last edited 5 days ago by matteo |
changed: -guessADE([x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10]) guessADE([x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15])
This page makes test uses of the guessing package by Martin Rubey. Feel free to add new sequences or change the sequences to ones you like to try.See GuessingFormulasForSequences for some explanations.
fricasguess([1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq1}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}4, 11, 35, 98, 294, 832, 2401, 6774, 19137, 53466, 148994, 412233], [guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct], maxLevel==2) Type: List(Expression(Integer))The answer being an empty list tells us, that there is no rational function of total degree less than 13, that generates these numbers. Furthermore, for $q$ being such a rational function, there is no formula of the form $\prod_{i=0}^nq(i)$ or $\sum_{i=0}^nq(i)$, nor $\prod_{i_1=0}^n\prod_{i_2=0}^{i_1}q(i_2)$, nor replacing the products by sums. In fact, if you look at Sloane's encyclopedia, you will find a good reason for that: I'd by very surprised to find such a simple formula for such a family of objects...
fricasguessExpRat [(1+x)^x for x in 0..3]\begin{equation*} \label{eq2}\left[{{\left(n + 1 \right)}^{n}}\right]?\end{equation*}Type: List(Expression(Integer))A workaround is necessary, because of bug #128
fricasl := [1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq3}\begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle \left[ 1, \: 1, \:{q + 1}, \:{{{q}^{2}}+ q + 1}, \:{{{q}^{4}}+{{q}^{3}}+{{q}^{2}}+ q + 1}, \: \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.{{{q}^{6}}+{{q}^{5}}+{2 \ {{q}^{4}}}+{{q}^{3}}+{{q}^{2}}+ q + 1}, \: \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.{{{q}^{9}}+{{q}^{8}}+{{q}^{7}}+{2 \ {{q}^{6}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{5}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{4}}}+{{q}^{3}}+{{q}^{2}}+ q + 1}, \: \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.{ \begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle {{q}^{12}}+{{q}^{11}}+{2 \ {{q}^{10}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{9}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{8}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{7}}}+{3 \ {{q}^{6}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{5}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{4}}}+ \ \ \displaystyle {{q}^{3}}+{{q}^{2}}+ q + 1 \end{array} }, \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.\: \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.{ \begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle {{q}^{16}}+{{q}^{15}}+{{q}^{14}}+{2 \ {{q}^{13}}}+{3 \ {{q}^{1 2}}}+{3 \ {{q}^{11}}}+{3 \ {{q}^{10}}}+{3 \ {{q}^{9}}}+ \ \ \displaystyle {3 \ {{q}^{8}}}+{3 \ {{q}^{7}}}+{3 \ {{q}^{6}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{5}}}+{2 \ {{q}^{4}}}+{{q}^{3}}+{{q}^{2}}+ q + 1 \end{array} }\right] \end{array} \end{equation*}1, 1+q, 1+q+q^2, 1+q+q^2+q^3+q^4, 1+q+q^2+q^3+2*q^4+q^5+q^6, 1+q+q^2+q^3+2*q^4+2*q^5+2*q^6+q^7+q^8+q^9, (1+q^4+q^6)*(1+q+q^2+q^3+q^4+q^5+q^6), (1+q^4)*(1+q+q^2+q^3+q^4+q^5+2*q^6+2*q^7+2*q^8+2*q^9+q^10+q^11+q^12)] Type: List(Polynomial(Integer))fricasguessPRec(q)(l,\begin{equation*} \label{eq4}\begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle \left[{{{f \left({n}\right)}\mbox{\rm :}}{{{q \ {f \left({n}\right)}\ {{q}^{n}}}-{f \left({n + 2}\right)}+{f \left({n + 1}\right)}}= 0}}, \:{{f \left({0}\right)}= 1}, \: \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.{{f \left({1}\right)}= 1}\right] \end{array} \end{equation*}[]).1 Type: Expression(Integer)Here are some that are tried:
