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Edit detail for SequenceIteration revision 2 of 2

1 2
Editor: hemmecke
Time: 2014/02/21 07:55:30 GMT+0

-The following package demonstrate various form of iteration over
-list and arrays, both using loops and using higher order functions.
-Note that Spad loop
-   for i in 0..5 for e in l repeat
-is a parallel iteration, stepping i and e in sync stopping when one
-of iterators runs out.
Sequence Iteration

  The following package demonstrate various form of iteration over
  list and arrays, both using loops and using higher order functions.
  Note that Spad loop


    for i in 0..5 for e in l repeat

  is a parallel iteration, stepping i and e in sync stopping when one
  of iterators runs out.

-     -- list_map1([e1, ..., en], f) returns
-     -- \spad{[f(e1), ..., f(e_n)]}
     ++ list_map1([e1, ..., en], f) returns
     ++ \spad{[f(e1), ..., f(e_n)]}

-     -- list_inc([e1,...,en]) returns \spad{[e1+1,...,en+1]}
-     -- Note: we create a fresh list
     ++ list_inc([e1,...,en]) returns \spad{[e1+1,...,en+1]}
     ++ Note: we create a fresh list

-     -- arr_inc([e1,...,en]) returns \spad{[e1+1,...,en+1]}
-     -- Note: we create a fresh array
     ++ arr_inc([e1,...,en]) returns \spad{[e1+1,...,en+1]}
     ++ Note: we create a fresh array

-     -- list_fill(l, a) returns list having all elements equal
-     -- to \spad{a} of the same length as \spad{l}
     ++ list_fill(l, a) returns list having all elements equal
     ++ to \spad{a} of the same length as \spad{l}

-     -- list_map1(l1, l2, f) creates list from values obtained
-     -- by applying f to corresponding elements of l1 and l2
-     -- Note: we truncate result to length of shorter list,
-     -- excess elements of l1 or l2 are ignored.
     ++ list_map1(l1, l2, f) creates list from values obtained
     ++ by applying f to corresponding elements of l1 and l2
     ++ Note: we truncate result to length of shorter list,
     ++ excess elements of l1 or l2 are ignored.

-     -- list_add1(l1, l2) returns list of sums of corresponding
-     -- elements of l1 and l2 using list_map2 and a helper
-     -- Note: we truncate result to length of shorter list,
-     -- excess elements of l1 or l2 are ignored.
     ++ list_add1(l1, l2) returns list of sums of corresponding
     ++ elements of l1 and l2 using list_map2 and a helper
     ++ Note: we truncate result to length of shorter list,
     ++ excess elements of l1 or l2 are ignored.

-     -- list_add2 is the same as list_add1 but using
-     -- simple iteration
     ++ list_add2 is the same as list_add1 but using
     ++ simple iteration

-     -- list_add2 is the same as list_add1 but uses anonymous
-     -- function
     ++ list_add2 is the same as list_add1 but uses anonymous
     ++ function

-     -- list_filter(l, f) returns list of elements \spad{e} of
-     -- \spad{l} for which \spad{f(e)} is true
     ++ list_filter(l, f) returns list of elements \spad{e} of
     ++ \spad{l} for which \spad{f(e)} is true

-     -- filter_pos1(l) returns list of positive elements of l
-     -- usinig simple iteration
     ++ filter_pos1(l) returns list of positive elements of l
     ++ usinig simple iteration

-     -- filter_pos2(l) is like filter_pos1, but uses list_filter
     ++ filter_pos2(l) is like filter_pos1, but uses list_filter

-     -- filter_pos3(l) is like filter_pos1, but for arrays
     ++ filter_pos3(l) is like filter_pos1, but for arrays

-     -- setelt3(a, l) sets every third element of
-     -- \spad{a} to appropriate element of \spad{l}
-     -- Probably useless, but demonstrates itertion
     ++ setelt3(a, l) sets every third element of
     ++ \spad{a} to appropriate element of \spad{l}
     ++ Probably useless, but demonstrates itertion

-Try it out:
  Try it out:


Sequence Iteration

The following package demonstrate various form of iteration over list and arrays, both using loops and using higher order functions. Note that Spad loop

    for i in 0..5 for e in l repeat

is a parallel iteration, stepping i and e in sync stopping when one of iterators runs out.

(1) -> <spad>
SI ==> SingleInteger
LSI ==> List SI
PSI ==> PrimitiveArray SI
)abbrev package TTT TTT
TTT : with (
   list_map1 : (LSI, SI -> SI) -> LSI;
     ++ list_map1([e1, ..., en], f) returns
     ++ \spad{[f(e1), ..., f(e_n)]}
   list_inc : LSI -> LSI;
     ++ list_inc([e1,...,en]) returns \spad{[e1+1,...,en+1]}
     ++ Note: we create a fresh list
   arr_inc : PSI -> PSI;
     ++ arr_inc([e1,...,en]) returns \spad{[e1+1,...,en+1]}
     ++ Note: we create a fresh array
   list_fill : (LSI, SI) -> LSI;
     ++ list_fill(l, a) returns list having all elements equal
     ++ to \spad{a} of the same length as \spad{l}
   list_map2: (LSI, LSI, (SI, SI) -> SI) -> LSI;
     ++ list_map1(l1, l2, f) creates list from values obtained
     ++ by applying f to corresponding elements of l1 and l2
     ++ Note: we truncate result to length of shorter list,
     ++ excess elements of l1 or l2 are ignored.
   list_add1 : (LSI, LSI) -> LSI;
     ++ list_add1(l1, l2) returns list of sums of corresponding
     ++ elements of l1 and l2 using list_map2 and a helper
     ++ Note: we truncate result to length of shorter list,
     ++ excess elements of l1 or l2 are ignored.
   list_add2 : (LSI, LSI) -> LSI;
     ++ list_add2 is the same as list_add1 but using
     ++ simple iteration
   list_add3 : (LSI, LSI) -> LSI;
     ++ list_add2 is the same as list_add1 but uses anonymous
     ++ function
   list_filter : (LSI, SI -> Boolean) -> LSI;
     ++ list_filter(l, f) returns list of elements \spad{e} of
     ++ \spad{l} for which \spad{f(e)} is true
   filter_pos1 : LSI -> LSI;
     ++ filter_pos1(l) returns list of positive elements of l
     ++ usinig simple iteration
   filter_pos2 : LSI -> LSI;
     ++ filter_pos2(l) is like filter_pos1, but uses list_filter
   filter_pos3 : PSI -> PSI;
     ++ filter_pos3(l) is like filter_pos1, but for arrays
   setelt3 : (PSI, LSI) -> Void
     ++ setelt3(a, l) sets every third element of
     ++ \spad{a} to appropriate element of \spad{l}
     ++ Probably useless, but demonstrates itertion
 ) == add
list_map1(l : LSI, f : SI -> SI) : LSI == [f(el) for el in l]
-- helper for list_inc inc_SI(el : SI) : SI == el + 1
list_inc(l : LSI) : LSI == list_map1(l, inc_SI)
arr_inc(pa : PSI) : PSI == [pa(i) + 1 for i in 0..(#pa - 1)]
list_fill(l : LSI, x : SI) : LSI == list_map1(l, (y : SI) : SI +-> x)
list_map2(l1 : LSI, l2 : LSI, f : (SI, SI) -> SI) : LSI == [f(el1, el2) for el1 in l1 for el2 in l2]
-- helper for list_add1 add_SI(x1 : SI, x2 : SI) : SI == x1 + x2
list_add1(l1 : LSI, l2 : LSI) : LSI == list_map2(l1, l2, add_SI)
list_add2(l1 : LSI, l2 : LSI) : LSI == [el1 + el2 for el1 in l1 for el2 in l2]
list_add3(l1 : LSI, l2 : LSI) : LSI == list_map2(l1, l2, (x1 : SI, x2 : SI) : SI +-> x1 + x2)
list_filter(l : LSI, f : SI -> Boolean) : LSI == [el for el in l | f(el)]
filter_pos1(l : LSI) : LSI == [el for el in l | 0 < el]
pos_SI(x : SI) : Boolean == 0 < x
filter_pos2(l : LSI) : LSI == list_filter(l, pos_SI)
filter_pos3(pa : PSI) : PSI == [pa(i) for i in 0..(#pa - 1) | 0 < pa(i)]
setelt3(pa : PSI, l : LSI) : Void == for i in 0..(#pa - 1) by 3 for el in l repeat pa(i) := el</spad>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   TTT abbreviates package TTT 
   initializing NRLIB TTT for TTT 
   compiling into NRLIB TTT 
   compiling exported list_map1 : (List SingleInteger,SingleInteger -> SingleInteger) -> List SingleInteger
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local inc_SI : SingleInteger -> SingleInteger TTT;inc_SI is replaced by add_SIel1 Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported list_inc : List SingleInteger -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported arr_inc : PrimitiveArray SingleInteger -> PrimitiveArray SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported list_fill : (List SingleInteger,SingleInteger) -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported list_map2 : (List SingleInteger,List SingleInteger,(SingleInteger,SingleInteger) -> SingleInteger) -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local add_SI : (SingleInteger,SingleInteger) -> SingleInteger TTT;add_SI is replaced by add_SI Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported list_add1 : (List SingleInteger,List SingleInteger) -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported list_add2 : (List SingleInteger,List SingleInteger) -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported list_add3 : (List SingleInteger,List SingleInteger) -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported list_filter : (List SingleInteger,SingleInteger -> Boolean) -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported filter_pos1 : List SingleInteger -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local pos_SI : SingleInteger -> Boolean TTT;pos_SI is replaced by less_SI0x Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported filter_pos2 : List SingleInteger -> List SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported filter_pos3 : PrimitiveArray SingleInteger -> PrimitiveArray SingleInteger Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported setelt3 : (PrimitiveArray SingleInteger,List SingleInteger) -> Void Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** TTT REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor TTT Time: 0.02 seconds
finalizing NRLIB TTT Processing TTT for Browser database: --->-->TTT(constructor): Not documented!!!! --------(list_map1 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (Mapping (SingleInteger) (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(list_inc ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(arr_inc ((PrimitiveArray (SingleInteger)) (PrimitiveArray (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(list_fill ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (SingleInteger)))--------- --------(list_map2 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (Mapping (SingleInteger) (SingleInteger) (SingleInteger))))--------- --->-->TTT((list_map2 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (Mapping (SingleInteger) (SingleInteger) (SingleInteger))))): Improper first word in comments: list_map1 "\\spad{list_map1}(\\spad{l1},{} \\spad{l2},{} \\spad{f}) creates list from values obtained by applying \\spad{f} to corresponding elements of \\spad{l1} and \\spad{l2} Note: we truncate result to length of shorter list,{} excess elements of \\spad{l1} or \\spad{l2} are ignored." --------(list_add1 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(list_add2 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))--------- --->-->TTT((list_add2 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))): Improper initial operator in comments: is "\\spad{list_add2} is the same as \\spad{list_add1} but using simple iteration" --------(list_add3 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))--------- --->-->TTT((list_add3 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))): Improper initial operator in comments: is "\\spad{list_add2} is the same as \\spad{list_add1} but uses anonymous function" --------(list_filter ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger)) (Mapping (Boolean) (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(filter_pos1 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(filter_pos2 ((List (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(filter_pos3 ((PrimitiveArray (SingleInteger)) (PrimitiveArray (SingleInteger))))--------- --------(setelt3 ((Void) (PrimitiveArray (SingleInteger)) (List (SingleInteger))))--------- --->-->TTT(): Missing Description ; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TTT.NRLIB/TTT.lsp" (written 10 DEC 2024 01:12:33 PM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TTT.NRLIB/TTT.fasl ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TTT is now explicitly exposed in frame initial TTT will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/TTT.NRLIB/TTT

Try it out:

list_map1([-1, 2, 0], x +-> x*2)

\label{eq1}\left[ - 2, \: 4, \: 0 \right](1)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
list_inc([-1, 2, 0])

\label{eq2}\left[ 0, \: 3, \: 1 \right](2)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
a := construct([-1, 2, 0])$PrimitiveArray(SingleInteger)

\label{eq3}\left[ - 1, \: 2, \: 0 \right](3)
Type: PrimitiveArray?(SingleInteger?)

\label{eq4}\left[ 0, \: 3, \: 1 \right](4)
Type: PrimitiveArray?(SingleInteger?)
list_fill([-1, 2, 0], 42)

\label{eq5}\left[{42}, \:{42}, \:{42}\right](5)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
list_map2([-1, 2, 0], [17, 1, 3], (x, y) +-> 42)

\label{eq6}\left[{42}, \:{42}, \:{42}\right](6)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
list_add1([-1, 2, 0], [17, 1, 3])

\label{eq7}\left[{16}, \: 3, \: 3 \right](7)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
list_add2([-1, 2, 0], [17, 1, 3])

\label{eq8}\left[{16}, \: 3, \: 3 \right](8)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
list_add3([-1, 2, 0], [17, 1, 3])

\label{eq9}\left[{16}, \: 3, \: 3 \right](9)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
list_filter([17, 1, 3], x +-> x = 1)

\label{eq10}\left[ 1 \right](10)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
filter_pos1([-1, 2, 0])

\label{eq11}\left[ 2 \right](11)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)
filter_pos2([-1, 2, 0])

\label{eq12}\left[ 2 \right](12)
Type: List(SingleInteger?)

\label{eq13}\left[ 2 \right](13)
Type: PrimitiveArray?(SingleInteger?)
b := construct([-1, 2, 0, 4])$PrimitiveArray(SingleInteger)

\label{eq14}\left[ - 1, \: 2, \: 0, \: 4 \right](14)
Type: PrimitiveArray?(SingleInteger?)
setelt3(b, [1, 2])
Type: Void

\label{eq15}\left[ 1, \: 2, \: 0, \: 2 \right](15)
Type: PrimitiveArray?(SingleInteger?)