Add conjugate
(1) -> )library BOP BOP1
BasicOperator is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
BasicOperator will be automatically loaded when needed from
BasicOperatorFunctions1 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
BasicOperatorFunctions1 will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/BOP1.NRLIB/BOP1
)abbrev category COMBOPC CombinatorialOpsCategory
++ Category for summations and products
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: ???
++ Date Last Updated: 22 February 1993 (JHD/BMT)
++ Description:
++ CombinatorialOpsCategory is the category obtaining by adjoining
++ summations and products to the usual combinatorial operations;
CombinatorialOpsCategory() : Category ==
CombinatorialFunctionCategory with
factorials : % -> %
++ factorials(f) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
++ in terms of factorials;
factorials : (%, Symbol) -> %
++ factorials(f, x) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
++ involving x in terms of factorials;
summation : (%, Symbol) -> %
++ summation(f(n), n) returns the formal sum S(n) which verifies
++ S(n+1) - S(n) = f(n);
summation : (%, SegmentBinding %) -> %
++ summation(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + ... + f(b) as a
++ formal sum;
product : (%, Symbol) -> %
++ product(f(n), n) returns the formal product P(n) which verifies
++ P(n+1)/P(n) = f(n);
product : (%, SegmentBinding %) -> %
++ product(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) * ... * f(b) as a
++ formal product;
)abbrev package COMBF CombinatorialFunction
++ Provides the usual combinatorial functions
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein, Martin Rubey
++ Date Created: 2 Aug 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 30 October 2005
++ Description:
++ Provides combinatorial functions over an integral domain.
++ Keywords: combinatorial, function, factorial.
++ Examples: )r COMBF INPUT
CombinatorialFunction(R, F) : Exports == Implementation where
R : Join(Comparable, IntegralDomain)
F : FunctionSpace R
OP ==> BasicOperator
K ==> Kernel F
SE ==> Symbol
O ==> OutputForm
SMP ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
Z ==> Integer
POWER ==> '%power
OPEXP ==> 'exp
SPECIALDIFF ==> '%specialDiff
SPECIALDISP ==> '%specialDisp
SPECIALEQUAL ==> '%specialEqual
Exports ==> with
belong? : OP -> Boolean
++ belong?(op) is true if op is a combinatorial operator;
operator : OP -> OP
++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent
++ properties appropriate for F;
++ error if op is not a combinatorial operator;
"^" : (F, F) -> F
++ a ^ b is the formal exponential a^b;
binomial : (F, F) -> F
++ binomial(n, r) returns the number of subsets of r objects
++ taken among n objects, i.e. n!/(r! * (n-r)!);
permutation : (F, F) -> F
++ permutation(n, r) returns the number of permutations of
++ n objects taken r at a time, i.e. n!/(n-r)!;
factorial : F -> F
++ factorial(n) returns the factorial of n, i.e. n!;
factorials : F -> F
++ factorials(f) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
++ in terms of factorials;
factorials : (F, SE) -> F
++ factorials(f, x) rewrites the permutations and binomials in f
++ involving x in terms of factorials;
summation : (F, SE) -> F
++ summation(f(n), n) returns the formal sum S(n) which verifies
++ S(n+1) - S(n) = f(n);
summation : (F, SegmentBinding F) -> F
++ summation(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + ... + f(b) as a
++ formal sum;
product : (F, SE) -> F
++ product(f(n), n) returns the formal product P(n) which verifies
++ P(n+1)/P(n) = f(n);
product : (F, SegmentBinding F) -> F
++ product(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) * ... * f(b) as a
++ formal product;
iifact : F -> F
++ iifact(x) should be local but conditional;
iibinom : List F -> F
++ iibinom(l) should be local but conditional;
iiperm : List F -> F
++ iiperm(l) should be local but conditional;
iipow : List F -> F
++ iipow(l) should be local but conditional;
iidsum : List F -> F
++ iidsum(l) should be local but conditional;
iidprod : List F -> F
++ iidprod(l) should be local but conditional;
ipow : List F -> F
++ ipow(l) should be local but conditional;
Implementation ==> add
COMB := 'comb
ifact : F -> F
iiipow : List F -> F
iperm : List F -> F
ibinom : List F -> F
isum : List F -> F
idsum : List F -> F
iprod : List F -> F
idprod : List F -> F
dsum : List F -> O
ddsum : List F -> O
dprod : List F -> O
ddprod : List F -> O
equalsumprod : (K, K) -> Boolean
equaldsumprod : (K, K) -> Boolean
fourth : List F -> F
dvpow1 : List F -> F
dvpow2 : List F -> F
summand : List F -> F
dvsum : (List F, SE) -> F
dvdsum : (List F, SE) -> F
dvprod : (List F, SE) -> F
dvdprod : (List F, SE) -> F
facts : (F, List SE) -> F
K2fact : (K, List SE) -> F
smpfact : (SMP, List SE) -> F
-- Must be a macro to produce fresh symbol for each use
dummy ==> new()$SE :: F
opfact := operator('factorial)$CommonOperators
opperm := operator('permutation)$CommonOperators
opbinom := operator('binomial)$CommonOperators
opsum := operator('summation)$CommonOperators
opdsum := operator('%defsum)$CommonOperators
opprod := operator('product)$CommonOperators
opdprod := operator('%defprod)$CommonOperators
oppow := operator(POWER::Symbol)$CommonOperators
factorial x == opfact x
binomial(x, y) == opbinom [x, y]
permutation(x, y) == opperm [x, y]
import from F
import from Kernel F
number?(x : F) : Boolean ==
if R has RetractableTo(Z) then
ground?(x) or
((retractIfCan(x)@Union(Fraction(Z),"failed")) case Fraction(Z))
x ^ y ==
-- Do some basic simplifications
is?(x, POWER) =>
args : List F := argument first kernels x
not(#args = 2) => error "Too many arguments to ^"
number?(first args) and number?(y) =>
oppow [first(args)^y, second args]
oppow [first args, (second args)* y]
-- Generic case
exp : Union(Record(val:F,exponent:Z),"failed") := isPower x
exp case Record(val : F, exponent : Z) =>
expr := exp::Record(val : F, exponent : Z)
oppow [expr.val, (expr.exponent)*y]
oppow [x, y]
belong? op == has?(op, COMB)
fourth l == third rest l
dvpow1 l == second(l) * first(l) ^ (second l - 1)
factorials x == facts(x, variables x)
factorials(x, v) == facts(x, [v])
facts(x, l) == smpfact(numer x, l) / smpfact(denom x, l)
summand l == eval(first l, retract(second l)@K, third l)
product(x : F, i : SE) ==
dm := dummy
opprod [eval(x, k := kernel(i)$K, dm), dm, k::F]
summation(x : F, i : SE) ==
dm := dummy
opsum [eval(x, k := kernel(i)$K, dm), dm, k::F]
dvsum(l, x) ==
opsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, third l]
dvdsum(l, x) ==
x = retract(y := third l)@SE => 0
if member?(x, variables(h := third rest rest l)) or
member?(x, variables(g := third rest l)) then
error "a sum cannot be differentiated with respect to a bound"
opdsum [differentiate(first l, x), second l, y, g, h]
dvprod(l, x) ==
dm := retract(dummy)@SE
f := eval(first l, retract(second l)@K, dm::F)
p := product(f, dm)
opsum [differentiate(first l, x)/first l * p, second l, third l]
dvdprod(l, x) ==
x = retract(y := third l)@SE => 0
if member?(x, variables(h := third rest rest l)) or
member?(x, variables(g := third rest l)) then
error "a product cannot be differentiated with respect to a bound"
opdsum cons(differentiate(first l, x)/first l, rest l) * opdprod l
dprod l ==
prod(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O)
ddprod l ==
prod(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O = fourth(l)::O, fourth(rest l)::O)
dsum l ==
sum(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O)
ddsum l ==
sum(summand(l)::O, third(l)::O = fourth(l)::O, fourth(rest l)::O)
equalsumprod(s1, s2) ==
l1 := argument s1
l2 := argument s2
(eval(first l1, retract(second l1)@K, second l2) = first l2)
equaldsumprod(s1, s2) ==
l1 := argument s1
l2 := argument s2
((third rest l1 = third rest l2) and
(third rest rest l1 = third rest rest l2) and
(eval(first l1, retract(second l1)@K, second l2) = first l2))
product(x : F, s : SegmentBinding F) ==
k := kernel(variable s)$K
dm := dummy
opdprod [eval(x, k, dm), dm, k::F, lo segment s, hi segment s]
summation(x : F, s : SegmentBinding F) ==
k := kernel(variable s)$K
dm := dummy
opdsum [eval(x, k, dm), dm, k::F, lo segment s, hi segment s]
smpfact(p, l) ==
map(x +-> K2fact(x, l), x +-> x::F, p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(
IndexedExponents K, K, R, SMP, F)
K2fact(k, l) ==
empty? [v for v in variables(kf := k::F) | member?(v, l)] => kf
empty?(args : List F := [facts(a, l) for a in argument k]) => kf
is?(k, opperm) =>
factorial(n := first args) / factorial(n - second args)
is?(k, opbinom) =>
n := first args
p := second args
factorial(n) / (factorial(p) * factorial(n-p))
(operator k) args
operator op ==
is?(op, 'factorial) => opfact
is?(op, 'permutation) => opperm
is?(op, 'binomial) => opbinom
is?(op, 'summation) => opsum
is?(op, '%defsum) => opdsum
is?(op, 'product) => opprod
is?(op, '%defprod) => opdprod
is?(op, POWER) => oppow
error "Not a combinatorial operator"
iprod l ==
zero? first l => 0
-- one? first l => 1
(first l = 1) => 1
kernel(opprod, l)
isum l ==
zero? first l => 0
kernel(opsum, l)
idprod l ==
member?(retract(second l)@SE, variables first l) =>
kernel(opdprod, l)
first(l) ^ (fourth rest l - fourth l + 1)
idsum l ==
member?(retract(second l)@SE, variables first l) =>
kernel(opdsum, l)
first(l) * (fourth rest l - fourth l + 1)
ifact x ==
-- zero? x or one? x => 1
zero? x or (x = 1) => 1
kernel(opfact, x)
ibinom l ==
n := first l
((p := second l) = 0) or (p = n) => 1
-- one? p or (p = n - 1) => n
(p = 1) or (p = n - 1) => n
kernel(opbinom, l)
iperm l ==
zero? second l => 1
kernel(opperm, l)
if R has RetractableTo Z then
iidsum l ==
(r1 := retractIfCan(fourth l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
case "failed" or
(r2 := retractIfCan(fourth rest l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
case "failed" or
(k := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed"
=> idsum l
+/[eval(first l, k::K, i::F) for i in r1::Z .. r2::Z]
iidprod l ==
(r1 := retractIfCan(fourth l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
case "failed" or
(r2 := retractIfCan(fourth rest l)@Union(Z,"failed"))
case "failed" or
(k := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed"
=> idprod l
