Demonstration of modifying and testing a SPAD file
I changed the abbreviation to TRMANIP2 and the name to
TranscendentalManipulations2 so I can call both the old
and new package if necessary.
(1) -> <spad>
)abbrev package TRMANIP2 TranscendentalManipulations2
++ Transformations on transcendental objects
++ Author: Bob Sutor, Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: Way back
++ Date Last Updated: 22 January 1996, added simplifyLog MCD.
++ Description:
++ TranscendentalManipulations provides functions to simplify and
++ expand expressions involving transcendental operators.
++ Keywords: transcendental, manipulation.
TranscendentalManipulations2(R, F): Exports == Implementation where
R : Join(OrderedSet, GcdDomain)
F : Join(FunctionSpace R, TranscendentalFunctionCategory)
Z ==> Integer
K ==> Kernel F
P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
UP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial P
POWER ==> "%power"::Symbol
POW ==> Record(val: F,exponent: Z)
PRODUCT ==> Record(coef : Z, var : K)
FPR ==> Fraction Polynomial R
Exports ==> with
expand : F -> F
++ expand(f) performs the following expansions on f:\begin{items}
++ \item 1. logs of products are expanded into sums of logs,
++ \item 2. trigonometric and hyperbolic trigonometric functions
++ of sums are expanded into sums of products of trigonometric
++ and hyperbolic trigonometric functions.
++ \item 3. formal powers of the form \spad{(a/b)^c} are expanded into
++ \spad{a^c * b^(-c)}.
++ \end{items}
simplify : F -> F
++ simplify(f) performs the following simplifications on f:\begin{items}
++ \item 1. rewrites trigs and hyperbolic trigs in terms
++ of \spad{sin} ,\spad{cos}, \spad{sinh}, \spad{cosh}.
++ \item 2. rewrites \spad{sin^2} and \spad{sinh^2} in terms
++ of \spad{cos} and \spad{cosh},
++ \item 3. rewrites \spad{exp(a)*exp(b)} as \spad{exp(a+b)}.
++ \item 4. rewrites \spad{(a^(1/n))^m * (a^(1/s))^t} as a single
++ power of a single radical of \spad{a}.
++ \end{items}
htrigs : F -> F
++ htrigs(f) converts all the exponentials in f into
++ hyperbolic sines and cosines.
simplifyExp: F -> F
++ simplifyExp(f) converts every product \spad{exp(a)*exp(b)}
++ appearing in f into \spad{exp(a+b)}.
simplifyLog : F -> F
++ simplifyLog(f) converts every \spad{log(a) - log(b)} appearing in f
++ into \spad{log(a/b)}, every \spad{log(a) + log(b)} into \spad{log(a*b)}
++ and every \spad{n*log(a)} into \spad{log(a^n)}.
expandPower: F -> F
++ expandPower(f) converts every power \spad{(a/b)^c} appearing
++ in f into \spad{a^c * b^(-c)}.
expandLog : F -> F
++ expandLog(f) converts every \spad{log(a/b)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{log(a) - log(b)}, and every \spad{log(a*b)} into
++ \spad{log(a) + log(b)}..
cos2sec : F -> F
++ cos2sec(f) converts every \spad{cos(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/sec(u)}.
cosh2sech : F -> F
++ cosh2sech(f) converts every \spad{cosh(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/sech(u)}.
cot2trig : F -> F
++ cot2trig(f) converts every \spad{cot(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{cos(u)/sin(u)}.
coth2trigh : F -> F
++ coth2trigh(f) converts every \spad{coth(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{cosh(u)/sinh(u)}.
csc2sin : F -> F
++ csc2sin(f) converts every \spad{csc(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/sin(u)}.
csch2sinh : F -> F
++ csch2sinh(f) converts every \spad{csch(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/sinh(u)}.
sec2cos : F -> F
++ sec2cos(f) converts every \spad{sec(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/cos(u)}.
sech2cosh : F -> F
++ sech2cosh(f) converts every \spad{sech(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/cosh(u)}.
sin2csc : F -> F
++ sin2csc(f) converts every \spad{sin(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/csc(u)}.
