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Edit detail for ExampleGroebner revision 3 of 8

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Editor: rrogers
Time: 2014/12/02 23:49:43 GMT+0
Note: Example code


From rrogers Tue Dec 2 23:49:41 +0000 2014
From: rrogers
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:49:41 +0000
Subject: Example code
Message-ID: <20141202234941+0000@axiom-wiki.newsynthesis.org>

---- Ordered  variable lists.

----coefficient arrays.
corg :=  d* matrix [[c,b,a]]
---- Explicit target
cgauss := matrix [[0, 1, -1]]
---- Generalized target
ctar := matrix [[w,v,u]]

---- polynomial basis arrays.
xorg := matrix ([[1, x, x^2]])
xgauss := matrix([[1,y,y^2]])
---- Example
row(corg * transpose(xorg),1)

----  Translation matrix Pascal Pa(n) for 3x3 case
----  see Aceto below for references.
Pa(n) == matrix [[1,0,0],[n,1,0],[n^2, 2*n,1]]
---- Scalar matrix
Sc(m) == diagonalMatrix [1,m,m^2]
---- Now define transform in matrix form
D := corg -(cgauss * Pa(n) * Sc(m))

---- Now we do a more realistic solve in two steps
---- Step one disallow silly answers
----  and clean it up (a lot).  I wish these two steps could be one!
---- Now lets test the reasonableness the width to start with is
---- 2*sqrt(b^2-4*a*c)/(2*a)  which the left hand term yields.  There is a sign ambiguity
---- corresponding to whether the source quadratic is to the left or right.
---- I could swap n,m in solve() but then the n term (left hand one) is more obscure
---- Knowing the width m we can compute moving the center to 1/2 (for x*(1-x))
---- It should amount to -b/(2*a)+1/2 
---- and in fact that is the answer n= m(scale factor)*(b/2a)+1/2
---- d is required and in English is a "normalizing factor"

----General formulation
Dorg := corg -(ctar * Pa(n) * Sc(m))
---- Eorg := groebnerFactorize(row(Dorg,1),[b*d,m,a,b^2-3*a*c,d],true)
---- solve(Eorg.1,Poly_to_Gauss)


Application of Groebner Bases



p(x) = a x^2 + b x + c, \qquad q(y) = u y^2 + v y + w. 
Find a m and n (depending on the coefficients of p and q such that for the transformaton
y = m x + n 
it holds
p(x) = q(m x + n). 

Setup of the problem

Example code --rrogers, Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:49:41 +0000 reply
---- Ordered  variable lists.

\label{eq1}\left[ d , \: n , \: m \right](1)
Type: List(OrderedVariableList?([d,n,m]))

\label{eq2}\left[ x , \: y , \: a , \: b , \: c \right](2)
Type: List(OrderedVariableList?([x,y,a,b,c]))
----coefficient arrays.
corg :=  d* matrix [[c,b,a]]

{c \  d}&{b \  d}&{a \  d}
Type: Matrix(Polynomial(Integer))
---- Explicit target
cgauss := matrix [[0, 1, -1]]

0 & 1 & - 1 
Type: Matrix(Integer)
---- Generalized target
ctar := matrix [[w,v,u]]

w & v & u 
Type: Matrix(Polynomial(Integer))
---- polynomial basis arrays.
xorg := matrix ([[1, x, x^2]])

1 & x &{{x}^{2}}
Type: Matrix(Polynomial(Integer))
xgauss := matrix([[1,y,y^2]])

1 & y &{{y}^{2}}
Type: Matrix(Polynomial(Integer))
---- Example
row(corg * transpose(xorg),1)

\label{eq8}\left[{{a \  d \ {{x}^{2}}}+{b \  d \  x}+{c \  d}}\right](8)
Type: Vector(Polynomial(Integer))
----  Translation matrix Pascal Pa(n) for 3x3 case
----  see Aceto below for references.
Pa(n) == matrix [[1,0,0],[n,1,0],[n^2, 2*n,1]]
Type: Void
---- Scalar matrix
Sc(m) == diagonalMatrix [1,m,m^2]
Type: Void
---- Now define transform in matrix form
D := corg -(cgauss * Pa(n) * Sc(m))
Compiling function Pa with type Variable(n) -> Matrix(Polynomial(
Compiling function Sc with type Variable(m) -> Matrix(Polynomial(

{{{n}^{2}}- n +{c \  d}}&{{2 \  m \  n}- m +{b \  d}}&{{{m}^{2}}+{a \  d}}
Type: Matrix(Polynomial(Integer))
---- Now we do a more realistic solve in two steps
---- Step one disallow silly answers
we found a groebner basis and check whether it contains reducible polynomials [1] factorGroebnerBasis: no reducible polynomials in this basis we found a groebner basis and check whether it contains reducible polynomials 2 [n - n + c d, 2m n - m + b d, 2b d n + (- 4c d + 1)m - b d, 2a n - b m - a, 2 2 m + a d, (4a c - b )d - a] factorGroebnerBasis: no reducible polynomials in this basis

\left[{{{n}^{2}}- n +{c \  d}}, \:{{2 \  m \  n}- m +{b \  d}}, \: \right.
\left.{{2 \  b \  d \  n}+{{\left(-{4 \  c \  d}+ 1 \right)}\  m}-{b \  d}}, \:{{2 \  a \  n}-{b \  m}- a}, \:{{{m}^{2}}+{a \  d}}, \: \right.
\left.{{{\left({4 \  a \  c}-{{b}^{2}}\right)}\  d}- a}\right] (10)
Type: List(List(Polynomial(Integer)))
----  and clean it up (a lot).  I wish these two steps could be one!

\label{eq11}\left[{\left[{d ={a \over{{4 \  a \  c}-{{b}^{2}}}}}, \:{n ={{{b \  m}+ a}\over{2 \  a}}}, \:{{{{\left({4 \  a \  c}-{{b}^{2}}\right)}\ {{m}^{2}}}+{{a}^{2}}}= 0}\right]}\right](11)
Type: List(List(Equation(Fraction(Polynomial(Integer)))))
---- Now lets test the reasonableness the width to start with is
---- 2*sqrt(b^2-4*a*c)/(2*a)  which the left hand term yields.  There is a sign ambiguity
---- corresponding to whether the source quadratic is to the left or right.
---- I could swap n,m in solve() but then the n term (left hand one) is more obscure
---- Knowing the width m we can compute moving the center to 1/2 (for x*(1-x))
---- It should amount to -b/(2*a)+1/2 
---- and in fact that is the answer n= m(scale factor)*(b/2a)+1/2
---- d is required and in English is a "normalizing factor"
----General formulation Dorg := corg -(ctar * Pa(n) * Sc(m))

{- w -{n \  v}-{{{n}^{2}}\  u}+{c \  d}}&{-{m \  v}-{2 \  m \  n \  u}+{b \  d}}&{-{{{m}^{2}}\  u}+{a \  d}}
Type: Matrix(Polynomial(Integer))