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)help set

(1) -> )help set
==================================================================== A.21. )set ====================================================================
User Level Required: interpreter
Command Syntax:
- )set - )set label1 [... labelN] - )set label1 [... labelN] newValue
Command Description:
The )set command is used to view or set system variables that control what messages are displayed, the type of output desired, the status of the history facility, the way FriCAS user functions are cached, and so on. Since this collection is very large, we will not discuss them here. Rather, we will show how the facility is used. We urge you to explore the )set options to familiarize yourself with how you can modify your FriCAS working environment. There is a HyperDoc version of this same facility available from the main HyperDoc menu. Click on [Settings] to go to it.
The )set command is command-driven with a menu display. It is tree-structured. To see all top-level nodes, issue )set by itself.
Variables with values have them displayed near the right margin. Subtrees of selections have ``...'' displayed in the value field. For example, there are many kinds of messages, so issue )set message to see the choices.
)set message
The current setting for the variable that displays whether computation times are displayed is visible in the menu displayed by the last command. To see more information, issue
)set message time
This shows that time printing is on now. To turn it off, issue
)set message time off
As noted above, not all settings have so many qualifiers. For example, to change the )quit command to being unprotected (that is, you will not be prompted for verification), you need only issue
)set quit unprotected
Also See: o )quit


Current Values of )set Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- breakmode execute break processing on error nobreak compiler Library compiler options ... expose control interpreter constructor exposure ... functions some interpreter function options ... fortran view and set options for FORTRAN output ... hyperdoc options in using HyperDoc ... help view and set some help options ... history save workspace values in a history file on messages show messages for various system features ... output view and set some output options ... quit protected or unprotected quit unprotected streams set some options for working with streams ... userlevel operation access level of system user compiler
Variables with current values of ... have further sub-options. For example, issue )set streams to see what the options are for streams . For more information, issue )help set .

)set breakmode

)set breakmode
-------------------------- The breakmode Option ---------------------------
Description: execute break processing on error
The breakmode option may be followed by any one of the following:
-> nobreak break query resume quit
The current setting is indicated within the list.

)set compiler

)set compiler
Current Values of compiler Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- output library in which to place compiled code input controls libraries from which to load compiled code args arguments for compiling FriCAS code -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra

)set expose

)set expose
---------------------------- The expose Option ----------------------------
Description: control interpreter constructor exposure
The following groups are explicitly exposed in the current frame (called initial ): basic categories
The following constructors are explicitly exposed in the current frame: there are no explicitly exposed constructors
The following constructors are explicitly hidden in the current frame: there are no explicitly hidden constructors
When )set expose is followed by no arguments, the information you now see is displayed. When followed by the initialize argument, the exposure group data in the file INTERP.EXPOSED is read and is then available. The arguments add and drop are used to add or drop exposure groups or explicit constructors from the local frame exposure data. Issue )set expose add or )set expose drop for more information.

)set functions

)set functions
Current Values of functions Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cache number of function results to cache 0 compile compile, don't just define function bodies on recurrence specially compile recurrence relations on

)set fortran

)set fortran
Current Values of fortran Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ints2floats where sensible, coerce integers to reals on fortindent the number of characters indented 6 fortlength the number of characters on a line 72 typedecs print type and dimension lines on defaulttype default generic type for FORTRAN object REAL precision precision of generated FORTRAN objects double intrinsic whether to use INTRINSIC FORTRAN functions off explength character limit for FORTRAN expressions 1320 segment split long FORTRAN expressions on optlevel FORTRAN optimisation level 0 startindex starting index for FORTRAN arrays 1

)set hyperdoc

)set hyperdoc
Current Values of hyperdoc Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fullscreen use full screen for this facility off mathwidth screen width for history output 120

)set help

)set help
Current Values of help Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- fullscreen use fullscreen facility, if possible off

)set history

)set history
--------------------------- The history Option ----------------------------
Description: save workspace values in a history file
The history option may be followed by any one of the following:
-> on off
The current setting is indicated within the list.

)set messages

)set messages
Current Values of messages Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- any print the internal type of objects of domain Any on autoload print file auto-load messages off dropmap display old map defn when replaced off expose warning for unexposed functions off frame display messages about frames off highlighting use highlighting in system messages off interponly say when function code is interpreted on prompt set type of input prompt to display step selection display function selection msgs off set show )set setting after assignment off startup display messages on start-up on summary print statistics after computation off time print timings after computation off type print type after computation on void print Void value when it occurs off

)set messages prompt

)set messages prompt
---------------------------- The prompt Option ----------------------------
Description: set type of input prompt to display
The prompt option may be followed by any one of the following:
none frame plain -> step verbose
The current setting is indicated within the list.

)set messages time

)set messages time
----------------------------- The time Option -----------------------------
Description: print timings after computation
The time option may be followed by any one of the following:
on -> off long
The current setting is indicated within the list.

)set output

)set output
Current Values of output Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- abbreviate abbreviate type names off algebra display output in algebraic form Off:CONSOLE characters choose special output character set plain fortran create output in FORTRAN format Off:CONSOLE fraction how fractions are formatted vertical length line length of output displays 77 openmath create output in OpenMath style Off:CONSOLE scripts show subscripts,... linearly off showeditor view output of )show in editor off tex create output in TeX style On:CONSOLE mathml create output in MathML style Off:CONSOLE texmacs create output in Texmacs style Off:CONSOLE html create output in HTML style Off:CONSOLE formatted create output in formatted style Off:CONSOLE

)set output fraction

)set output fraction
--------------------------- The fraction Option ---------------------------
Description: how fractions are formatted
The fraction option may be followed by any one of the following:
-> vertical horizontal
The current setting is indicated within the list.

)set quit

)set quit
----------------------------- The quit Option -----------------------------
Description: protected or unprotected quit
The quit option may be followed by any one of the following:
protected -> unprotected
The current setting is indicated within the list.

)set streams

)set streams
Current Values of streams Variables
Variable Description Current Value ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- calculate specify number of elements to calculate 10 showall display all stream elements computed off

)set system

)set system
Your user access level is compiler and this set option is therefore not available. See the )set userlevel command for more information.

)set userlevel

)set userlevel
-------------------------- The userlevel Option ---------------------------
Description: operation access level of system user
The userlevel option may be followed by any one of the following:
interpreter -> compiler development
The current setting is indicated within the list.

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