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Section 9.83 UnivariatePolynomial

The domain constructor UnivariatePolynomial (abbreviated UP) creates domains of univariate polynomials in a specified variable. For example, the domain UP(a1,POLY FRAC INT) provides polynomials in the single variable a1 whose coefficients are general polynomials with rational number coefficients. UP(x,INT) is the domain of polynomials in the single variable x with integer coefficients.

Example operations on univariate polynomials

(1) -> (p,q) : UP(x,INT)
Type: Void
p := (3*x-1)**2 * (2*x + 8)
There are no library operations named ** Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op ** to learn if there is any operation containing " ** " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named ** with argument type(s) UnivariatePolynomial(x,Integer) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

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