*/[eval(first l, k::K, i::F) for i in r1::Z .. r2::Z]
iiipow l ==
(u := isExpt(x := first l, OPEXP)) case "failed" => kernel(oppow, l)
rec := u::Record(var : K, exponent : Z)
y := first argument(rec.var)
(r := retractIfCan(y)@Union(Fraction Z, "failed")) case
"failed" => kernel(oppow, l)
(operator(rec.var)) (rec.exponent * y * second l)
if F has RadicalCategory then
ipow l ==
(r := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(Fraction Z,"failed"))
case "failed" => iiipow l
first(l) ^ (r::Fraction(Z))
ipow l ==
(r := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(Z, "failed"))
case "failed" => iiipow l
first(l) ^ (r::Z)
ipow l ==
zero?(x := first l) =>
zero? second l => error "0 ^ 0"
-- one? x or zero?(n := second l) => 1
(x = 1) or zero?(n : F := second l) => 1
-- one? n => x
(n = 1) => x
(u := isExpt(x, OPEXP)) case "failed" => kernel(oppow, l)
rec := u::Record(var : K, exponent : Z)
-- one?(y := first argument(rec.var)) or y = -1 =>
((y := first argument(rec.var))=1) or y = -1 =>
(operator(rec.var)) (rec.exponent * y * n)
kernel(oppow, l)
if R has CombinatorialFunctionCategory then
iifact x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => ifact x
iiperm l ==
(r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
(r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
=> iperm l
permutation(r1::R, r2::R)::F
if R has RetractableTo(Z) and F has Algebra(Fraction(Z)) then
-- Try to explicitly evaluete binomial coefficient
-- We currently simplify binomial coefficients for non-negative
-- integral second argument, using the formula
-- $$ \binom{n}{k}=\frac{1}{k!}\prod_{i=0..k-1} (n-i), $$
iibinom l ==
(s := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case R and
(t := retractIfCan(s)@Union(Z,"failed")) case Z and t>0 =>
ans := 1::F
for i in 0..t-1 repeat
ans := ans*(first l - i::R::F)
(1/factorial t) * ans
(s := retractIfCan(first l-second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case R and
(t := retractIfCan(s)@Union(Z,"failed")) case Z and t>0 =>
ans := 1::F
for i in 1..t repeat
ans := ans*(second l+i::R::F)
(1/factorial t) * ans
(r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
(r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
=> ibinom l
binomial(r1::R, r2::R)::F
iibinom l ==
(r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
(r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
=> ibinom l
binomial(r1::R, r2::R)::F
iifact x == ifact x
iibinom l == ibinom l
iiperm l == iperm l
if R has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
iipow l ==
(r1 := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or
(r2 := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed"
=> ipow l
(r1::R ^ r2::R)::F
iipow l == ipow l
if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
dvpow2 l == if zero?(first l) then
log(first l) * first(l) ^ second(l)
evaluate(opfact, iifact)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(oppow, iipow)
evaluate(opperm, iiperm)
evaluate(opbinom, iibinom)
evaluate(opsum, isum)
evaluate(opdsum, iidsum)
evaluate(opprod, iprod)
evaluate(opdprod, iidprod)
derivative(oppow, [dvpow1, dvpow2])
setProperty(opsum, SPECIALDIFF, dvsum@((List F, SE) -> F) pretend None)
setProperty(opdsum, SPECIALDIFF, dvdsum@((List F, SE)->F) pretend None)
setProperty(opprod, SPECIALDIFF, dvprod@((List F, SE)->F) pretend None)
setProperty(opdprod, SPECIALDIFF, dvdprod@((List F, SE)->F) pretend None)
setProperty(opsum, SPECIALDISP, dsum@(List F -> O) pretend None)
setProperty(opdsum, SPECIALDISP, ddsum@(List F -> O) pretend None)
setProperty(opprod, SPECIALDISP, dprod@(List F -> O) pretend None)
setProperty(opdprod, SPECIALDISP, ddprod@(List F -> O) pretend None)
setProperty(opsum, SPECIALEQUAL, equalsumprod@((K, K) -> Boolean) pretend None)
setProperty(opdsum, SPECIALEQUAL, equaldsumprod@((K, K) -> Boolean) pretend None)
setProperty(opprod, SPECIALEQUAL, equalsumprod@((K, K) -> Boolean) pretend None)
setProperty(opdprod, SPECIALEQUAL, equaldsumprod@((K, K) -> Boolean) pretend None)
)abbrev package FSPECF FunctionalSpecialFunction
)boot $tryRecompileArguments := nil
++ Provides the special functions
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 18 Apr 1989
++ Description: Provides some special functions over an integral domain.
++ Keywords: special, function.
++ Date Last Updated: 2 October 2014
++ Added: 'conjugate'
++ Modied: 'abs'
FunctionalSpecialFunction(R, F) : Exports == Implementation where
R : Join(Comparable, IntegralDomain)
F : FunctionSpace R
OP ==> BasicOperator
K ==> Kernel F
SE ==> Symbol
SPECIALDIFF ==> '%specialDiff
Exports ==> with
belong? : OP -> Boolean
++ belong?(op) is true if op is a special function operator;
operator : OP -> OP
++ operator(op) returns a copy of op with the domain-dependent
++ properties appropriate for F;
++ error if op is not a special function operator
abs : F -> F
++ abs(f) returns the absolute value operator applied to f
conjugate: F -> F
++ conjugate(f) returns the conjugate operator applied to f
Gamma : F -> F
++ Gamma(f) returns the formal Gamma function applied to f
Gamma : (F, F) -> F
++ Gamma(a, x) returns the incomplete Gamma function applied to a and x
Beta : (F, F) -> F
++ Beta(x, y) returns the beta function applied to x and y
digamma : F->F
++ digamma(x) returns the digamma function applied to x
polygamma : (F, F) ->F
++ polygamma(x, y) returns the polygamma function applied to x and y
besselJ : (F, F) -> F
++ besselJ(x, y) returns the besselj function applied to x and y
besselY : (F, F) -> F
++ besselY(x, y) returns the bessely function applied to x and y
besselI : (F, F) -> F
++ besselI(x, y) returns the besseli function applied to x and y
besselK : (F, F) -> F
++ besselK(x, y) returns the besselk function applied to x and y
airyAi : F -> F
++ airyAi(x) returns the Airy Ai function applied to x
airyAiPrime : F -> F
++ airyAiPrime(x) returns the derivative of Airy Ai function applied to x
airyBi : F -> F
++ airyBi(x) returns the Airy Bi function applied to x
airyBiPrime : F -> F
++ airyBiPrime(x) returns the derivative of Airy Bi function applied to x
lambertW : F -> F
++ lambertW(x) is the Lambert W function at x
polylog : (F, F) -> F
++ polylog(s, x) is the polylogarithm of order s at x
weierstrassP : (F, F, F) -> F
++ weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
weierstrassPPrime : (F, F, F) -> F
++ weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x)
weierstrassSigma : (F, F, F) -> F
++ weierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x)
weierstrassZeta : (F, F, F) -> F
++ weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)
-- weierstrassPInverse : (F, F, F) -> F
-- ++ weierstrassPInverse(g2, g3, z) is the inverse of Weierstrass
-- ++ P function, defined by the formula
-- ++ \spad{weierstrassP(g2, g3, weierstrassPInverse(g2, g3, z)) = z}
whittakerM : (F, F, F) -> F
++ whittakerM(k, m, z) is the Whittaker M function
whittakerW : (F, F, F) -> F
++ whittakerW(k, m, z) is the Whittaker W function
angerJ : (F, F) -> F
++ angerJ(v, z) is the Anger J function
weberE : (F, F) -> F
++ weberE(v, z) is the Weber E function
struveH : (F, F) -> F
++ struveH(v, z) is the Struve H function
struveL : (F, F) -> F
++ struveL(v, z) is the Struve L function defined by the formula
++ \spad{struveL(v, z) = -%i^exp(-v*%pi*%i/2)*struveH(v, %i*z)}
hankelH1 : (F, F) -> F
++ hankelH1(v, z) is first Hankel function (Bessel function of
++ the third kind)
hankelH2 : (F, F) -> F
++ hankelH2(v, z) is the second Hankel function (Bessel function of
++ the third kind)
lommelS1 : (F, F, F) -> F
++ lommelS1(mu, nu, z) is the Lommel s function
lommelS2 : (F, F, F) -> F
++ lommelS2(mu, nu, z) is the Lommel S function
kummerM : (F, F, F) -> F
++ kummerM(a, b, z) is the Kummer M function
kummerU : (F, F, F) -> F
++ kummerU(a, b, z) is the Kummer U function
legendreP : (F, F, F) -> F
++ legendreP(nu, mu, z) is the Legendre P function
legendreQ : (F, F, F) -> F
++ legendreQ(nu, mu, z) is the Legendre Q function
kelvinBei : (F, F) -> F
++ kelvinBei(v, z) is the Kelvin bei function defined by equality
++ \spad{kelvinBei(v, z) = imag(besselJ(v, exp(3*%pi*%i/4)*z))}
++ for z and v real
kelvinBer : (F, F) -> F
++ kelvinBer(v, z) is the Kelvin ber function defined by equality
++ \spad{kelvinBer(v, z) = real(besselJ(v, exp(3*%pi*%i/4)*z))}
++ for z and v real
kelvinKei : (F, F) -> F
++ kelvinKei(v, z) is the Kelvin kei function defined by equality
++ \spad{kelvinKei(v, z) =
++ imag(exp(-v*%pi*%i/2)*besselK(v, exp(%pi*%i/4)*z))}
++ for z and v real
kelvinKer : (F, F) -> F
++ kelvinKer(v, z) is the Kelvin kei function defined by equality
++ \spad{kelvinKer(v, z) =
++ real(exp(-v*%pi*%i/2)*besselK(v, exp(%pi*%i/4)*z))}
++ for z and v real
ellipticK : F -> F
++ ellipticK(m) is the complete elliptic integral of the
++ first kind: \spad{ellipticK(m) =
++ integrate(1/sqrt((1-t^2)*(1-m*t^2)), t = 0..1)}
ellipticE : F -> F
++ ellipticE(m) is the complete elliptic integral of the
++ second kind: \spad{ellipticE(m) =
++ integrate(sqrt(1-m*t^2)/sqrt(1-t^2), t = 0..1)}
ellipticE : (F, F) -> F
++ ellipticE(z, m) is the incomplete elliptic integral of the
++ second kind: \spad{ellipticE(z, m) =
++ integrate(sqrt(1-m*t^2)/sqrt(1-t^2), t = 0..z)}
ellipticF : (F, F) -> F
++ ellipticF(z, m) is the incomplete elliptic integral of the
++ first kind : \spad{ellipticF(z, m) =
++ integrate(1/sqrt((1-t^2)*(1-m*t^2)), t = 0..z)}
ellipticPi : (F, F, F) -> F
++ ellipticPi(z, n, m) is the incomplete elliptic integral of
++ the third kind: \spad{ellipticPi(z, n, m) =
++ integrate(1/((1-n*t^2)*sqrt((1-t^2)*(1-m*t^2))), t = 0..z)}
jacobiSn : (F, F) -> F
++ jacobiSn(z, m) is the Jacobi elliptic sn function, defined
++ by the formula \spad{jacobiSn(ellipticF(z, m), m) = z}
jacobiCn : (F, F) -> F
++ jacobiCn(z, m) is the Jacobi elliptic cn function, defined
++ by \spad{jacobiCn(z, m)^2 + jacobiSn(z, m)^2 = 1} and
++ \spad{jacobiCn(0, m) = 1}
jacobiDn : (F, F) -> F
++ jacobiDn(z, m) is the Jacobi elliptic dn function, defined
++ by \spad{jacobiDn(z, m)^2 + m*jacobiSn(z, m)^2 = 1} and
++ \spad{jacobiDn(0, m) = 1}
jacobiZeta : (F, F) -> F
++ jacobiZeta(z, m) is the Jacobi elliptic zeta function, defined
++ by \spad{D(jacobiZeta(z, m), z) =
++ jacobiDn(z, m)^2 - ellipticE(m)/ellipticK(m)} and
++ \spad{jacobiZeta(0, m) = 0}.
