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Edit detail for SandBox Trace with )math revision 2 of 4

1 2 3 4
Editor: Bill Page
Time: 2015/03/13 15:53:13 GMT+0
Note: no sure why this broke the wiki

-For the version without ')math', see [SandBox Trace in Windows].
-)trace INT
-)trace EXPR INT )math -- added, I thought, to surpress output, but expecting same error
-)trace SMP
For the version without ')math', see [SandBox Trace in Windows] ::

 )trace INT
 )trace EXPR INT )math -- added, I thought, to surpress output, but expecting same error
 )trace SMP

The addition of )math below stopped the infinite loop from occurring! For the version without )math, see [SandBox Trace in Windows]? :

 )trace INT
 )trace EXPR INT )math -- added, I thought, to surpress output, but expecting same error
 )trace SMP