(1) -> <spad>
)abb category SPECCAT SpeciesCategory
SpeciesCategory(L: SetCategory): Category == SetCategory with
structures: Set L -> List %
name: () -> String
)abb domain CHARSPEC CharacteristicSpecies
CharacteristicSpecies(L: SetCategory, n: Integer): SpeciesCategory L
== add
Rep := Set L
coerce(t: %): OutputForm == coerce(t)$Rep
structures s == if #s = n then [s] else []
name () == concat ["CharacteristicSpecies(", string n, ")"]
)abb domain SPECIES Species
Species(L: SetCategory): Ring with
coerce: % -> SpeciesCategory L
== add
Rep := SpeciesCategory L
coerce(s: %): OutputForm ==
S := s pretend SpeciesCategory(L)
coerce(s: %): SpeciesCategory L == s pretend SpeciesCategory(L)
0 == CharacteristicSpecies(L, 0) pretend Rep
1 == CharacteristicSpecies(L, 1) pretend Rep</spad>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
SPECCAT abbreviates category SpeciesCategory
initializing NRLIB SPECCAT for SpeciesCategory
compiling into NRLIB SPECCAT
;;; *** |SpeciesCategory| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB SPECCAT
Processing SpeciesCategory for Browser database:
--->-->SpeciesCategory(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->SpeciesCategory((structures ((List %) (Set L)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->SpeciesCategory((name ((String)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->SpeciesCategory(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SPECCAT.NRLIB/SPECCAT.lsp" (written 10 JAN 2025 07:11:05 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SPECCAT.NRLIB/SPECCAT.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
SpeciesCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SpeciesCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from
CHARSPEC abbreviates domain CharacteristicSpecies
initializing NRLIB CHARSPEC for CharacteristicSpecies
compiling into NRLIB CHARSPEC
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported structures : Set L -> List %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported name : () -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |CharacteristicSpecies| REDEFINED
;;; *** |CharacteristicSpecies| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor CharacteristicSpecies
Time: 0.01 seconds
Processing CharacteristicSpecies for Browser database:
--->-->CharacteristicSpecies(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/CHARSPEC.NRLIB/CHARSPEC.lsp" (written 10 JAN 2025 07:11:05 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/CHARSPEC.NRLIB/CHARSPEC.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.012
CharacteristicSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CharacteristicSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
SPECIES abbreviates domain Species
initializing NRLIB SPECIES for Species
compiling into NRLIB SPECIES
Local variable Rep type redefined: (Category) to (FiniteSetAggregate L)
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : % -> SpeciesCategory L
SPECIES;coerce;%Sc;2 is replaced by s
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported Zero : () -> %
****** comp fails at level 1 with expression: ******
error in function Zero
****** level 1 ******
$x:= (Category)
$m:= $EmptyMode
((((|Rep| #) (~= #) (= #) (|coerce| #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error:
cannot compile (Category)
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 7:38 PM Waldek Hebisch wrote:
Martin wrote:
I did the following experiment.
In FriCAS, I get an error when I uncomment the line containing the Rep in
SPECIES. This does not happen in Open-Axiom. Otherwise, it compiles and I can
(1) -> S1 := 1$Species INT
(1) "CharacteristicSpecies(1)"
Type: Species(Integer)
(2) -> S2 := S1::SpeciesCategory INT
You cannot use SpeciesCategory(Integer) or any other category in a
target, coercion, or package-call context.
I am slightly suprized that the file compiles and is doing someting
This is message S2IE0014 (normal tactic when looking at simlar cases
is to search src/share/doc/msgs/s2-us.msgs to find message id and
then grep sources to find where the id is used). It appears twice
in i-spec1.boot:
grep -n S2IE0014 *
i-spec1.boot:383: categoryForm?(m) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0014",[m])
i-spec1.boot:408: categoryForm?(m) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0014",[m])
Try commenting out the checks.
import i_-analy
namespace BOOT
--% Handlers for TARGET
upTARGET t ==
-- Evaluates the rhs to a mode,which is used as the target type for
-- the lhs.
