Test species in axiom/FriCAS?.
The species project is written in Aldor. Thus we need to load the libraries explicitly:
)cd ~/combinat/src
The current FriCAS default directory is /var/lib/zope/combinat/src
)re ../lib/combinat.input
)lib cscombinatversion.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/cscombinatversion.asy
LibraryInformationCombinat is now explicitly exposed in frame
LibraryInformationCombinat will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/cscombinatversion
)lib csaxcompat.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csaxcompat.asy
ACCharacter is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACCharacter will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACFraction is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACFraction will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACIntegerTools is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACIntegerTools will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACInteger is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACInteger will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACList is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACList will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACMachineInteger is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACMachineInteger will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACPrimitiveArray is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACPrimitiveArray will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACString is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACString will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACSymbol is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACSymbol will be automatically loaded when needed from
Array is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Array will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACLabelType is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACLabelType will be automatically loaded when needed from
OutputType is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
OutputType will be automatically loaded when needed from
TotallyOrderedType is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
TotallyOrderedType will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib csaxcompat2.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csaxcompat2.asy
ExpressionTreeExpt is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionTreeExpt will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExpressionTreeLeaf is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionTreeLeaf will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExpressionTreePlus is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionTreePlus will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExpressionTreePrefix is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionTreePrefix will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExpressionTreeTimes is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionTreeTimes will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExpressionTree is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionTree will be automatically loaded when needed from
GeneratorException is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
GeneratorException will be automatically loaded when needed from
Generator is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Generator will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExpressionTreeOperator is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionTreeOperator will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExpressionType is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ExpressionType will be automatically loaded when needed from
GeneratorExceptionType is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
GeneratorExceptionType will be automatically loaded when needed from
Partial is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Partial will be automatically loaded when needed from
Won't parse: (Type)->NIL
)lib csistruc.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csistruc.asy
SparseAdditiveArray is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SparseAdditiveArray will be automatically loaded when needed from
SparseFiniteMonoidRing is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SparseFiniteMonoidRing will be automatically loaded when needed from
IndexedFreeAdditiveCombinationType is now explicitly exposed in
frame initial
IndexedFreeAdditiveCombinationType will be automatically loaded when
needed from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csistruc
IndexedFreeArithmeticType is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
IndexedFreeArithmeticType will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csistruc
)lib csdistpoly.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csdistpoly.asy
SparseDistributedPolynomial is now explicitly exposed in frame
SparseDistributedPolynomial will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csdistpoly
)lib csstream.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csstream.asy
DataStream is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
DataStream will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib csseries.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csseries.asy
SeriesOrder is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SeriesOrder will be automatically loaded when needed from
FormalPowerSeries is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
FormalPowerSeries will be automatically loaded when needed from
FormalPowerSeriesCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
FormalPowerSeriesCategory will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csseries
)lib csidxpp.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csidxpp.asy
SparseIndexedPowerProduct is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SparseIndexedPowerProduct will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csidxpp
)lib cssiprimes.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/cssiprimes.asy
SmallIntegerPrimes is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SmallIntegerPrimes will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib cssitools.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/cssitools.asy
SmallIntegerTools is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SmallIntegerTools will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib csgseries.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csgseries.asy
CycleIndexSeries is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CycleIndexSeries will be automatically loaded when needed from
CycleIndexVariable is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CycleIndexVariable will be automatically loaded when needed from
ExponentialGeneratingSeries is now explicitly exposed in frame
ExponentialGeneratingSeries will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csgseries
OrdinaryGeneratingSeries is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
OrdinaryGeneratingSeries will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csgseries
)lib csmultinom.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csmultinom.asy
MultinomialTools is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultinomialTools will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib csspexpr.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csspexpr.asy
SpeciesExpression is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SpeciesExpression will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib csspecies.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csspecies.asy
SetSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SetSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
SingletonSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
SingletonSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
ACIsomorphismType is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACIsomorphismType will be automatically loaded when needed from
Subset is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Subset will be automatically loaded when needed from
Times is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Times will be automatically loaded when needed from
Augment is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Augment will be automatically loaded when needed from
CharacteristicSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CharacteristicSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
Combination is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Combination will be automatically loaded when needed from
Compose is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Compose will be automatically loaded when needed from
Derivative is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Derivative will be automatically loaded when needed from
DropEmpty is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
DropEmpty will be automatically loaded when needed from
EmptySetSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
EmptySetSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
FunctorialCompose is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
FunctorialCompose will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiCompose is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiCompose will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiDerivative is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiDerivative will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiPlus is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiPlus will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiSetCombination is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiSetCombination will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiSetPartition is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiSetPartition will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiSet is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiSet will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiSubset is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiSubset will be automatically loaded when needed from
MultiTimes is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MultiTimes will be automatically loaded when needed from
CombinatorialSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
CombinatorialSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
Multiple is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Multiple will be automatically loaded when needed from
NonEmpty is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
NonEmpty will be automatically loaded when needed from
IsomorphismTypeCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
IsomorphismTypeCategory will be automatically loaded when needed
from /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csspecies
Partition is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Partition will be automatically loaded when needed from
Plus is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Plus will be automatically loaded when needed from
RestrictedSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
RestrictedSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib csexamples.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csexamples.asy
ACBinaryTree is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
ACBinaryTree will be automatically loaded when needed from
SetSpecies is already explicitly exposed in frame initial
SetSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
Combination is already explicitly exposed in frame initial
Combination will be automatically loaded when needed from
Generator is already explicitly exposed in frame initial
Generator will be automatically loaded when needed from
Won't parse: (ACLabelType)->NIL
Won't parse: (Type)->NIL
)lib csinterp.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csinterp.asy
Interpret is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Interpret will be automatically loaded when needed from
InterpretingTools is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
InterpretingTools will be automatically loaded when needed from
LabelSpecies is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
LabelSpecies will be automatically loaded when needed from
)lib csparse.ao
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/csparse.asy
MyParser is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyParser will be automatically loaded when needed from
Let's define a binary tree.
