The domain fricas (1) -> Q:=Quaternion Complex Expression Integer
Type: Type
fricas q:Q Type: Void
fricas q:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Expression(Integer)))
fricas q:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Expression(Integer)))
fricas q:=quatern(1+%i*3, Actually, problem is because Axiom/FriCAS chooses different type for expression which it can not coerce to Q fricas quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Polynomial(Complex(Integer)))
fricas quatern(1+%i*3, Probably we should enhance coercions to handle this case... Such a coercion exists in the follow similar case: fricas QP:=Quaternion Complex Fraction Polynomial Integer
Type: Type
fricas qp:QP Type: Void
fricas qp:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
fricas qp:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
fricas qp:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
The error can also be avoided if more type information is provided since this changes the chain of inferences made by the Axiom intepreter: fricas C:=Complex Expression Integer
Type: Type
fricas t:C Type: Void
fricas QC:=Quaternion C
Type: Type
fricas qc:QC Type: Void
fricas qc:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Expression(Integer)))
fricas qc:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Expression(Integer)))
fricas qc:=quatern(1+%i*3,
Type: Quaternion(Complex(Expression(Integer)))