fricas (1) -> <spad>
fricas )abbrev domain TEX TexFormat
++ Author: Robert S. Sutor
++ Date Created: 1987 through 1992
++ Basic Operations: coerce, convert, display, epilogue,
++ tex, new, prologue, setEpilogue!, setTex!, setPrologue!
++ Related Constructors: TexFormat1
++ Also See: ScriptFormulaFormat
++ AMS Classifications:
++ Keywords: TeX, LaTeX, output, format
++ References: \TeX{} is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
++ Description:
++ \spadtype{TexFormat} provides a coercion from \spadtype{OutputForm} to
++ \TeX{} format. The particular dialect of \TeX{} used is \LaTeX{}.
++ The basic object consists of three parts: a prologue, a
++ tex part and an epilogue. The functions \spadfun{prologue},
++ \spadfun{tex} and \spadfun{epilogue} extract these parts,
++ respectively. The main guts of the expression go into the tex part.
++ The other parts can be set (\spadfun{setPrologue!},
++ \spadfun{setEpilogue!}) so that contain the appropriate tags for
++ printing. For example, the prologue and epilogue might simply
++ contain ``\verb+\[+'' and ``\verb+\]+'', respectively, so that
++ the TeX section will be printed in LaTeX display math mode.
++ Revision:
++ 25-FEB-2020 ... op PRIME (line 356), Greek characters x% (565 ff.)
TexFormat() : public == private where
E ==> OutputForm
I ==> Integer
L ==> List
S ==> String
Sy ==> Symbol
US ==> UniversalSegment(Integer)
public == SetCategory with
coerce : E -> %
++ coerce(o) changes o in the standard output format to TeX
++ format.
convert : (E, I) -> %
++ convert(o, step) changes o in standard output format to
++ TeX format and also adds the given step number. This is useful
++ if you want to create equations with given numbers or have the
++ equation numbers correspond to the interpreter step numbers.
convert : (E, I, E) -> %
++ convert(o, step, type) changes o in standard output format to
++ TeX format and also adds the given step number and type. This
++ is useful if you want to create equations with given numbers
++ or have the equation numbers correspond to the interpreter step
++ numbers.
display : (%, I) -> Void
++ display(t, width) outputs the TeX formatted code t so that each
++ line has length less than or equal to \spadvar{width}.
display : % -> Void
++ display(t) outputs the TeX formatted code t so that each
++ line has length less than or equal to the value set by
++ the system command \spadsyscom{set output length}.
epilogue : % -> L S
++ epilogue(t) extracts the epilogue section of a TeX form t.
tex : % -> L S
++ tex(t) extracts the TeX section of a TeX form t.
new : () -> %
++ new() create a new, empty object. Use \spadfun{setPrologue!},
++ \spadfun{setTex!} and \spadfun{setEpilogue!} to set the various
++ components of this object.
prologue : % -> L S
++ prologue(t) extracts the prologue section of a TeX form t.
setEpilogue! : (%, L S) -> L S
++ setEpilogue!(t, strings) sets the epilogue section of a TeX form t to strings.
setTex! : (%, L S) -> L S
++ setTex!(t, strings) sets the TeX section of a TeX form t to strings.
setPrologue! : (%, L S) -> L S
++ setPrologue!(t, strings) sets the prologue section of a TeX form t to strings.
private == add
import from OutputForm
import from Character
import from Integer
import from List OutputForm
import from List String
import from OutputFormTools
Rep := Record(prolog : L S, TeX : L S, epilog : L S)
-- local variable declarations and definitions
expr : E
prec, opPrec : I
str : S
blank : S := " \ "
maxPrec : I := 1000000
minPrec : I := 0
unaryOps : L Sy := ["-"::Sy]$(L Sy)
unaryPrecs : L I := [710]$(L I)
-- the precedence of / in the following is relatively low because
-- the bar obviates the need for parentheses.
