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Edit detail for FriCASDocumentation revision 7 of 7

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Editor: test1
Time: 2025/02/03 10:06:32 GMT+0

-and categories.  The same information is available via HyperDoc, but this
-site may be more convenient (for example it does not require running HyperDoc).
and categories.  The same information can be propared for local use (so it does
not require network access), see INSTALL in FriCAS distribution.  Also, this information
is available via HyperDoc, with better search (but some users do not want to run HyperDoc).

-  Currently most of old Axiom documentation applies to FriCAS, so
-see also AxiomDocumentation.
  Currently most of old Axiom documentation still applies to FriCAS.

FriCAS interface documentation

At github there is documentation of interfaces exported by FriCAS domains, packages and categories. The same information can be propared for local use (so it does not require network access), see INSTALL in FriCAS distribution. Also, this information is available via HyperDoc, with better search (but some users do not want to run HyperDoc).

FriCAS book

Book is main piece of FriCAS documentaion


FriCASLibraryExamples shows several examples of using FriCAS


There is FriCASTutorial at this site. There is also short tutorial about programming in Spad

Other Sources

Currently most of old Axiom documentation still applies to FriCAS.