fricaslistA := [1,1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132]; Type: List(PositiveInteger?)fricaslistB := [1,2, 6, 21, 80, 322]; Type: List(PositiveInteger?)fricaslistC := [1,1, 2, 7, 42, 429, 7436, 218348]; Type: List(PositiveInteger?)fricasguess(listA,\begin{equation*} \label{eq5}\left[{\prod_{ \displaystyle {{p_{7}}= 0}}^{ \displaystyle {n - 1}}{{{4 \ {p_{7}}}+ 2}\over{{p_{7}}+ 2}}}\right]\end{equation*}[guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguess(listB,\begin{equation*} \label{eq6}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}[guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguess(listC,\begin{equation} \label{eq7}\prod_{ \displaystyle {{p_{8}}= 0}}^{ \displaystyle {n - 1}}{\prod_{ \displaystyle {{p_{7}}= 0}}^{ \displaystyle {{p_{8}}- 1}}{{{{27}\ {{p_{7}}^{2}}}+{{54}\ {p_{7}}}+{24}}\over{{{1 6}\ {{p_{7}}^{2}}}+{{32}\ {p_{7}}}+{12}}}}\end{equation}[guessRat], [guessProduct]).1 Type: Expression(Integer)fricasl := [-1/3,\begin{equation*} \label{eq8}\left[ -{1 \over 3}, \: -{{11}\over{25}}, \: -{{23}\over{49}}, \: -{{13}\over{27}}, \: -{{59}\over{121}}, \: -{{83}\over{16 9}}\right]\end{equation*}-11/25, -23/49, -13/27, -59/121, -83/169] Type: List(Fraction(Integer))fricasguess(l,\begin{equation*} \label{eq9}\left[{{-{2 \ {{n}^{2}}}-{6 \ n}- 3}\over{{4 \ {{n}^{2}}}+{{1 2}\ n}+ 9}}\right]\end{equation*}[guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct], maxLevel==2) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricaslistD := [1,1, 2, 6, 26, 162, 1450, 18626]; Type: List(PositiveInteger?)fricaslistE := [1,1, 2, 6, 28, 202, 2252]; Type: List(PositiveInteger?)fricasguess(listD,\begin{equation*} \label{eq10}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}[guessRat], [guessProduct]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguess(listE,\begin{equation*} \label{eq11}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}[guessRat], [guessProduct]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasli := [-86,-975, -100, -1728, -31213]; Type: List(Integer)fricasguess(li,\begin{equation*} \label{eq12}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}[guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))"Most" sequences arising in combinatorics are P-recursive:
fricasl := [1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq13}\begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle \left[ 1, \: 1, \: 6, \:{54}, \:{660}, \:{10260}, \:{194040}, \:{4326840}, \:{111177360}, \: \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.{3234848400}, \:{105135861600}, \:{3775206204000}\right] \end{array} \end{equation*}1, 6, 54, 660, 10260, 194040, 4326840, 111177360, 3234848400, 105135861600, 3775206204000] Type: List(PositiveInteger?)fricasguessPRec(l).1\begin{equation*} \label{eq14}\begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle \left[{{{f \left({n}\right)}\mbox{\rm :}}{{{f \left({n + 2}\right)}+{{\left(-{4 \ n}- 6 \right)}\ {f \left({n + 1}\right)}}+{{\left({2 \ {{n}^{2}}}+{4 \ n}\right)}\ {f \left({n}\right)}}}= 0}}, \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.\:{{f \left({0}\right)}= 1}, \:{{f \left({1}\right)}= 1}\right] \end{array} \end{equation*}Type: Expression(Integer)Power of a P-recursive sequence is again a P-recursive sequence (we switch to text output for the next two sequences because TeX? messes the formulas):
fricas)set output tex offfricas)set output algebra on
l := [hermiteH(n,3)^4 for n in 0..110]; Type: List(Integer)fricasguessPRec(l,safety==10)
