)abbrev category ES ExpressionSpace
++ Category for domains on which operators can be applied
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 22 March 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 27 May 1994
++ Description:
++ An expression space is a set which is closed under certain operators;
++ Keywords: operator, kernel, expression, space.
ExpressionSpace() : Category == Defn where
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
K ==> Kernel %
OP ==> BasicOperator
SY ==> Symbol
PAREN ==> '%paren
BOX ==> '%box
Defn ==> Join(Comparable, RetractableTo K,
InnerEvalable(K, %), Evalable %) with
elt : (OP, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x) or op(x) applies the unary operator op to x.
elt : (OP, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y) or op(x, y) applies the binary operator op to x and y.
elt : (OP, %, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y, z) or op(x, y, z) applies the ternary operator op to x, y and z.
elt : (OP, %, %, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y, z, t) or op(x, y, z, t) applies the 4-ary operator op to x, y, z and t.
elt : (OP, %, %, %, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y, z, t, s) applies the 5-ary operator op to
++ x, y, z, t and s
elt : (OP, %, %, %, %, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y, z, t, s, r) applies the 6-ary operator op to
++ x, y, z, t, s and r
elt : (OP, %, %, %, %, %, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y, z, t, s, r, q) applies the 7-ary operator op to
++ x, y, z, t, s, r and q
elt : (OP, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y, z, t, s, r, q, p) applies the 8-ary operator op
++ to x, y, z, t, s, r, q and p
elt : (OP, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %) -> %
++ elt(op, x, y, z, t, s, r, q, p, o) applies the 9-ary operator op
++ to x, y, z, t, s, r, q, p and o
elt : (OP, List %) -> %
++ elt(op, [x1, ..., xn]) or op([x1, ..., xn]) applies the n-ary operator op to x1, ..., xn.
subst : (%, Equation %) -> %
++ subst(f, k = g) replaces the kernel k by g formally in f.
subst : (%, List Equation %) -> %
++ subst(f, [k1 = g1, ..., kn = gn]) replaces the kernels k1, ..., kn
++ by g1, ..., gn formally in f.
subst : (%, List K, List %) -> %
++ subst(f, [k1..., kn], [g1, ..., gn]) replaces the kernels k1, ..., kn
++ by g1, ..., gn formally in f.
box : % -> %
++ box(f) returns f with a 'box' around it that prevents f from
++ being evaluated when operators are applied to it. For example,
++ \spad{log(1)} returns 0, but \spad{log(box 1)}
++ returns the formal kernel log(1).
box : List % -> %
++ box([f1, ..., fn]) returns \spad{(f1, ..., fn)} with a 'box'
++ around them that
++ prevents the fi from being evaluated when operators are applied to
++ them, and makes them applicable to a unary operator. For example,
++ \spad{atan(box [x, 2])} returns the formal kernel \spad{atan(x, 2)}.
paren : % -> %
++ paren(f) returns (f). This prevents f from
++ being evaluated when operators are applied to it. For example,
++ \spad{log(1)} returns 0, but \spad{log(paren 1)} returns the
++ formal kernel log((1)).
paren : List % -> %
++ paren([f1, ..., fn]) returns \spad{(f1, ..., fn)}. This
++ prevents the fi from being evaluated when operators are applied to
++ them, and makes them applicable to a unary operator. For example,
++ \spad{atan(paren [x, 2])} returns the formal
++ kernel \spad{atan((x, 2))}.
distribute : % -> %
++ distribute(f) expands all the kernels in f that are
++ formally enclosed by a \spadfunFrom{box}{ExpressionSpace}
++ or \spadfunFrom{paren}{ExpressionSpace} expression.
distribute : (%, %) -> %
++ distribute(f, g) expands all the kernels in f that contain g in their
++ arguments and that are formally
++ enclosed by a \spadfunFrom{box}{ExpressionSpace}
++ or a \spadfunFrom{paren}{ExpressionSpace} expression.
height : % -> N
++ height(f) returns the highest nesting level appearing in f.
++ Constants have height 0. Symbols have height 1. For any
++ operator op and expressions f1, ..., fn, \spad{op(f1, ..., fn)} has
++ height equal to \spad{1 + max(height(f1), ..., height(fn))}.
mainKernel : % -> Union(K, "failed")
++ mainKernel(f) returns a kernel of f with maximum nesting level, or
++ if f has no kernels (i.e. f is a constant).
kernels : % -> List K
++ kernels(f) returns the list of all the top-level kernels
++ appearing in f, but not the ones appearing in the arguments
++ of the top-level kernels.
kernels : List(%) -> List K
++ kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
++ kernels appearing in f1, ..., fn but not the ones appearing
++ in the arguments of the top-level kernels.
tower : % -> List K
++ tower(f) returns all the kernels appearing in f, no matter
++ what their levels are.
tower : List(%) -> List K
++ tower([f1,...,fn]) returns all the kernels appearing in
++ f1, ..., fn no matter what their levels are.
operators : % -> List OP
++ operators(f) returns all the basic operators appearing in f,
++ no matter what their levels are.
operator : OP -> OP
++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent
++ properties appropriate for %.
belong? : OP -> Boolean
++ belong?(op) tests if % accepts op as applicable to its
++ elements.
is? : (%, OP) -> Boolean
++ is?(x, op) tests if x is a kernel and is its operator is op.
is? : (%, SY) -> Boolean
++ is?(x, s) tests if x is a kernel and is the name of its
++ operator is s.
kernel : (OP, %) -> %
++ kernel(op, x) constructs op(x) without evaluating it.
kernel : (OP, List %) -> %
++ kernel(op, [f1, ..., fn]) constructs \spad{op(f1, ..., fn)} without
++ evaluating it.
map : (% -> %, K) -> %
++ map(f, k) returns \spad{op(f(x1), ..., f(xn))} where
++ \spad{k = op(x1, ..., xn)}.
freeOf? : (%, %) -> Boolean
++ freeOf?(x, y) tests if x does not contain any occurrence of y,
++ where y is a single kernel.
freeOf? : (%, SY) -> Boolean
++ freeOf?(x, s) tests if x does not contain any operator
++ whose name is s.
eval : (%, List SY, List(% -> %)) -> %
++ eval(x, [s1, ..., sm], [f1, ..., fm]) replaces
++ every \spad{si(a)} in x by \spad{fi(a)} for any \spad{a}.
eval : (%, List SY, List(List % -> %)) -> %
++ eval(x, [s1, ..., sm], [f1, ..., fm]) replaces
++ every \spad{si(a1, ..., an)} in x by
++ \spad{fi(a1, ..., an)} for any \spad{a1}, ..., \spad{an}.
eval : (%, SY, List % -> %) -> %
++ eval(x, s, f) replaces every \spad{s(a1, .., am)} in x
++ by \spad{f(a1, .., am)} for any \spad{a1}, ..., \spad{am}.
eval : (%, SY, % -> %) -> %
++ eval(x, s, f) replaces every \spad{s(a)} in x by \spad{f(a)}
++ for any \spad{a}.
eval : (%, List OP, List(% -> %)) -> %
++ eval(x, [s1, ..., sm], [f1, ..., fm]) replaces
++ every \spad{si(a)} in x by \spad{fi(a)} for any \spad{a}.
eval : (%, List OP, List(List % -> %)) -> %
++ eval(x, [s1, ..., sm], [f1, ..., fm]) replaces
++ every \spad{si(a1, ..., an)} in x by
++ \spad{fi(a1, ..., an)} for any \spad{a1}, ..., \spad{an}.
eval : (%, OP, List % -> %) -> %
++ eval(x, s, f) replaces every \spad{s(a1, .., am)} in x
++ by \spad{f(a1, .., am)} for any \spad{a1}, ..., \spad{am}.
eval : (%, OP, % -> %) -> %
++ eval(x, s, f) replaces every \spad{s(a)} in x by \spad{f(a)}
++ for any \spad{a}.
if % has Ring then
minPoly : K -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
++ minPoly(k) returns p such that \spad{p(k) = 0}.
definingPolynomial : % -> %
++ definingPolynomial(x) returns an expression p such that
++ \spad{p(x) = 0}.
if % has RetractableTo Integer then
even? : % -> Boolean
++ even? x is true if x is an even integer.
odd? : % -> Boolean
++ odd? x is true if x is an odd integer.
