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Edit detail for mathematical algorithms revision 8 of 8

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Editor: test1
Time: 2024/12/04 12:54:45 GMT+0

-and transcendental functions.  In arithmetic kernels behave like variables,
-but for example have interesting derivatives.
and transcendental functions.  In arithmetic transcendental kernels behave like variables,
but for example have interesting derivatives. Algebraic kernels in arithmetic are
simplified using defining relations, for example `\sqrt(2)' squared simplifies to 2.
Algebraic simplification in charactristic 0 implies specific derivative, so there
is no need to separately give derivative.

Computer algebra systems like FriCAS implement a very large number of mathematical algorithms. By that we mean:



  1. Of or relating to mathematics.
  2. Meaning

    a Precise; exact. b Absolute; certain.

Ref: http://www.answers.com/mathematical&r=67



A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.

Ref: http://www.answers.com/algorithms&r=67

Links to other pages on related subjects:

Core algorithms in FriCAS deal with commutative algebra:

  • polynomial arithmetic
  • polynomial GCD and factorization
  • Groebner bases and triangular system

Support for calculus uses notion of kernel: kernels represent algebraic and transcendental functions. In arithmetic transcendental kernels behave like variables, but for example have interesting derivatives. Algebraic kernels in arithmetic are simplified using defining relations, for example `\sqrt(2)' squared simplifies to 2. Algebraic simplification in charactristic 0 implies specific derivative, so there is no need to separately give derivative.