binaryOps : L Sy := ["+->"::Sy, "|"::Sy, "^"::Sy, "/"::Sy, "="::Sy,
"~="::Sy, "<"::Sy, "<="::Sy, ">"::Sy, ">="::Sy,
binaryPrecs : L I := [0, 0, 900, 700, 400,
400, 400, 400, 400, 400,
700, 125]$(L I)
naryOps : L Sy := ["-"::Sy, "+"::Sy, "*"::Sy, ","::Sy, ";"::Sy,
naryPrecs : L I := [700, 700, 800, 110, 110,
0, 0, 850]$(L I)
naryNGOps : L Sy := ['ROW]
plexOps : L Sy := ['SIGMA, 'SIGMA2, 'PI, 'PI2, 'INTSIGN]
plexPrecs : L I := [ 750, 750, 750, 750, 700]$(L I)
specialOps : L Sy := ['MATRIX, 'BRACKET, 'BRACE, 'CONCATB, 'VCONCAT, _
-- the next two lists provide translations for some strings for
-- which TeX provides special macros.
specialStrings : L Sy :=
['cos, 'cot, 'csc, 'log, 'sec, 'sin, 'tan,
'cosh, 'coth, 'csch, 'sech, 'sinh, 'tanh,
'acos, 'asin, 'atan, 'erf, "..."::Sy, "$"::Sy, 'infinity,
specialStringsInTeX : L S :=
-- local function signatures
addBraces : S -> S
addBrackets : S -> S
group : S -> S
formatBinary : (Sy, L E, I) -> S
formatFunction : (E, L E, I) -> S
formatMatrix : L E -> S
formatNary : (Sy, S, I, L E, I) -> S
formatNaryNoGroup : (Sy, S, I, L E, I) -> S
formatNullary : Sy -> S
formatPlex : (Sy, L E, I) -> S
formatSpecial : (Sy, L E, I) -> S
formatUnary : (Sy, E, I) -> S
formatExpr : (E, I) -> S
newWithNum : I -> %
parenthesize : S -> S
postcondition : S -> S
splitLong : (S, I) -> L S
splitLong1 : (S, I) -> L S
stringify : E -> S
ungroup : S -> S
-- public function definitions
new() : % ==
-- [["\["]$(L S), [""]$(L S), ["\]"]$(L S)]$Rep
[["$$"]$(L S), [""]$(L S), ["$$"]$(L S)]$Rep
newWithNum(stepNum : I) : % ==
-- num : S := concat("%FRICAS STEP NUMBER: ",string(stepNum)$S)
-- [["\["]$(L S), [""]$(L S), ["\]",num]$(L S)]$Rep
num : S := concat(concat("\leqno(",string(stepNum)$S),")")$S
[["$$"]$(L S), [""]$(L S), [num,"$$"]$(L S)]$Rep
coerce(expr : E) : % ==
f : % := new()$%
f.TeX := [postcondition
formatExpr(precondition expr, minPrec)]$(L S)
convert(expr : E, stepNum : I) : % ==
f : % := newWithNum(stepNum)
f.TeX := [postcondition
formatExpr(precondition expr, minPrec)]$(L S)
sayExpr(s : S) : Void ==
sayTeX$Lisp s
display(f : %, len : I) ==
s, t : S
for s in f.prolog repeat sayExpr s
for s in f.TeX repeat
for t in splitLong(s, len) repeat sayExpr t
for s in f.epilog repeat sayExpr s
display(f : %) ==
display(f, _$LINELENGTH$Lisp pretend I)
prologue(f : %) == f.prolog
tex(f : %) == f.TeX
epilogue(f : %) == f.epilog
setPrologue!(f : %, l : L S) == f.prolog := l
setTex!(f : %, l : L S) == f.TeX := l
setEpilogue!(f : %, l : L S) == f.epilog := l
coerce(f : %) : E ==
s, t : S
l : L S := []
for s in f.prolog repeat l := concat(s, l)
for s in f.TeX repeat
for t in splitLong(s, (_$LINELENGTH$Lisp pretend Integer) - 4) repeat
l := concat(t, l)
for s in f.epilog repeat l := concat(s, l)
(reverse l) :: E
-- local function definitions
ungroup(str : S) : S ==
len : I := #str
len < 2 => str
lbrace : Character := char "{"
rbrace : Character := char "}"
-- drop leading and trailing braces
if (str.1 =$Character lbrace) and (str.len =$Character rbrace) then
u : US := segment(2, len-1)$US
str := str.u
postcondition(str : S) : S ==
str := ungroup str
len : I := #str
plus : Character := char "+"
minus : Character := char "-"
len < 4 => str
for i in 1..(len-1) repeat
if (str.i =$Character plus) and (str.(i+1) =$Character minus)
then setelt!(str, i, char " ")$S
stringify expr == (mathObject2String$Lisp expr) pretend S
lineConcat( line : S, lines : L S ) : L S ==
length := #line
if ( length > 0 ) then
-- If the last character is a backslash then split at "\ ".
