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Edit detail for SandBoxMyReduceInOpenAxiom revision 3 of 4

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Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/04/08 17:28:10 GMT-7
Note: using = from Mapping


Here is another version of the same thing using the '=' from the 'Mapping' domain.

)abbrev package MYRED2 MyReduce2
MyReduce(S:Type): with
    myred2: ((S,S)->S,List S) -> S
 == add
   import NonNegativeInteger
   myred2(f:(S,S)->S, x:List S):S ==
     if #x>1 then
       f(first x, myred2(f,rest x))
     else if #x=1 then
       first x
       if S has AbelianMonoid then
         -- Must force "newGoGet" by applying operations before comparison!
         -- f(0,0)=(0+0)$S and (f = _+$S) => return 0$S
         (f = _+$S)$Mapping(S,S,S) => return 0$S
       if S has Monoid then
         -- f(1,1)=(1*1)$S and (f = _*$S) => return 1$S
         (f = _*$S)$Mapping(S,S,S) => return 1$S
       error "reducing over an empty list needs the 3 argument form"

Notice that it fails in the same way as above, but it would work if we used the original trick of applying the function before comparing it.
myred2(+,[]$List Integer)
myred2(*,[]$List Integer)

)version Value = "Tuesday January 29, 2008 at 18:03:22 "

)abbrev package MYRED MyReduce MyReduce(S:Type): with myred: ((S,S)->S,List S) -> S == add -- Waldek's local helper function ((f:(S,S)->S) = (g:(S,S)->S)):Boolean == print(coerceMap2E(f)$Lisp::OutputForm) print(coerceMap2E(g)$Lisp::OutputForm) EQ(f,g)$Lisp -- import NonNegativeInteger myred(f:(S,S)->S, x:List S):S == if #x>1 then f(first x, myred(f,rest x)) else if #x=1 then first x else if S has AbelianMonoid then -- Must force "newGoGet" by applying operations before comparison! -- f(0,0)=(0+0)$S and (f = _+$S) => return 0$S (f = _+$S) => return 0$S if S has Monoid then -- f(1,1)=(1*1)$S and (f = _*$S) => return 1$S (f = _*$S) => return 1$S error "reducing over an empty list needs the 3 argument form"
   Compiling OpenAxiom source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/6114676696124184375-25px002.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   MYRED abbreviates package MyReduce 
   initializing NRLIB MYRED for MyReduce 
   compiling into NRLIB MYRED 
   compiling local = : ((S,S) -> S,(S,S) -> S) -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
   importing NonNegativeInteger
   compiling exported myred : ((S,S) -> S,List S) -> S
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (AbelianMonoid)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Monoid)
Time: 0.10 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor:  0)
;;;     ***       |MyReduce| REDEFINED
;;;     ***       |MyReduce| REDEFINED
Time: 0.05 SEC.
   Cumulative Statistics for Constructor MyReduce
      Time: 0.15 seconds
   finalizing NRLIB MYRED 
   Processing MyReduce for Browser database:
--->-->MyReduce((myred (S (Mapping S S S) (List S)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyReduce(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyReduce(): Missing Description
   MyReduce is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   MyReduce will be automatically loaded when needed from 

LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: PositiveInteger?
myred(+,[]$List Integer) theMap(INT;+;3$;37,536) theMap(newGoGet) theMap(INT;+;3$;37,536) theMap(newGoGet) >> Error detected within library code: reducing over an empty list needs the 3 argument form

Here is another version of the same thing using the = from the Mapping domain.

)abbrev package MYRED2 MyReduce2 MyReduce(S:Type): with myred2: ((S,S)->S,List S) -> S == add import NonNegativeInteger myred2(f:(S,S)->S, x:List S):S == if #x>1 then f(first x, myred2(f,rest x)) else if #x=1 then first x else if S has AbelianMonoid then -- Must force "newGoGet" by applying operations before comparison! -- f(0,0)=(0+0)$S and (f = _+$S) => return 0$S (f = _+$S)$Mapping(S,S,S) => return 0$S if S has Monoid then -- f(1,1)=(1*1)$S and (f = _*$S) => return 1$S (f = _*$S)$Mapping(S,S,S) => return 1$S error "reducing over an empty list needs the 3 argument form"
   Compiling OpenAxiom source code from file 
      /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/8074394904773086877-25px004.spad using 
      old system compiler.
   MYRED2 abbreviates package MyReduce2 
   initializing NRLIB MYRED for MyReduce 
   compiling into NRLIB MYRED 
   importing NonNegativeInteger
   compiling exported myred2 : ((S,S) -> S,List S) -> S
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (AbelianMonoid)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Monoid)
****** Domain: (Mapping S S S) already in scope
Time: 0.01 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor:  0)
;;;     ***       |MyReduce| REDEFINED
;;;     ***       |MyReduce| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
   Cumulative Statistics for Constructor MyReduce
      Time: 0.01 seconds
   finalizing NRLIB MYRED 
   Processing MyReduce for Browser database:
--->/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/6114676696124184375-25px002.spad-->MyReduce((myred2 (S (Mapping S S S) (List S)))): Not documented!!!!
--->/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/6114676696124184375-25px002.spad-->MyReduce(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/6114676696124184375-25px002.spad-->MyReduce(): Missing Description
   MyReduce is already explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   MyReduce will be automatically loaded when needed from 

Notice that it fails in the same way as above, but it would work if we used the original trick of applying the function before comparing it.

LatexWiki Image(2)
Type: PositiveInteger?
myred2(+,[]$List Integer) >> Error detected within library code: reducing over an empty list needs the 3 argument form