I make a list : fricas (1) -> L := map (t +-> [t,
Type: List(List(Any))
I can't extract the second term :
I get an error : fricas select (t +-> (t.2).remainder = 1, It seems right : fricas Lc := reduce (append,
Type: List(Any)
fricas c := Lc.4
Type: Record(quotient: Integer,
But I can't get the quotient : fricas c.quotient divide is right : fricas c2 := divide (20,
Type: Record(quotient: Integer,
fricas c2.quotient
Type: NonNegativeInteger?
And all theses commands are right : fricas Lb := map (t +-> [t,
Type: List(List(Integer))
fricas select (t +-> t.1=2,
Type: List(List(Integer))
fricas select (t +-> t.2 = 1,
Type: List(List(Integer))
fricas reduce (append,
Type: List(Integer)
Any? --Ralf Hemmecke, Mon, 20 Mar 2006 07:45:08 -0600 reply I don't know why but the result of
fricas L := map (t +-> [t,
Type: List(List(Any))
is List List Any. So the interpreter seems to be smart to convert this back fricas K := first rest first L
Type: Record(quotient: Integer,
to Record(quotient: Integer,remainder: Integer). But it only looks like that. fricas K.remainder gives an error. WHY? A workaround is the following: fricas R := Record(quotient: Integer,
Type: Type
fricas H := K :: R
Type: Record(quotient: Integer,
fricas H.remainder
Type: PositiveInteger?
Ralf The internal types of these objects are of type Any but the interpreter uses the original types when it prints theses objects. See any.spad.pamphlet for information.fricas L := map (t +-> [t,
Type: List(List(Any))
fricas Lc := reduce (append,
Type: List(Any)
fricas c := Lc.4
Type: Record(quotient: Integer,
fricas c
Type: Record(quotient: Integer,
fricas )display type c
Type: OutputForm?
Status: open => closed
To extract second term use:
fricas select(x+->x.1::Integer=2,
Type: List(List(Any))
But I think the 2nd problem requiring the coercion to Record of something that is already apparently of that type is a bug. fricas L := map (t +-> makeRecord(t,
Type: List(Record(part1: Integer,
fricas select (t +-> t.part1=2,
Type: List(Record(part1: Integer,
fricas select (t +-> (t.part2).remainder = 1,
Type: List(Record(part1: Integer,
fricas L.2.part2.quotient
Type: NonNegativeInteger?
After reflexion I think I can't take the decision to close this bug report. First, some persons can prefer to have the real type displayed instead of the original one. Second, Bill Page thinks that the 2nd problem requiring the coercion to Record is a bug and third it's not possible to extract element of an object of type Any with Record as its original type but it's possible if the original type is List or Vector for example.
fricas a:= [[x,
Type: List(Any)
fricas b:=a.1
Type: List(Polynomial(Integer))
fricas )di type b
Type: Polynomial(Integer)
fricas c:=a.3
Type: Record(quotient: Integer,
fricas )di type cStatus: closed => open This command disables the display of the underlying type of an object of type Any .
fricas )set message any With this option ![]() fricas ans := [2,
Type: List(Any)
then it is clear that the type over which the list is formed have to be made equal.
So we get fricas [1,
Type: List(Any)
as fricas makeRecord(1,
Anyway, the question is also why someone wants to have fricas L := map (t +-> [t, Type: List(List(Any))
in the first place. Wouldn't be fricas LL := map (t +-> divide (10*t,
Type: List(Record(quotient: Integer,
be sufficient? The argument fricas L3 := map (t +-> divide (10*t,
Type: List(Integer)
And as for fricas position (t +-> t.remainder=1,
Type: PositiveInteger?
But (I believe) it's nearer the mathematical way to write select (t +-> t.2.remainder=1, map (t +-> So I find all the solutions, and I remain the initial value which is right.
It's as Axiom believes that List are (almost) only in With other CAS I use list as cartesian product of sets. It's very usefull and pretty to read. With axiom I must use Record. If I use List I must explain that type I read (Record...) isn't type I have (Any...). It's to complex ! With record the length is fixed, and use of Record... is less pretty than use of List... So I prefer that axiom-interpreter translates without question Any type to his own type. Even if there are difficults aroud this map : The first t is a Polynomial or an Integer ? fricas map (t +-> [t,
Type: List(List(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer))))
FMy? Don't you think that in![]() If you think that E is the set fricas )clear all
Type: List(Record(quotient: Integer,
looks quite mathematical, n'est pas? Well, there is a local assignment to If you like your way more than perhaps write fricas K := [divide(10*t, Type: List(Record(quotient: Integer,
fricas [t for t in K | t.remainder=1]
Type: List(Record(quotient: Integer,
And, by the way, if it weren't for the fact that divide in Aldor's libalgebra library has signature: divide: (%, %) -> (%, %); instead of Axiom's: divide: (%,%) -> Record(quotient:%,remainder:%) The above construction would also work in Aldor.
(The use of Ralf FMy?,I think you meant to write: fricas select(t+->t.remainder=1,
Type: List(Record(quotient: Integer,
There is no meaning for I disagree that one should use a list as cartesian product of sets. This is very much against the strong-type design of Axiom. Instead Axom should provide a type equivalent to the cartesian product and it should be (nearly) as flexible as Lists. The next best thing that Axiom has is Record. When creating an anonymous function you can provide specific types: fricas L:=map ((t:INT):Record(t:INT,
Type: List(Record(t: Integer,
so that the result is clear. The discussion of Lists, Tuples, Products and Records in Axiom is an old one. See:
I agree that Axiom does not get this right. In Aldor the
I do not know yet how to understand the domain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing This a form of dynamic typing where the values from the
domain showTypeInOutput can be used to show the underlying type
of an object of type Any.
fricas )set message any off
Type: String
Test fricas a:Any:=[1,
Type: Any
fricas a.1
Type: Any
fricas (a.1)::Integer
Type: Integer
fricas (a.2)::String
Type: String