import from Set(K)
import from List(K)
import from List(Set(K))
import from List(NonNegativeInteger)
import from List(Symbol)
DUMMYVAR := '%dummyVar
-- the 7 functions not provided are:
-- kernels minPoly definingPolynomial
-- coerce: K -> % eval: (%, List K, List %) -> %
-- subst: (%, List K, List %) -> %
-- eval: (%, List Symbol, List(List % -> %)) -> %
allKernels : % -> Set K
listk : % -> List K
allk : List % -> Set K
unwrap : (List K, %) -> %
okkernel : (OP, List %) -> %
mkKerLists : List Equation % -> Record(lstk : List K, lstv : List %)
oppren := operator(PAREN)$CommonOperators()
opbox := operator(BOX)$CommonOperators()
box(x : %) == box [x]
paren(x : %) == paren [x]
belong? op ==
has?(op, 'any) and (is?(op, PAREN) or is?(op, BOX))
listk f == parts allKernels f
tower(f : %) : List(K) == sort! listk f
allk l == reduce("union", [allKernels f for f in l], set())
tower(lf : List(%)) : List(K) == sort! parts allk(lf)
kernels(lf : List(%)) : List(K) ==
reduce(setUnion$List(K), [kernels(f) for f in lf], [])$List(List(K))
operators f == [operator k for k in listk f]
height f == reduce("max", [height k for k in kernels f], 0)
freeOf?(x : %, s : SY) == not member?(s, [name k for k in listk x])
distribute x == unwrap([k for k in listk x | is?(k, oppren)], x)
box(l : List %) == opbox l
paren(l : List %) == oppren l
freeOf?(x : %, k : %) == not member?(retract k, listk x)
kernel(op : OP, arg : %) == kernel(op, [arg])
elt(op : OP, x : %) == op [x]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %) == op [x, y]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %, z : %) == op [x, y, z]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %, z : %, t : %) == op [x, y, z, t]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %, z : %, t : %, s : %) ==
op [x, y, z, t, s]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %, z : %, t : %, s : %, r : %) ==
op [x, y, z, t, s, r]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %, z : %, t : %, s : %, r : %, q : %) ==
op [x, y, z, t, s, r, q]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %, z : %, t : %, s : %, r : %, q : %, p : %) ==
op [x, y, z, t, s, r, q, p]
elt(op : OP, x : %, y : %, z : %, t : %, s : %, r : %, q : %,
p : %, o : %) == op [x, y, z, t, s, r, q, p, o]
eval(x : %, s : SY, f : List % -> %) == eval(x, [s], [f])
eval(x : %, s : OP, f : List % -> %) == eval(x, [name s], [f])
eval(x : %, s : SY, f : % -> %) ==
eval(x, [s], [(y : List %) : % +-> f(first y)])
eval(x : %, s : OP, f : % -> %) ==
eval(x, [s], [(y : List %) : % +-> f(first y)])
subst(x : %, e : Equation %) == subst(x, [e])
eval(x : %, ls : List OP, lf : List(% -> %)) ==
eval(x, ls, [y +-> f(first y) for f in lf]$List(List % -> %))
eval(x : %, ls : List SY, lf : List(% -> %)) ==
eval(x, ls, [y +-> f(first y) for f in lf]$List(List % -> %))
eval(x : %, ls : List OP, lf : List(List % -> %)) ==
eval(x, [name s for s in ls]$List(SY), lf)
map(fn, k) ==
(l := [fn x for x in argument k]$List(%)) = argument k => k::%
(operator k) l
operator op ==
is?(op, PAREN) => oppren
is?(op, BOX) => opbox
error concat("Unknown operator 1: ",string(name(op)))$String
mainKernel x ==
empty?(l := kernels x) => "failed"
n := height(k := first l)
for kk in rest l repeat
if height(kk) > n then
n := height kk
k := kk
-- takes all the kernels except for the dummy variables, which are second
-- arguments of rootOf's, integrals, sums and products which appear only in
-- their first arguments
allKernels f ==
s := brace(l := kernels f)
for k in l repeat
t :=
(u := property(operator k, DUMMYVAR)) case None =>
arg := argument k
s0 := remove!(retract(second arg)@K, allKernels first arg)
arg := rest rest arg
n := (u::None) pretend N
if n > 1 then arg := rest arg
union(s0, allk arg)
allk argument k
s := union(s, t)
kernel(op : OP, args : List %) ==
not belong? op => error concat("Unknown operator 2: ",string(name(op)))$String
okkernel(op, args)
okkernel(op, l) ==
kernel(op, l, 1 + reduce("max", [height f for f in l], 0))$K :: %
elt(op : OP, args : List %) ==
not belong? op => error concat("Unknown operator 3: ",string(name(op)))$String
((u := arity op) case N) and (#args ~= u::N)
=> error "Wrong number of arguments"
(v := evaluate(op, args)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(%)) case % => v::%
okkernel(op, args)
retract f ==
(k := mainKernel f) case "failed" => error "not a kernel"
k::K::% ~= f => error "not a kernel"
retractIfCan f ==
(k := mainKernel f) case "failed" => "failed"
k::K::% ~= f => "failed"
is?(f : %, s : SY) ==
(k := retractIfCan f) case "failed" => false
is?(k::K, s)
is?(f : %, op : OP) ==
(k := retractIfCan f) case "failed" => false
is?(k::K, op)
unwrap(l, x) ==
for k in reverse! l repeat
x := eval(x, k, first argument k)
distribute(x, y) ==
ky := retract y
unwrap([k for k in listk x |
is?(k, '%paren) and member?(ky, listk(k::%))], x)
-- in case of conflicting substitutions e.g. [x = a, x = b],
-- the first one prevails.
-- this is not part of the semantics of the function, but just
-- a feature of this implementation.
eval(f : %, leq : List Equation %) ==
rec := mkKerLists leq
eval(f, rec.lstk, rec.lstv)
subst(f : %, leq : List Equation %) ==
rec := mkKerLists leq
subst(f, rec.lstk, rec.lstv)
mkKerLists leq ==
lk := empty()$List(K)
lv := empty()$List(%)
for eq in leq repeat
(k := retractIfCan(lhs eq)@Union(K, "failed")) case "failed" =>
error "left hand side must be a single kernel"
if not member?(k::K, lk) then
lk := concat(k::K, lk)
lv := concat(rhs eq, lv)
[lk, lv]
if % has RetractableTo Integer then
intpred? : (%, Integer -> Boolean) -> Boolean
even? x == intpred?(x, even?)
odd? x == intpred?(x, odd?)
intpred?(x, pred?) ==
(u := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Integer, "failed")) case Integer
and pred?(u::Integer)
)abbrev package ES1 ExpressionSpaceFunctions1
++ Lifting of maps from expression spaces to kernels over them
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 23 March 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 19 April 1991
++ Description:
++ This package allows a map from any expression space into any object
++ to be lifted to a kernel over the expression set, using a given
++ property of the operator of the kernel.
-- should not be exposed
ExpressionSpaceFunctions1(F : ExpressionSpace, S : Type) : with
map : (F -> S, Symbol, Kernel F) -> S
++ map(f, p, k) uses the property p of the operator
++ of k, in order to lift f and apply it to k.
== add
-- prop contains an evaluation function List S -> S
map(F2S, prop, k) ==
args := [F2S x for x in argument k]$List(S)
(p := property(operator k, prop)) case None =>
((p::None) pretend (List S -> S)) args
error "Operator does not have required property"
)abbrev package ES2 ExpressionSpaceFunctions2
++ Lifting of maps from expression spaces to kernels over them
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 23 March 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 19 April 1991
++ Description:
++ This package allows a mapping E -> F to be lifted to a kernel over E;
++ This lifting can fail if the operator of the kernel cannot be applied
++ in F; Do not use this package with E = F, since this may
++ drop some properties of the operators.
ExpressionSpaceFunctions2(E : ExpressionSpace, F : ExpressionSpace) : with
map : (E -> F, Kernel E) -> F
++ map(f, k) returns \spad{g = op(f(a1), ..., f(an))} where
++ \spad{k = op(a1, ..., an)}.
== add
map(f, k) ==
(operator(operator k)$F) [f x for x in argument k]$List(F)
)abbrev category FS FunctionSpace
++ Category for formal functions
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 22 March 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 14 February 1994
++ Description:
++ A space of formal functions with arguments in an arbitrary
++ ordered set.
++ Keywords: operator, kernel, function.
FunctionSpace(R : Comparable) : Category == Definition where
OP ==> BasicOperator
O ==> OutputForm
SY ==> Symbol
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
K ==> Kernel %
Q ==> Fraction R
PR ==> Polynomial R
MP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
QF==> PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP, %)
SPECIALDISP ==> '%specialDisp
SPECIALEQUAL ==> '%specialEqual
SPECIALINPUT ==> '%specialInput
Definition ==> Join(ExpressionSpace, RetractableTo SY, Patternable R,
FullyPatternMatchable R, FullyRetractableTo R) with
ground? : % -> Boolean
++ ground?(f) tests if f is an element of R.
ground : % -> R
++ ground(f) returns f as an element of R.
++ An error occurs if f is not an element of R.
variables : % -> List SY
++ variables(f) returns the list of all the variables of f.
variables : List(%) -> List SY
++ variables([f1, ..., fn]) returns the list of all the
++ variables of f1, ..., fn.
applyQuote : (SY, %) -> %
++ applyQuote(foo, x) returns \spad{'foo(x)}.
applyQuote : (SY, %, %) -> %
++ applyQuote(foo, x, y) returns \spad{'foo(x, y)}.
applyQuote : (SY, %, %, %) -> %
++ applyQuote(foo, x, y, z) returns \spad{'foo(x, y, z)}.
applyQuote : (SY, %, %, %, %) -> %
++ applyQuote(foo, x, y, z, t) returns \spad{'foo(x, y, z, t)}.
applyQuote : (SY, List %) -> %
++ applyQuote(foo, [x1, ..., xn]) returns \spad{'foo(x1, ..., xn)}.
if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then
ConvertibleTo InputForm
eval : (%, SY) -> %
++ eval(f, foo) unquotes all the foo's in f.
eval : (%, List SY) -> %
++ eval(f, [foo1, ..., foon]) unquotes all the \spad{fooi}'s in f.
eval : % -> %
++ eval(f) unquotes all the quoted operators in f.
eval : (%, OP, %, SY) -> %
++ eval(x, s, f, y) replaces every \spad{s(a)} in x by \spad{f(y)}
++ with \spad{y} replaced by \spad{a} for any \spad{a}.
eval : (%, List OP, List %, SY) -> %
++ eval(x, [s1, ..., sm], [f1, ..., fm], y) replaces every
++ \spad{si(a)} in x by \spad{fi(y)}
++ with \spad{y} replaced by \spad{a} for any \spad{a}.
if R has SemiGroup then
isTimes : % -> Union(List %, "failed")
++ isTimes(p) returns \spad{[a1, ..., an]}
++ if \spad{p = a1*...*an} and \spad{n > 1}.
isExpt : % -> Union(Record(var:K,exponent:Z),"failed")
++ isExpt(p) returns \spad{[x, n]} if \spad{p = x^n}
++ and \spad{n <> 0}.
if R has Group then Group
if R has AbelianSemiGroup then
isPlus : % -> Union(List %, "failed")
++ isPlus(p) returns \spad{[m1, ..., mn]}
++ if \spad{p = m1 +...+ mn} and \spad{n > 1}.
isMult : % -> Union(Record(coef:Z, var:K),"failed")
++ isMult(p) returns \spad{[n, x]} if \spad{p = n * x}
++ and \spad{n <> 0}.
if R has AbelianGroup then AbelianGroup
if R has Ring then
RetractableTo PR
PartialDifferentialRing SY
FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver R
coerce : MP -> %
++ coerce(p) returns p as an element of %.
numer : % -> MP
++ numer(f) returns the
++ numerator of f viewed as a polynomial in the kernels over R
++ if R is an integral domain. If not, then numer(f) = f viewed
++ as a polynomial in the kernels over R.
