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This page deals with specification of isomorphic domains.

See thread http://groups.google.com/group/fricas-devel/browse_thread/thread/ed7004a07ae07461

(1) -> <aldor>
#include "aldor"
#include "aldorio"
define IsIsomorphicTo(C: Category, T: C): Category == with { coerce: % -> T }
-- abelian monoid with a distinguished element. AbelianMonoid1: Category == with { 0: %; 1: %; -- a distinguished element (generator) +: (%, %) -> %; }
-- Integers Dom1: AbelianMonoid1 == add { Rep == Integer; import from Rep; 0: % == per 0; 1: % == per 1; (x: %) + (y: %): % == per(rep x + rep y); }
-- Even integers Dom2: AbelianMonoid1 == add { Rep == Integer; import from Rep; 0: % == per 0; 1: % == per 2; (x: %) + (y: %): % == per(rep x + rep y); }
-- Integers represented as sticks. DomS: AbelianMonoid1 == add { Rep == String; import from Rep; 0: % == per ""; 1: % == per "|"; (x: %) + (y: %): % == per(rep x + rep y); }
extend Dom1: IsIsomorphicTo(AbelianMonoid1, Dom2) == add { coerce(x: %): Dom2 == never; } extend Dom2: IsIsomorphicTo(AbelianMonoid1, DomS) == add { coerce(x: %): DomS == never; } extend DomS: IsIsomorphicTo(AbelianMonoid1, Dom1) == add { coerce(x: %): Dom1 == never; }</aldor>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using Aldor compiler and options 
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra
      Use the system command )set compiler args to change these 
Compiling Lisp source code from file 
   Issuing )library command for 5159550970087145340-25px001
Reading /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/5159550970087145340-25px001.asy
   DomS is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   DomS will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Dom2 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Dom2 will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   Dom1 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   Dom1 will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   IsIsomorphicTo is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   IsIsomorphicTo will be automatically loaded when needed from 
   AbelianMonoid1 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial 
   AbelianMonoid1 will be automatically loaded when needed from 

Some tasks:

  1. Give implementations instead of never.
  2. Give a uniform implementation instead of never that works for any Domain DomX.

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