jacobiTheta : (F, F) -> F
++ jacobiTheta(q, z) is the third Jacobi Theta function
lerchPhi : (F, F, F) -> F
++ lerchPhi(z, s, a) is the Lerch Phi function
riemannZeta : F -> F
++ riemannZeta(z) is the Riemann Zeta function
charlierC : (F, F, F) -> F
++ charlierC(n, a, z) is the Charlier polynomial
hermiteH : (F, F) -> F
++ hermiteH(n, z) is the Hermite polynomial
jacobiP : (F, F, F, F) -> F
++ jacobiP(n, a, b, z) is the Jacobi polynomial
laguerreL: (F, F, F) -> F
++ laguerreL(n, a, z) is the Laguerre polynomial
meixnerM : (F, F, F, F) -> F
++ meixnerM(n, b, c, z) is the Meixner polynomial
if F has RetractableTo(Integer) then
hypergeometricF : (List F, List F, F) -> F
++ hypergeometricF(la, lb, z) is the generalized hypergeometric
++ function
meijerG : (List F, List F, List F, List F, F) -> F
++ meijerG(la, lb, lc, ld, z) is the meijerG function
-- Functions below should be local but conditional
iiGamma : F -> F
++ iiGamma(x) should be local but conditional;
iiabs : F -> F
++ iiabs(x) should be local but conditional;
iiconjugate: F -> F
++ iiconjugate(x) should be local but conditional;
iiBeta : List F -> F
++ iiBeta(x) should be local but conditional;
iidigamma : F -> F
++ iidigamma(x) should be local but conditional;
iipolygamma : List F -> F
++ iipolygamma(x) should be local but conditional;
iiBesselJ : List F -> F
++ iiBesselJ(x) should be local but conditional;
iiBesselY : List F -> F
++ iiBesselY(x) should be local but conditional;
iiBesselI : List F -> F
++ iiBesselI(x) should be local but conditional;
iiBesselK : List F -> F
++ iiBesselK(x) should be local but conditional;
iiAiryAi : F -> F
++ iiAiryAi(x) should be local but conditional;
iiAiryAiPrime : F -> F
++ iiAiryAiPrime(x) should be local but conditional;
iiAiryBi : F -> F
++ iiAiryBi(x) should be local but conditional;
iiAiryBiPrime : F -> F
++ iiAiryBiPrime(x) should be local but conditional;
iAiryAi : F -> F
++ iAiryAi(x) should be local but conditional;
iAiryAiPrime : F -> F
++ iAiryAiPrime(x) should be local but conditional;
iAiryBi : F -> F
++ iAiryBi(x) should be local but conditional;
iAiryBiPrime : F -> F
++ iAiryBiPrime(x) should be local but conditional;
iiHypergeometricF : List F -> F
++ iiHypergeometricF(l) should be local but conditional;
iiPolylog : (F, F) -> F
++ iiPolylog(x, s) should be local but conditional;
iLambertW : F -> F
++ iLambertW(x) should be local but conditional;
Implementation ==> add
SPECIAL := 'special
INP ==> InputForm
SPECIALINPUT ==> '%specialInput
iabs : F -> F
iGamma : F -> F
iBeta : (F, F) -> F
idigamma : F -> F
iiipolygamma : (F, F) -> F
iiiBesselJ : (F, F) -> F
iiiBesselY : (F, F) -> F
iiiBesselI : (F, F) -> F
iiiBesselK : (F, F) -> F
iPolylog : List F -> F
iWeierstrassP : (F, F, F) -> F
iWeierstrassPPrime : (F, F, F) -> F
iWeierstrassSigma : (F, F, F) -> F
iWeierstrassZeta : (F, F, F) -> F
iiWeierstrassP : List F -> F
iiWeierstrassPPrime : List F -> F
iiWeierstrassSigma : List F -> F
iiWeierstrassZeta : List F -> F
iiMeijerG : List F -> F
opabs := operator('abs)$CommonOperators
opconjugate := operator('conjugate)$CommonOperators
opsqrt := operator('sqrt)$CommonOperators
opGamma := operator('Gamma)$CommonOperators
opGamma2 := operator('Gamma2)$CommonOperators
opBeta := operator('Beta)$CommonOperators
opdigamma := operator('digamma)$CommonOperators
oppolygamma := operator('polygamma)$CommonOperators
opBesselJ := operator('besselJ)$CommonOperators
opBesselY := operator('besselY)$CommonOperators
opBesselI := operator('besselI)$CommonOperators
opBesselK := operator('besselK)$CommonOperators
opAiryAi := operator('airyAi)$CommonOperators
opAiryAiPrime := operator('airyAiPrime)$CommonOperators
opAiryBi := operator('airyBi)$CommonOperators
opAiryBiPrime := operator('airyBiPrime)$CommonOperators
opLambertW := operator('lambertW)$CommonOperators
opPolylog := operator('polylog)$CommonOperators
opWeierstrassP := operator('weierstrassP)$CommonOperators
opWeierstrassPPrime := operator('weierstrassPPrime)$CommonOperators
opWeierstrassSigma := operator('weierstrassSigma)$CommonOperators
opWeierstrassZeta := operator('weierstrassZeta)$CommonOperators
opHypergeometricF := operator('hypergeometricF)$CommonOperators
opMeijerG := operator('meijerG)$CommonOperators
opCharlierC := operator('charlierC)$CommonOperators
opHermiteH := operator('hermiteH)$CommonOperators
opJacobiP := operator('jacobiP)$CommonOperators
opLaguerreL := operator('laguerreL)$CommonOperators
opMeixnerM := operator('meixnerM)$CommonOperators
op_log_gamma := operator('%logGamma)$CommonOperators
op_eis := operator('%eis)$CommonOperators
op_erfs := operator('%erfs)$CommonOperators
op_erfis := operator('%erfis)$CommonOperators
abs x == opabs x
conjugate x == opconjugate x
Gamma(x) == opGamma(x)
Gamma(a, x) == opGamma2(a, x)
Beta(x, y) == opBeta(x, y)
digamma x == opdigamma(x)
polygamma(k, x)== oppolygamma(k, x)
besselJ(a, x) == opBesselJ(a, x)
besselY(a, x) == opBesselY(a, x)
besselI(a, x) == opBesselI(a, x)
besselK(a, x) == opBesselK(a, x)
airyAi(x) == opAiryAi(x)
airyAiPrime(x) == opAiryAiPrime(x)
airyBi(x) == opAiryBi(x)
airyBiPrime(x) == opAiryBiPrime(x)
lambertW(x) == opLambertW(x)
polylog(s, x) == opPolylog(s, x)
weierstrassP(g2, g3, x) == opWeierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x) == opWeierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x)
weierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x) == opWeierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x)
weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x) == opWeierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)
if F has RetractableTo(Integer) then
hypergeometricF(a, b, z) ==
nai := #a
nbi := #b
z = 0 and nai <= nbi + 1 => 1
p := (#a)::F
q := (#b)::F
opHypergeometricF concat(concat(a, concat(b, [z])), [p, q])
meijerG(a, b, c, d, z) ==
n1 := (#a)::F
n2 := (#b)::F
m1 := (#c)::F
m2 := (#d)::F
opMeijerG concat(concat(a, concat(b,
concat(c, concat(d, [z])))), [n1, n2, m1, m2])
import from List Kernel(F)
opdiff := operator(operator('%diff)$CommonOperators)$F
dummy ==> new()$SE :: F
ahalf : F := recip(2::F)::F
athird : F := recip(3::F)::F
afourth : F := recip(4::F)::F
asixth : F := recip(6::F)::F
twothirds : F := 2*athird
threehalfs : F := 3*ahalf
-- Helpers for partially defined derivatives
grad2(l : List F, t : SE, op : OP, d2 : (F, F) -> F ) : F ==
x1 := l(1)
x2 := l(2)
dm := dummy
differentiate(x1, t)*kernel(opdiff, [op [dm, x2], dm, x1])
+ differentiate(x2, t)*d2(x1, x2)
grad3(l : List F, t : SE, op : OP, d3 : (F, F, F) -> F ) : F ==
x1 := l(1)
x2 := l(2)
x3 := l(3)
dm1 := dummy
dm2 := dummy
differentiate(x1, t)*kernel(opdiff, [op [dm1, x2, x3], dm1, x1])
+ differentiate(x2, t)*kernel(opdiff, [op [x1, dm2, x3], dm2, x2])
+ differentiate(x3, t)*d3(x1, x2, x3)
grad4(l : List F, t : SE, op : OP, d4 : (F, F, F, F) -> F ) : F ==
x1 := l(1)
x2 := l(2)
x3 := l(3)
x4 := l(4)
dm1 := dummy
dm2 := dummy
dm3 := dummy
kd1 := kernel(opdiff, [op [dm1, x2, x3, x4], dm1, x1])
kd2 := kernel(opdiff, [op [x1, dm2, x3, x4], dm2, x2])
kd3 := kernel(opdiff, [op [x1, x2, dm3, x4], dm3, x3])
differentiate(x1, t)*kd1 + differentiate(x2, t)*kd2 +
differentiate(x3, t)*kd3 +
differentiate(x4, t)*d4(x1, x2, x3, x4)
-- handle WeierstrassPInverse
)if false
opWeierstrassPInverse := operator('weierstrassPInverse)$CommonOperators
weierstrassPInverse(g2, g3, z) == opWeierstrassPInverse(g2, g3, z)
eWeierstrassPInverse(g2 : F, g3 : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opWeierstrassPInverse, [g2, g3, z])
elWeierstrassPInverse(l : List F) : F == eWeierstrassPInverse(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opWeierstrassPInverse, elWeierstrassPInverse)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eWeierstrassPInverseGrad_g2(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := l(1)
g3 := l(2)
z := l(3)
error "unimplemented"
eWeierstrassPInverseGrad_g3(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := l(1)
g3 := l(2)
z := l(3)
error "unimplemented"
eWeierstrassPInverseGrad_z(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := l(1)
g3 := l(2)
z := l(3)
1/sqrt(4*z^3 - g2*z - g3)
derivative(opWeierstrassPInverse, [eWeierstrassPInverseGrad_g2,
eWeierstrassPInverseGrad_g3, eWeierstrassPInverseGrad_z])
-- handle WhittakerM
opWhittakerM := operator('whittakerM)$CommonOperators
whittakerM(k, m, z) == opWhittakerM(k, m, z)
eWhittakerM(k : F, m : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opWhittakerM, [k, m, z])
elWhittakerM(l : List F) : F == eWhittakerM(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opWhittakerM, elWhittakerM)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eWhittakerMGrad_z(k : F, m : F, z : F) : F ==
(ahalf - k/z)*whittakerM(k, m, z) +
(ahalf + k + m)*whittakerM(k + 1, m, z)/z
dWhittakerM(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opWhittakerM, eWhittakerMGrad_z)
setProperty(opWhittakerM, SPECIALDIFF, dWhittakerM@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle WhittakerW
opWhittakerW := operator('whittakerW)$CommonOperators
whittakerW(k, m, z) == opWhittakerW(k, m, z)
eWhittakerW(k : F, m : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opWhittakerW, [k, m, z])
elWhittakerW(l : List F) : F == eWhittakerW(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opWhittakerW, elWhittakerW)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eWhittakerWGrad_z(k : F, m : F, z : F) : F ==
(ahalf - k/z)*whittakerW(k, m, z) - whittakerW(k + 1, m, z)/z
dWhittakerW(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opWhittakerW, eWhittakerWGrad_z)
setProperty(opWhittakerW, SPECIALDIFF, dWhittakerW@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle AngerJ
opAngerJ := operator('angerJ)$CommonOperators
angerJ(v, z) == opAngerJ(v, z)
if F has TranscendentalFunctionCategory then
eAngerJ(v : F, z : F) : F ==
z = 0 => sin(v*pi())/(v*pi())
kernel(opAngerJ, [v, z])
elAngerJ(l : List F) : F == eAngerJ(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opAngerJ, elAngerJ)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eAngerJGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