sinh2csch : F -> F
++ sinh2csch(f) converts every \spad{sinh(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/csch(u)}.
tan2trig : F -> F
++ tan2trig(f) converts every \spad{tan(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{sin(u)/cos(u)}.
tanh2trigh : F -> F
++ tanh2trigh(f) converts every \spad{tanh(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{sinh(u)/cosh(u)}.
tan2cot : F -> F
++ tan2cot(f) converts every \spad{tan(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/cot(u)}.
tanh2coth : F -> F
++ tanh2coth(f) converts every \spad{tanh(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/coth(u)}.
cot2tan : F -> F
++ cot2tan(f) converts every \spad{cot(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/tan(u)}.
coth2tanh : F -> F
++ coth2tanh(f) converts every \spad{coth(u)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1/tanh(u)}.
removeCosSq: F -> F
++ removeCosSq(f) converts every \spad{cos(u)^2} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1 - sin(x)^2}, and also reduces higher
++ powers of \spad{cos(u)} with that formula.
removeSinSq: F -> F
++ removeSinSq(f) converts every \spad{sin(u)^2} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1 - cos(x)^2}, and also reduces higher powers of
++ \spad{sin(u)} with that formula.
removeCoshSq:F -> F
++ removeCoshSq(f) converts every \spad{cosh(u)^2} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1 - sinh(x)^2}, and also reduces higher powers of
++ \spad{cosh(u)} with that formula.
removeSinhSq:F -> F
++ removeSinhSq(f) converts every \spad{sinh(u)^2} appearing in f into
++ \spad{1 - cosh(x)^2}, and also reduces higher powers
++ of \spad{sinh(u)} with that formula.
if R has PatternMatchable(R) and R has ConvertibleTo(Pattern(R)) and F has ConvertibleTo(Pattern(R)) and F has PatternMatchable R then
expandTrigProducts : F -> F
++ expandTrigProducts(e) replaces \axiom{sin(x)*sin(y)} by
++ \spad{(cos(x-y)-cos(x+y))/2}, \axiom{cos(x)*cos(y)} by
++ \spad{(cos(x-y)+cos(x+y))/2}, and \axiom{sin(x)*cos(y)} by
++ \spad{(sin(x-y)+sin(x+y))/2}. Note that this operation uses
++ the pattern matcher and so is relatively expensive. To avoid
++ getting into an infinite loop the transformations are applied
++ at most ten times.
Implementation ==> add
-- for debugging only
import OutputForm
import OutputPackage
-- end debugging
import FactoredFunctions(P)
import PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents K, K, R, P, F)
PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(IndexedExponents K,K,R,P,F)
smpexp : P -> F
termexp : P -> F
exlog : P -> F
smplog : P -> F
smpexpand : P -> F
smp2htrigs: P -> F
kerexpand : K -> F
expandpow : K -> F
logexpand : K -> F
sup2htrigs: (UP, F) -> F
supexp : (UP, F, F, Z) -> F
ueval : (F, String, F -> F) -> F
ueval2 : (F, String, F -> F) -> F
powersimp : (P, List K) -> F
t2t : F -> F
c2t : F -> F
c2s : F -> F
s2c : F -> F
s2c2 : F -> F
th2th : F -> F
ch2th : F -> F
ch2sh : F -> F
sh2ch : F -> F
sh2ch2 : F -> F
simplify0 : F -> F
simplifyLog1 : F -> F
logArgs : List F -> F
import F
import List F
if R has PatternMatchable R and R has ConvertibleTo Pattern R and F has ConvertibleTo(Pattern(R)) and F has PatternMatchable R then
XX : F := coerce new()$Symbol
YY : F := coerce new()$Symbol
sinCosRule : RewriteRule(R,R,F) :=
sinSinRule : RewriteRule(R,R,F) :=
cosCosRule : RewriteRule(R,R,F) :=
expandTrigProducts(e:F):F ==
logArgs(l:List F):F ==
-- This function will take a list of Expressions (implicitly a sum) and
-- add them up, combining log terms. It also replaces n*log(x) by
-- log(x^n).
