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Edit detail for SandBoxEqualizerInOpenAxiom revision 2 of 2

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Editor: page
Time: 2009/01/08 11:46:18 GMT-8
Note: version

-version of OpenAxiom which produces the error message::
version of OpenAxiom


which produces the error message::

In FriCAS Equalizer (See: LimitsAndColimits) can be defined as a SubDomain as follows, but this does not work in the most recent version of OpenAxiom

(1) -> )version
"FriCAS 1.3.10 compiled at Wed 10 Jan 02:19:45 CET 2024"

which produces the error message:

  predicate =f(#1)g(#1) is not simple enough

)abbrev domain EQLZR Equalizer
Equalizer(X:SetCategory,Y:SetCategory,f:X->Y, g:X->Y): SetCategory with
    eq: % -> X
  == SubDomain(X,f #1 = g #1) add
    eq(x:%):X == x pretend X
)abbrev package EQLZF EqualizerFunctions EqualizerFunctions(X:SetCategory,Y:SetCategory,f:X->Y,g:X->Y, M:SetCategory,m:M->X): with u: M->Equalizer(X,Y,f,g) == add -- u(x:M):Equalizer(X,Y,f,g) == m(x) pretend Equalizer(X,Y,f,g)
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   EQLZR abbreviates domain Equalizer 
   initializing NRLIB EQLZR for Equalizer 
   compiling into NRLIB EQLZR 
   compiling exported eq : % -> X
      EQLZR;eq;%X;1 is replaced by x 
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |Equalizer| REDEFINED
;;; *** |Equalizer| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor Equalizer Time: 0 seconds
finalizing NRLIB EQLZR Processing Equalizer for Browser database: --->-->Equalizer(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->Equalizer((eq (X %))): Not documented!!!! --->-->Equalizer(): Missing Description ; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EQLZR.NRLIB/EQLZR.lsp" (written 21 DEC 2024 08:14:23 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EQLZR.NRLIB/EQLZR.fasl ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Equalizer is now explicitly exposed in frame initial Equalizer will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EQLZR.NRLIB/EQLZR
EQLZF abbreviates package EqualizerFunctions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB EQLZF for EqualizerFunctions compiling into NRLIB EQLZF compiling exported u : M -> Equalizer(X,Y,f,g) Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |EqualizerFunctions| REDEFINED
;;; *** |EqualizerFunctions| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor EqualizerFunctions Time: 0 seconds
finalizing NRLIB EQLZF Processing EqualizerFunctions for Browser database: --->-->EqualizerFunctions(constructor): Not documented!!!! --->-->EqualizerFunctions((u ((Equalizer X Y f g) M))): Not documented!!!! --->-->EqualizerFunctions(): Missing Description ; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EQLZF.NRLIB/EQLZF.lsp" (written 21 DEC 2024 08:14:23 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EQLZF.NRLIB/EQLZF.fasl ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EqualizerFunctions is now explicitly exposed in frame initial EqualizerFunctions will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/EQLZF.NRLIB/EQLZF

)show Equalizer(Float,Float,sin,cos)
Equalizer(Float,Float,theMap(FLOAT;sin;2%;10,655),theMap(FLOAT;cos;2%;12,655)) is a domain constructor. Abbreviation for Equalizer is EQLZR This constructor is exposed in this frame. 5 Names for 5 Operations in this Domain. ------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?=? : (%, %) -> Boolean coerce : % -> OutputForm eq : % -> Float latex : % -> String ?~=? : (%, %) -> Boolean