-angerJ(v + 1, z) + v*angerJ(v, z)/z - sin(v*pi())/(pi()*z)
dAngerJ(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opAngerJ, eAngerJGrad_z)
setProperty(opAngerJ, SPECIALDIFF, dAngerJ@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
eeAngerJ(l : List F) : F == kernel(opAngerJ, l)
evaluate(opAngerJ, eeAngerJ)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
-- handle WeberE
opWeberE := operator('weberE)$CommonOperators
weberE(v, z) == opWeberE(v, z)
if F has TranscendentalFunctionCategory then
eWeberE(v : F, z : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 2*sin(ahalf*v*pi())^2/(v*pi())
kernel(opWeberE, [v, z])
elWeberE(l : List F) : F == eWeberE(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opWeberE, elWeberE)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eWeberEGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
-weberE(v + 1, z) + v*weberE(v, z)/z - (1 - cos(v*pi()))/(pi()*z)
dWeberE(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opWeberE, eWeberEGrad_z)
setProperty(opWeberE, SPECIALDIFF, dWeberE@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
eeWeberE(l : List F) : F == kernel(opWeberE, l)
evaluate(opWeberE, eeWeberE)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
-- handle StruveH
opStruveH := operator('struveH)$CommonOperators
struveH(v, z) == opStruveH(v, z)
eStruveH(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opStruveH, [v, z])
elStruveH(l : List F) : F == eStruveH(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opStruveH, elStruveH)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has TranscendentalFunctionCategory
and F has RadicalCategory then
eStruveHGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
-struveH(v + 1, z) + v*struveH(v, z)/z +
(ahalf*z)^v/(sqrt(pi())*Gamma(v + threehalfs))
dStruveH(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opStruveH, eStruveHGrad_z)
setProperty(opStruveH, SPECIALDIFF, dStruveH@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle StruveL
opStruveL := operator('struveL)$CommonOperators
struveL(v, z) == opStruveL(v, z)
eStruveL(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opStruveL, [v, z])
elStruveL(l : List F) : F == eStruveL(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opStruveL, elStruveL)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has TranscendentalFunctionCategory
and F has RadicalCategory then
eStruveLGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
struveL(v + 1, z) + v*struveL(v, z)/z +
(ahalf*z)^v/(sqrt(pi())*Gamma(v + threehalfs))
dStruveL(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opStruveL, eStruveLGrad_z)
setProperty(opStruveL, SPECIALDIFF, dStruveL@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle HankelH1
opHankelH1 := operator('hankelH1)$CommonOperators
hankelH1(v, z) == opHankelH1(v, z)
eHankelH1(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opHankelH1, [v, z])
elHankelH1(l : List F) : F == eHankelH1(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opHankelH1, elHankelH1)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eHankelH1Grad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
-hankelH1(v + 1, z) + v*hankelH1(v, z)/z
dHankelH1(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opHankelH1, eHankelH1Grad_z)
setProperty(opHankelH1, SPECIALDIFF, dHankelH1@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle HankelH2
opHankelH2 := operator('hankelH2)$CommonOperators
hankelH2(v, z) == opHankelH2(v, z)
eHankelH2(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opHankelH2, [v, z])
elHankelH2(l : List F) : F == eHankelH2(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opHankelH2, elHankelH2)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eHankelH2Grad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
-hankelH2(v + 1, z) + v*hankelH2(v, z)/z
dHankelH2(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opHankelH2, eHankelH2Grad_z)
setProperty(opHankelH2, SPECIALDIFF, dHankelH2@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle LommelS1
opLommelS1 := operator('lommelS1)$CommonOperators
lommelS1(m, v, z) == opLommelS1(m, v, z)
eLommelS1(m : F, v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opLommelS1, [m, v, z])
elLommelS1(l : List F) : F == eLommelS1(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opLommelS1, elLommelS1)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eLommelS1Grad_z(m : F, v : F, z : F) : F ==
-v*lommelS1(m, v, z)/z + (m + v - 1)*lommelS1(m - 1, v - 1, z)
dLommelS1(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opLommelS1, eLommelS1Grad_z)
setProperty(opLommelS1, SPECIALDIFF, dLommelS1@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle LommelS2
opLommelS2 := operator('lommelS2)$CommonOperators
lommelS2(mu, nu, z) == opLommelS2(mu, nu, z)
eLommelS2(mu : F, nu : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opLommelS2, [mu, nu, z])
elLommelS2(l : List F) : F == eLommelS2(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opLommelS2, elLommelS2)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eLommelS2Grad_z(m : F, v : F, z : F) : F ==
-v*lommelS2(m, v, z)/z + (m + v - 1)*lommelS2(m - 1, v - 1, z)
dLommelS2(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opLommelS2, eLommelS2Grad_z)
setProperty(opLommelS2, SPECIALDIFF, dLommelS2@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle KummerM
opKummerM := operator('kummerM)$CommonOperators
kummerM(mu, nu, z) == opKummerM(mu, nu, z)
eKummerM(a : F, b : F, z : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 1
kernel(opKummerM, [a, b, z])
elKummerM(l : List F) : F == eKummerM(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opKummerM, elKummerM)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eKummerMGrad_z(a : F, b : F, z : F) : F ==
((z + a - b)*kummerM(a, b, z)+(b - a)*kummerM(a - 1, b, z))/z
dKummerM(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opKummerM, eKummerMGrad_z)
setProperty(opKummerM, SPECIALDIFF, dKummerM@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle KummerU
opKummerU := operator('kummerU)$CommonOperators
kummerU(a, b, z) == opKummerU(a, b, z)
eKummerU(a : F, b : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opKummerU, [a, b, z])
elKummerU(l : List F) : F == eKummerU(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opKummerU, elKummerU)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eKummerUGrad_z(a : F, b : F, z : F) : F ==
((z + a - b)*kummerU(a, b, z) - kummerU(a - 1, b, z))/z
dKummerU(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opKummerU, eKummerUGrad_z)
setProperty(opKummerU, SPECIALDIFF, dKummerU@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle LegendreP
opLegendreP := operator('legendreP)$CommonOperators
legendreP(nu, mu, z) == opLegendreP(nu, mu, z)
eLegendreP(nu : F, mu : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opLegendreP, [nu, mu, z])
elLegendreP(l : List F) : F == eLegendreP(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opLegendreP, elLegendreP)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eLegendrePGrad_z(nu : F, mu : F, z : F) : F ==
(nu - mu + 1)*legendreP(nu + 1, mu, z) -
(nu + 1)*z*legendreP(nu, mu, z)
dLegendreP(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opLegendreP, eLegendrePGrad_z)
setProperty(opLegendreP, SPECIALDIFF, dLegendreP@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle LegendreQ
opLegendreQ := operator('legendreQ)$CommonOperators
legendreQ(nu, mu, z) == opLegendreQ(nu, mu, z)
eLegendreQ(nu : F, mu : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opLegendreQ, [nu, mu, z])
elLegendreQ(l : List F) : F == eLegendreQ(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opLegendreQ, elLegendreQ)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eLegendreQGrad_z(nu : F, mu : F, z : F) : F ==
(nu - mu + 1)*legendreQ(nu + 1, mu, z) -
(nu + 1)*z*legendreQ(nu, mu, z)
dLegendreQ(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opLegendreQ, eLegendreQGrad_z)
setProperty(opLegendreQ, SPECIALDIFF, dLegendreQ@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle KelvinBei
opKelvinBei := operator('kelvinBei)$CommonOperators
kelvinBei(v, z) == opKelvinBei(v, z)
eKelvinBei(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opKelvinBei, [v, z])
elKelvinBei(l : List F) : F == eKelvinBei(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opKelvinBei, elKelvinBei)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eKelvinBeiGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
ahalf*sqrt(2::F)*(kelvinBei(v + 1, z) - kelvinBer(v + 1, z)) +
v*kelvinBei(v, z)/z
dKelvinBei(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opKelvinBei, eKelvinBeiGrad_z)
setProperty(opKelvinBei, SPECIALDIFF, dKelvinBei@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle KelvinBer
opKelvinBer := operator('kelvinBer)$CommonOperators
kelvinBer(v, z) == opKelvinBer(v, z)
eKelvinBer(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opKelvinBer, [v, z])
elKelvinBer(l : List F) : F == eKelvinBer(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opKelvinBer, elKelvinBer)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eKelvinBerGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
ahalf*sqrt(2::F)*(kelvinBer(v + 1, z) + kelvinBei(v + 1, z)) +
v*kelvinBer(v, z)/z
dKelvinBer(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opKelvinBer, eKelvinBerGrad_z)
setProperty(opKelvinBer, SPECIALDIFF, dKelvinBer@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle KelvinKei
opKelvinKei := operator('kelvinKei)$CommonOperators
kelvinKei(v, z) == opKelvinKei(v, z)
eKelvinKei(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opKelvinKei, [v, z])
elKelvinKei(l : List F) : F == eKelvinKei(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opKelvinKei, elKelvinKei)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eKelvinKeiGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