import K
sum : F := 0
arg : F := 1
for term in l repeat
is?(term,"log"::Symbol) =>
arg := arg * simplifyLog(first(argument(first(kernels(term)))))
-- Now look for multiples, including negative ones.
prod : Union(PRODUCT, "failed") := isMult(term)
(prod case PRODUCT) and is?(prod.var,"log"::Symbol) =>
arg := arg * simplifyLog ((first argument(prod.var))^(prod.coef))
sum := sum+term
simplifyLog(e:F):F ==
simplifyLog1(numerator e)/simplifyLog1(denominator e)
simplifyLog1(e:F):F ==
freeOf?(e,"log"::Symbol) => e
-- Check for n*log(u)
prod : Union(PRODUCT, "failed") := isMult(e)
(prod case PRODUCT) and is?(prod.var,"log"::Symbol) =>
log simplifyLog ((first argument(prod.var))^(prod.coef))
termList : Union(List(F),"failed") := isTimes(e)
-- I'm using two variables, termList and terms, to work round a
-- bug in the old compiler.
not (termList case "failed") =>
-- We want to simplify each log term in the product and then multiply
-- them together. However, if there is a constant or arithmetic
-- expression (i.e. something which looks like a Polynomial) we would
-- like to combine it with a log term.
terms :List F := [simplifyLog(term) for term in termList::List(F)]
exprs :List F := []
for i in 1..#terms repeat
if retractIfCan(terms.i)@Union(FPR,"failed") case FPR then
exprs := cons(terms.i,exprs)
terms := delete!(terms,i)
if not empty? exprs then
foundLog := false
i : NonNegativeInteger := 0
while (not(foundLog) and (i < #terms)) repeat
i := i+1
if is?(terms.i, 'log) then
args : List F := argument(retract(terms.i)@K)
setelt!(terms,i, log simplifyLog1(first(args)^(*/exprs)))
foundLog := true
-- The next line deals with a situation which shouldn't occur,
-- since we have checked whether we are freeOf log already.
if not foundLog then terms := append(exprs,terms)
terms : Union(List(F),"failed") := isPlus(e)
not (terms case "failed") => logArgs(terms)
expt : Union(POW, "failed") := isPower(e)
-- (expt case POW) and not one? expt.exponent =>
(expt case POW) and not (expt.exponent = 1) =>
kers : List K := kernels e
-- not(one?(#kers)) => e -- Have a constant
not(((#kers) = 1)) => e -- Have a constant
kernel(operator first kers,[simplifyLog(u) for u in argument first kers])
if R has RetractableTo Integer then
simplify x == rootProduct(simplify0 x)$AlgebraicManipulations(R,F)
else simplify x == simplify0 x
expandpow k ==
a := expandPower first(arg := argument k)
b := expandPower second arg
-- ne:F := (one? numer a => 1; numer(a)::F ^ b)
ne:F := (((numer a) = 1) => 1; numer(a)::F ^ b)
-- de:F := (one? denom a => 1; denom(a)::F ^ (-b))
de:F := (((denom a) = 1) => 1; denom(a)::F ^ (-b))
ne * de
termexp p ==
exponent:F := 0
coef := (leadingCoefficient p)::P
lpow := select(xx +-> is?(xx, POWER)$K, lk := variables p)$List(K)
for k in lk repeat
d := degree(p, k)
if is?(k, "exp"::Symbol) then
exponent := exponent + d * first argument k
else if not is?(k, POWER) then
-- Expand arguments to functions as well ... MCD 23/1/97
--coef := coef * monomial(1, k, d)
coef := coef * monomial(1, kernel(operator k,[simplifyExp u for u in argument k], height k), d)
coef::F * exp exponent * powersimp(p, lpow)
expandPower f ==
l := select(xx +-> is?(xx, POWER)$K, kernels f)$List(K)
eval(f, l, [expandpow k for k in l])
-- l is a list of pure powers appearing as kernels in p
powersimp(p, l) ==
empty? l => 1
k := first l -- k = a^b
a := first(arg := argument k)
exponent := degree(p, k) * second arg
empty?(lk := select((xx : K) : Boolean +-> a = first argument xx, rest l)) =>
(a ^ exponent) * powersimp(p, rest l)
for k0 in lk repeat
exponent := exponent + degree(p, k0) * second argument k0
(a ^ exponent) * powersimp(p, setDifference(rest l, lk))
t2t x == sin(x) / cos(x)
c2t x == cos(x) / sin(x)
c2s x == inv sin x
s2c x == inv cos x
s2c2 x == 1 - cos(x)^2
th2th x == sinh(x) / cosh(x)
ch2th x == cosh(x) / sinh(x)
ch2sh x == inv sinh x
sh2ch x == inv cosh x
sh2ch2 x == cosh(x)^2 - 1
ueval(x, s,f) == eval(x, s::Symbol, f)
ueval2(x,s,f) == eval(x, s::Symbol, 2, f)
cos2sec x == ueval(x, "cos", xx +-> inv sec xx)
sin2csc x == ueval(x, "sin", xx +-> inv csc xx)
csc2sin x == ueval(x, "csc", c2s)
sec2cos x == ueval(x, "sec", s2c)
tan2cot x == ueval(x, "tan", xx +-> inv cot xx)
cot2tan x == ueval(x, "cot", xx +-> inv tan xx)
tan2trig x == ueval(x, "tan", t2t)
cot2trig x == ueval(x, "cot", c2t)
