res : % := 0
              for t1 in ListOfTerms x1 repeat
                 for t2 in ListOfTerms x2 repeat 
                    -- the coefficients
                    t1c:R := t1.c
                    t2c:R := t2.c
                    -- the basis elements
                    t1k:B1xB2 := t1.k
                    t2k:B1xB2 := t2.k
                    t1a: M1 := monom(selectfirst t1k,1)
                    t1b: M2 := monom(selectsecond t1k,1)
                    t2a: M1 := monom(selectfirst t2k,1)
                    t2b: M2 := monom(selectsecond t2k,1)
                    res:= res +  t1.c*t2.c *product(t1a*t2a,t1b*t2b)
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/7772204117579672776-25px001.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   TENSORC abbreviates category TensorProductCategory 
   initializing NRLIB TENSORC for TensorProductCategory 
   compiling into NRLIB TENSORC 
;;; *** |TensorProductCategory| REDEFINED Time: 0.01 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB TENSORC Processing TensorProductCategory for Browser database: --->-->TensorProductCategory((product (% M N))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TensorProductCategory(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->TensorProductCategory(): Missing Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TensorProductCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial TensorProductCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/TENSORC.NRLIB/code
TENSORP abbreviates category TensorProductProperty ------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB TENSORP for TensorProductProperty compiling into NRLIB TENSORP
;;; *** |TensorProductProperty| REDEFINED Time: 0.01 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB TENSORP Processing TensorProductProperty for Browser database: --->-->TensorProductProperty((eval (S MxN (Mapping S M N)))): Not documented!!!! --->-->TensorProductProperty(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->TensorProductProperty(): Missing Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TensorProductProperty is now explicitly exposed in frame initial TensorProductProperty will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/TENSORP.NRLIB/code
TENSORD abbreviates package TensorProduct ------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB TENSORD for TensorProduct compiling into NRLIB TENSORD importing Rep importing Record(k: B1,c: R) importing Record(k: B2,c: R) importing Record(k: Product(B1,B2),c: R) importing Product(B1,B2) compiling exported product : (M1,M2) -> $ Time: 0.08 SEC.
****** Domain: M1 already in scope augmenting M1: (Algebra R) ****** Domain: M2 already in scope augmenting M2: (Algebra R) compiling exported * : ($,$) -> $ Time: 0.04 SEC.
****** Domain: M1 already in scope augmenting M1: (Algebra R) ****** Domain: M2 already in scope augmenting M2: (Algebra R) (time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |TensorProduct| REDEFINED
;;; *** |TensorProduct| REDEFINED Time: 0.04 SEC.
Warnings: [1] not known that (OrderedSet) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (IF (has B1 (Finite)) (IF (has B2 (Finite)) (ATTRIBUTE (Finite)) noBranch) noBranch) (IF (has B1 (Monoid)) (IF (has B2 (Monoid)) (ATTRIBUTE (Monoid)) noBranch) noBranch) (IF (has B1 (AbelianMonoid)) (IF (has B2 (AbelianMonoid)) (ATTRIBUTE (AbelianMonoid)) noBranch) noBranch) (IF (has B1 (CancellationAbelianMonoid)) (IF (has B2 (CancellationAbelianMonoid)) (ATTRIBUTE (CancellationAbelianMonoid)) noBranch) noBranch) (IF (has B1 (Group)) (IF (has B2 (Group)) (ATTRIBUTE (Group)) noBranch) noBranch) (IF (has B1 (AbelianGroup)) (IF (has B2 (AbelianGroup)) (ATTRIBUTE (AbelianGroup)) noBranch) noBranch) (IF (has B1 (OrderedAbelianMonoidSup)) (IF (has B2 (OrderedAbelianMonoidSup)) (ATTRIBUTE (OrderedAbelianMonoidSup)) noBranch) noBranch) (IF (has B1 (OrderedSet)) (IF (has B2 (OrderedSet)) (ATTRIBUTE (OrderedSet)) noBranch) noBranch) (SIGNATURE makeprod ($ B1 B2)) (SIGNATURE selectfirst (B1 $)) (SIGNATURE selectsecond (B2 $)))
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TensorProduct Time: 0.16 seconds
--------------non extending category---------------------- .. TensorProduct(#1,#2,#3,#4,#5) of cat (|Join| (|TensorProductCategory| |#1| |#4| |#5|) (|FreeModuleCat| |#1| (|Product| |#2| |#3|)) (CATEGORY |package| (IF (|has| |#4| (|Algebra| |#1|)) (IF (|has| |#5| (|Algebra| |#1|)) (ATTRIBUTE (|Algebra| |#1|)) |noBranch|) |noBranch|))) has no ?*? : (Product(#2,#3),#1) -> % finalizing NRLIB TENSORD Processing TensorProduct for Browser database: --->-->TensorProduct(): Missing Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TensorProduct is now explicitly exposed in frame initial TensorProduct will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/TENSORD.NRLIB/code

LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: Domain
LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: Domain
LatexWiki Image(3)
Type: FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol)
LatexWiki Image(4)
Type: FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol)
LatexWiki Image(5)
Type: FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol)
LatexWiki Image(6)
Type: FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol)
Type: Domain
Type: TensorProduct?(Integer,Symbol,Symbol,FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol),FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol))
LatexWiki Image(7)
Type: TensorProduct?(Integer,Symbol,Symbol,FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol),FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol))
leadingMonomial t
LatexWiki Image(8)
Type: Product(Symbol,Symbol)
numberOfMonomials t
LatexWiki Image(9)
Type: PositiveInteger?

Demonstrating the axioms of the tensor product:

Type: Void
Type: Void
Type: Void
LatexWiki Image(10)
Type: FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol)
LatexWiki Image(11)
Type: FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol)
Type: Domain
LatexWiki Image(12)
Type: TensorProduct?(Integer,Symbol,Symbol,FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol),FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol))
w:= 13*y+17*y+19*u
LatexWiki Image(13)
Type: FreeModule1?(Integer,Symbol)
test( product(p+q,w)$MxM = product(p,w)$MxM + product(q,w)$MxM )
LatexWiki Image(14)
Type: Boolean
test( product(p,q+w)$MxM = product(p,q)$MxM + product(p,w)$MxM )
LatexWiki Image(15)
Type: Boolean
test( product(p,23*w)$MxM = 23*product(p,w)$MxM )
LatexWiki Image(16)
Type: Boolean
test( product(23*p,w)$MxM = 23*product(p,w)$MxM )
LatexWiki Image(17)
Type: Boolean