Anonymous shared the following library of statistical functions with us. Many thanks! (He added, that they are not checked...)
)abbrev package STAT StatPackage
++ Description:
++ This package exports statistic utilities
StatPackage(S,A) : Exports == Implementation where
S: SetCategory
A: Join(Collection(S), finiteAggregate)
Exports == with
if A has FiniteLinearAggregate(S) and S has OrderedSet then
median: A -> S
++ median(a) median of a collection (ordering from OrderedSet)
if S has Field then
mean: A -> S
++ mean(a) arithmetic mean of a collection
hmean: A -> S
++ hmean(a) harmonic mean of a collection
moment: (A,Integer) -> S
++ moment(a,i) i nth moment of a collection
variance: A -> S
++ variance(a) variance of a collection
center: A -> A
++ center(a) center collection
if A has shallowlyMutable then
center!: A -> A
++ center!(a) center collection
if S has RadicalCategory then
gmean: A -> S
++ gmean(a) geometric mean of a collection
stdev: A -> S
++ stdev(a) root mean square of a collection
stdize: A -> A
++ stdize(a) standardize a collection
if A has shallowlyMutable then
stdize!: A -> A
++ stdize!(a) standardize a collection
Implementation == add
if A has FiniteLinearAggregate(S) and S has OrderedSet then
n := sort(m)
i:= divide(#m,2)
if (zero? i.remainder) then
j:= elt(n,i.quotient+minIndex(m)-1)
j:= elt(n,i.quotient+minIndex(m))
if S has Field then
if A has OneDimensionalArrayAggregate(S) then
sums: A ->List S
for i in minIndex(m)..maxIndex(m) repeat
h:= elt(m,i)
j := j + h
j2 := j2 + h*h
i := center(m)
s := sums(i)
k := (s.2 - s.1/#m::S)/(#m::S - 1::S)
if S has RadicalCategory then
i := mean(m)
j := map(xx +-> xx-i, m)
s := sums(j)
k := sqrt((s.2 - s.1/#m::S)/(#m::S - 1::S))
map(xx +-> (xx-i)/k,m)
if A has shallowlyMutable then
i := mean(m)
j := map(xx +-> xx - i, m)
s := sums(j)
k := sqrt((s.2 - s.1/#m::S)/(#m::S - 1::S))
map!(xx +-> (xx - i)/k, m)
i := center(m)
j := reduce("+",i)
j2 := reduce("+", map(xx +-> xx*xx,i))
k := (j2 - j/#m::S)/(#m::S - 1::S)
if S has RadicalCategory then
me:= mean(m)
i := map(xx +-> xx - me, m)
j := reduce("+",i)
j2 := reduce("+", map(xx +-> xx*xx,i))
k := sqrt((j2 - j/#m::S)/(#m::S - 1::S))
map(xx +-> (xx -me)/k,m)
if A has shallowlyMutable then
me:= mean(m)
i := map(xx +-> xx - me,m)
j := reduce("+",i)
j2 := reduce("+", map(xx +-> xx*xx, i))
k := sqrt((j2 - j/#m::S)/(#m::S - 1::S))
map!(xx +->(xx - me)/k, m)
if A has FiniteLinearAggregate(S) and S has OrderedSet then
n := sort(m)
min := minIndex(m)
i:= divide(#m,2)
if (zero? i.remainder) then
j:= (elt(n,i.quotient+min-1)+elt(n,i.quotient+min))/2::S
i := reduce("+", m)
(i / (#m::S))
i := map(xx +-> 1::S/xx, m)
j := reduce("+", i)
((#m::S) / j)
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => mean(m)
i := map(xx +-> xx^n, m)
j := reduce("+",i)
(j / (#m::S))
i := mean(m)
map(xx +-> xx - i, m)
if A has shallowlyMutable then
i := mean(m)
map!(xx +-> xx - i, m)
if S has RadicalCategory then
i := reduce("*", m)
)abbrev package IDSTAT IntegralDomainStatPackage
++ Description:
++ This package exports statistic utilities over IntegralDomain
IntegralDomainStatPackage(S,A) : Exports == Implementation where
S: IntegralDomain
A: Join(Collection(S), finiteAggregate)
Exports == with
mean: A -> Fraction(S)
++ mean(a) arithmetic mean of a collection
moment: (A,NonNegativeInteger) -> Fraction(S)
++ moment(m,n) nth moment of a collection
Implementation == add
i := reduce("+", m)
i / #m::S
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => mean(m)
i := map(xx +-> xx^n, m)
j := reduce("+",i)
j / #m::S
)abbrev package MSTAT MatrixStatPackage
++ Description:
++ This package exports statistic utilities on two dimensional arrays
++ Function are applied column by column
MatrixStatPackage(S,Row,Col,M) : Exports == Implementation where
S: SetCategory
Row : FiniteLinearAggregate S
Col : FiniteLinearAggregate S
M : TwoDimensionalArrayCategory(S,Row,Col)
Exports == with
if Col has shallowlyMutable then
if S has OrderedSet then
median: M -> Col
++ median(a) median of a two dimensional array (ordering from OrderedSet)
if S has Field then
mean: M -> Col
++ mean(a) arithmetic mean of a two dimensional array
hmean: M -> Col
++ hmean(a) harmonic mean of a two dimensional array
variance: M -> Col
++ variance(a) variance of a two dimensional array
moment: (M,Integer) -> Col
++ moment(a,i) i nth moment of a two dimensional array
center: M -> M
++ center(a) center two dimensional array
center!: M -> M
++ center!(a) center two dimensional array
if M has MatrixCategory(S,Row,Col) then
cov: M -> M
++ cov(a): covariance matrix
if S has RadicalCategory then
gmean: M -> Col
++ gmean(a) geometric mean of a two dimensional array
stdev: M -> Col
++ stdev(a) root mean square of a two dimensional array
stdize: M -> M
++ stdize(a) standardize two dimensional array