cosh2sech x == ueval(x, "cosh", xx +-> inv sech xx)
sinh2csch x == ueval(x, "sinh", xx +-> inv csch xx)
csch2sinh x == ueval(x, "csch", ch2sh)
sech2cosh x == ueval(x, "sech", sh2ch)
tanh2coth x == ueval(x, "tanh", xx +-> inv coth xx)
coth2tanh x == ueval(x, "coth", xx +-> inv tanh xx)
tanh2trigh x == ueval(x, "tanh", th2th)
coth2trigh x == ueval(x, "coth", ch2th)
removeCosSq x == ueval2(x, "cos", xx +-> 1 - (sin xx)^2)
removeSinSq x == ueval2(x, "sin", s2c2)
removeCoshSq x== ueval2(x, "cosh", xx +-> 1 + (sinh xx)^2)
removeSinhSq x== ueval2(x, "sinh", sh2ch2)
expandLog x == smplog(numer x) / smplog(denom x)
simplifyExp x == (smpexp numer x) / (smpexp denom x)
expand x == (smpexpand numer x) / (smpexpand denom x)
smpexpand p == map(kerexpand, xx +-> xx::F, p)
smplog p == map(logexpand, xx +-> xx::F, p)
smp2htrigs p == map(htrigs(#1::F), xx+-> xx::F, p)
htrigs f ==
(m := mainKernel f) case "failed" => f
op := operator(k := m::K)
arg := [htrigs x for x in argument k]$List(F)
num := univariate(numer f, k)
den := univariate(denom f, k)
is?(op, "exp"::Symbol) =>
g1 := cosh(a := first arg) + sinh(a)
g2 := cosh(a) - sinh(a)
supexp(num,g1,g2,b:= (degree num)::Z quo 2)/supexp(den,g1,g2,b)
sup2htrigs(num, g1:= op arg) / sup2htrigs(den, g1)
supexp(p, f1, f2, bse) ==
ans:F := 0
while p ~= 0 repeat
g := htrigs(leadingCoefficient(p)::F)
if ((d := degree(p)::Z - bse) >= 0) then
ans := ans + g * f1 ^ d
else ans := ans + g * f2 ^ (-d)
p := reductum p
sup2htrigs(p, f) ==
(map(smp2htrigs, p)$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(P, F)) f
exlog p == +/[r.coef * log(r.logand::F) for r in log squareFree p]
logexpand k ==
nullary?(op := operator k) => k::F
is?(op, "log"::Symbol) =>
exlog(numer(x := expandLog first argument k)) - exlog denom x
op [expandLog x for x in argument k]$List(F)
kerexpand k ==
nullary?(op := operator k) => k::F
is?(op, POWER) => expandpow k
arg := first argument k
is?(op, "sec"::Symbol) => inv expand cos arg
is?(op, "csc"::Symbol) => inv expand sin arg
is?(op, "log"::Symbol) =>
exlog(numer(x := expand arg)) - exlog denom x
num := numer arg
den := denom arg
num := numer arg
den := denom arg
-- for debugging output
num := numer arg
den := denom arg
output(message "num:")
output(message "den:")
-- end debugging
(b := (reductum num) / den) ~= 0 =>
a := (leadingMonomial num) / den
is?(op, "exp"::Symbol) => exp(expand a) * expand(exp b)
is?(op, "sin"::Symbol) =>
sin(expand a) * expand(cos b) + cos(expand a) * expand(sin b)
is?(op, "cos"::Symbol) =>
cos(expand a) * expand(cos b) - sin(expand a) * expand(sin b)
is?(op, "tan"::Symbol) =>
ta := tan expand a
tb := expand tan b
(ta + tb) / (1 - ta * tb)
is?(op, "cot"::Symbol) =>
cta := cot expand a
ctb := expand cot b
(cta * ctb - 1) / (ctb + cta)
op [expand x for x in argument k]$List(F)
op [expand x for x in argument k]$List(F)
smpexp p ==
ans:F := 0
while p ~= 0 repeat
ans := ans + termexp leadingMonomial p
p := reductum p
-- this now works in 3 passes over the expression:
-- pass1 rewrites trigs and htrigs in terms of sin,cos,sinh,cosh
-- pass2 rewrites sin^2 and sinh^2 in terms of cos and cosh.
-- pass3 groups exponentials together
simplify0 x ==
simplifyExp eval(eval(x,
["sin"::Symbol, "sinh"::Symbol], [2, 2], [s2c2, sh2ch2])</spad>
+ fricas
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
TRMANIP2 abbreviates package TranscendentalManipulations2
initializing NRLIB TRMANIP2 for TranscendentalManipulations2
compiling into NRLIB TRMANIP2
****** Domain: R already in scope
****** Domain: F already in scope
importing OutputForm
importing OutputPackage
importing FactoredFunctions SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F)
importing PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents Kernel F,Kernel F,R,SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F),F)
importing PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(IndexedExponents Kernel F,Kernel F,R,SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F),F)
importing F
importing List F
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (PatternMatchable R)
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern R))
****** Domain: F already in scope
augmenting F: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern R))
****** Domain: F already in scope
augmenting F: (PatternMatchable R)
compiling exported expandTrigProducts : F -> F