-- Reinstate the blank.
if (line.length = char "\" ) then line := concat(line, " ")
-- Remark: for some reason, "\%" at the beginning
-- of a line has the "\" erased when printed
if ( line.1 = char "%" ) then line := concat(" \", line)
else if ( line.1 = char "\" ) and length > 1 and ( line.2 = char "%" ) then
line := concat(" ", line)
lines := concat(line, lines)$List(S)
splitLong(str : S, len : I) : L S ==
-- this blocks into lines
if len < 20 then len := _$LINELENGTH$Lisp
splitLong1(str, len)
splitLong1(str : S, len : I) ==
-- We first build the list of lines backwards and then we
-- reverse it.
l : List S := []
s : S := ""
ls : I := 0
ss : S
lss : I
for ss in split(str,char " ") repeat
-- have the newline macro end a line (even if it means the line
-- is slightly too long)
ss = "\\" =>
l := lineConcat( concat(s, ss), l )
s := ""
ls := 0
lss := #ss
-- place certain tokens on their own lines for clarity
ownLine : Boolean :=
u : US := segment(1, 4)$US
(lss > 3) and ("\end" = ss.u) => true
u := segment(1, 5)$US
(lss > 4) and ("\left" = ss.u) => true
u := segment(1, 6)$US
(lss > 5) and (("\right" = ss.u) or ("\begin" = ss.u)) => true
if ownLine or (ls + lss > len) then
if not empty? s then l := lineConcat( s, l )
s := ""
ls := 0
ownLine or lss > len => l := lineConcat( ss, l )
(lss = 1) and (ss.1 = char "\") =>
ls := ls + lss + 2
s := concat(s,concat(ss," ")$S)$S
ls := ls + lss + 1
s := concat(s,concat(ss," ")$S)$S
if ls > 0 then l := lineConcat( s, l )
reverse l
group str ==
concat ["{",str,"}"]
addBraces str ==
concat ["\left\{ ",str," \right\}"]
addBrackets str ==
concat ["\left[ ",str," \right]"]
parenthesize str ==
concat ["\left( ",str," \right)"]
formatSpecial(op : Sy, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
arg : E
prescript : Boolean := false
op = 'theMap => "\mbox{theMap(...)}"
op = 'AGGLST =>
formatNary(","::Sy, "", 0, args, prec)
op = 'AGGSET =>
formatNary(";"::Sy, "", 0, args, prec)
op = 'TAG =>
group concat [formatExpr(first args, prec),
formatExpr(second args, prec)]
op = 'SLASH =>
group concat [formatExpr(first args, prec),
"/", formatExpr(second args, prec)]
op = 'VCONCAT =>
group concat("\begin{array}{c}",
concat(concat([concat(formatExpr(u, minPrec), "\\")
for u in args]::L S),
op = 'CONCATB =>
formatNary('STRSEP, " \ ", 0, args, prec)
op = 'CONCAT =>
formatNary('STRSEP, "", 0, args, minPrec)
op = 'QUOTE =>
group concat("<code>'</code>", formatExpr(first args, minPrec))
op = 'BRACKET =>
group addBrackets ungroup formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
op = 'BRACE =>
group addBraces ungroup formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
op = 'PAREN =>
group parenthesize ungroup formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
op = 'PRIME =>
p:=convert(second args)$E
not atom? p => formatSpecial('SUPERSUB, [first args, hspace(1)$E, second args], prec)
string p="," => group concat [formatExpr(first args, minPrec),"'"]
string p=",," => group concat [formatExpr(first args, minPrec),"''"]
string p=",,," => group concat [formatExpr(first args, minPrec),"'''"]
op = 'OVERBAR =>
empty?(args) => ""
group concat ["\overline ", formatExpr(first args, minPrec)]
op = 'ROOT =>
empty?(args) => ""
tmp : S := group formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
empty?(rest(args)) => group concat ["\sqrt ",tmp]
group concat
["\root ", group formatExpr(first rest args, minPrec),
" \of ", tmp]
op = 'SEGMENT =>
tmp : S := concat [formatExpr(first args, minPrec), ".."]
