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#include "axiom"
#library lBasics "basics.ao" import from lBasics #library lMorphisms "morphisms.ao" import from lMorphisms #library lAdjoints "adjoints.ao" import from lAdjoints
+++ +++ The Aldor category of mathematical categories +++ define MathCategory(Obj:Category):Category == Id Obj with Compose Obj with Morphisms Obj
+++ +++ One sometimes needs the Hom-style categories where morphisms from A to B +++ are objects in Hom(A,B) rather than A->B. +++ define MathCategory(Obj:Category,Hom:(Obj,Obj)->Domains):Category == with id: (A:Obj) -> Hom(A,A) compose: (A:Obj,B:Obj,C:Obj) -> (Hom(A,B),Hom(B,C)) -> Hom(A,C)
+++ +++ Identities +++ define Id(Obj:Category):Category == with id: (A:Obj) -> (A->A) default id(A:Obj):(A->A) == (a:A):A +-> a
+++ +++ Composition of Morphisms +++ define Compose(Obj:Category):Category == with compose: (A:Obj,B:Obj,C:Obj) -> (A->B,B->C) -> (A->C) default compose(A:Obj,B:Obj,C:Obj)(f:A->B,g:B->C):(A->C) == (a:A):C +-> g f a
+++ +++ Initial Objects +++ define Initial(Obj:Category):Category == with Zero: () -> Obj zero: (A:Obj) -> (Zero()->A) -- 0: Obj -- 0: (A:Obj)->(0->A)
+++ +++ Final Objects +++ define Final(Obj:Category):Category == with One: () -> Obj one: (A:Obj) -> (A->One()) -- 1: Obj -- 1: (A:Obj)->(A->1)
+++ +++ Equalizer +++ define Equalizer(Obj:Category):Category == with Equalizer: (A:Obj,B:Obj,A->B,A->B) -> (E:Obj,E->A)
+++ +++ CoEqualizer +++ define CoEqualizer(Obj:Category):Category == with CoEqualizer: (A:Obj,B:Obj,B->A,B->A) -> (E:Obj,A->E)
+++ +++ Pullback Square +++ define Pullback(Obj:Category):Category == with Pullback: (A:Obj,C:Obj,B:Obj) -> (A->C,B->C) -> ( Pullback:Obj, Pullback->A,Pullback->B,(X:Obj,X->A,X->B) -> (X->Pullback))
+++ +++ Pushout Square, the dual of a Pullback Square +++ define Pushout(Obj:Category):Category == with Pushout: (A:Obj,C:Obj,B:Obj) -> (C->A,C->B) -> ( Pushout:Obj, A->Pushout,B->Pushout, (X:Obj,A->X,A->X) -> ( Pushout->X))
+++ +++ Exponential object +++ define Exp(Obj:Category,E:Obj):Category == with rightProductFunctor: Obj -> Obj expFunctor: Obj -> Obj Adjoint(Obj,Obj,rightProductFunctor,expFunctor)
define Exponential(Obj:Category):Category == with Exp: (E:Obj) -> Exp(Obj,E)
define Hom(Obj:Category):Category == with Hom: (Obj,Obj) -> Obj
define Hom?(Obj:Category):Category == with hom?: (Obj,Obj) -> Boolean -- hom?(A,B) answers "Are there any Homs from A to B?"
+++ +++ Decategorification +++ define Isomorphic(Obj:Category):Category == with isomorphic?: (A:Obj,B:Obj) -> Boolean Decategorify: Set with { object: Obj -> % } default Decategorify: Set with { object: Obj -> % } == add Rep == Obj object(A:Obj):% == per A (A:%)=(B:%):Boolean == isomorphic? ( rep A, rep B) coerce(A:%):OutputForm == message "[Object]"
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using Aldor compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
   The )library system command was not called after compilation.

SandBox Aldor Category Theory 6

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