Time: 0.06 SEC.
compiling local logArgs : List F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported simplifyLog : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local simplifyLog1 : F -> F
Local variable terms type redefined: (List F) to (Union (List F) failed)
Time: 0.02 SEC.
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (RetractableTo (Integer))
compiling exported simplify : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported simplify : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local expandpow : Kernel F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local termexp : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F) -> F
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported expandPower : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local powersimp : (SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F),List Kernel F) -> F
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local t2t : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local c2t : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local c2s : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local s2c : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local s2c2 : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local th2th : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local ch2th : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local ch2sh : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local sh2ch : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local sh2ch2 : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local ueval : (F,String,F -> F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local ueval2 : (F,String,F -> F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported cos2sec : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported sin2csc : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported csc2sin : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported sec2cos : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported tan2cot : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported cot2tan : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported tan2trig : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported cot2trig : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported cosh2sech : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported sinh2csch : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported csch2sinh : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported sech2cosh : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported tanh2coth : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coth2tanh : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported tanh2trigh : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coth2trigh : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported removeCosSq : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported removeSinSq : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported removeCoshSq : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported removeSinhSq : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported expandLog : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported simplifyExp : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported expand : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local smpexpand : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local smplog : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local smp2htrigs : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported htrigs : F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local supexp : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F),F,F,Integer) -> F
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local sup2htrigs : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F),F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local exlog : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local logexpand : Kernel F -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local kerexpand : Kernel F -> F
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local smpexp : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R,Kernel F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local simplify0 : F -> F
Time: 0.05 SEC.