-- DO NOT change this meaning of numer! MB 1/90
numerator : % -> %
++ numerator(f) returns the numerator of \spad{f} converted to %.
isExpt:(%,OP) -> Union(Record(var:K,exponent:Z),"failed")
++ isExpt(p, op) returns \spad{[x, n]} if \spad{p = x^n}
++ and \spad{n <> 0} and \spad{x = op(a)}.
isExpt:(%,SY) -> Union(Record(var:K,exponent:Z),"failed")
++ isExpt(p, f) returns \spad{[x, n]} if \spad{p = x^n}
++ and \spad{n <> 0} and \spad{x = f(a)}.
isPower : % -> Union(Record(val:%,exponent:Z),"failed")
++ isPower(p) returns \spad{[x, n]} if \spad{p = x^n}
++ and \spad{n <> 0}.
eval : (%, List SY, List N, List(% -> %)) -> %
++ eval(x, [s1, ..., sm], [n1, ..., nm], [f1, ..., fm]) replaces
++ every \spad{si(a)^ni} in x by \spad{fi(a)} for any \spad{a}.
eval : (%, List SY, List N, List(List % -> %)) -> %
++ eval(x, [s1, ..., sm], [n1, ..., nm], [f1, ..., fm]) replaces
++ every \spad{si(a1, ..., an)^ni} in x by \spad{fi(a1, ..., an)}
++ for any a1, ..., am.
eval : (%, SY, N, List % -> %) -> %
++ eval(x, s, n, f) replaces every \spad{s(a1, ..., am)^n} in x
++ by \spad{f(a1, ..., am)} for any a1, ..., am.
eval : (%, SY, N, % -> %) -> %
++ eval(x, s, n, f) replaces every \spad{s(a)^n} in x
++ by \spad{f(a)} for any \spad{a}.
if R has CharacteristicZero then CharacteristicZero
if R has CharacteristicNonZero then CharacteristicNonZero
if R has CommutativeRing then
Algebra R
if R has IntegralDomain then
RetractableTo Fraction PR
algtower : % -> List K
++ algtower(f) is algtower([f])
algtower : List % -> List K
++ algtower([f1, ..., fn]) returns list of kernels
++ \spad{[ak1, ..., akl]} such that each toplevel
++ algebraic kernel in one of f1, ..., fn or in arguments
++ of ak1, ..., akl is one of ak1, ..., akl.
convert : Factored % -> %
++ convert(f1\^e1 ... fm\^em) returns \spad{(f1)\^e1 ... (fm)\^em}
++ as an element of %, using formal kernels
++ created using a \spadfunFrom{paren}{ExpressionSpace}.
denom : % -> MP
++ denom(f) returns the denominator of f viewed as a
++ polynomial in the kernels over R.
denominator : % -> %
++ denominator(f) returns the denominator of \spad{f} converted to %.
"/" : (MP, MP) -> %
++ p1/p2 returns the quotient of p1 and p2 as an element of %.
coerce : Q -> %
++ coerce(q) returns q as an element of %.
coerce : Polynomial Q -> %
++ coerce(p) returns p as an element of %.
coerce : Fraction Polynomial Q -> %
++ coerce(f) returns f as an element of %.
univariate : (%, K) -> Fraction SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
++ univariate(f, k) returns f viewed as a univariate fraction in k.
if R has RetractableTo Z then RetractableTo Fraction Z
import from BasicOperatorFunctions1(%)
import from K
import from Integer
import from NonNegativeInteger
import from String
import from List(OutputForm)
import from List(%)
ODD := 'odd
EVEN := 'even
SPECIALDIFF := '%specialDiff
-- these are needed in Ring only, but need to be declared here
-- because of compiler bug: if they are declared inside the Ring
-- case, then they are not visible inside the IntegralDomain case.
smpIsMult : MP -> Union(Record(coef:Z, var:K),"failed")
smpret : MP -> Union(PR, "failed")
smpeval : (MP, List K, List %) -> %
smpsubst : (MP, List K, List %) -> %
smpderiv : (MP, SY) -> %
smpunq : (MP, List SY, Boolean) -> %
kerderiv : (K, SY) -> %
kderiv : K -> List %
opderiv : (OP, N) -> List(List % -> %)
smp2O : MP -> O
bestKernel : List K -> K
worse? : (K, K) -> Boolean
diffArg : (List %, OP, N) -> List %
dispdiff : List % -> Record(name : O, sub : O, arg : List O,
orig_op : OP, level : N)
ddiff : List % -> O
diffEval : List % -> %
dfeval : (List %, K) -> %
smprep : (List SY, List N, List(List % -> %), MP) -> %
diffdiff : (List %, SY) -> %
subs : (% -> %, K) -> %
symsub : (SY, Z) -> SY
kunq : (K, List SY, Boolean) -> %
pushunq : (List SY, List %) -> List %
notfound : (K -> %, List K) -> (K -> %)
equaldiff : (K, K)->Boolean
debugA : (List % , List %, Boolean) -> Boolean
opdiff := operator('%diff)$CommonOperators()
opquote := operator('%quote)$CommonOperators
ground? x == retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed") case R
ground x == retract x
coerce(x : SY) : % == kernel(x)@K :: %
retract(x : %) : SY == symbolIfCan(retract(x)@K)::SY
applyQuote(s : SY, x : %) == applyQuote(s, [x])
applyQuote(s, x, y) == applyQuote(s, [x, y])
applyQuote(s, x, y, z) == applyQuote(s, [x, y, z])
applyQuote(s, x, y, z, t) == applyQuote(s, [x, y, z, t])
applyQuote(s : SY, l : List %) == opquote concat(s::%, l)
belong? op ==
has?(op, 'any) and (is?(op, '%diff) or is?(op, '%quote))
subs(fn, k) == kernel(operator k, [fn x for x in argument k]$List(%))
operator op ==
is?(op, '%diff) => opdiff
is?(op, '%quote) => opquote
error concat("Unknown operator 4: ",string(name(op)))$String
if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then
import from MakeUnaryCompiledFunction(%, %, %)
indiff : List % -> INP
pint : List INP-> INP
differentiand : List % -> %
differentiand l == eval(first l, retract(second l)@K, third l)
pint l == convert concat(convert('D)@INP, l)
indiff l ==
r2 := convert([convert("::"::SY)@INP,convert(third l)@INP,convert('Symbol)@INP]@List INP)@INP
pint [convert(differentiand l)@INP, r2]
eval(f : %, s : SY) == eval(f, [s])
eval(f : %, s : OP, g : %, x : SY) == eval(f, [s], [g], x)
eval(f : %, ls : List OP, lg : List %, x : SY) ==
eval(f, ls, [compiledFunction(g, x) for g in lg])
setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALINPUT, indiff@(List % -> InputForm) pretend None)
variables(lx : List(%)) ==
l := empty()$List(SY)
for k in tower lx repeat
if ((s := symbolIfCan k) case SY) then l := concat(s::SY, l)
reverse! l
variables(x : %) == variables([x])
retractIfCan(x:%):Union(SY, "failed") ==
(k := retractIfCan(x)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed" => "failed"
if R has Ring then
import from UserDefinedPartialOrdering(SY)
import from MP
import from SparseUnivariatePolynomial(%)
-- cannot use new()$Symbol because of possible re-instantiation
gendiff := '%%0
characteristic() == characteristic()$R
coerce(k : K) : % == k::MP::%
symsub(sy, i) == new()$Symbol
numerator x == numer(x)::%
eval(x : %, s : SY, n : N, f : % -> %) ==
eval(x, [s], [n], [(y : List %) : % +-> f(first(y))])
eval(x : %, s : SY, n : N, f : List % -> %) == eval(x, [s], [n], [f])
eval(x : %, l : List SY, f : List(List % -> %)) == eval(x, l, new(#l, 1), f)
elt(op : OP, args : List %) ==
unary? op and ((od? := has?(op, ODD)) or has?(op, EVEN)) and
smaller?(leadingCoefficient(numer first args), 0) =>
x := op(- first args)
od? => -x
elt(op, args)$ExpressionSpace_&(%)
eval(x : %, s : List SY, n : List N, l : List(% -> %)) ==
eval(x, s, n, [y +-> f(first(y)) for f in l]$List(List % -> %))
-- op(arg)^m ==> func(arg)^(m quo n) * op(arg)^(m rem n)
smprep(lop, lexp, lfunc, p) ==
(v := mainVariable p) case "failed" => p::%
-- symbolIfCan(k := v::K) case SY => p::%
k := v::K
g := (op := operator k)
(arg := [eval(a, lop, lexp, lfunc) for a in argument k]$List(%))
q := map(y +-> eval(y::%, lop, lexp, lfunc),
univariate(p, k))$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(MP, %)
(n := position(name op, lop)) < minIndex lop => q g
a : % := 0
f := eval((lfunc.n) arg, lop, lexp, lfunc)
e := lexp.n
while q ~= 0 repeat
m := degree q
qr := divide(m, e)
t1 := f ^ (qr.quotient)::N
t2 := g ^ (qr.remainder)::N
a := a + leadingCoefficient(q) * t1 * t2
q := reductum q
dispdiff l ==
s := second(l)::O
t := third(l)::O
a := argument(k := retract(first l)@K)
is?(k, opdiff) =>
rec := dispdiff a
i := position(s, rec.arg)
rec.arg.i := t
hconcat(rec.sub, hconcat(","::SY::O, (i+1-minIndex a)::O)),
rec.arg, rec.orig_op, (zero?(rec.level) => 0; rec.level + 1)]
i := position(second l, a)
m := [x::O for x in a]$List(O)
m.i := t
[name(operator k)::O, hconcat(","::SY::O, (i+1-minIndex a)::O),
m, operator(k), (empty? rest a => 1; 0)]
ddiff l ==
rec := dispdiff l
opname :=
zero?(rec.level) => sub(, rec.sub)
differentiate(, rec.level)
(f := property(rec.orig_op, '%diffDisp)) case None =>
((f::None) pretend (List OutputForm -> OutputForm))
(cons(opname, rec.arg))
prefix(opname, rec.arg)
Dec_Rec ==> Record(orig_k : K, sub : List(Integer),
oarg : List %, arg : List %, dummies : List(%))
decode_diff : (List %) -> Dec_Rec
encode_diff(ker : K, nsub : List(Integer), args : List(%),
nd : List(%)) : % ==
li : List(Integer) := []
lk : List(Integer) := []
i := first(nsub)
k : Integer := 1
nsub := rest(nsub)
while not(empty?(nsub)) repeat
ii := first(nsub)
nsub := rest(nsub)
ii = i => k := k + 1
lk := cons(k, lk)
li := cons(i, li)
i := ii
k := 1
lk := cons(k, lk)
li := cons(i, li)
nargs := copy(args)
pts : List % := []
for i in reverse(li) for dm in nd repeat
pts := cons(nargs(i), pts)
nargs(i) := dm
res := kernel(operator(ker), nargs)
for i in li for k in lk for pt in pts for dm in reverse(nd) repeat
for kk in 2..k repeat
res := kernel(opdiff, [res, dm, dm])
res := kernel(opdiff, [res, dm, pt])
insert_sub(lsub : List(Integer), j : Integer) : List(Integer) ==
nsub : List(Integer) := []
to_insert : Boolean := true
for i in lsub repeat
if to_insert and not(i > j) then
nsub := cons(j, nsub)
to_insert := false
nsub := cons(i, nsub)
if to_insert then
nsub := cons(j, nsub)
pos_diff(l : List %, r1 : Dec_Rec, i : Integer) : % ==
nsub := insert_sub(r1.sub, i)
nd := r1.dummies
if not(member?(i, r1.sub)$List(Integer)) then
k : NonNegativeInteger := 0
ii := first(nsub)
for j in nsub repeat
i = j => break
if not(ii = j) then
k := k + 1
nd1 := first(nd, k)$List(%)
nd2 := rest(nd, k)
dm := (new()$Symbol)::%
nd := concat(nd1, cons(dm, nd2))
encode_diff(r1.orig_k, nsub, r1.arg, nd)
diffdiff(l, x) ==
r1 := decode_diff(l)
args := r1.arg
res : % := 0
for i in minIndex args .. maxIndex args for b in args repeat
(db := differentiate(b, x)) = 0 => "iterate"