ahalf*sqrt(2::F)*(kelvinKei(v + 1, z) - kelvinKer(v + 1, z)) +
v*kelvinKei(v, z)/z
dKelvinKei(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opKelvinKei, eKelvinKeiGrad_z)
setProperty(opKelvinKei, SPECIALDIFF, dKelvinKei@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle KelvinKer
opKelvinKer := operator('kelvinKer)$CommonOperators
kelvinKer(v, z) == opKelvinKer(v, z)
eKelvinKer(v : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opKelvinKer, [v, z])
elKelvinKer(l : List F) : F == eKelvinKer(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opKelvinKer, elKelvinKer)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eKelvinKerGrad_z(v : F, z : F) : F ==
ahalf*sqrt(2::F)*(kelvinKer(v + 1, z) + kelvinKei(v + 1, z)) +
v*kelvinKer(v, z)/z
dKelvinKer(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opKelvinKer, eKelvinKerGrad_z)
setProperty(opKelvinKer, SPECIALDIFF, dKelvinKer@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle EllipticK
opEllipticK := operator('ellipticK)$CommonOperators
ellipticK(m) == opEllipticK(m)
eEllipticK(m : F) : F ==
kernel(opEllipticK, [m])
elEllipticK(l : List F) : F == eEllipticK(l(1))
evaluate(opEllipticK, elEllipticK)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
dEllipticK(m : F) : F ==
ahalf*(ellipticE(m) - (1 - m)*ellipticK(m))/(m*(1 - m))
derivative(opEllipticK, dEllipticK)
-- handle one argument EllipticE
opEllipticE := operator('ellipticE)$CommonOperators
ellipticE(m) == opEllipticE(m)
eEllipticE(m : F) : F ==
kernel(opEllipticE, [m])
elEllipticE(l : List F) : F == eEllipticE(l(1))
evaluate(opEllipticE, elEllipticE)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
dEllipticE(m : F) : F ==
ahalf*(ellipticE(m) - ellipticK(m))/m
derivative(opEllipticE, dEllipticE)
-- handle two argument EllipticE
opEllipticE2 := operator('ellipticE2)$CommonOperators
ellipticE(z, m) == opEllipticE2(z, m)
eEllipticE2(z : F, m : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 0
z = 1 => eEllipticE(m)
kernel(opEllipticE2, [z, m])
elEllipticE2(l : List F) : F == eEllipticE2(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opEllipticE2, elEllipticE2)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eEllipticE2Grad_z(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
sqrt(1 - m*z^2)/sqrt(1 - z^2)
eEllipticE2Grad_m(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
ahalf*(ellipticE(z, m) - ellipticF(z, m))/m
derivative(opEllipticE2, [eEllipticE2Grad_z, eEllipticE2Grad_m])
inEllipticE2(li : List INP) : INP ==
convert cons(convert('ellipticE), li)
input(opEllipticE2, inEllipticE2@((List INP) -> INP))
-- handle EllipticF
opEllipticF := operator('ellipticF)$CommonOperators
ellipticF(z, m) == opEllipticF(z, m)
eEllipticF(z : F, m : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 0
z = 1 => ellipticK(m)
kernel(opEllipticF, [z, m])
elEllipticF(l : List F) : F == eEllipticF(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opEllipticF, elEllipticF)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eEllipticFGrad_z(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
1/(sqrt(1 - m*z^2)*sqrt(1 - z^2))
eEllipticFGrad_m(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
ahalf*((ellipticE(z, m) - (1 - m)*ellipticF(z, m))/m -
z*sqrt(1 - z^2)/sqrt(1 - m*z^2))/(1 - m)
derivative(opEllipticF, [eEllipticFGrad_z, eEllipticFGrad_m])
-- handle EllipticPi
opEllipticPi := operator('ellipticPi)$CommonOperators
ellipticPi(z, n, m) == opEllipticPi(z, n, m)
eEllipticPi(z : F, n : F, m : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 0
kernel(opEllipticPi, [z, n, m])
elEllipticPi(l : List F) : F == eEllipticPi(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opEllipticPi, elEllipticPi)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
if F has RadicalCategory then
eEllipticPiGrad_z(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
n := l(2)
m := l(3)
1/((1 - n*z^2)*sqrt(1 - m*z^2)*sqrt(1 - z^2))
eEllipticPiGrad_n(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
n := l(2)
m := l(3)
t1 := -(n^2 - m)*ellipticPi(z, n, m)/((n - 1)*(n - m)*n)
t2 := ellipticF(z, m)/((n - 1)*n)
t3 := -ellipticE(z, m)/((n - 1)*(n - m))
t4 := n*z*sqrt(1 - m*z^2)*sqrt(1 - z^2)/
((1 - n*z^2)*(n - 1)*(n - m))
ahalf*(t1 + t2 + t3 + t4)
eEllipticPiGrad_m(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
n := l(2)
m := l(3)
t1 := m*z*sqrt(1 - z^2)/sqrt(1 - m*z^2)
t2 := (-ellipticE(z, m) + t1)/(1 - m)
ahalf*(ellipticPi(z, n, m) + t2)/(n - m)
derivative(opEllipticPi, [eEllipticPiGrad_z, eEllipticPiGrad_n,
-- handle JacobiSn
opJacobiSn := operator('jacobiSn)$CommonOperators
jacobiSn(z, m) == opJacobiSn(z, m)
eJacobiSn(z : F, m : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 0
if is?(z, opEllipticF) then
args := argument(retract(z)@K)
m = args(2) => return args(1)
kernel(opJacobiSn, [z, m])
elJacobiSn : List F -> F
elJacobiSn(l : List F) : F == eJacobiSn(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opJacobiSn, elJacobiSn)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
jacobiGradHelper(z : F, m : F) : F ==
(z - ellipticE(jacobiSn(z, m), m)/(1 - m))/m
eJacobiSnGrad_z(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
jacobiCn(z, m)*jacobiDn(z, m)
eJacobiSnGrad_m(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
ahalf*(eJacobiSnGrad_z(l)*jacobiGradHelper(z, m) +
jacobiSn(z, m)*jacobiCn(z, m)^2/(1 - m))
derivative(opJacobiSn, [eJacobiSnGrad_z, eJacobiSnGrad_m])
-- handle JacobiCn
opJacobiCn := operator('jacobiCn)$CommonOperators
jacobiCn(z, m) == opJacobiCn(z, m)
eJacobiCn(z : F, m : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 1
kernel(opJacobiCn, [z, m])
elJacobiCn(l : List F) : F == eJacobiCn(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opJacobiCn, elJacobiCn)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eJacobiCnGrad_z(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
-jacobiSn(z, m)*jacobiDn(z, m)
eJacobiCnGrad_m(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
ahalf*(eJacobiCnGrad_z(l)*jacobiGradHelper(z, m) -
jacobiSn(z, m)^2*jacobiCn(z, m)/(1 - m))
derivative(opJacobiCn, [eJacobiCnGrad_z, eJacobiCnGrad_m])
-- handle JacobiDn
opJacobiDn := operator('jacobiDn)$CommonOperators
jacobiDn(z, m) == opJacobiDn(z, m)
eJacobiDn(z : F, m : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 1
kernel(opJacobiDn, [z, m])
elJacobiDn(l : List F) : F == eJacobiDn(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opJacobiDn, elJacobiDn)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eJacobiDnGrad_z(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
-m*jacobiSn(z, m)*jacobiCn(z, m)
eJacobiDnGrad_m(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
ahalf*(eJacobiDnGrad_z(l)*jacobiGradHelper(z, m) -
jacobiSn(z, m)^2*jacobiDn(z, m)/(1 - m))
derivative(opJacobiDn, [eJacobiDnGrad_z, eJacobiDnGrad_m])
-- handle JacobiZeta
opJacobiZeta := operator('jacobiZeta)$CommonOperators
jacobiZeta(z, m) == opJacobiZeta(z, m)
eJacobiZeta(z : F, m : F) : F ==
z = 0 => 0
kernel(opJacobiZeta, [z, m])
elJacobiZeta(l : List F) : F == eJacobiZeta(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opJacobiZeta, elJacobiZeta)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eJacobiZetaGrad_z(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
dn := jacobiDn(z, m)
dn*dn - ellipticE(m)/ellipticK(m)
eJacobiZetaGrad_m(l : List F) : F ==
z := l(1)
m := l(2)
ek := ellipticK(m)
ee := ellipticE(m)
er := ee/ek
dn := jacobiDn(z, m)
res1 := (dn*dn + m - 1)*jacobiZeta(z, m)
res2 := res1 + (m - 1)*z*dn*dn
res3 := res2 - m*jacobiCn(z, m)*jacobiDn(z, m)*jacobiSn(z, m)
res4 := res3 + z*(1 - m + dn*dn)*er
ahalf*(res4 - z*er*er)/(m*m - m)
derivative(opJacobiZeta, [eJacobiZetaGrad_z, eJacobiZetaGrad_m])
-- handle JacobiTheta
opJacobiTheta := operator('jacobiTheta)$CommonOperators
jacobiTheta(q, z) == opJacobiTheta(q, z)
eJacobiTheta(q : F, z : F) : F ==
kernel(opJacobiTheta, [q, z])
elJacobiTheta(l : List F) : F == eJacobiTheta(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opJacobiTheta, elJacobiTheta)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
-- handle LerchPhi
opLerchPhi := operator('lerchPhi)$CommonOperators
lerchPhi(z, s, a) == opLerchPhi(z, s, a)
eLerchPhi(z : F, s : F, a : F) : F ==
-- z = 0 => 1/a^s
a = 1 => polylog(s, z)/z
kernel(opLerchPhi, [z, s, a])
elLerchPhi(l : List F) : F == eLerchPhi(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opLerchPhi, elLerchPhi)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
dLerchPhi(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
z := l(1)
s := l(2)
a := l(3)
dz := differentiate(z, t)*(lerchPhi(z, s - 1, a) -
a*lerchPhi(z, s, a))/z
da := -differentiate(a, t)*s*lerchPhi(z, s + 1, a)
dm := dummy
differentiate(s, t)*kernel(opdiff, [opLerchPhi [z, dm, a], dm, s])
+ dz + da
setProperty(opLerchPhi, SPECIALDIFF, dLerchPhi@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
-- handle RiemannZeta
opRiemannZeta := operator('riemannZeta)$CommonOperators
riemannZeta(z) == opRiemannZeta(z)
eRiemannZeta(z : F) : F ==
kernel(opRiemannZeta, [z])
elRiemannZeta(l : List F) : F == eRiemannZeta(l(1))
evaluate(opRiemannZeta, elRiemannZeta)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
-- orthogonal polynomials
charlierC(n : F, a : F, z : F) : F == opCharlierC(n, a, z)
eCharlierC(n : F, a : F, z : F) : F ==
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => (z - a)/a
kernel(opCharlierC, [n, a, z])
elCharlierC(l : List F) : F == eCharlierC(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opCharlierC, elCharlierC)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
hermiteH(n : F, z: F) : F == opHermiteH(n, z)
eHermiteH(n : F, z: F) : F ==
n = -1 => 0
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => (2::F)*z
kernel(opHermiteH, [n, z])
elHermiteH(l : List F) : F == eHermiteH(l(1), l(2))
evaluate(opHermiteH, elHermiteH)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eHermiteHGrad_z(n : F, z : F) : F == (2::F)*n*hermiteH(n - 1, z)