empty?(rest(args)) => tmp
concat [tmp, formatExpr(first rest args, minPrec)]
op = 'SUB =>
group concat [formatExpr(first args, minPrec), " \sb ",
formatSpecial('AGGLST, rest args, minPrec)]
op = 'SUPERSUB =>
-- variable name
form : List S := [formatExpr(first args, minPrec)]
-- subscripts
args := rest args
empty?(args) => concat(form)$S
tmp : S := formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
if (tmp ~= "") and (tmp ~= "{}") and (tmp ~= " ") then
form := append(form,[" \sb ",group tmp])$(List S)
-- superscripts
args := rest args
empty?(args) => group concat(form)$S
tmp : S := formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
if (tmp ~= "") and (tmp ~= "{}") and (tmp ~= " ") then
form := append(form,[" \sp ",group tmp])$(List S)
-- presuperscripts
args := rest args
empty?(args) => group concat(form)$S
tmp : S := formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
if (tmp ~= "") and (tmp ~= "{}") and (tmp ~= " ") then
form := append([" \sp ",group tmp],form)$(List S)
prescript := true
-- presubscripts
args := rest args
empty?(args) =>
group concat
prescript => cons("{}",form)
tmp : S := formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
if (tmp ~= "") and (tmp ~= "{}") and (tmp ~= " ") then
form := append([" \sb ",group tmp],form)$(List S)
prescript := true
group concat
prescript => cons("{}",form)
op = 'SC =>
-- need to handle indentation someday
empty?(args) => ""
tmp := formatNaryNoGroup('STRSEP, " \\ ", 800, args, minPrec)
-- error "SC unhandled"
group concat ["\begin{array}{l} ",tmp," \end{array} "]
op = 'MATRIX => formatMatrix rest args
op = 'ZAG =>
concat [" \zag{", formatExpr(first args, minPrec), "}{",
formatExpr(first rest args, minPrec), "}"]
concat ["not done yet for ", string(op)]
formatPlex(op : Sy, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
hold : S
p : I := position(op, plexOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown plex op"
opPrec := plexPrecs.p
n : I := #args
(n ~= 2) and (n ~= 3) => error "wrong number of arguments for plex"
s : S :=
op = 'SIGMA => "\sum"
op = 'SIGMA2 => "\sum"
op = 'PI => "\prod"
op = 'PI2 => "\prod"
op = 'INTSIGN => "\int"
hold := formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
args := rest args
if hold ~= "" then
s := concat [s, " \sb", group concat ["\displaystyle ", hold]]
if not(empty?(rest(args))) then
hold := formatExpr(first args, minPrec)
if hold ~= "" then
s := concat [s, " \sp",
group concat ["\displaystyle ", hold]]
args := rest args
s := concat [s, " ", formatExpr(first args, opPrec)]
if opPrec < prec then s := parenthesize s
group s
formatMatrix(args : L E) : S ==
-- format for args is [[ROW ...], [ROW ...], [ROW ...]]
-- generate string for formatting columns (centered)
cols : S := "{"
for i in 1..#arguments(first(args)) repeat
cols := concat(cols,"c")
cols := concat(cols,"} ")
group addBrackets concat
["\begin{array}", cols,
formatNaryNoGroup('STRSEP, " \\ ", 0, args, minPrec),
" \end{array} "]
formatFunction(op : E, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
ops := formatExpr(op, minPrec)
group concat [ops, " ", parenthesize
formatNary(","::Sy, "", 0, args, minPrec)]
formatNullary(op : Sy) ==
op = 'NOTHING => ""
group concat [string(op), "()"]
formatUnary(op : Sy, arg : E, prec : I) ==
p : I := position(op, unaryOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown unary op"
opPrec := unaryPrecs.p
s : S := concat [string(op), formatExpr(arg, opPrec)]
opPrec < prec => group parenthesize s
op = "-"::Sy => s
group s
formatBinary(op : Sy, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
p : I := position(op, binaryOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown binary op"
opPrec := binaryPrecs.p
s1 := formatExpr(first args, opPrec)
s2 := formatExpr(first rest args, (op = "^"::Sy => minPrec ; opPrec))
ops : S :=
op = "|"::Sy => " \mid "
op = "^"::Sy => " \sp "
op = "/"::Sy => " \over "
op = 'OVER => " \over "
op = "+->"::Sy => " \mapsto "
op = "~="::Sy => " \ne "
op = "<="::Sy => " \leq "
op = ">="::Sy => " \geq "
-- FIXME how to do this properly ???