res := res + db*pos_diff(l, r1, i)
dfeval(l, g) ==
eval(differentiate(first l, symbolIfCan(g)::SY), g, third l)
diffEval l ==
k : K
g := retract(second l)@K
((u := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(K, "failed")) case "failed")
or (u case K and symbolIfCan(k := u::K) case SY) => dfeval(l, g)
op := operator k
(ud := derivative op) case "failed" =>
-- possible trouble
-- make sure it is a dummy var
dumm : % := symsub(gendiff, 1)::%
ss := subst(l.1, l.2 = dumm)
-- output(nl::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
-- output("fixed"::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
nl := [ss, dumm, l.3]
kernel(opdiff, nl)
(n := position(second l, argument k)) < minIndex l =>
dfeval(l, g)
d := ud::List(List % -> %)
eval((d.n)(argument k), g, third l)
diffArg(l, op, i) ==
n := i - 1 + minIndex l
z := copy l
z.n := g := symsub(gendiff, n)::%
[kernel(op, z), g, l.n]
opderiv(op, n) ==
-- one? n =>
(n = 1) =>
g := symsub(gendiff, n)::%
[x +-> kernel(opdiff, [kernel(op, g), g, first x])]
[x +-> kernel(opdiff, diffArg(x, op, i)) for i in 1..n]
kderiv k ==
zero?(n := #(args := argument k)) => empty()
op := operator k
grad :=
(u := derivative op) case "failed" => opderiv(op, n)
u::List(List % -> %)
if #grad ~= n then grad := opderiv(op, n)
[g args for g in grad]
-- SPECIALDIFF contains a map (List %, Symbol) -> %
-- it is used when the usual chain rule does not apply,
-- for instance with implicit algebraics.
kerderiv(k, x) ==
(v := symbolIfCan(k)) case SY =>
v::SY = x => 1
(fn := property(operator k, SPECIALDIFF)) case None =>
((fn::None) pretend ((List %, SY) -> %)) (argument k, x)
+/[g * differentiate(y, x) for g in kderiv k for y in argument k]
smpderiv(p, x) ==
map((s : R) : R +-> retract differentiate(s::PR, x), p)::% +
+/[differentiate(p, k)::% * kerderiv(k, x) for k in variables p]
coerce(p : PR) : % ==
map(s +-> s::%, s+-> s::%, p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(
IndexedExponents SY, SY, R, PR, %)
worse?(k1, k2) ==
(u := less?(name operator k1,name operator k2)) case "failed" =>
k1 < k2
bestKernel l ==
empty? rest l => first l
a := bestKernel rest l
worse?(first l, a) => a
first l
smp2O p ==
(r := retractIfCan(p)@Union(R,"failed")) case R =>r::R::OutputForm
a :=
userOrdered?() => bestKernel variables p
outputForm(map((x : MP) : % +-> x::%, univariate(p,
a))$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(MP, %), a::OutputForm)
smpsubst(p, lk, lv) ==
map(x +-> match(lk, lv, x,
notfound((z : K) : % +-> subs(s +-> subst(s, lk, lv), z),
lk))$ListToMap(K, %),
y +-> y::%,
p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP, %)
smpeval(p, lk, lv) ==
map(x +-> match(lk, lv, x,
notfound((z : K) : % +-> map(s +-> eval(s, lk, lv), z),
lk))$ListToMap(K, %),
y +-> y::%,
p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP, %)
-- this is called on k when k is not a member of lk
notfound(fn, lk) ==
k +->
empty? setIntersection(tower(f := k::%), lk) => f
fn k
if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then
pushunq(l, arg) ==
empty? l => [eval a for a in arg]
[eval(a, l) for a in arg]
kunq(k, l, givenlist?) ==
givenlist? and empty? l => k::%
is?(k, opquote) and
(member?(s := retract(first argument k)@SY, l) or empty? l) =>
[convert a for a in pushunq(l, rest argument k)
(operator k) pushunq(l, argument k)
smpunq(p, l, givenlist?) ==
givenlist? and empty? l => p::%
map(x +-> kunq(x, l, givenlist?), y +-> y::%,
p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP, %)
smpret p ==
"or"/[symbolIfCan(k) case "failed" for k in variables p] =>
map(x +-> symbolIfCan(x)::SY::PR, y +-> y::PR,
p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP, PR)
isExpt(x : %, op : OP) ==
(u := isExpt x) case "failed" => "failed"
v := (u::Record(var : K, exponent : Z)).var
is?(v, op) and #argument(v) = 1 => u
isExpt(x : %, sy : SY) ==
(u := isExpt x) case "failed" => "failed"
v := (u::Record(var : K, exponent : Z)).var
is?(v, sy) and #argument(v) = 1 => u
if R has RetractableTo Z then
smpIsMult p ==
-- (u := mainVariable p) case K and one? degree(q := univariate(p, u::K))
(u := mainVariable p) case K and (degree(q := univariate(p, u::K))=1)
and zero?(leadingCoefficient reductum q)
and ((r := retractIfCan(leadingCoefficient q)@Union(R,"failed"))
case R)
and (n := retractIfCan(r::R)@Union(Z, "failed")) case Z =>
[n::Z, u::K]
evaluate(opdiff, diffEval)
debugA(a1, a2, t) ==
-- uncomment for debugging
-- output(hconcat [a1::OutputForm, a2::OutputForm, t::OutputForm])$OutputPackage
decode_diff(l : List %) : Dec_Rec ==
da := second(l)
pt := third(l)
a := argument(k := retract(first l)@K)
is?(k, opdiff) =>
rec := decode_diff(a)
i := position(da, rec.arg)
rec.arg.i := pt
nd := rec.dummies
)if false
-- This would work with derivatives in canonical order
i0 := first(rec.sub)
i < i0 =>
error "Malformed formal derivative"
if i > i0 then
nd := cons(da, nd)
-- For now no order
if not(member?(i, rec.sub)$List(Integer)) then
nd := cons(da, nd)
[rec.orig_k, cons(i, rec.sub), rec.oarg, rec.arg, nd]
i := position(da, a)
a1 := copy(a)
a1.i := pt
[k, [i], a, a1, [da]]
equaldiff(k1, k2) ==
a1 := argument k1
a2 := argument k2
-- check the operator
res := operator k1 = operator k2
not res => debugA(a1, a2, res)
-- check the evaluation point
res := (a1.3 = a2.3)
not res => debugA(a1, a2, res)
a1.2 = a2.2 => a1.1 = a2.1
r1 := decode_diff(a1)
r2 := decode_diff(a2)
not(operator(r1.orig_k) = operator(r2.orig_k)) => false
not(r1.sub =$List(Integer) r2.sub) => false
not(r1.arg = r2.arg) => false
od : List K := [retract(dk)@K for dk in r1.dummies]
ok1 : % := (r1.orig_k)::%
sk1 : % := subst(ok1, od, r2.dummies)
sk1 = (r2.orig_k)::%
setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALEQUAL,
equaldiff@((K, K) -> Boolean) pretend None)
setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALDIFF,
diffdiff@((List %, SY) -> %) pretend None)
setProperty(opdiff, SPECIALDISP,
ddiff@(List % -> OutputForm) pretend None)
if not(R has IntegralDomain) then
mainKernel x == mainVariable numer x
kernels(x : %) : List(K) == variables numer x
retract(x : %) : R == retract numer x
retract(x : %) : PR == smpret(numer x)::PR
retractIfCan(x:%):Union(R, "failed") == retract numer x
retractIfCan(x:%):Union(PR, "failed") == smpret numer x
eval(x : %, lk : List K, lv : List %) == smpeval(numer x, lk, lv)
subst(x : %, lk : List K, lv : List %) == smpsubst(numer x, lk, lv)
differentiate(x : %, s : SY) == smpderiv(numer x, s)
coerce(x : %) : OutputForm == smp2O numer x
if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then
eval(f : %, l : List SY) == smpunq(numer f, l, true)
eval f == smpunq(numer f, empty(), false)
eval(x : %, s : List SY, n : List N, f : List(List % -> %)) ==
smprep(s, n, f, numer x)
isPlus x ==
(u := isPlus numer x) case "failed" => "failed"
[p::% for p in u::List(MP)]
isTimes x ==
(u := isTimes numer x) case "failed" => "failed"
[p::% for p in u::List(MP)]
isExpt x ==
(u := isExpt numer x) case "failed" => "failed"
r := u::Record(var : K, exponent : NonNegativeInteger)
[r.var, r.exponent::Z]
isPower x ==
(u := isExpt numer x) case "failed" => "failed"
r := u::Record(var : K, exponent : NonNegativeInteger)
[r.var::%, r.exponent::Z]
if R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Z then
convert(x : %) : Pattern(Z) == convert numer x
if R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float then
convert(x : %) : Pattern(Float) == convert numer x
if R has RetractableTo Z then
isMult x == smpIsMult numer x
if R has CommutativeRing then
r : R * x : % == r::MP::% * x
if R has IntegralDomain then
import from Fraction(PR)
import from MP
par : % -> %
mainKernel x == mainVariable(x)$QF
kernels(x : %) : List(K) == variables(x)$QF
univariate(x : %, k : K) == univariate(x, k)$QF
isPlus x == isPlus(x)$QF
isTimes x == isTimes(x)$QF
isExpt x == isExpt(x)$QF
isPower x == isPower(x)$QF
denominator x == denom(x)::%
coerce(q : Q) : % == (numer q)::MP / (denom q)::MP
coerce(q : Fraction PR) : % == (numer q)::% / (denom q)::%
coerce(q : Fraction Polynomial Q) == (numer q)::% / (denom q)::%
retract(x : %) : PR == retract(retract(x)@Fraction(PR))
retract(x : %) : Fraction(PR) == smpret(numer x)::PR / smpret(denom x)::PR
retract(x : %) : R == (retract(numer x)@R exquo retract(denom x)@R)::R
alg_ker_set(lx : List %) : List(K) ==
resl : List(K) := []
ak1 : List(K) := []
for x in lx repeat
for k in kernels x repeat
not(is?(k, 'nthRoot) or is?(k, 'rootOf)) => "iterate"
ak1 := cons(k, ak1)
while not(empty?(ak1)) repeat
ak := ak1
ak1 := []
for k in ak repeat
needed := true
for k1 in resl while needed repeat
if EQ(k1, k)$Lisp then needed := false
for k1 in resl while needed repeat
if k1 = k then needed := false
not(needed) => "iterate"
resl := cons(k, resl)
ak1 := cons(k, ak1)
arg := argument(k)
for k1 in kernels(arg.1) repeat
if (is?(k1, 'nthRoot) or is?(k1, 'rootOf)) then
ak1 := cons(k1, ak1)
algtower(lx : List %) : List K == reverse!(sort! alg_ker_set(lx))
algtower(x : %) : List K == algtower([x])
coerce(x : %) : OutputForm ==
-- one?(denom x) => smp2O numer x
((denom x) = 1) => smp2O numer x
smp2O(numer x) / smp2O(denom x)
retractIfCan(x:%):Union(R, "failed") ==
(n := retractIfCan(numer x)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed" or
(d := retractIfCan(denom x)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed"
or (r := n::R exquo d::R) case "failed" => "failed"
eval(f : %, l : List SY) ==
smpunq(numer f, l, true) / smpunq(denom f, l, true)
if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then
eval f ==
smpunq(numer f, empty(), false) / smpunq(denom f, empty(), false)
eval(x : %, s : List SY, n : List N, f : List(List % -> %)) ==
smprep(s, n, f, numer x) / smprep(s, n, f, denom x)
differentiate(f : %, x : SY) ==