dHermiteH(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad2(l, t, opHermiteH, eHermiteHGrad_z)
setProperty(opHermiteH, SPECIALDIFF, dHermiteH@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
jacobiP(n : F, a : F, b : F, z : F) : F == opJacobiP(n, a, b, z)
eJacobiP(n : F, a : F, b : F, z : F) : F ==
n = -1 => 0
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => ahalf*(a - b) + (1 + ahalf*(a + b))*z
kernel(opJacobiP, [n, a, b, z])
elJacobiP(l : List F) : F == eJacobiP(l(1), l(2), l(3), l(4))
evaluate(opJacobiP, elJacobiP)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eJacobiPGrad_z(n : F, a : F, b : F, z : F) : F ==
ahalf*(a + b + n + 1)*jacobiP(n - 1, a + 1, b + 1, z)
dJacobiP(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad4(l, t, opJacobiP, eJacobiPGrad_z)
setProperty(opJacobiP, SPECIALDIFF, dJacobiP@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
laguerreL(n : F, a : F, z : F) : F == opLaguerreL(n, a, z)
eLaguerreL(n : F, a : F, z : F) : F ==
n = -1 => 0
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => (1 + a - z)
kernel(opLaguerreL, [n, a, z])
elLaguerreL(l : List F) : F == eLaguerreL(l(1), l(2), l(3))
evaluate(opLaguerreL, elLaguerreL)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
eLaguerreLGrad_z(n : F, a : F, z : F) : F ==
laguerreL(n - 1, a + 1, z)
dLaguerreL(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
grad3(l, t, opLaguerreL, eLaguerreLGrad_z)
setProperty(opLaguerreL, SPECIALDIFF, dLaguerreL@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
meixnerM(n : F, b : F, c : F, z : F) : F == opMeixnerM(n, b, c, z)
eMeixnerM(n : F, b : F, c : F, z : F) : F ==
n = 0 => 1
n = 1 => (c - 1)*z/(c*b) + 1
kernel(opMeixnerM, [n, b, c, z])
elMeixnerM(l : List F) : F == eMeixnerM(l(1), l(2), l(3), l(4))
evaluate(opMeixnerM, elMeixnerM)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
belong? op == has?(op, SPECIAL)
operator op ==
is?(op, 'abs) => opabs
is?(op, 'conjugate)=> opconjugate
is?(op, 'Gamma) => opGamma
is?(op, 'Gamma2) => opGamma2
is?(op, 'Beta) => opBeta
is?(op, 'digamma) => opdigamma
is?(op, 'polygamma)=> oppolygamma
is?(op, 'besselJ) => opBesselJ
is?(op, 'besselY) => opBesselY
is?(op, 'besselI) => opBesselI
is?(op, 'besselK) => opBesselK
is?(op, 'airyAi) => opAiryAi
is?(op, 'airyAiPrime) => opAiryAiPrime
is?(op, 'airyBi) => opAiryBi
is?(op, 'airyBiPrime) => opAiryBiPrime
is?(op, 'lambertW) => opLambertW
is?(op, 'polylog) => opPolylog
is?(op, 'weierstrassP) => opWeierstrassP
is?(op, 'weierstrassPPrime) => opWeierstrassPPrime
is?(op, 'weierstrassSigma) => opWeierstrassSigma
is?(op, 'weierstrassZeta) => opWeierstrassZeta
is?(op, 'hypergeometricF) => opHypergeometricF
is?(op, 'meijerG) => opMeijerG
-- is?(op, 'weierstrassPInverse) => opWeierstrassPInverse
is?(op, 'whittakerM) => opWhittakerM
is?(op, 'whittakerW) => opWhittakerW
is?(op, 'angerJ) => opAngerJ
is?(op, 'weberE) => opWeberE
is?(op, 'struveH) => opStruveH
is?(op, 'struveL) => opStruveL
is?(op, 'hankelH1) => opHankelH1
is?(op, 'hankelH2) => opHankelH2
is?(op, 'lommelS1) => opLommelS1
is?(op, 'lommelS2) => opLommelS2
is?(op, 'kummerM) => opKummerM
is?(op, 'kummerU) => opKummerU
is?(op, 'legendreP) => opLegendreP
is?(op, 'legendreQ) => opLegendreQ
is?(op, 'kelvinBei) => opKelvinBei
is?(op, 'kelvinBer) => opKelvinBer
is?(op, 'kelvinKei) => opKelvinKei
is?(op, 'kelvinKer) => opKelvinKer
is?(op, 'ellipticK) => opEllipticK
is?(op, 'ellipticE) => opEllipticE
is?(op, 'ellipticE2) => opEllipticE2
is?(op, 'ellipticF) => opEllipticF
is?(op, 'ellipticPi) => opEllipticPi
is?(op, 'jacobiSn) => opJacobiSn
is?(op, 'jacobiCn) => opJacobiCn
is?(op, 'jacobiDn) => opJacobiDn
is?(op, 'jacobiZeta) => opJacobiZeta
is?(op, 'jacobiTheta) => opJacobiTheta
is?(op, 'lerchPhi) => opLerchPhi
is?(op, 'riemannZeta) => opRiemannZeta
is?(op, 'charlierC) => opCharlierC
is?(op, 'hermiteH) => opHermiteH
is?(op, 'jacobiP) => opJacobiP
is?(op, 'laguerreL) => opLaguerreL
is?(op, 'meixnerM) => opMeixnerM
is?(op, '%logGamma) => op_log_gamma
is?(op, '%eis) => op_eis
is?(op, '%erfs) => op_erfs
is?(op, '%erfis) => op_erfis
error "Not a special operator"
-- Could put more unconditional special rules for other functions here
iGamma x ==
-- one? x => x
(x = 1) => x
kernel(opGamma, x)
iabs x ==
zero? x => 0
one? x => 1
is?(x, opabs) => x
is?(x, opconjugate) => kernel(opabs, argument(retract(x)@K)(1))
smaller?(x, 0) => kernel(opabs, -x)
kernel(opabs, x)
if R has abs : R -> R then
import from Polynomial R
iiabs x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Fraction Polynomial R, "failed"))
case "failed" => iabs x
f := r::Fraction Polynomial R
(a := retractIfCan(numer f)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed" or
(b := retractIfCan(denom f)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iabs x
abs(a::R)::F / abs(b::R)::F
if F has RadicalCategory and R has conjugate : R -> R then
iiabs x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed"))
case "failed" => iabs x
sqrt( (r::R*conjugate(r::R))::F)
else iiabs x == iabs x
iconjugate(k:K):F ==
--output("in: ",k::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
if symbolIfCan(k) case Symbol then
x:=kernel(opconjugate, k::F)
--output("op: ",properties(op)::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
--output("conj op: ",properties(conjugate op)::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
x := conjugate(op) argument(k)
--output("out: ",x::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
return x
iiconjugate(x:F):F ==
--output("iin: ",x::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
if (s:=isPlus(x)) case List F then
--output("isPlus: ",s::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
x := reduce(_+$F,map(iiconjugate,s))
else if (s:=isTimes(x)) case List F then
--output("isTimes: ",s::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
x:= reduce(_*$F,map(iiconjugate,s))
else if #(ks:List K:=kernels(x))>0 then
--output("kernels: ",ks::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
x := eval(x,ks, _
map((k:Kernel F):F +-> (height(k)=0 =>k::F;iconjugate k), _
ks)$ListFunctions2(Kernel F,F))
else if R has conjugate:R->R and F has RetractableTo(R) then
if (r:=retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case R then
--output("iout: ",x::OutputForm)$OutputPackage
return x
iBeta(x, y) == kernel(opBeta, [x, y])
idigamma x == kernel(opdigamma, x)
iiipolygamma(n, x) == kernel(oppolygamma, [n, x])
iiiBesselJ(x, y) == kernel(opBesselJ, [x, y])
iiiBesselY(x, y) == kernel(opBesselY, [x, y])
iiiBesselI(x, y) == kernel(opBesselI, [x, y])
iiiBesselK(x, y) == kernel(opBesselK, [x, y])
import from Fraction(Integer)
if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
iAiryAi x ==
zero?(x) => 1::F/((3::F)^twothirds*Gamma(twothirds))
kernel(opAiryAi, x)
iAiryAiPrime x ==
zero?(x) => -1::F/((3::F)^athird*Gamma(athird))
kernel(opAiryAiPrime, x)
iAiryBi x ==
zero?(x) => 1::F/((3::F)^asixth*Gamma(twothirds))
kernel(opAiryBi, x)
iAiryBiPrime x ==
zero?(x) => (3::F)^asixth/Gamma(athird)
kernel(opAiryBiPrime, x)
iAiryAi x == kernel(opAiryAi, x)
iAiryAiPrime x == kernel(opAiryAiPrime, x)
iAiryBi x == kernel(opAiryBi, x)
iAiryBiPrime x == kernel(opAiryBiPrime, x)
if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
iLambertW(x) ==
zero?(x) => 0
x = exp(1$F) => 1$F
x = -exp(-1$F) => -1$F
kernel(opLambertW, x)
iLambertW(x) ==
zero?(x) => 0
kernel(opLambertW, x)
if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
if F has LiouvillianFunctionCategory then
iiPolylog(s, x) ==
s = 1 => -log(1 - x)
s = 2::F => dilog(1 - x)
kernel(opPolylog, [s, x])
iiPolylog(s, x) ==
s = 1 => -log(1 - x)
kernel(opPolylog, [s, x])
iiPolylog(s, x) == kernel(opPolylog, [s, x])
iPolylog(l) == iiPolylog(first l, second l)
iWeierstrassP(g2, g3, x) == kernel(opWeierstrassP, [g2, g3, x])
iWeierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x) == kernel(opWeierstrassPPrime, [g2, g3, x])
iWeierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x) ==
x = 0 => 0
kernel(opWeierstrassSigma, [g2, g3, x])
iWeierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x) == kernel(opWeierstrassZeta, [g2, g3, x])
-- Could put more conditional special rules for other functions here
if R has SpecialFunctionCategory then
iiGamma x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iGamma x
iiBeta l ==
(r := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or _
(s := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" _
=> iBeta(first l, second l)
Beta(r::R, s::R)::F
iidigamma x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => idigamma x
iipolygamma l ==
(s := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or _
(r := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" _
=> iiipolygamma(first l, second l)
polygamma(s::R, r::R)::F
iiBesselJ l ==
(r := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or _
(s := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" _
=> iiiBesselJ(first l, second l)
besselJ(r::R, s::R)::F
iiBesselY l ==
(r := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or _
(s := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" _
=> iiiBesselY(first l, second l)
besselY(r::R, s::R)::F
iiBesselI l ==
(r := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or _
(s := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" _
=> iiiBesselI(first l, second l)
besselI(r::R, s::R)::F
iiBesselK l ==
(r := retractIfCan(first l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" or _
(s := retractIfCan(second l)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" _
=> iiiBesselK(first l, second l)
besselK(r::R, s::R)::F
iiAiryAi x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iAiryAi x
iiAiryAiPrime x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iAiryAiPrime x
iiAiryBi x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iAiryBi x
iiAiryBi x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed")) case "failed" => iAiryBiPrime x