****** Domain: F already in scope
augmenting F: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern R))
****** Domain: F already in scope
augmenting F: (PatternMatchable R)
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (ConvertibleTo (Pattern R))
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (PatternMatchable R)
(time taken in buildFunctor: 457)
;;; *** |TranscendentalManipulations2| REDEFINED
;;; *** |TranscendentalManipulations2| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] logArgs: var has no value
[2] logArgs: coef has no value
[3] logArgs: arg has no value
[4] simplifyLog1: var has no value
[5] simplifyLog1: coef has no value
[6] simplifyLog1: exponent has no value
[7] simplifyLog1: val has no value
[8] simplifyLog1: exprs has no value
[9] simplifyLog1: terms has no value
[10] termexp: exponent has no value
[11] exlog: coef has no value
[12] exlog: logand has no value
[13] logexpand: IN has no value
[14] logexpand: x has no value
[15] kerexpand: IN has no value
[16] kerexpand: x has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TranscendentalManipulations2
Time: 0.27 seconds
finalizing NRLIB TRMANIP2
Processing TranscendentalManipulations2 for Browser database:
--------(expand (F F))---------
--------(simplify (F F))---------
--------(htrigs (F F))---------
--------(simplifyExp (F F))---------
--------(simplifyLog (F F))---------
--------(expandPower (F F))---------
--------(expandLog (F F))---------
--------(cos2sec (F F))---------
--------(cosh2sech (F F))---------
--------(cot2trig (F F))---------
--------(coth2trigh (F F))---------
--------(csc2sin (F F))---------
--------(csch2sinh (F F))---------
--------(sec2cos (F F))---------
--------(sech2cosh (F F))---------
--------(sin2csc (F F))---------
--------(sinh2csch (F F))---------
--------(tan2trig (F F))---------
--------(tanh2trigh (F F))---------
--------(tan2cot (F F))---------
--------(tanh2coth (F F))---------
--------(cot2tan (F F))---------
--------(coth2tanh (F F))---------
--------(removeCosSq (F F))---------
--------(removeSinSq (F F))---------
--------(removeCoshSq (F F))---------
--------(removeSinhSq (F F))---------
--------(expandTrigProducts (F F))---------
--->-->TranscendentalManipulations2((expandTrigProducts (F F))): Unexpected HT command: \axiom
--->-->TranscendentalManipulations2((expandTrigProducts (F F))): Unexpected HT command: \axiom
--->-->TranscendentalManipulations2((expandTrigProducts (F F))): Unexpected HT command: \axiom
"\\spad{expandTrigProducts(e)} replaces \\axiom{sin(\\spad{x})*sin(\\spad{y})} by \\spad{(cos(x-y)-cos(x+y))/2},{} \\axiom{cos(\\spad{x})*cos(\\spad{y})} by \\spad{(cos(x-y)+cos(x+y))/2},{} and \\axiom{sin(\\spad{x})*cos(\\spad{y})} by \\spad{(sin(x-y)+sin(x+y))/2}. Note that this operation uses the pattern matcher and so is relatively expensive. To avoid getting into an infinite loop the transformations are applied at most ten times."
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TRMANIP2.NRLIB/TRMANIP2.lsp" (written 11 JAN 2025 03:34:08 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TRMANIP2.NRLIB/TRMANIP2.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.208
TranscendentalManipulations2 is now explicitly exposed in frame
TranscendentalManipulations2 will be automatically loaded when
needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TRMANIP2.NRLIB/TRMANIP2
Testing the change
-- old
ex1:=expandTrigProducts(sin(x)*sin(y))$TRMANIP(INT,Expression Integer)
Type: Expression(Integer)
ex2:=expand(ex1)$TRMANIP(INT,Expression Integer)
Type: Expression(Integer)
ex3:=expand(ex1)$TRMANIP2(INT,Expression Integer)
y + x
y - x
Type: Expression(Integer)
sinCosProducts := rule
sin(x)*sin(y) == (cos(x-y) - cos(x+y))/2
cos(x)*cos(y) == (cos(x-y) + cos(x+y))/2
sin(x)*cos(y) == (sin(x-y) + sin(x+y))/2
sin(x)^2 == (1 - cos(2*x))/2
sin(x)^3 == sin(x)*(1 - cos(2*x))/2
Type: Ruleset(Integer,Integer,Expression(Integer))