(smpderiv(numer f, x) * denom(f)::% -
numer(f)::% * smpderiv(denom f, x))
/ (denom(f)::% ^ 2)
eval(x : %, lk : List K, lv : List %) ==
smpeval(numer x, lk, lv) / smpeval(denom x, lk, lv)
subst(x : %, lk : List K, lv : List %) ==
smpsubst(numer x, lk, lv) / smpsubst(denom x, lk, lv)
par x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed")) case R => x
paren x
convert(x : Factored %) : % ==
par(unit x) * */[par(f.factor) ^ f.exponent for f in factors x]
retractIfCan(x:%):Union(PR, "failed") ==
(u := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Fraction PR,"failed")) case "failed"
=> "failed"
retractIfCan(x:%):Union(Fraction PR, "failed") ==
(n := smpret numer x) case "failed" => "failed"
(d := smpret denom x) case "failed" => "failed"
n::PR / d::PR
coerce(p : Polynomial Q) : % ==
map(x +-> x::%, y +-> y::%,
p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents SY, SY,
Q, Polynomial Q, %)
if R has RetractableTo Z then
coerce(x : Fraction Z) : % == numer(x)::MP / denom(x)::MP
isMult x ==
(u := smpIsMult numer x) case "failed"
or (v := retractIfCan(denom x)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed"
or (w := retractIfCan(v::R)@Union(Z, "failed")) case "failed"
=> "failed"
r := u::Record(coef : Z, var : K)
(q := r.coef exquo w::Z) case "failed" => "failed"
[q::Z, r.var]
if R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Z then
convert(x : %) : Pattern(Z) == convert(numer x) / convert(denom x)
if R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float then
convert(x : %) : Pattern(Float) ==
convert(numer x) / convert(denom x)
)abbrev package FS2 FunctionSpaceFunctions2
++ Lifting of maps to function spaces
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 22 March 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 3 May 1994
++ Description:
++ This package allows a mapping R -> S to be lifted to a mapping
++ from a function space over R to a function space over S;
FunctionSpaceFunctions2(R, A, S, B) : Exports == Implementation where
R, S : Join(Ring, Comparable)
A : FunctionSpace R
B : FunctionSpace S
K ==> Kernel A
P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
Exports ==> with
map : (R -> S, A) -> B
++ map(f, a) applies f to all the constants in R appearing in \spad{a}.
Implementation ==> add
smpmap : (R -> S, P) -> B
smpmap(fn, p) ==
map(x +-> map(z +-> map(fn, z),
x)$ExpressionSpaceFunctions2(A, B),
y +-> fn(y)::B,
p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents K, K, R, P, B)
if R has IntegralDomain then
if S has IntegralDomain then
map(f, x) == smpmap(f, numer x) / smpmap(f, denom x)
map(f, x) == smpmap(f, numer x) * (recip(smpmap(f, denom x))::B)
map(f, x) == smpmap(f, numer x)
--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--All rights reserved.
--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-- distribution.
-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-- SPAD files for the functional world should be compiled in the
-- following order:
-- op kl FSPACE expr funcpkgs
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
ES abbreviates category ExpressionSpace
initializing NRLIB ES for ExpressionSpace
compiling into NRLIB ES
;;; *** |ExpressionSpace| REDEFINED
Time: 0.01 SEC.
ES- abbreviates domain ExpressionSpace&
initializing NRLIB ES- for ExpressionSpace&
compiling into NRLIB ES-
importing Set Kernel S
importing List Kernel S
importing List Set Kernel S
importing List NonNegativeInteger
importing List Symbol
compiling exported box : S -> S
Time: 0.06 SEC.
compiling exported paren : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported belong? : BasicOperator -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local listk : S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported tower : S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local allk : List S -> Set Kernel S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported tower : List S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported kernels : List S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported operators : S -> List BasicOperator
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported height : S -> NonNegativeInteger
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported freeOf? : (S,Symbol) -> Boolean
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported distribute : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported box : List S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported paren : List S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported freeOf? : (S,S) -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported kernel : (BasicOperator,S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S,S,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S,S,S,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,Symbol,List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,BasicOperator,List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,Symbol,S -> S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,BasicOperator,S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported subst : (S,Equation S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List BasicOperator,List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Symbol,List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List BasicOperator,List List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported map : (S -> S,Kernel S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported operator : BasicOperator -> BasicOperator
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported mainKernel : S -> Union(Kernel S,failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local allKernels : S -> Set Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported kernel : (BasicOperator,List S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local okkernel : (BasicOperator,List S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,List S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retract : S -> Kernel S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : S -> Union(Kernel S,failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported is? : (S,Symbol) -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported is? : (S,BasicOperator) -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local unwrap : (List Kernel S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported distribute : (S,S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Equation S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported subst : (S,List Equation S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local mkKerLists : List Equation S -> Record(lstk: List Kernel S,lstv: List S)
Time: 0.02 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RetractableTo (Integer))
compiling exported even? : S -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported odd? : S -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local intpred? : (S,Integer -> Boolean) -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |ExpressionSpace&| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] tower: not known that (Comparable) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE odd? ((Boolean) S)) (SIGNATURE even? ((Boolean) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE freeOf? ((Boolean) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE freeOf? ((Boolean) S S)) (SIGNATURE map (S (Mapping S S) (Kernel S))) (SIGNATURE kernel (S (BasicOperator) (List S))) (SIGNATURE kernel (S (BasicOperator) S)) (SIGNATURE is? ((Boolean) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE is? ((Boolean) S (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE operators ((List (BasicOperator)) S)) (SIGNATURE tower ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE tower ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE mainKernel ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE height ((NonNegativeInteger) S)) (SIGNATURE distribute (S S S)) (SIGNATURE distribute (S S)) (SIGNATURE paren (S (List S))) (SIGNATURE paren (S S)) (SIGNATURE box (S (List S))) (SIGNATURE box (S S)) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) (List S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List S) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S S S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)))
[2] eval: IN has no value
[3] eval: f has no value
[4] eval: s has no value
[5] map: IN has no value
[6] map: x has no value
[7] eval: lstk has no value
[8] eval: lstv has no value
[9] subst: lstk has no value
[10] subst: lstv has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor ExpressionSpace&
Time: 0.30 seconds
finalizing NRLIB ES-
Processing ExpressionSpace& for Browser database:
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (Equation %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Equation %))))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(box (% %))---------
--------(box (% (List %)))---------
--------(paren (% %))---------
--------(paren (% (List %)))---------
--------(distribute (% %))---------
--------(distribute (% % %))---------
--------(height ((NonNegativeInteger) %))---------
--------(mainKernel ((Union (Kernel %) failed) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES.spad-->ExpressionSpace&((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing close parenthesis on first line: kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES.spad-->ExpressionSpace&((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing right pren
"kernels(([\\spad{f1},{}...,{}\\spad{fn}]) returns the list of all the top-level kernels appearing in \\spad{f1},{} ...,{} \\spad{fn} but not the ones appearing in the arguments of the top-level kernels."
