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Edit detail for InputForm revision 3 of 4

1 2 3 4
Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2008/09/17 12:11:02 GMT-7
Note: parse returns null in case of a syntax error

null? parse("sin(x + 1")


Domain of parsed forms which can be passed to the interpreter. This is also the interface between algebra code and facilities in the interpreter.

)show InputForm
InputForm is a domain constructor Abbreviation for InputForm is INFORM This constructor is not exposed in this frame. ------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- #? : % -> Integer ?*? : (%,%) -> % ?+? : (%,%) -> % ?/? : (%,%) -> % ?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean 1 : () -> % 0 : () -> % ?^? : (%,Integer) -> % atom? : % -> Boolean binary : (%,List(%)) -> % car : % -> % cdr : % -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm convert : SExpression -> % convert : % -> SExpression convert : OutputForm -> % convert : DoubleFloat -> % convert : Integer -> % convert : Symbol -> % convert : String -> % convert : List(%) -> % declare : List(%) -> Symbol destruct : % -> List(%) ?.? : (%,List(Integer)) -> % ?.? : (%,Integer) -> % eq : (%,%) -> Boolean expr : % -> OutputForm flatten : % -> % float : % -> DoubleFloat float? : % -> Boolean hash : % -> SingleInteger integer : % -> Integer integer? : % -> Boolean interpret : % -> Any lambda : (%,List(Symbol)) -> % latex : % -> String list? : % -> Boolean null? : % -> Boolean pair? : % -> Boolean parse : String -> % string : % -> String string? : % -> Boolean symbol : % -> Symbol symbol? : % -> Boolean unparse : % -> String ?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean ?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % compile : (Symbol,List(%)) -> Symbol function : (%,List(Symbol),Symbol) -> % hashUpdate! : (HashState,%) -> HashState

Add a new export for parse.

)abbrev domain INFORM InputForm
++ Parser forms
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: ???
++ Date Last Updated: 19 April 1991
++ Description:
++   Domain of parsed forms which can be passed to the interpreter.
++   This is also the interface between algebra code and facilities
++   in the interpreter.
--)boot $noSubsumption := true
InputForm(): Join(SExpressionCategory(String,Symbol,Integer,DoubleFloat,OutputForm), ConvertibleTo SExpression) with interpret: % -> Any ++ interpret(f) passes f to the interpreter. convert : SExpression -> % ++ convert(s) makes s into an input form. binary : (%, List %) -> % ++ \spad{binary(op, [a1,...,an])} returns the input form ++ corresponding to \spad{a1 op a2 op ... op an}. function : (%, List Symbol, Symbol) -> % ++ \spad{function(code, [x1,...,xn], f)} returns the input form ++ corresponding to \spad{f(x1,...,xn) == code}. lambda : (%, List Symbol) -> % ++ \spad{lambda(code, [x1,...,xn])} returns the input form ++ corresponding to \spad{(x1,...,xn) +-> code} if \spad{n > 1}, ++ or to \spad{x1 +-> code} if \spad{n = 1}. "+" : (%, %) -> % ++ \spad{a + b} returns the input form corresponding to \spad{a + b}. "*" : (%, %) -> % ++ \spad{a * b} returns the input form corresponding to \spad{a * b}. "/" : (%, %) -> % ++ \spad{a / b} returns the input form corresponding to \spad{a / b}. "**" : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> % ++ \spad{a ** b} returns the input form corresponding to \spad{a ** b}. "**" : (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{a ** b} returns the input form corresponding to \spad{a ** b}. 0 : constant -> % ++ \spad{0} returns the input form corresponding to 0. 1 : constant -> % ++ \spad{1} returns the input form corresponding to 1. flatten : % -> % ++ flatten(s) returns an input form corresponding to s with ++ all the nested operations flattened to triples using new ++ local variables. ++ If s is a piece of code, this speeds up ++ the compilation tremendously later on. unparse : % -> String ++ unparse(f) returns a string s such that the parser ++ would transform s to f. ++ Error: if f is not the parsed form of a string. parse : String -> % ++ parse(s) is the inverse of unparse. It parses a ++ string to InputForm declare : List % -> Symbol ++ declare(t) returns a name f such that f has been ++ declared to the interpreter to be of type t, but has ++ not been assigned a value yet. ++ Note: t should be created as \spad{devaluate(T)$Lisp} where T is the ++ actual type of f (this hack is required for the case where ++ T is a mapping type). compile : (Symbol, List %) -> Symbol ++ \spad{compile(f, [t1,...,tn])} forces the interpreter to compile ++ the function f with signature \spad{(t1,...,tn) -> ?}. ++ returns the symbol f if successful. ++ Error: if f was not defined beforehand in the interpreter, ++ or if the ti's are not valid types, or if the compiler fails. == SExpression add Rep := SExpression
mkProperOp: Symbol -> % strsym : % -> String tuplify : List Symbol -> % flatten0 : (%, Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> Record(lst: List %, symb:%)
0 == convert(0::Integer) 1 == convert(1::Integer) convert(x:%):SExpression == x pretend SExpression convert(x:SExpression):% == x
conv(ll : List %): % == convert(ll pretend List SExpression)$SExpression pretend %
lambda(f,l) == conv([convert("+->"::Symbol),tuplify l,f]$List(%))
interpret x == v := interpret(x)$Lisp mkObj(unwrap(objVal(v)$Lisp)$Lisp, objMode(v)$Lisp)$Lisp
convert(x:DoubleFloat):% == zero? x => 0 -- one? x => 1 (x = 1) => 1 convert(x)$Rep
flatten s == -- will not compile if I use 'or' atom? s => s every?(atom?,destruct s)$List(%) => s sy := new()$Symbol n:NonNegativeInteger := 0 l2 := [flatten0(x, sy, n := n + 1) for x in rest(l := destruct s)] conv(concat(convert("SEQ"::Symbol)@%, concat(concat [u.lst for u in l2], conv( [convert("exit"::Symbol)@%, 1$%, conv(concat(first l, [u.symb for u in l2]))@%]$List(%))@%)))@%
flatten0(s, sy, n) == atom? s => [nil(), s] a := convert(concat(string sy, convert(n)@String)::Symbol)@% l2 := [flatten0(x, sy, n := n+1) for x in rest(l := destruct s)] [concat(concat [u.lst for u in l2], conv([convert( "LET"::Symbol)@%, a, conv(concat(first l, [u.symb for u in l2]))@%]$List(%))@%), a]
strsym s == string? s => string s symbol? s => string symbol s error "strsym: form is neither a string or symbol"
unparse x == atom?(s:% := form2String(x)$Lisp) => strsym s concat [strsym a for a in destruct s]
parse(s:String):% == ncParseFromString(s)$Lisp
declare signature == declare(name := new()$Symbol, signature)$Lisp name
compile(name, types) == symbol car cdr car selectLocalMms(mkProperOp name, convert(name)@%, types, nil$List(%))$Lisp
mkProperOp name == op := mkAtree(nme := convert(name)@%)$Lisp transferPropsToNode(nme, op)$Lisp convert op
binary(op, args) == (n := #args) < 2 => error "Need at least 2 arguments" n = 2 => convert([op, first args, last args]$List(%)) convert([op, first args, binary(op, rest args)]$List(%))
tuplify l == empty? rest l => convert first l conv concat(convert("Tuple"::Symbol), [convert x for x in l]$List(%))
function(f, l, name) == nn := convert(new(1 + #l, convert(nil()$List(%)))$List(%))@% conv([convert("DEF"::Symbol), conv(cons(convert(name)@%, [convert(x)@% for x in l])), nn, nn, f]$List(%))
s1 + s2 == s1 = 0 => s2 s2 = 0 => s1 conv [convert("+"::Symbol), s1, s2]$List(%)
s1 * s2 == s1 = 0 or s2 = 0 => 0 s1 = 1 => s2 s2 = 1 => s1 conv [convert("*"::Symbol), s1, s2]$List(%)
s1:% ** n:Integer == s1 = 0 and n > 0 => 0 s1 = 1 or zero? n => 1 -- one? n => s1 (n = 1) => s1 conv [convert("**"::Symbol), s1, convert n]$List(%)
s1:% ** n:NonNegativeInteger == s1 ** (n::Integer)
s1 / s2 == s2 = 1 => s1 conv [convert("/"::Symbol), s1, s2]$List(%)
   Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   INFORM abbreviates domain InputForm 
******** Spad syntax error detected ********
Expected: BACKTAB
The prior line was:
169> conv [convert("*"::Symbol), s1, s2]$List(%)
The current line is:
171> s1:% ** n:Integer ==
The number of valid tokens is 1. The prior token was #S(TOKEN :SYMBOL % :TYPE IDENTIFIER :NONBLANK 171) The current token is #S(TOKEN :SYMBOL POWER :TYPE KEYWORD :NONBLANK 171)


parse("sin x + 1")
There are no exposed library operations named parse but there is one unexposed operation with that name. Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )display op parse to learn more about the available operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named parse with argument type(s) String
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need. null? parse("sin(x + 1")
There are no exposed library operations named parse but there is one unexposed operation with that name. Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )display op parse to learn more about the available operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named parse with argument type(s) String
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.