op = 'LET => " := "
s :=
op = "^"::Sy => concat [group(s1), ops, group(s2)]
concat [s1, ops, s2]
op = "/"::Sy or op = 'OVER => s
opPrec < prec => parenthesize s
formatNary(op : Sy, sep : S, opprec : I, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
group formatNaryNoGroup(op, sep, opprec, args, prec)
formatNaryNoGroup(op : Sy, sep : S, opprec : I, args : L E, prec : I) : S ==
empty?(args) => ""
p : I := position(op, naryOps)
p < 1 => error "unknown nary op"
ops : S :=
op = 'STRSEP => sep
op = ","::Sy => ", \: "
op = ";"::Sy => "; \: "
op = "*"::Sy => blank
op = '_ => " \ "
op = 'ROW => " & "
op = 'TENSOR => " \otimes "
l : L S := []
opPrec :=
op = 'STRSEP => opprec
for a in args repeat
l := concat(ops, concat(formatExpr(a, opPrec), l)$L(S))$L(S)
s : S := concat reverse rest l
opPrec < prec => parenthesize s
formatExpr(expr : E, prec : I) : S ==
i, len : Integer
intSplitLen : Integer := 20
str, s : S
atom?(expr) =>
str := stringify expr
len := #str
integer?(expr) =>
i := integer(expr)
if (i < 0) or (i > 9)
nstr : String := ""
-- insert some blanks into the string, if too long
while ((len := #str) > intSplitLen) repeat
nstr := concat [nstr, " ",
elt(str, segment(1, intSplitLen)$US)]
str := elt(str, segment(intSplitLen + 1)$US)
empty? nstr => str
nstr :=
empty? str => nstr
concat [nstr, " ", str]
elt(nstr, segment(2)$US)
else str
str = "%pi" => "\pi"
str = "%e" => "e"
str = "%i" => "i"
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_alphabet
-- Traditional Latin transliteration
str = "a%" => "\alpha"
str = "b%" => "\beta"
str = "g%" => "\gamma"
str = "d%" => "\delta"
str = "e%" => "\epsilon"
str = "z%" => "\zeta"
str = "ee%" => "\eta"
str = "th%" => "\theta"
str = "i%" => "\iota"
str = "k%" => "\kappa"
str = "l%" => "\lambda"
str = "m%" => "\mu"
str = "n%" => "\nu"
str = "x%" => "\xi"
--str = "o%" => "\omicron"
str = "p%" => "\pi"
str = "r%" => "\rho"
str = "s%" => "\sigma"
str = "t%" => "\tau"
str = "y%" => "\upsilon"
str = "ph%" => "\phi"
str = "ch%" => "\chi"
str = "ps%" => "\psi"
str = "oo%" => "\omega"
str = "G%" => "\Gamma"
str = "D%" => "\Delta"
str = "Th%" => "\Theta"
str = "L%" => "\Lambda"
str = "X%" => "\Xi"
str = "P%" => "\Pi"
str = "S%" => "\Sigma"
str = "Ph%" => "\Phi"
--str = "Ch%" => "\Chi"
str = "Ps%" => "\Psi"
str = "OO%" => "\Omega"
str = "hbar%" => "\hbar"
len > 1 and str.1 = char "%" and str.2 = char "%" =>
u : US := segment(3, len)$US
concat(" \%\%", str.u)
len > 0 and str.1 = char "%" => concat(" \", str)
len > 0 and str.1 = char "_"" =>
s := "\verb#"
for i in 1..len repeat
if str.i = char "#" then
s := concat(s, "verb-#-\verb#")
s := concat(s, (str.i)::S)
concat(s, "#")
len = 1 and str.1 = char " " => "{\ }"
-- escape the underscore character
s := ""
for i in 1..len repeat
s := concat(s, (if str.i = char "__" then "\__" else (str.i)::S))
str := s
len > 1 and digit? str.1 => group str -- should handle floats
if symbol?(expr) then
op := symbol(expr)
(i := position(op, specialStrings)) > 0 =>
str := specialStringsInTeX.i
(i := position(char " ", str)) > 0 =>
-- We want to preserve spacing, so use a roman font.
concat [" \mbox{\rm ", str, "} "]
opf : E := operator(expr)
args : L E := arguments(expr)
nargs : I := #args
symbol?(opf) =>
op := symbol(opf)
-- special cases
member?(op, specialOps) => formatSpecial(op, args, prec)
member?(op, plexOps) => formatPlex(op, args, prec)
-- nullary case
0 = nargs => formatNullary op
-- unary case
(1 = nargs) and member?(op, unaryOps) =>
formatUnary(op, first args, prec)
-- binary case
(2 = nargs) and member?(op, binaryOps) =>
formatBinary(op, args, prec)
-- nary case
member?(op, naryNGOps) => formatNaryNoGroup(op, "", 0, args, prec)
member?(op, naryOps) => formatNary(op, "", 0, args, prec)
formatFunction(opf, args, prec)
formatFunction(opf, args, prec)
fricas )abbrev package TEX1 TexFormat1
++ Author: Robert S. Sutor
++ Date Created: 1987 through 1990
++ Basic Operations: coerce
++ Related Constructors: TexFormat
++ Also See: ScriptFormulaFormat, ScriptFormulaFormat1
++ AMS Classifications:
++ Keywords: TeX, output, format
++ References: \TeX{} is a trademark of the American Mathematical
++ Society.
++ Description:
++ \spadtype{TexFormat1} provides a utility coercion for changing
++ to TeX format anything that has a coercion to the standard output
++ format.
TexFormat1(S : SetCategory) : public == private where
public == with
coerce : S -> TexFormat()
++ coerce(s) provides a direct coercion from a domain S to
++ TeX format. This allows the user to skip the step of first
++ manually coercing the object to standard output format before
++ it is coerced to TeX format.
private == add
import from TexFormat()
coerce(s : S) : TexFormat ==
coerce(s :: OutputForm)$TexFormat
--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--All rights reserved.
--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-- distribution.
-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
fricas Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
TEX abbreviates domain TexFormat
initializing NRLIB TEX for TexFormat
compiling into NRLIB TEX
importing OutputForm
importing Character
importing Integer
importing List OutputForm
importing List String
importing OutputFormTools
compiling exported new : () -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local newWithNum : Integer -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : OutputForm -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported convert : (OutputForm,Integer) -> %
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local sayExpr : String -> Void
TEX;sayExpr is replaced by sayTeX
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported display : (%,Integer) -> Void
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported display : % -> Void
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported prologue : % -> List String
TEX;prologue;%L;8 is replaced by QVELTf0
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported tex : % -> List String
TEX;tex;%L;9 is replaced by QVELTf1
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported epilogue : % -> List String
TEX;epilogue;%L;10 is replaced by QVELTf2
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported setPrologue! : (%,List String) -> List String
TEX;setPrologue!;%2L;11 is replaced by QSETVELTf0l
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported setTex! : (%,List String) -> List String
TEX;setTex!;%2L;12 is replaced by QSETVELTf1l
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported setEpilogue! : (%,List String) -> List String
TEX;setEpilogue!;%2L;13 is replaced by QSETVELTf2l
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local ungroup : String -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local postcondition : String -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local stringify : OutputForm -> String
TEX;stringify is replaced by mathObject2String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local lineConcat : (String,List String) -> List String
Time: 0.03 SEC.
compiling local splitLong : (String,Integer) -> List String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local splitLong1 : (String,Integer) -> List String
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling local group : String -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local addBraces : String -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local addBrackets : String -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local parenthesize : String -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatSpecial : (Symbol,List OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0.03 SEC.