stdize!: M -> M
++ stdize!(a) standardize two dimensional array
if M has MatrixCategory(S,Row,Col) then
cor: M -> M
++ cor(a): correlation matrix
Implementation == add
import StatPackage(S,Col)
if Col has shallowlyMutable then
colReduce: (Col -> S, M) -> Col
ret : Col := new(ncols(m),NIL$Lisp)
j := minColIndex(m) - 1
for i in j+1..maxColIndex(m) repeat
if S has OrderedSet then
median(m) ==
ret := colReduce(median$StatPackage(S,Col),m)
if S has Field then
ret := colReduce(mean$StatPackage(S,Col),m)
ret := colReduce(hmean$StatPackage(S,Col),m)
ret := colReduce(variance$StatPackage(S,Col),m)
ret : Col := new(ncols(m),NIL$Lisp)
j := minColIndex(m) - 1
for i in j+1..maxColIndex(m) repeat
ret : M := new(nrows(m),ncols(m),NIL$Lisp)
j := minColIndex(m) - 1
for i in j+1..maxColIndex(m) repeat
j := minColIndex(m) - 1
for i in j+1..maxColIndex(m) repeat
if M has MatrixCategory(S,Row,Col) then
ret := center(m)
transpose(ret/(nrows(m)-1)::S) * ret
if S has RadicalCategory then
ret : M := new(nrows(m),ncols(m),NIL$Lisp)
j := minColIndex(m) - 1
for i in j+1..maxColIndex(m) repeat
j := minColIndex(m) - 1
for i in j+1..maxColIndex(m) repeat
if M has MatrixCategory(S,Row,Col) then
ret := stdize(m)
(transpose(ret/((nrows(m)-1)::S)) * ret)
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
STAT abbreviates package StatPackage
initializing NRLIB STAT for StatPackage
compiling into NRLIB STAT
****** Domain: A already in scope
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (FiniteLinearAggregate S)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (OrderedSet)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ median (S A))
compiling exported median : A -> S
Time: 0.03 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (S A (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (A A))
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (OneDimensionalArrayAggregate S)
compiling local sums : A -> List S
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported variance : A -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (A A))
compiling exported stdize : A -> A
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported stdize! : A -> A
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported variance : A -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (A A))
compiling exported stdize : A -> A
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (shallowlyMutable)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize! (A A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (A A))
compiling exported stdize! : A -> A
Time: 0.02 SEC.
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (FiniteLinearAggregate S)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (OrderedSet)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ median (S A))
compiling exported median : A -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported mean : A -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported hmean : A -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported moment : (A,Integer) -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported center : A -> A
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (shallowlyMutable)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (A A))
compiling exported center! : A -> A
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (A A))
compiling exported gmean : A -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported stdev : A -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (FiniteLinearAggregate S)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (OrderedSet)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ median (S A))
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (shallowlyMutable)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (S A (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (A A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (A A))
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (A A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize! (A A))
****** Domain: A already in scope
augmenting A: (shallowlyMutable)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (S A (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (A A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (A A))
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (S A (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (A A))
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (A A))
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (S A (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (S A))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (A A))
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |StatPackage| REDEFINED
;;; *** |StatPackage| REDEFINED
Time: 0.02 SEC.