t isnt [op,lhs,rhs] => nil
-- do not (yet) support local variables on the rhs
(not $genValue) and or/[CONTAINED(var,rhs) for var in $localVars] =>
$declaredMode: local := NIL
m:= evaluateType unabbrev rhs
not isLegitimateMode(m,NIL,NIL) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0004",[m])
--categoryForm?(m) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0014",[m])
$declaredMode:= m
not atom(lhs) and putTarget(lhs,m)
ms := bottomUp lhs
first ms ^= m =>
throwKeyedMsg("S2IC0011",[first ms,m])
putValue(op,getValue lhs)
--% Handlers for COERCE
upCOERCE t ==
-- evaluate the lhs and then tries to coerce the result to the
-- mode which is the rhs.
-- previous to 5/16/89, this had the same semantics as
-- (lhs@rhs) :: rhs
-- this must be made explicit now.
t isnt [op,lhs,rhs] => nil
$useConvertForCoercions : local := true
-- do not (yet) support local variables on the rhs
(not $genValue) and or/[CONTAINED(var,rhs) for var in $localVars] =>
$declaredMode: local := NIL
m := evaluateType unabbrev rhs
not isLegitimateMode(m,NIL,NIL) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0004",[m])
--categoryForm?(m) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0014",[m])
$declaredMode:= m
-- 05/16/89 (RSS) following line commented out to give correct
-- semantic difference between :: and @
bottomUp lhs
The file
is needed but does not exist.
S1 := 1$Species INT
Species is an unknown constructor and so is unavailable. Did you
mean to use -> but type something different instead?
The code above appears to be type unsafe because of the use of
OpenAxiom normally expects type-safe code written with
in the following style:
)abb category SPECCAT SpeciesCategory
SpeciesCategory(L: SetCategory): Category == SetCategory with
structures: Set L -> List %
)abb domain CHARSPEC CharacteristicSpecies
CharacteristicSpecies(L: SetCategory, n: Integer): SpeciesCategory L
== add
Rep == Set L
coerce(t: %): OutputForm == coerce(rep t)
x=y == rep(x)=rep(y)
structures(s:Set L):List % == if #s = n then [per s] else []
)abb domain SPECIES Species
Species(L: SetCategory): Ring with
coerce: % -> SpeciesCategory L
== add
Rep == Domain
coerce(s: %): OutputForm == rep(s)::OutputForm
coerce(s: %): SpeciesCategory L == rep(s) pretend SpeciesCategory(L)
x=y == rep(x)=rep(y)
0 == per CharacteristicSpecies(L, 0)
1 == per CharacteristicSpecies(L, 1)
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
SPECCAT abbreviates category SpeciesCategory
initializing NRLIB SPECCAT for SpeciesCategory
compiling into NRLIB SPECCAT
;;; *** |SpeciesCategory| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB SPECCAT
Processing SpeciesCategory for Browser database:
--->/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/32396914629305039-25px001.spad-->SpeciesCategory(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/32396914629305039-25px001.spad-->SpeciesCategory((structures ((List %) (Set L)))): Not documented!!!!
--->/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/32396914629305039-25px001.spad-->SpeciesCategory(): Missing Description
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SPECCAT.NRLIB/SPECCAT.lsp" (written 10 JAN 2025 07:11:05 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SPECCAT.NRLIB/SPECCAT.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.000
SpeciesCategory is already explicitly exposed in frame initial
SpeciesCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from
CHARSPEC abbreviates domain CharacteristicSpecies
initializing NRLIB CHARSPEC for CharacteristicSpecies
compiling into NRLIB CHARSPEC
************* USER ERROR **********
available signatures for Rep:
NEED Rep: () -> ?
****** comp fails at level 1 with expression: ******
((DEF (|Rep|) (NIL) (|Set| L)))
****** level 1 ******
$x:= (DEF (Rep) (NIL) (Set L))
$m:= $EmptyMode
((((~= #) (= #) (|coerce| #) (|latex| #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error:
unspecified error
X := 0$Species INT
Species is an unknown constructor and so is unavailable. Did you
mean to use -> but type something different instead?
If a Species is a Ring, how can we define +
and *