if R has RetractableTo Integer then
iiGamma x ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(Integer, "failed")) case Integer
and (r::Integer >= 1) => factorial(r::Integer - 1)::F
iGamma x
iiGamma x == iGamma x
iiBeta l == iBeta(first l, second l)
iidigamma x == idigamma x
iipolygamma l == iiipolygamma(first l, second l)
iiBesselJ l == iiiBesselJ(first l, second l)
iiBesselY l == iiiBesselY(first l, second l)
iiBesselI l == iiiBesselI(first l, second l)
iiBesselK l == iiiBesselK(first l, second l)
iiAiryAi x == iAiryAi x
iiAiryAiPrime x == iAiryAiPrime x
iiAiryBi x == iAiryBi x
iiAiryBiPrime x == iAiryBiPrime x
iiWeierstrassP l == iWeierstrassP(first l, second l, third l)
iiWeierstrassPPrime l == iWeierstrassPPrime(first l, second l, third l)
iiWeierstrassSigma l == iWeierstrassSigma(first l, second l, third l)
iiWeierstrassZeta l == iWeierstrassZeta(first l, second l, third l)
-- Default behaviour is to build a kernel
evaluate(opGamma, iiGamma)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opabs, iiabs)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(conjugate(opabs), (x:F):F +-> iiabs(x))$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opconjugate, iiconjugate)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(conjugate(opconjugate), (x:F):F +-> x)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
-- evaluate(opGamma2 , iiGamma2 )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opBeta , iiBeta )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opdigamma , iidigamma )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(oppolygamma , iipolygamma)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opBesselJ , iiBesselJ )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opBesselY , iiBesselY )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opBesselI , iiBesselI )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opBesselK , iiBesselK )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opAiryAi , iiAiryAi )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opAiryAiPrime, iiAiryAiPrime)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opAiryBi , iiAiryBi )$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opAiryBiPrime, iiAiryBiPrime)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opLambertW, iLambertW)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opPolylog, iPolylog)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opWeierstrassP, iiWeierstrassP)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opWeierstrassSigma, iiWeierstrassSigma)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opWeierstrassZeta, iiWeierstrassZeta)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opHypergeometricF, iiHypergeometricF)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
evaluate(opMeijerG, iiMeijerG)$BasicOperatorFunctions1(F)
diff1(op : OP, n : F, x : F) : F ==
dm := dummy
kernel(opdiff, [op [dm, x], dm, n])
iBesselJ(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
n := first l; x := second l
differentiate(n, t)*diff1(opBesselJ, n, x)
+ differentiate(x, t) * ahalf * (besselJ (n-1, x) - besselJ (n+1, x))
iBesselY(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
n := first l; x := second l
differentiate(n, t)*diff1(opBesselY, n, x)
+ differentiate(x, t) * ahalf * (besselY (n-1, x) - besselY (n+1, x))
iBesselI(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
n := first l; x := second l
differentiate(n, t)*diff1(opBesselI, n, x)
+ differentiate(x, t)* ahalf * (besselI (n-1, x) + besselI (n+1, x))
iBesselK(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
n := first l; x := second l
differentiate(n, t)*diff1(opBesselK, n, x)
- differentiate(x, t)* ahalf * (besselK (n-1, x) + besselK (n+1, x))
dPolylog(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
s := first l; x := second l
differentiate(s, t)*diff1(opPolylog, s, x)
+ differentiate(x, t)*polylog(s-1, x)/x
ipolygamma(l : List F, x : SE) : F ==
import from List(Symbol)
member?(x, variables first l) =>
error "cannot differentiate polygamma with respect to the first argument"
n := first l; y := second l
differentiate(y, x)*polygamma(n+1, y)
iBetaGrad1(l : List F) : F ==
x := first l; y := second l
Beta(x, y)*(digamma x - digamma(x+y))
iBetaGrad2(l : List F) : F ==
x := first l; y := second l
Beta(x, y)*(digamma y - digamma(x+y))
if F has ElementaryFunctionCategory then
iGamma2(l : List F, t : SE) : F ==
a := first l; x := second l
differentiate(a, t)*diff1(opGamma2, a, x)
- differentiate(x, t)* x ^ (a - 1) * exp(-x)
setProperty(opGamma2, SPECIALDIFF, iGamma2@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
inGamma2(li : List INP) : INP ==
convert cons(convert('Gamma), li)
input(opGamma2, inGamma2@((List INP) -> INP))
dLambertW(x : F) : F ==
lw := lambertW(x)
iWeierstrassPGrad1(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
wp := weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
(weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x)*(-9*ahalf*g3
*weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x) + afourth*g2^2*x)
- 9*g3*wp^2 + ahalf*g2^2*wp + 3*ahalf*g2*g3)/delta
iWeierstrassPGrad2(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
wp := weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
(weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x)*(3*g2*weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)
- 9*ahalf*g3*x) + 6*g2*wp^2 - 9*g3*wp-g2^2)/delta
iWeierstrassPGrad3(l : List F) : F ==
weierstrassPPrime(first l, second l, third l)
iWeierstrassPPrimeGrad1(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
wp := weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
wpp := weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x)
wpp2 := 6*wp^2 - ahalf*g2
(wpp2*(-9*ahalf*g3*weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x) + afourth*g2^2*x)
+ wpp*(9*ahalf*g3*wp + afourth*g2^2) - 18*g3*wp*wpp
+ ahalf*g2^2*wpp)/delta
iWeierstrassPPrimeGrad2(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
wp := weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
wpp := weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x)
wpp2 := 6*wp^2 - ahalf*g2
(wpp2*(3*g2*weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x) - 9*ahalf*g3*x)
+ wpp*(-3*g2*wp - 9*ahalf*g3) + 12*g2*wp*wpp - 9*g3*wpp)/delta
iWeierstrassPPrimeGrad3(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
6*weierstrassP(g2, second l, third l)^2 - ahalf*g2
iWeierstrassSigmaGrad1(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
ws := weierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x)
wz := weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)
wsp := wz*ws
wsp2 := - weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)*ws + wz^2*ws
afourth*(-9*g3*wsp2 - g2^2*ws
- 3*afourth*g2*g3*x^2*ws + g2^2*x*wsp)/delta
iWeierstrassSigmaGrad2(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
ws := weierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x)
wz := weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)
wsp := wz*ws
wsp2 := - weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)*ws + wz^2*ws
ahalf*(3*g2*wsp2 + 9*g3*ws
+ afourth*g2^2*x^2*ws - 9*g3*x*wsp)/delta
iWeierstrassSigmaGrad3(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)*weierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x)
iWeierstrassZetaGrad1(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
wp := weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
(ahalf*weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)*(9*g3*wp + ahalf*g2^2)
- ahalf*g2*x*(ahalf*g2*wp+3*afourth*g3)
+ 9*afourth*g3*weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x))/delta
iWeierstrassZetaGrad2(l : List F) : F ==
g2 := first l
g3 := second l
x := third l
delta := g2^3 - 27*g3^2
wp := weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)
(-3*weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)*(g2*wp + 3*ahalf*g3) +
ahalf*x*(9*g3*wp + ahalf*g2^2)
- 3*ahalf*g2*weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x))/delta
iWeierstrassZetaGrad3(l : List F) : F ==
-weierstrassP(first l, second l, third l)
OF ==> OutputForm
SEX ==> SExpression
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
dconjugate(lo : List OF) : OF == overbar lo.1
if F has RetractableTo(Integer) then
get_int_listf : List F -> List Integer
get_int_listo : (Integer, List OF) -> List Integer
get_int_listi : (Integer, List INP) -> List Integer
get_int_listf(lf : List F) : List Integer ==
map(z +-> retract(z)@Integer, lf)$ListFunctions2(F, Integer)
replace_i(lp : List F, v : F, i : NNI) : List F ==
concat(first(lp, (i - 1)::NNI), cons(v, rest(lp, i)))
iiHypergeometricF(l) ==
n := #l
z := l(n-2)
if z = 0 then
nn := (n - 2)::NNI
pq := rest(l, nn)
pqi := get_int_listf(pq)
p := first(pqi)
q := first(rest(pqi))
p <= q + 1 => return 1
kernel(opHypergeometricF, l)
idvsum(op : BasicOperator, n : Integer, l : List F, x : Symbol) : F ==
res : F := 0
for i in 1..n for a in l repeat
dm := dummy
nl := replace_i(l, dm, i)
res := res + differentiate(a, x)*kernel(opdiff, [op nl, dm, a])
dvhypergeom(l : List F, x : Symbol) : F ==
n := #l
nn := (n - 2)::NNI
pq := rest(l, nn)
pqi := get_int_listf(pq)
ol := l
l := first(l, nn)
l1 := reverse(l)
z := first(l1)
p := first(pqi)
q := first(rest(pqi))
aprod := 1@F
nl := []@(List F)
for i in 1..p repeat
a := first(l)
nl := cons(a + 1, nl)
aprod := aprod * a
l := rest(l)
bprod := 1@F
for i in 1..q repeat
b := first(l)
nl := cons(b + 1, nl)
bprod := bprod * b
l := rest(l)
nl0 := reverse!(nl)
nl1 := cons(z, pq)
nl := concat(nl0, nl1)
aprod := aprod/bprod
idvsum(opHypergeometricF, nn - 1, ol, x) +
differentiate(z, x)*aprod*opHypergeometricF(nl)
add_pairs_to_list(lp : List List F, l : List F) : List F ==
for p in lp repeat
#p ~= 2 => error "not a list of pairs"
l := cons(p(2), cons(p(1), l))
dvmeijer(l : List F, x : Symbol) : F ==
n := #l
nn := (n - 4)::NNI
l0 := l
nl := rest(l, nn)
nli := get_int_listf(nl)
l := first(l, nn)