[1] median: remainder has no value
[2] median: quotient has no value
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor StatPackage
Time: 0.10 seconds
finalizing NRLIB STAT
Processing StatPackage for Browser database:
--------(median (S A))---------
--------(mean (S A))---------
--------(hmean (S A))---------
--------(moment (S A (Integer)))---------
--------(variance (S A))---------
--------(center (A A))---------
--------(center! (A A))---------
--------(gmean (S A))---------
--------(stdev (S A))---------
--------(stdize (A A))---------
--------(stdize! (A A))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/STAT.NRLIB/STAT.lsp" (written 24 FEB 2018 04:52:50 AM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/STAT.NRLIB/STAT.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.143
StatPackage is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
StatPackage will be automatically loaded when needed from
IDSTAT abbreviates package IntegralDomainStatPackage
initializing NRLIB IDSTAT for IntegralDomainStatPackage
compiling into NRLIB IDSTAT
****** Domain: A already in scope
compiling exported mean : A -> Fraction S
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported moment : (A,NonNegativeInteger) -> Fraction S
Time: 0.01 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |IntegralDomainStatPackage| REDEFINED
;;; *** |IntegralDomainStatPackage| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor IntegralDomainStatPackage
Time: 0.01 seconds
finalizing NRLIB IDSTAT
Processing IntegralDomainStatPackage for Browser database:
--------(mean ((Fraction S) A))---------
--------(moment ((Fraction S) A (NonNegativeInteger)))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/IDSTAT.NRLIB/IDSTAT.lsp" (written 24 FEB 2018 04:52:50 AM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/IDSTAT.NRLIB/IDSTAT.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.055
IntegralDomainStatPackage is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
IntegralDomainStatPackage will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/IDSTAT.NRLIB/IDSTAT
MSTAT abbreviates package MatrixStatPackage
initializing NRLIB MSTAT for MatrixStatPackage
compiling into NRLIB MSTAT
importing StatPackage(S,Col)
****** Domain: Col already in scope
augmenting Col: (shallowlyMutable)
compiling local colReduce : (Col -> S,M) -> Col
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (OrderedSet)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ median (Col M))
compiling exported median : M -> Col
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (Col M (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (M M))
compiling exported mean : M -> Col
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported hmean : M -> Col
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported variance : M -> Col
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported moment : (M,Integer) -> Col
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported center : M -> M
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported center! : M -> M
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: M already in scope
augmenting M: (MatrixCategory S Row Col)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ cov (M M))
compiling exported cov : M -> M
Time: 0 SEC.
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize! (M M))
compiling exported gmean : M -> Col
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported stdev : M -> Col
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported stdize : M -> M
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported stdize! : M -> M
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: M already in scope
augmenting M: (MatrixCategory S Row Col)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ cor (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ cov (M M))
compiling exported cor : M -> M
Time: 0.01 SEC.
****** Domain: Col already in scope
augmenting Col: (shallowlyMutable)
****** Domain: M already in scope
augmenting M: (MatrixCategory S Row Col)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (Col M (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ cov (M M))
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize! (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ cor (M M))
****** Domain: Col already in scope
augmenting Col: (shallowlyMutable)
****** Domain: M already in scope
augmenting M: (MatrixCategory S Row Col)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (Col M (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ cov (M M))
****** Domain: Col already in scope
augmenting Col: (shallowlyMutable)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (Col M (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (M M))
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (RadicalCategory)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ gmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdev (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ stdize! (M M))
****** Domain: Col already in scope
augmenting Col: (shallowlyMutable)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (Field)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ mean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ hmean (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ variance (Col M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ moment (Col M (Integer)))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center (M M))
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ center! (M M))
****** Domain: Col already in scope
augmenting Col: (shallowlyMutable)
****** Domain: S already in scope
augmenting S: (OrderedSet)
augmenting $: (SIGNATURE $ median (Col M))
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |MatrixStatPackage| REDEFINED
;;; *** |MatrixStatPackage| REDEFINED
Time: 0.01 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor MatrixStatPackage
Time: 0.06 seconds
finalizing NRLIB MSTAT
Processing MatrixStatPackage for Browser database:
--------(median (Col M))---------
--------(mean (Col M))---------
--------(hmean (Col M))---------
--------(variance (Col M))---------
--------(moment (Col M (Integer)))---------
--------(center (M M))---------
--------(center! (M M))---------
--------(cov (M M))---------
--------(gmean (Col M))---------
--------(stdev (Col M))---------
--------(stdize (M M))---------
--------(stdize! (M M))---------
--------(cor (M M))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/MSTAT.NRLIB/MSTAT.lsp" (written 24 FEB 2018 04:52:51 AM):
; /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/MSTAT.NRLIB/MSTAT.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.139
MatrixStatPackage is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MatrixStatPackage will be automatically loaded when needed from
a:= ["a","c","d","g","z","a","d","g","f"]
Type: List(String)
b:= [1,7,8,9,2,4,6,17,18,14,32]
Type: List(PositiveInteger
median a
Type: String
median b
mean b
Type: Fraction(Integer)
hmean b
Type: Fraction(Integer)
Type: Fraction(Integer)
Type: Fraction(Integer)
Type: Fraction(Integer)
variance b
Type: Fraction(Integer)
stdev b
gmean b
center b
Type: List(Fraction(Integer))
stdize b
Type: List(AlgebraicNumber
c := [3+7*%i,5+8*%i,8+3*%i,4+5*%i]
Type: List(Complex(Integer))
mean c
Type: Fraction(Complex(Integer))