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(operators ((List (BasicOperator)) %))---------
--------(operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(map (% (Mapping % %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % %))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(minPoly ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(definingPolynomial (% %))---------
--------(even? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(odd? ((Boolean) %))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES-.NRLIB/ES-.lsp" (written 27 FEB 2015 01:06:35 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES-.NRLIB/ES-.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.140
ExpressionSpace& is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionSpace& will be automatically loaded when needed from
finalizing NRLIB ES
Processing ExpressionSpace for Browser database:
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (Equation %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Equation %))))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(box (% %))---------
--------(box (% (List %)))---------
--------(paren (% %))---------
--------(paren (% (List %)))---------
--------(distribute (% %))---------
--------(distribute (% % %))---------
--------(height ((NonNegativeInteger) %))---------
--------(mainKernel ((Union (Kernel %) failed) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES.spad-->ExpressionSpace((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing close parenthesis on first line: kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES.spad-->ExpressionSpace((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing right pren
"kernels(([\\spad{f1},{}...,{}\\spad{fn}]) returns the list of all the top-level kernels appearing in \\spad{f1},{} ...,{} \\spad{fn} but not the ones appearing in the arguments of the top-level kernels."
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(operators ((List (BasicOperator)) %))---------
--------(operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(map (% (Mapping % %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % %))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(minPoly ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(definingPolynomial (% %))---------
--------(even? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(odd? ((Boolean) %))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES.NRLIB/ES.lsp" (written 27 FEB 2015 01:06:36 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES.NRLIB/ES.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.005
ExpressionSpace is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionSpace will be automatically loaded when needed from
ES1 abbreviates package ExpressionSpaceFunctions1
initializing NRLIB ES1 for ExpressionSpaceFunctions1
compiling into NRLIB ES1
compiling exported map : (F -> S,Symbol,Kernel F) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |ExpressionSpaceFunctions1| REDEFINED
;;; *** |ExpressionSpaceFunctions1| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor ExpressionSpaceFunctions1
Time: 0.01 seconds
finalizing NRLIB ES1
Processing ExpressionSpaceFunctions1 for Browser database:
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (Equation %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Equation %))))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(box (% %))---------
--------(box (% (List %)))---------
--------(paren (% %))---------
--------(paren (% (List %)))---------
--------(distribute (% %))---------
--------(distribute (% % %))---------
--------(height ((NonNegativeInteger) %))---------
--------(mainKernel ((Union (Kernel %) failed) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES1.spad-->ExpressionSpaceFunctions1((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing close parenthesis on first line: kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES1.spad-->ExpressionSpaceFunctions1((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing right pren
"kernels(([\\spad{f1},{}...,{}\\spad{fn}]) returns the list of all the top-level kernels appearing in \\spad{f1},{} ...,{} \\spad{fn} but not the ones appearing in the arguments of the top-level kernels."
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(operators ((List (BasicOperator)) %))---------
--------(operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(map (% (Mapping % %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % %))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(minPoly ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(definingPolynomial (% %))---------
--------(even? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(odd? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(map (S (Mapping S F) (Symbol) (Kernel F)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES1.spad-->ExpressionSpaceFunctions1(): Spurious comments: This package allows a map from any expression space into any object to be lifted to a kernel over the expression set,{} using a given property of the operator of the kernel.
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES1.NRLIB/ES1.lsp" (written 27 FEB 2015 01:06:36 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES1.NRLIB/ES1.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.014
ExpressionSpaceFunctions1 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionSpaceFunctions1 will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES1.NRLIB/ES1
ES2 abbreviates package ExpressionSpaceFunctions2
initializing NRLIB ES2 for ExpressionSpaceFunctions2
compiling into NRLIB ES2
compiling exported map : (E -> F,Kernel E) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |ExpressionSpaceFunctions2| REDEFINED
;;; *** |ExpressionSpaceFunctions2| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] map: IN has no value
[2] map: x has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor ExpressionSpaceFunctions2
Time: 0 seconds
finalizing NRLIB ES2
Processing ExpressionSpaceFunctions2 for Browser database:
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (Equation %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Equation %))))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(box (% %))---------
--------(box (% (List %)))---------
--------(paren (% %))---------
--------(paren (% (List %)))---------
--------(distribute (% %))---------
--------(distribute (% % %))---------
--------(height ((NonNegativeInteger) %))---------
--------(mainKernel ((Union (Kernel %) failed) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES2.spad-->ExpressionSpaceFunctions2((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing close parenthesis on first line: kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES2.spad-->ExpressionSpaceFunctions2((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing right pren
"kernels(([\\spad{f1},{}...,{}\\spad{fn}]) returns the list of all the top-level kernels appearing in \\spad{f1},{} ...,{} \\spad{fn} but not the ones appearing in the arguments of the top-level kernels."
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(operators ((List (BasicOperator)) %))---------
--------(operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(map (% (Mapping % %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % %))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(minPoly ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(definingPolynomial (% %))---------
--------(even? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(odd? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(map (S (Mapping S F) (Symbol) (Kernel F)))---------
--------(map (F (Mapping F E) (Kernel E)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES2.spad-->ExpressionSpaceFunctions2(): Spurious comments: This package allows a map from any expression space into any object to be lifted to a kernel over the expression set,{} using a given property of the operator of the kernel.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ES2.spad-->ExpressionSpaceFunctions2(): Spurious comments: This package allows a mapping \spad{E} \spad{->} \spad{F} to be lifted to a kernel over \spad{E}; This lifting can fail if the operator of the kernel cannot be applied in \spad{F}; Do not use this package with \spad{E} = \spad{F},{} since this may drop some properties of the operators.
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES2.NRLIB/ES2.lsp" (written 27 FEB 2015 01:06:36 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES2.NRLIB/ES2.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.013
ExpressionSpaceFunctions2 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionSpaceFunctions2 will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/ES2.NRLIB/ES2
FS abbreviates category FunctionSpace
initializing NRLIB FS for FunctionSpace
compiling into NRLIB FS
;;; *** |FunctionSpace| REDEFINED
Time: 0.03 SEC.
FS- abbreviates domain FunctionSpace&
initializing NRLIB FS- for FunctionSpace&
compiling into NRLIB FS-
importing BasicOperatorFunctions1 S
importing Kernel S
importing Integer
importing NonNegativeInteger
importing String
importing List OutputForm
importing List S
compiling exported ground? : S -> Boolean
Time: 0.05 SEC.
compiling exported ground : S -> R
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Symbol -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retract : S -> Symbol
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported applyQuote : (Symbol,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported applyQuote : (Symbol,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported applyQuote : (Symbol,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported applyQuote : (Symbol,S,S,S,S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported applyQuote : (Symbol,List S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported belong? : BasicOperator -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local subs : (S -> S,Kernel S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported operator : BasicOperator -> BasicOperator
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (InputForm))
processing macro definition INP ==> InputForm
importing MakeUnaryCompiledFunction(S,S,S)
compiling local differentiand : List S -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local pint : List InputForm -> InputForm
Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling local indiff : List S -> InputForm
Time: 0.03 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,Symbol) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,BasicOperator,S,Symbol) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List BasicOperator,List S,Symbol) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported variables : List S -> List Symbol
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported variables : S -> List Symbol
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : S -> Union(Symbol,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (Ring)
importing UserDefinedPartialOrdering Symbol
importing SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S)
importing SparseUnivariatePolynomial S
compiling exported characteristic : () -> NonNegativeInteger
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Kernel S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local symsub : (Symbol,Integer) -> Symbol
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported numerator : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,Symbol,NonNegativeInteger,S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,Symbol,NonNegativeInteger,List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Symbol,List List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported elt : (BasicOperator,List S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Symbol,List NonNegativeInteger,List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local smprep : (List Symbol,List NonNegativeInteger,List List S -> S,SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S)) -> S
Time: 0.20 SEC.
compiling local dispdiff : List S -> Record(name: OutputForm,sub: OutputForm,arg: List OutputForm,orig_op: BasicOperator,level: NonNegativeInteger)
Time: 0.05 SEC.
compiling local ddiff : List S -> OutputForm
Time: 0.01 SEC.
processing macro definition Dec_Rec ==> Record(orig_k: Kernel S,sub: List Integer,oarg: List S,arg: List S,dummies: List S)
compiling local encode_diff : (Kernel S,List Integer,List S,List S) -> S
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local insert_sub : (List Integer,Integer) -> List Integer
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local pos_diff : (List S,Record(orig_k: Kernel S,sub: List Integer,oarg: List S,arg: List S,dummies: List S),Integer) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local diffdiff : (List S,Symbol) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local dfeval : (List S,Kernel S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local diffEval : List S -> S
Time: 0.13 SEC.
compiling local diffArg : (List S,BasicOperator,NonNegativeInteger) -> List S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local opderiv : (BasicOperator,NonNegativeInteger) -> List List S -> S
Time: 0.16 SEC.
compiling local kderiv : Kernel S -> List S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local kerderiv : (Kernel S,Symbol) -> S
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local smpderiv : (SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S),Symbol) -> S
Time: 0.32 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Polynomial R -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local worse? : (Kernel S,Kernel S) -> Boolean
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local bestKernel : List Kernel S -> Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local smp2O : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S) -> OutputForm
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local smpsubst : (SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S),List Kernel S,List S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local smpeval : (SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S),List Kernel S,List S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local notfound : (Kernel S -> S,List Kernel S) -> Kernel S -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (InputForm))
compiling local pushunq : (List Symbol,List S) -> List S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local kunq : (Kernel S,List Symbol,Boolean) -> S
Time: 0.17 SEC.
compiling local smpunq : (SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S),List Symbol,Boolean) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local smpret : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S) -> Union(Polynomial R,failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported isExpt : (S,BasicOperator) -> Union(Record(var: Kernel S,exponent: Integer),failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported isExpt : (S,Symbol) -> Union(Record(var: Kernel S,exponent: Integer),failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (RetractableTo (Integer))
compiling local smpIsMult : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S) -> Union(Record(coef: Integer,var: Kernel S),failed)
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local debugA : (List S,List S,Boolean) -> Boolean
FS-;debugA is replaced by t
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local decode_diff : List S -> Record(orig_k: Kernel S,sub: List Integer,oarg: List S,arg: List S,dummies: List S)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local equaldiff : (Kernel S,Kernel S) -> Boolean
Time: 0.05 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (IntegralDomain)
compiling exported mainKernel : S -> Union(Kernel S,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported kernels : S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retract : S -> R
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retract : S -> Polynomial R
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : S -> Union(R,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : S -> Union(Polynomial R,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Kernel S,List S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported subst : (S,List Kernel S,List S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported differentiate : (S,Symbol) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : S -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (InputForm))
compiling exported eval : (S,List Symbol) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : S -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Symbol,List NonNegativeInteger,List List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported isPlus : S -> Union(List S,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported isTimes : S -> Union(List S,failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported isExpt : S -> Union(Record(var: Kernel S,exponent: Integer),failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported isPower : S -> Union(Record(val: S,exponent: Integer),failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern (Integer)))
compiling exported convert : S -> Pattern Integer
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern (Float)))
compiling exported convert : S -> Pattern Float
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (RetractableTo (Integer))
compiling exported isMult : S -> Union(Record(coef: Integer,var: Kernel S),failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (CommutativeRing)
compiling exported * : (R,S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (IntegralDomain)
importing Fraction Polynomial R
importing SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel S)
compiling exported mainKernel : S -> Union(Kernel S,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported kernels : S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported univariate : (S,Kernel S) -> Fraction SparseUnivariatePolynomial S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported isPlus : S -> Union(List S,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported isTimes : S -> Union(List S,failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported isExpt : S -> Union(Record(var: Kernel S,exponent: Integer),failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported isPower : S -> Union(Record(val: S,exponent: Integer),failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported denominator : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Fraction R -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Fraction Polynomial R -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Fraction Polynomial Fraction R -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retract : S -> Polynomial R
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported retract : S -> Fraction Polynomial R
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retract : S -> R
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local alg_ker_set : List S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported algtower : List S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported algtower : S -> List Kernel S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : S -> OutputForm
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : S -> Union(R,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Symbol) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (InputForm))
compiling exported eval : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Symbol,List NonNegativeInteger,List List S -> S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported differentiate : (S,Symbol) -> S
Time: 0.12 SEC.
compiling exported eval : (S,List Kernel S,List S) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported subst : (S,List Kernel S,List S) -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local par : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported convert : Factored S -> S
Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : S -> Union(Polynomial R,failed)
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported retractIfCan : S -> Union(Fraction Polynomial R,failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Polynomial Fraction R -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (RetractableTo (Integer))
compiling exported coerce : Fraction Integer -> S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported isMult : S -> Union(Record(coef: Integer,var: Kernel S),failed)
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern (Integer)))
compiling exported convert : S -> Pattern Integer
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern (Float)))
compiling exported convert : S -> Pattern Float
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 10)
;;; *** |FunctionSpace&| REDEFINED
Time: 0.01 SEC.
[1] coerce: not known that (Comparable) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE convert ((InputForm) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S S S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (PositiveInteger) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (NonNegativeInteger) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (Integer) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Integer))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Polynomial R) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Polynomial R) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Polynomial R))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (List (Symbol)))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)))) (SIGNATURE characteristic ((NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE * (S S R)) (SIGNATURE * (S R S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S S)) (SIGNATURE * (S S (Fraction (Integer)))) (SIGNATURE * (S (Fraction (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Integer)))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Fraction (Polynomial R)) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Fraction (Polynomial R)) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Polynomial R)))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Fraction (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Fraction (Integer)) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE univariate ((Fraction (SparseUnivariatePolynomial S)) S (Kernel S))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Polynomial (Fraction R))))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Polynomial (Fraction R)))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction R))) (SIGNATURE denominator (S S)) (SIGNATURE convert (S (Factored S))) (SIGNATURE algtower ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE algtower ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE isPower ((Union (Record (: val S) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE numerator (S S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel S)))) (SIGNATURE isMult ((Union (Record (: coef (Integer)) (: var (Kernel S))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isPlus ((Union (List S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isTimes ((Union (List S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List S) (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) (List S))) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S)) (SIGNATURE variables ((List (Symbol)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE variables ((List (Symbol)) S)) (SIGNATURE ground (R S)) (SIGNATURE ground? ((Boolean) S)) (SIGNATURE retract (R S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union R failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S R)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Integer) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Integer) S)) (SIGNATURE convert ((Pattern (Float)) S)) (SIGNATURE convert ((Pattern (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Symbol) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Symbol) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE mainKernel ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) (List S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List S) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S S S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Kernel S))) (SIGNATURE coerce ((OutputForm) S)))
[2] subs: IN has no value
[3] subs: x has no value
[4] eval: IN has no value
[5] eval: f has no value
[6] smprep: IN has no value
[7] smprep: a has no value
[8] smprep: quotient has no value
[9] smprep: remainder has no value
[10] dispdiff: arg has no value
[11] dispdiff: orig_op has no value
[12] dispdiff: level has no value
[13] ddiff: level has no value
[14] ddiff: orig_op has no value
[15] ddiff: arg has no value
[16] encode_diff: lk has no value
[17] encode_diff: li has no value
[18] insert_sub: nsub has no value
[19] insert_sub: to_insert has no value
[20] pos_diff: dummies has no value
[21] pos_diff: k has no value
[22] pos_diff: orig_k has no value
[23] pos_diff: arg has no value
[24] diffdiff: arg has no value
[25] diffdiff: res has no value
[26] diffEval: k has no value
[27] isExpt: var has no value
[28] decode_diff: arg has no value
[29] decode_diff: dummies has no value
[30] decode_diff: orig_k has no value
[31] decode_diff: oarg has no value
[32] equaldiff: orig_k has no value
[33] equaldiff: arg has no value
[34] equaldiff: dummies has no value
[35] isExpt: exponent has no value
[36] isPower: var has no value
[37] isPower: exponent has no value
[38] univariate: not known that (Ring) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE convert ((InputForm) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S S S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (PositiveInteger) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (NonNegativeInteger) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (Integer) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Integer))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Polynomial R) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Polynomial R) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Polynomial R))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (List (Symbol)))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)))) (SIGNATURE characteristic ((NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE * (S S R)) (SIGNATURE * (S R S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S S)) (SIGNATURE * (S S (Fraction (Integer)))) (SIGNATURE * (S (Fraction (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Integer)))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Fraction (Polynomial R)) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Fraction (Polynomial R)) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Polynomial R)))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Fraction (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Fraction (Integer)) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE univariate ((Fraction (SparseUnivariatePolynomial S)) S (Kernel S))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Polynomial (Fraction R))))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Polynomial (Fraction R)))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction R))) (SIGNATURE denominator (S S)) (SIGNATURE convert (S (Factored S))) (SIGNATURE algtower ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE algtower ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE isPower ((Union (Record (: val S) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE numerator (S S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel S)))) (SIGNATURE isMult ((Union (Record (: coef (Integer)) (: var (Kernel S))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isPlus ((Union (List S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isTimes ((Union (List S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List S) (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) (List S))) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S)) (SIGNATURE variables ((List (Symbol)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE variables ((List (Symbol)) S)) (SIGNATURE ground (R S)) (SIGNATURE ground? ((Boolean) S)) (SIGNATURE retract (R S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union R failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S R)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Integer) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Integer) S)) (SIGNATURE convert ((Pattern (Float)) S)) (SIGNATURE convert ((Pattern (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Symbol) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Symbol) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE mainKernel ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) (List S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List S) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S S S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Kernel S))) (SIGNATURE coerce ((OutputForm) S)))
[39] alg_ker_set: ak1 has no value
[40] alg_ker_set: resl has no value
[41] convert: not known that (IntegralDomain) is of mode (CATEGORY domain (SIGNATURE convert ((InputForm) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S S S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (PositiveInteger) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (NonNegativeInteger) S)) (SIGNATURE * (S (Integer) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Integer))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Polynomial R) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Polynomial R) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Polynomial R))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (List (Symbol)))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE differentiate (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)))) (SIGNATURE characteristic ((NonNegativeInteger))) (SIGNATURE * (S S R)) (SIGNATURE * (S R S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S S)) (SIGNATURE * (S S (Fraction (Integer)))) (SIGNATURE * (S (Fraction (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Integer)))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Fraction (Polynomial R)) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Fraction (Polynomial R)) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Polynomial R)))) (SIGNATURE retract ((Fraction (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Fraction (Integer)) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE univariate ((Fraction (SparseUnivariatePolynomial S)) S (Kernel S))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction (Polynomial (Fraction R))))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Polynomial (Fraction R)))) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Fraction R))) (SIGNATURE denominator (S S)) (SIGNATURE convert (S (Factored S))) (SIGNATURE algtower ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE algtower ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE isPower ((Union (Record (: val S) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE numerator (S S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel S)))) (SIGNATURE isMult ((Union (Record (: coef (Integer)) (: var (Kernel S))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isPlus ((Union (List S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel S)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE isTimes ((Union (List S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List S) (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) (List S))) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S S)) (SIGNATURE applyQuote (S (Symbol) S)) (SIGNATURE variables ((List (Symbol)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE variables ((List (Symbol)) S)) (SIGNATURE ground (R S)) (SIGNATURE ground? ((Boolean) S)) (SIGNATURE retract (R S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union R failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S R)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Integer) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Integer) S)) (SIGNATURE convert ((Pattern (Float)) S)) (SIGNATURE convert ((Pattern (Integer)) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Symbol) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Symbol) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Symbol))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (BasicOperator) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Symbol) (Mapping S (List S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S (List S))))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping S S)))) (SIGNATURE belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator))) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE kernels ((List (Kernel S)) S)) (SIGNATURE mainKernel ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE subst (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) (List S))) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S S)) (SIGNATURE elt (S (BasicOperator) S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List S) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S S S)) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Equation S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Equation S)))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (List (Kernel S)) (List S))) (SIGNATURE eval (S S (Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retract ((Kernel S) S)) (SIGNATURE retractIfCan ((Union (Kernel S) failed) S)) (SIGNATURE coerce (S (Kernel S))) (SIGNATURE coerce ((OutputForm) S)))
[42] isMult: coef has no value
[43] isMult: var has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor FunctionSpace&
Time: 1.92 seconds
finalizing NRLIB FS-
Processing FunctionSpace& for Browser database:
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (Equation %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Equation %))))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(box (% %))---------
--------(box (% (List %)))---------
--------(paren (% %))---------
--------(paren (% (List %)))---------
--------(distribute (% %))---------
--------(distribute (% % %))---------
--------(height ((NonNegativeInteger) %))---------
--------(mainKernel ((Union (Kernel %) failed) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace&((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing close parenthesis on first line: kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace&((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing right pren
"kernels(([\\spad{f1},{}...,{}\\spad{fn}]) returns the list of all the top-level kernels appearing in \\spad{f1},{} ...,{} \\spad{fn} but not the ones appearing in the arguments of the top-level kernels."