l1 := reverse(l)
z := first(l1)
n1 := first(nli)
n2 := nli(2)
a := first l
sign : F := 1
if n1 > 0 or n2 > 0 then
na := a - 1
if n1 = 0 then sign := -1
l2 := cons(na, rest l)
na := a
if nli(3) > 0 then sign := -1
l2 := cons(a + 1, rest l)
nm : F := opMeijerG(concat(l2, nl))
om : F := opMeijerG(l0)
idvsum(opMeijerG, nn - 1, l0, x) +
differentiate(z, x)*(sign*nm + na*om)/z
get_if_list(n : Integer, lf : List INP) : List List INP ==
a := []@(List INP)
for i in 1..n repeat
a := cons(first(lf), a)
lf := rest(lf)
a := cons(convert('construct), reverse!(a))
[a, lf]
get_if_lists(ln : List Integer, lf : List INP) : List List INP ==
rl := []@(List List INP)
for n in ln repeat
al := get_if_list(n, lf)
rl := cons(first(al), rl)
lf := first(rest(al))
rl := reverse!(rl)
cons(lf, rl)
get_int_listi(n : Integer, lo : List INP) : List Integer ==
n0 := (#lo - n)::NNI
lo := rest(lo, n0)
rl := []@(List Integer)
for i in 1..n repeat
p := integer(first(lo) pretend SEX)$SEX
rl := cons(p, rl)
lo := rest(lo)
rl := reverse!(rl)
get_of_list(n : Integer, lo : List OF) : List List OF ==
a := []@(List OF)
for i in 1..n repeat
a := cons(first(lo), a)
lo := rest(lo)
a := reverse!(a)
[a, lo]
get_of_lists(ln : List Integer, lo : List OF) : List List OF ==
rl := []@(List List OF)
for n in ln repeat
al := get_of_list(n, lo)
rl := cons(first(al), rl)
lo := first(rest(al))
rl := reverse!(rl)
cons(lo, rl)
get_int_listo(n : Integer, lo : List OF) : List Integer ==
n0 := (#lo - n)::NNI
lo := rest(lo, n0)
rl := []@(List Integer)
for i in 1..n repeat
p := integer(first(lo) pretend SEX)$SEX
rl := cons(p, rl)
lo := rest(lo)
rl := reverse!(rl)
dhyper0(op : OF, lo : List OF) : OF ==
n0 := (#lo - 2)::NNI
pql := get_int_listo(2, lo)
lo := first(lo, n0)
al := get_of_lists(pql, lo)
lo := first(al)
al := rest(al)
a := first al
b := first(rest(al))
z := first(lo)
prefix(op, [bracket a, bracket b, z])
dhyper(lo : List OF) : OF ==
dhyper0("hypergeometricF"::Symbol::OF, lo)
ddhyper(lo : List OF) : OF ==
dhyper0(first lo, rest lo)
dmeijer0(op : OF, lo : List OF) : OF ==
n0 := (#lo - 4)::NNI
nl := get_int_listo(4, lo)
lo := first(lo, n0)
al := get_of_lists(nl, lo)
lo := first(al)
al := rest(al)
z := first(lo)
prefix(op, concat(
map(bracket, al)$ListFunctions2(List OF, OF), [z]))
dmeijer(lo : List OF) : OF ==
dmeijer0('meijerG::OF, lo)
ddmeijer(lo : List OF) : OF ==
dmeijer0(first lo, rest lo)
setProperty(opHypergeometricF, '%diffDisp,
ddhyper@(List OF -> OF) pretend None)
setProperty(opMeijerG, '%diffDisp,
ddmeijer@(List OF -> OF) pretend None)
display(opHypergeometricF, dhyper)
display(opMeijerG, dmeijer)
setProperty(opHypergeometricF, SPECIALDIFF,
dvhypergeom@((List F, Symbol)->F) pretend None)
setProperty(opMeijerG, SPECIALDIFF, dvmeijer@((List F, Symbol)->F)
pretend None)
inhyper(lf : List INP) : INP ==
pqi := get_int_listi(2, lf)
al := get_if_lists(pqi, lf)
lf := first(al)
al := rest(al)
a := first al
ai : INP := convert(a)
b := first(rest(al))
bi : INP := convert(b)
zi := first(lf)
li : List INP := [convert('hypergeometricF), ai, bi, zi]
input(opHypergeometricF, inhyper@((List INP) -> INP))
inmeijer(lf : List INP) : INP ==
pqi := get_int_listi(4, lf)
al := get_if_lists(pqi, lf)
lf := first(al)
al := rest(al)
a := first al
ai : INP := convert(a)
al := rest(al)
b := first(al)
bi : INP := convert(b)
al := rest(al)
c := first(al)
ci : INP := convert(c)
al := rest(al)
d := first(al)
di : INP := convert(d)
zi := first(lf)
li : List INP := [convert('meijerG), ai, bi, ci, di, zi]
input(opMeijerG, inmeijer@((List INP) -> INP))
iiHypergeometricF(l) == kernel(opHypergeometricF, l)
iiMeijerG(l) == kernel(opMeijerG, l)
d_eis(x : F) : F == -kernel(op_eis, x) + 1/x
if F has TranscendentalFunctionCategory
and F has RadicalCategory then
d_erfs(x : F) : F == 2*x*kernel(op_erfs, x) - 2::F/sqrt(pi())
d_erfis(x : F) : F == -2*x*kernel(op_erfis, x) + 2::F/sqrt(pi())
derivative(op_erfs, d_erfs)
derivative(op_erfis, d_erfis)
-- differentiate(abs(g(z)),z)
--dvabs : (List F, SE) -> F
--dvabs(arg, z) ==
-- g := first arg
-- conjugate(g)*inv(2*abs(g))*differentiate(g,z)+g*inv(2*abs(g))*differentiate(conjugate(g),z)
--setProperty(opabs, SPECIALDIFF, dvabs@((List F, SE)->F) pretend None)
derivative(opabs, (x : F) : F +-> conjugate(x)*inv(2*abs(x)))
-- Wirtinger derivate of non-holomorphic functions
derivative(opconjugate, (x : F) : F +-> 0)
derivative(conjugate opconjugate, (x : F) : F +-> 1)
derivative(opGamma, (x : F) : F +-> digamma(x)*Gamma(x))
derivative(op_log_gamma, (x : F) : F +-> digamma(x))
derivative(opBeta, [iBetaGrad1, iBetaGrad2])
derivative(opdigamma, (x : F) : F +-> polygamma(1, x))
derivative(op_eis, d_eis)
derivative(opAiryAi, (x : F) : F +-> airyAiPrime(x))
derivative(opAiryAiPrime, (x : F) : F +-> x*airyAi(x))
derivative(opAiryBi, (x : F) : F +-> airyBiPrime(x))
derivative(opAiryBiPrime, (x : F) : F +-> x*airyBi(x))
derivative(opLambertW, dLambertW)
derivative(opWeierstrassP, [iWeierstrassPGrad1, iWeierstrassPGrad2,
derivative(opWeierstrassPPrime, [iWeierstrassPPrimeGrad1,
iWeierstrassPPrimeGrad2, iWeierstrassPPrimeGrad3])
derivative(opWeierstrassSigma, [iWeierstrassSigmaGrad1,
iWeierstrassSigmaGrad2, iWeierstrassSigmaGrad3])
derivative(opWeierstrassZeta, [iWeierstrassZetaGrad1,
iWeierstrassZetaGrad2, iWeierstrassZetaGrad3])
setProperty(oppolygamma, SPECIALDIFF, ipolygamma@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
setProperty(opBesselJ, SPECIALDIFF, iBesselJ@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
setProperty(opBesselY, SPECIALDIFF, iBesselY@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
setProperty(opBesselI, SPECIALDIFF, iBesselI@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
setProperty(opBesselK, SPECIALDIFF, iBesselK@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
setProperty(opPolylog, SPECIALDIFF, dPolylog@((List F, SE)->F)
pretend None)
)abbrev package SUMFS FunctionSpaceSum
++ Top-level sum function
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: ???
++ Date Last Updated: 19 April 1991
++ Description: computes sums of top-level expressions;
FunctionSpaceSum(R, F) : Exports == Implementation where
R : Join(IntegralDomain, Comparable,
RetractableTo Integer, LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
F : Join(FunctionSpace R, CombinatorialOpsCategory,
AlgebraicallyClosedField, TranscendentalFunctionCategory)
SE ==> Symbol
K ==> Kernel F
Exports ==> with
sum : (F, SE) -> F
++ sum(a(n), n) returns A(n) such that A(n+1) - A(n) = a(n);
sum : (F, SegmentBinding F) -> F
++ sum(f(n), n = a..b) returns f(a) + f(a+1) + ... + f(b);
Implementation ==> add
import from ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage(R, F)
import from GosperSummationMethod(IndexedExponents K, K, R,
SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K), F)
import from Segment(F)
innersum : (F, K) -> Union(F, "failed")
notRF? : (F, K) -> Boolean
newk : () -> K
newk() == kernel(new()$SE)
sum(x : F, s : SegmentBinding F) ==
k := kernel(variable s)@K
(u := innersum(x, k)) case "failed" => summation(x, s)
eval(u::F, k, 1 + hi segment s) - eval(u::F, k, lo segment s)
sum(x : F, v : SE) ==
(u := innersum(x, kernel(v)@K)) case "failed" => summation(x,v)
notRF?(f, k) ==
for kk in tower f repeat
member?(k, tower(kk::F)) and (symbolIfCan(kk) case "failed") =>
return true
innersum(x, k) ==
zero? x => 0
notRF?(f := normalize(x / (x1 := eval(x, k, k::F - 1))), k) =>
(u := GospersMethod(f, k, newk)) case "failed" => "failed"
x1 * eval(u::F, k, k::F - 1)
--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--All rights reserved.
--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-- distribution.
-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-- SPAD files for the functional world should be compiled in the
-- following order:
-- op kl function funcpkgs manip algfunc
-- elemntry constant funceval COMBFUNC fe
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
using old system compiler.
COMBOPC abbreviates category CombinatorialOpsCategory
initializing NRLIB COMBOPC for CombinatorialOpsCategory
compiling into NRLIB COMBOPC
;;; *** |CombinatorialOpsCategory| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB COMBOPC
Processing CombinatorialOpsCategory for Browser database:
--------(factorials (% %))---------
--------(factorials (% % (Symbol)))---------
--------(summation (% % (Symbol)))---------
--------(summation (% % (SegmentBinding %)))---------
--------(product (% % (Symbol)))---------
--------(product (% % (SegmentBinding %)))---------
; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/COMBOPC.NRLIB/COMBOPC.lsp" (written 15 FEB 2025 07:07:21 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/COMBOPC.NRLIB/COMBOPC.fasl
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004
CombinatorialOpsCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CombinatorialOpsCategory will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/COMBOPC.NRLIB/COMBOPC
COMBF abbreviates package CombinatorialFunction
initializing NRLIB COMBF for CombinatorialFunction
compiling into NRLIB COMBF
****** Domain: R already in scope
processing macro definition dummy ==> ::((Sel (Symbol) new),F)
compiling exported factorial : F -> F
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported binomial : (F,F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported permutation : (F,F) -> F
Time: 0 SEC.
importing F
importing Kernel F
compiling local number? : F -> Boolean
****** Domain: R already in scope
augmenting R: (RetractableTo (Integer))
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported ^ : (F,F) -> F
Time: 0.02 SEC.
compiling exported belong? : BasicOperator -> Boolean
****** comp fails at level 2 with expression: ******
error in function belong?
(|has?| | << op >> | COMB)
****** level 2 ******
$x:= op
$m:= $
((((|op| # #) (|number?| #)) ((|number?| #) (|/\\| #) (< #) (<= #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error:
Cannot coerce op
of mode (BasicOperator)
to mode $
Moved to: