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Time: 2007/11/08 11:13:40 GMT-8
Note: public

-<a href="<dtml-if go>http://wiki.axiom-developer.org&dtml-go;<dtml-else>../AxiomDownload</dtml-if>" class="hover-red">
<a href="<dtml-if go>http://axiom-wiki.newsynthesis.org&dtml-go;<dtml-else>../AxiomDownload</dtml-if>" class="hover-red">

You are about to download something ...

When you press the "Continue Download" button below, the transfer will begin. But before you do, we would like to remind you of some opportunities to give something back.

This is provided to you at no charge and you have a right to redistribute it to others (according to license). In return we depend on people like you - those who are willing to volunteer their time, effort and donations to ensure that all of Axiom remains free and that timely enhancements continue to be available to everyone.

You can help by:

(Note: These links will open a new window.)

The AxiomFoundation? appreciates your support!

?" class="hover-red"> ?" class="hover-red">


"Continue Download" works !, Linux FF 1.0 --unknown, Fri, 15 Apr 2005 02:12:41 -0500 reply

"Continue Download" works !, Linux x86 (suSe 9.1), Firefox 1.0 en. Keep the good work ! Ale

continue download not work --unknown, Sun, 22 May 2005 10:09:04 -0500 reply

Continue download doesnot work sometimes on konqueror /Redhat Fedora 3

please provide details --Bill Page, Sun, 22 May 2005 21:44:47 -0500 reply

I can not reproduce any problem with kongueror and Fedora 3. Please tell me the exact sequence of steps that causes the failure.

Splitting Windows package --unknown, Wed, 25 May 2005 18:57:13 -0500 reply

The windows package is huge, maybe a good ide to split it, one for the programs and another for the documentation in pdf.

Splitting Axiom --unknown, Sun, 05 Jun 2005 05:15:22 -0500 reply

Yes, it is indeed a good idea to split the windows package. Also separate the gui, the text interface, documentation, and tutorials. Make them available separately so that one can down load the axiom "kernel" first then the gui/tutorials samples etc as and when required. Also, many people already have some TeX? implementation for windows. For them size will be the only concern. Most of the people have limited bandwidth. Why inhibit them from using axiom because of d/l speed.

Splitting Axiom --unknown, Wed, 08 Jun 2005 17:51:04 -0500 reply

Also you save bandwith.

Axiom and Suse --unknown, Fri, 17 Jun 2005 23:27:04 -0500 reply

Will Axiom run under Suse Linux?

AXIOM on SuSE? --unknown, Sat, 18 Jun 2005 01:40:23 -0500 reply

I have had runing AXIOM on several SuSE? versions up to 9.1 (not checked for newer ones). If you compile AXIOM, as I do, you need probably to install additional packages, eg TeX? (teTeX is fine) and some xdeveloper packages. Perhaps you need also binutils installed either. Somewhere around is a list what packages are needed.

... --unknown, Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:35:53 -0500 reply

I have just built Axiom from source on SuSE? 10. I admit that I have to install TeX? (teTeX) after getting a complain from Axiom installation. It took me 4 hour on my 3 years old laptop. I have to add a PATH for it to run after the installation to finish. Nevertheless, the installation is simple enough for me, everything works great after installation. I did not expect Axiom to have that impressive 3D plotting. I have been using Mathematica for 6 years, but the transparency (open, much needed for trustable research) and the price (free) of Axiom truly attract me. I will experimenting with it for a while before telling you more about my story. One thing for sure, I will spread more word about this CAS.

Continue download does not work with lynx --unknown, Tue, 16 May 2006 13:26:23 -0500 reply

Well, in lynx all I see is [BUTTON]? but that is not usable.

don't split it! --jakob, Mon, 19 Mar 2007 17:06:21 -0600 reply

please don't take down the complete package, because many people don't want to spend too much time by downloading and installing 5 programs instead of loading one simple file and install it. it could be a furher service, but splitting that up would complicise it all too much.