compiling local formatPlex : (Symbol,List OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatMatrix : List OutputForm -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatFunction : (OutputForm,List OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatNullary : Symbol -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatUnary : (Symbol,OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatBinary : (Symbol,List OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatNary : (Symbol,String,Integer,List OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatNaryNoGroup : (Symbol,String,Integer,List OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local formatExpr : (OutputForm,Integer) -> String
Time: 0.08 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |TexFormat| REDEFINED
;;; *** |TexFormat| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] coerce: TeX has no value
[2] convert: TeX has no value
[3] display: prolog has no value
[4] display: TeX has no value
[5] display: epilog has no value
[6] display: pretend(Integer) -- should replace by @
[7] prologue: prolog has no value
[8] tex: TeX has no value
[9] epilogue: epilog has no value
[10] setPrologue!: prolog has no value
[11] setTex!: TeX has no value
[12] setEpilogue!: epilog has no value
[13] coerce: prolog has no value
[14] coerce: pretend(Integer) -- should replace by @
[15] coerce: epilog has no value
[16] stringify: pretend(String) -- should replace by @
[17] splitLong1: l has no value
[18] splitLong1: ls has no value
[19] splitLong1: s has no value
[20] formatSpecial: form has no value
[21] formatSpecial: prescript has no value
[22] formatPlex: s has no value
[23] formatExpr: str has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TexFormat
Time: 0.20 seconds
finalizing NRLIB TEX
Processing TexFormat for Browser database:
--------(coerce (% (OutputForm)))---------
--------(convert (% (OutputForm) (Integer)))---------
--------(convert (% (OutputForm) (Integer) (OutputForm)))---------
--------(display ((Void) % (Integer)))---------
--------(display ((Void) %))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-linux-gnu/../../src/algebra/TEX.spad-->TexFormat((display ((Void) %))): Unexpected HT command: \spadsyscom
"\\spad{display(t)} outputs the TeX formatted code \\spad{t} so that each line has length less than or equal to the value set by the system command \\spadsyscom{set output length}."
--------(epilogue ((List (String)) %))---------
--------(tex ((List (String)) %))---------
--------(new (%))---------
--------(prologue ((List (String)) %))---------
--------(setEpilogue! ((List (String)) % (List (String))))---------
--------(setTex! ((List (String)) % (List (String))))---------
--------(setPrologue! ((List (String)) % (List (String))))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TEX.NRLIB/TEX.lsp" (written 13 FEB 2025 08:20:59 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TEX.NRLIB/TEX.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.172
TexFormat is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
TexFormat will be automatically loaded when needed from
TEX1 abbreviates package TexFormat1
initializing NRLIB TEX1 for TexFormat1
compiling into NRLIB TEX1
importing TexFormat
compiling exported coerce : S -> TexFormat
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |TexFormat1| REDEFINED
;;; *** |TexFormat1| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TexFormat1
Time: 0 seconds
finalizing NRLIB TEX1
Processing TexFormat1 for Browser database:
--------(coerce ((TexFormat) S))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TEX1.NRLIB/TEX1.lsp" (written 13 FEB 2025 08:20:59 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TEX1.NRLIB/TEX1.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.036
TexFormat1 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
TexFormat1 will be automatically loaded when needed from
fricas )set output tex off
fricas )set output tex on
f:=operator 'f
fricas eq1:=D(f(x),x) = x^n
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas eq2:=D(eq1,x)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas eq3:=D(eq2,x)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas eq4:=D(eq3,x)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas X:=map(operator,[X[i] for i in 1..3])
Type: List(BasicOperator ?)
fricas eq5:=D((X.1)(t),t) = t^a%
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas eq6:=D(eq5,t)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas eq7:=D(eq6,t)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas eq8:=D(eq7,t)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas eq9:=D(eq8,t,2)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))
fricas glc:=[a%,b%,g%,d%,e%,z%,ee%,th%,i%,k%,l%,m%,x%,p%,r%,s%,t%,y%,ph%,ch%,ps%,oo%]
Type: List( OrderedVariableList([a%, b%, g%, d%, e%, z%, ee%, th%, i%, k%, l%, m%, x%, p%, r%, s%, t%, y%, ph%, ch%, ps%, oo%]))
fricas guc:=[G%,D%,Th%,L%,X%,P%,S%,Ph%,Ps%,OO%,hbar%]
Type: List( OrderedVariableList([G%, D%, Th%, L%, X%, P%, S%, Ph%, Ps%, OO%, hbar%]))
fricas G:=operator 'G%
fricas eq:=(a%+b%+th%)^2 = OO% - L% + hbar% * G(z%)
Type: Equation(Expression(Integer))