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(operators ((List (BasicOperator)) %))---------
--------(operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(map (% (Mapping % %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % %))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(minPoly ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(definingPolynomial (% %))---------
--------(even? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(odd? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(map (S (Mapping S F) (Symbol) (Kernel F)))---------
--------(map (F (Mapping F E) (Kernel E)))---------
--------(ground? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(ground (R %))---------
--------(variables ((List (Symbol)) %))---------
--------(variables ((List (Symbol)) (List %)))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % % % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) (List %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol))))---------
--------(eval (% %))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List %) (Symbol)))---------
--------(isTimes ((Union (List %) failed) %))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) %))---------
--------(isPlus ((Union (List %) failed) %))---------
--------(isMult ((Union (Record (: coef (Integer)) (: var (Kernel %))) failed) %))---------
--------(coerce (% (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %))))---------
--------(numer ((SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(numerator (% %))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(isPower ((Union (Record (: val %) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) %))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(algtower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(algtower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(convert (% (Factored %)))---------
--------(denom ((SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(denominator (% %))---------
--------(/ (% (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %))))---------
--------(coerce (% (Fraction R)))---------
--------(coerce (% (Polynomial (Fraction R))))---------
--------(coerce (% (Fraction (Polynomial (Fraction R)))))---------
--------(univariate ((Fraction (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)) % (Kernel %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace&(): Spurious comments: This package allows a map from any expression space into any object to be lifted to a kernel over the expression set,{} using a given property of the operator of the kernel.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace&(): Spurious comments: This package allows a mapping \spad{E} \spad{->} \spad{F} to be lifted to a kernel over \spad{E}; This lifting can fail if the operator of the kernel cannot be applied in \spad{F}; Do not use this package with \spad{E} = \spad{F},{} since this may drop some properties of the operators.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace&(): Spurious comments: A space of formal functions with arguments in an arbitrary ordered set.
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FS-.NRLIB/FS-.lsp" (written 27 FEB 2015 01:06:38 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FS-.NRLIB/FS-.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.609
FunctionSpace& is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
FunctionSpace& will be automatically loaded when needed from
finalizing NRLIB FS
Processing FunctionSpace for Browser database:
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (Equation %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Equation %))))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(box (% %))---------
--------(box (% (List %)))---------
--------(paren (% %))---------
--------(paren (% (List %)))---------
--------(distribute (% %))---------
--------(distribute (% % %))---------
--------(height ((NonNegativeInteger) %))---------
--------(mainKernel ((Union (Kernel %) failed) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing close parenthesis on first line: kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing right pren
"kernels(([\\spad{f1},{}...,{}\\spad{fn}]) returns the list of all the top-level kernels appearing in \\spad{f1},{} ...,{} \\spad{fn} but not the ones appearing in the arguments of the top-level kernels."
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(operators ((List (BasicOperator)) %))---------
--------(operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(map (% (Mapping % %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % %))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(minPoly ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(definingPolynomial (% %))---------
--------(even? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(odd? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(map (S (Mapping S F) (Symbol) (Kernel F)))---------
--------(map (F (Mapping F E) (Kernel E)))---------
--------(ground? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(ground (R %))---------
--------(variables ((List (Symbol)) %))---------
--------(variables ((List (Symbol)) (List %)))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % % % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) (List %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol))))---------
--------(eval (% %))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List %) (Symbol)))---------
--------(isTimes ((Union (List %) failed) %))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) %))---------
--------(isPlus ((Union (List %) failed) %))---------
--------(isMult ((Union (Record (: coef (Integer)) (: var (Kernel %))) failed) %))---------
--------(coerce (% (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %))))---------
--------(numer ((SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(numerator (% %))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(isPower ((Union (Record (: val %) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) %))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(algtower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(algtower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(convert (% (Factored %)))---------
--------(denom ((SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(denominator (% %))---------
--------(/ (% (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %))))---------
--------(coerce (% (Fraction R)))---------
--------(coerce (% (Polynomial (Fraction R))))---------
--------(coerce (% (Fraction (Polynomial (Fraction R)))))---------
--------(univariate ((Fraction (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)) % (Kernel %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace(): Spurious comments: This package allows a map from any expression space into any object to be lifted to a kernel over the expression set,{} using a given property of the operator of the kernel.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace(): Spurious comments: This package allows a mapping \spad{E} \spad{->} \spad{F} to be lifted to a kernel over \spad{E}; This lifting can fail if the operator of the kernel cannot be applied in \spad{F}; Do not use this package with \spad{E} = \spad{F},{} since this may drop some properties of the operators.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS.spad-->FunctionSpace(): Spurious comments: A space of formal functions with arguments in an arbitrary ordered set.
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FS.NRLIB/FS.lsp" (written 27 FEB 2015 01:06:38 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FS.NRLIB/FS.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.005
FunctionSpace is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
FunctionSpace will be automatically loaded when needed from
FS2 abbreviates package FunctionSpaceFunctions2
initializing NRLIB FS2 for FunctionSpaceFunctions2
compiling into NRLIB FS2
****** Domain: R already in scope
****** Domain: S already in scope
compiling local smpmap : (R -> S,SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel A)) -> B
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (IntegralDomain)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (IntegralDomain)
compiling exported map : (R -> S,A) -> B
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported map : (R -> S,A) -> B
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported map : (R -> S,A) -> B
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |FunctionSpaceFunctions2| REDEFINED
;;; *** |FunctionSpaceFunctions2| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor FunctionSpaceFunctions2
Time: 0.03 seconds
finalizing NRLIB FS2
Processing FunctionSpaceFunctions2 for Browser database:
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) % % % % % % % % %))---------
--------(elt (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (Equation %)))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Equation %))))---------
--------(subst (% % (List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(box (% %))---------
--------(box (% (List %)))---------
--------(paren (% %))---------
--------(paren (% (List %)))---------
--------(distribute (% %))---------
--------(distribute (% % %))---------
--------(height ((NonNegativeInteger) %))---------
--------(mainKernel ((Union (Kernel %) failed) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS2.spad-->FunctionSpaceFunctions2((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing close parenthesis on first line: kernels(([f1,...,fn]) returns the list of all the top-level
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS2.spad-->FunctionSpaceFunctions2((kernels ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))): Missing right pren
"kernels(([\\spad{f1},{}...,{}\\spad{fn}]) returns the list of all the top-level kernels appearing in \\spad{f1},{} ...,{} \\spad{fn} but not the ones appearing in the arguments of the top-level kernels."
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(tower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(operators ((List (BasicOperator)) %))---------
--------(operator ((BasicOperator) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(belong? ((Boolean) (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(is? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) %))---------
--------(kernel (% (BasicOperator) (List %)))---------
--------(map (% (Mapping % %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % %))---------
--------(freeOf? ((Boolean) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(minPoly ((SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) (Kernel %)))---------
--------(definingPolynomial (% %))---------
--------(even? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(odd? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(map (S (Mapping S F) (Symbol) (Kernel F)))---------
--------(map (F (Mapping F E) (Kernel E)))---------
--------(ground? ((Boolean) %))---------
--------(ground (R %))---------
--------(variables ((List (Symbol)) %))---------
--------(variables ((List (Symbol)) (List %)))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) % % % %))---------
--------(applyQuote (% (Symbol) (List %)))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol))))---------
--------(eval (% %))---------
--------(eval (% % (BasicOperator) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (BasicOperator)) (List %) (Symbol)))---------
--------(isTimes ((Union (List %) failed) %))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) %))---------
--------(isPlus ((Union (List %) failed) %))---------
--------(isMult ((Union (Record (: coef (Integer)) (: var (Kernel %))) failed) %))---------
--------(coerce (% (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %))))---------
--------(numer ((SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(numerator (% %))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) % (BasicOperator)))---------
--------(isExpt ((Union (Record (: var (Kernel %)) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) % (Symbol)))---------
--------(isPower ((Union (Record (: val %) (: exponent (Integer))) failed) %))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping % %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (List (Symbol)) (List (NonNegativeInteger)) (List (Mapping % (List %)))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping % (List %))))---------
--------(eval (% % (Symbol) (NonNegativeInteger) (Mapping % %)))---------
--------(algtower ((List (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(algtower ((List (Kernel %)) (List %)))---------
--------(convert (% (Factored %)))---------
--------(denom ((SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) %))---------
--------(denominator (% %))---------
--------(/ (% (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %)) (SparseMultivariatePolynomial R (Kernel %))))---------
--------(coerce (% (Fraction R)))---------
--------(coerce (% (Polynomial (Fraction R))))---------
--------(coerce (% (Fraction (Polynomial (Fraction R)))))---------
--------(univariate ((Fraction (SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)) % (Kernel %)))---------
--------(map (B (Mapping S R) A))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS2.spad-->FunctionSpaceFunctions2(): Spurious comments: This package allows a map from any expression space into any object to be lifted to a kernel over the expression set,{} using a given property of the operator of the kernel.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS2.spad-->FunctionSpaceFunctions2(): Spurious comments: This package allows a mapping \spad{E} \spad{->} \spad{F} to be lifted to a kernel over \spad{E}; This lifting can fail if the operator of the kernel cannot be applied in \spad{F}; Do not use this package with \spad{E} = \spad{F},{} since this may drop some properties of the operators.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS2.spad-->FunctionSpaceFunctions2(): Spurious comments: A space of formal functions with arguments in an arbitrary ordered set.
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/FS2.spad-->FunctionSpaceFunctions2(): Spurious comments: This package allows a mapping \spad{R} \spad{->} \spad{S} to be lifted to a mapping from a function space over \spad{R} to a function space over \spad{S}.
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FS2.NRLIB/FS2.lsp" (written 27 FEB 2015 01:06:39 PM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FS2.NRLIB/FS2.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.034
FunctionSpaceFunctions2 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
FunctionSpaceFunctions2 will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/FS2.NRLIB/FS2