(22) [ [ f(n): 3 2 (- 2n + 75n - 883n + 3120)f(n + 5) + 5 4 3 2 (8n - 668n + 18104n - 207512n + 1002128n - 1675520)f(n + 4) + 7 6 5 4 3 2 64n - 5440n + 152048n - 1798384n + 7875968n + 9706784n + - 165360320n + 326726400 * f(n + 3) + 9 8 7 6 5 - 256n + 20736n - 513216n + 4234176n + 5618496n + 4 3 2 - 183387456n + 187255936n + 2614783104n - 2278264320n + - 13442457600 * f(n + 2) + 11 10 9 8 7 - 512n + 35072n - 560128n - 600320n + 44719104n + 6 5 4 3 59460096n - 1210722304n - 3830374400n + 5429444608n + 2 41504940032n + 67395551232n + 36498309120 * f(n + 1) + 13 12 11 10 9 2048n - 29696n - 297984n + 2210816n + 28607488n + 8 7 6 5 65614848n - 352019456n - 2713947136n - 8308030464n + 4 3 2 - 14724902912n - 16198819840n - 10931650560n - 4153393152n + - 681246720 * f(n) = 0 ,f(0)= 1, f(1)= 1296, f(2)= 1336336, f(3)= 1049760000] ] Type: List(Expression(Integer))We can guess also equation for sequence of polynomials:
fricasl := [hermiteH(n,x)^4 for n in 0..110]; Type: List(Polynomial(Integer))fricasguessPRec(l,safety==10)
(24) [ [ f(n): 6 4 2 2 3 2 8x + (- 16n - 40)x + (10n + 50n + 62)x - 2n - 15n - 37n + - 30 * f(n + 5) + 10 8 2 6 - 128x + (448n + 1408)x + (- 576n - 3616n - 5600)x + 3 2 4 (336n + 3152n + 9696n + 9760)x + 4 3 2 2 5 4 3 (- 88n - 1096n - 5016n - 9968n - 7232)x + 8n + 124n + 752n + 2 2224n + 3200n + 1792 * f(n + 4) + 12 2 10 (1024n + 4096)x + (- 4608n - 32768n - 57344)x + 3 2 8 (8192n + 83968n + 284160n + 317440)x + 4 3 2 6 (- 7296n - 97920n - 488960n - 1076224n - 880640)x + 5 4 3 2 4 (3392n + 56384n + 372096n + 1218048n + 1976896n + 1272064)x + 6 5 4 3 2 - 768n - 15232n - 124896n - 541664n - 1309792n + - 1673472n - 882176 * 2 x + 7 6 5 4 3 2 64n + 1472n + 14384n + 77360n + 247136n + 468608n + 487936n + 215040 * f(n + 3) + 3 2 12 (- 4096n - 40960n - 135168n - 147456)x + 4 3 2 10 (18432n + 237568n + 1140736n + 2420736n + 1916928)x + 5 4 3 2 - 32768n - 516096n - 3233792n - 10080256n - 15636480n + - 9658368 * 8 x + 6 5 4 3 2 29184n + 542208n + 4175360n + 17060352n + 39012352n + 47339520n + 23814144 * 6 x + 7 6 5 4 3 - 13568n - 290048n - 2642688n - 13302528n - 39951616n + 2 - 71583232n - 70842624n - 29869056 * 4 x + 8 7 6 5 4 3072n + 74240n + 780160n + 4655744n + 17254912n + 3 2 40661888n + 59489152n + 49392384n + 17814528 * 2 x + 9 8 7 6 5 4 - 256n - 6912n - 82368n - 568512n - 2504256n - 7299648n + 3 2 - 14077952n - 17319168n - 12331008n - 3870720 * f(n + 2) + 6 5 4 3 2 8192n + 131072n + 860160n + 2965504n + 5668864n + 5701632n + 2359296 * 10 x + 7 6 5 4 3 - 28672n - 540672n - 4321280n - 18980864n - 49496064n + 2 - 76644352n - 65273856n - 23592960 * 8 x + 8 7 6 5 4 36864n + 800768n + 7542784n + 40245248n + 133052416n + 3 2 279130112n + 362930176n + 267436032n + 85524480 * 6 x + 9 8 7 6 5 - 21504n - 529408n - 5745664n - 36082688n - 144510976n + 4 3 2 - 382810112n - 670806016n - 749903872n - 485376000n + - 138608640 * 4 x + 10 9 8 7 6 5632n + 155136n + 1906688n + 13770240n + 64722432n + 5 4 3 2 206893056n + 455585792n + 682500096n + 665804800n + 382009344n + 97910784 * 2 x + 11 10 9 8 7 - 512n - 15616n - 214528n - 1752320n - 9457152n + 6 5 4 3 - 35414016n - 93908992n - 176377856n - 229990400n + 2 - 198344704n - 101842944n - 23592960 * f(n + 1) + 10 9 8 7 6 - 8192n - 163840n - 1433600n - 7225344n - 23224320n + 5 4 3 2 - 49741824n - 71901184n - 69287936n - 42631168n + - 15138816n - 2359296 * 6 x + 11 10 9 8 7 16384n + 385024n + 4014080n + 24485888n + 97026048n + 6 5 4 3 262053888n + 491995136n + 641884160n + 570277888n + 2 328695808n + 110690304n + 16515072 * 4 x + 12 11 10 9 - 10240n - 276480n - 3350528n - 24074240n + 8 7 6 5 - 114114560n - 375576576n - 879288320n - 1474308096n + 4 3 2 - 1756051456n - 1448587264n - 785539072n - 251510784n + - 35979264 * 2 x + 13 12 11 10 9 2048n + 62464n + 863232n + 7150592n + 39574528n + 8 7 6 5 154383360n + 436335616n + 903812096n + 1370926080n + 4 3 2 1502906368n + 1156861952n + 591962112n + 180486144n + 24772608 * f(n) = 0 ,4 8 6 4 2 f(0)= 1, f(1)= 16x , f(2)= 256x - 512x + 384x - 128x + 16, 12 10 8 6 4 f(3)= 4096x - 24576x + 55296x - 55296x + 20736x ] ] Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricas)set output tex onfricas)set output algebra offfricasguess([1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq15}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}1, 2, 7, 40, 355, 4720, 91690, 2559980, 101724390], [guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct], maxLevel==2) Type: List(Expression(Integer))... --Thomas, Sun, 27 Jan 2008 04:29:36 -0800 replyfricasguess([1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq16}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}2, 3, 7, 11, 16, 26, 36, 56, 81, 131, 183, 287, 417, 677], [guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct], maxLevel==2) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguess([1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq17}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}1, 2, 7, 40, 355, 4720, 91690, 2559980, 101724390, 5724370860, 455400049575], [guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct], maxLevel==2) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguess([1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq18}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}1, 4, 35, 545, 13520, 499215, 26269200, 1917388310, 191268774585], [guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct], maxLevel==2) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasx1 := 1;Type: PositiveInteger?fricasx2 := -3/8;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx3 := 3/128;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx4 := 3/512;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx5 := 63/32768;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx6 := 27/32768;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx7 := 1899/4194304;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx8 := 81/262144;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx9 := 543483/2147483648;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx10 := 32427/134217728;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx11 := 72251109/274877906944;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx12 := 2752623/8589934592;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx13 := 30413055339/70368744177664;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx14 := 87745113/137438953472;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasx15 := 9228545313147/9007199254740992;Type: Fraction(Integer)fricasguess([x1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq19}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10], [guessRat], [guessSum, guessProduct], maxLevel==8) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguess([x1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq20}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguessPRec([x1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq21}\left[ \right]?\end{equation*}x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))fricasguessADE([x1,\begin{equation*} \label{eq22}\begin{array}{@{}l} \displaystyle \left[ \left[{{\left[{x}^{n}\right]?}{f \left({x}\right)}\mbox{\rm :}{{{{{x}^{2}}\ {{f_{\ }^{,}}\left({x}\right)}}-{4 \ {{f \left({x}\right)}^{2}}}-{3 \ x \ {f \left({x}\right)}}+ 4}= 0}}, \: \right. \ \ \displaystyle \left.{{f \left({x}\right)}={1 -{{3 \ x}\over 8}+{{3 \ {{x}^{2}}}\over{128}}+{{3 \ {{x}^{3}}}\over{512}}+{O \left({{x}^{4}}\right)}}}\right] \right] \end{array} \end{equation*}x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15]) Type: List(Expression(Integer))
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[26] (./5525762960079508685-16.0px.aux) ) (see the transcript file for additional information) Output written on 5525762960079508685-16.0px.dvi (26 pages, 9568 bytes). Transcript written on 5525762960079508685-16.0px.log.