#includeDir "/var/lib/zope/combinat/include"
#libraryDir "/var/lib/zope/combinat/lib"
#include "combinat"
macro {
E == EmptySetSpecies;
X == SingletonSpecies;
+ == Plus;
* == Times;
A(L: LabelType): CombinatorialSpecies L == (E + X*A*A)(L) add;
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/5200085684951427974-25px002.as using
AXIOM-XL compiler and options
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
Use the system command )set compiler args to change these
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
Compiling Lisp source code from file
Issuing )library command for 5200085684951427974-25px002
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/5200085684951427974-25px002.asy
A is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
A will be automatically loaded when needed from
#includeDir "/var/lib/zope/combinat/include"
#libraryDir "/var/lib/zope/combinat/lib"
#assert MacrosCombinat
#assert Axiom
#include "combinat"
macro {
SPECIES == (L: LabelType) -> CombinatorialSpecies L;
V == CycleIndexVariable;
NonNegativeMachineInteger == I;
T == SparseIndexedPowerProduct(V, NonNegativeMachineInteger);
P == SparseDistributedPolynomial(Q, V, T);
LinearOrder(L: LabelType): with {
CombinatorialSpecies L;
coerce: % -> List L;
} == List L add {
Rep == List L;
import from Rep;
coerce(x: %): List L == rep x;
local lists(l: List L): Generator List L == generate {
empty? l => yield l;
current := l;
c := first current;
for u in lists(rest l) repeat yield cons(c, u);
assert(not empty? current);
while not empty?(tmp := rest current) repeat {
c := first current;
setrest!(current, rest tmp); -- remove c from l
for u in lists l repeat yield cons(c, u);
setrest!(current, tmp); -- put c back into l
current := tmp;
structures(s: SetSpecies L): Generator % == generate {
for l in lists(s :: List L) repeat yield per l;
local LinearOrderIsomorphismType: IsomorphismTypeCategory L
== add {
isomorphismTypes(s: MultiSet L): Generator % == never;
(x:%) = (y:%): Boolean == never;
(tw: TextWriter) << (x: %): TextWriter == never;
IsomorphismType: IsomorphismTypeCategory L == LinearOrderIsomorphismType;
generatingSeries: ExponentialGeneratingSeries == {
(stream(1$Q)$DataStream(Q)) :: ExponentialGeneratingSeries;
isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries == {
(stream(1$Z)$DataStream(Z)) :: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries;
local cisGenerator: Generator P == generate {
import from I, T, P;
x1: V := 1::V;
for n: I in 0.. repeat yield power(x1, n) :: P;
cycleIndexSeries: CycleIndexSeries == cisGenerator :: CycleIndexSeries;
import from String;
expression: SpeciesExpression == leaf("LinearOrder");
Cycle(L: LabelType): with {
CombinatorialSpecies L;
coerce: % -> List L;
cycle: List L -> %;
} == List L add {
Rep == List L;
import from I, Rep;
local cisCycle(ao: I): Generator P == generate {
macro PrimePowerProduct == SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I);
local multiply(k: PrimePowerProduct): I == {
r: I := 1;
for ep in k repeat {(e, p) := ep; r := r * p^e}
local eulerPhi(t: SparseIndexedPowerProduct(I, I)): I == {
phi: I := 1;
for ep in t repeat {
(e, p) := ep;
phi := phi * p^(e-1) * (p-1)
local cisCoefficient(n: I): P == BugWorkaround(
PrimePowerProduct has with {
divisors: % -> Generator %;
/: (%, %) -> %;
import from Z, V, SmallIntegerTools;
nn: PrimePowerProduct := factor n;
p: P := 0;
for m in divisors nn repeat {
k: PrimePowerProduct := nn/m;
q: Q := (eulerPhi(k) :: Z) / (n :: Z);
xk: V := multiply(k) :: V;
t: T := power(xk, multiply m);
p := [q, t]$P + p;
yield 0$P;
for n:I in 1.. repeat yield cisCoefficient(n);
coerce(x: %): List L == rep x;
cycle(l: List L): % == per l;
structures(s: SetSpecies L): Generator % == generate {
import from LinearOrder L;
if not empty? s then {
l: List L := s :: List L;
u := first l;
for t in structures(set rest l)$LinearOrder(L) repeat {
yield per cons(u, t :: List L);
local CycleIsomorphismType: IsomorphismTypeCategory L
== add {
isomorphismTypes(s: MultiSet L): Generator % == never;
(x:%) = (y:%): Boolean == never;
(tw: TextWriter) << (x: %): TextWriter == never;
IsomorphismType: IsomorphismTypeCategory L == CycleIsomorphismType;
local cycleOrder(): SeriesOrder == 1 :: SeriesOrder;
egsCycle(ao: I): Generator Q == generate {
import from Z, Q;
yield 0;
for n:I in 1.. repeat yield inv(n :: Z);
generatingSeries: ExponentialGeneratingSeries == new(egsCycle, cycleOrder);
ogsCycle(ao: I): Generator Z == generate {yield 0$Z; yield 1$Z};
isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries == {
new(ogsCycle, cycleOrder);
cycleIndexSeries: CycleIndexSeries == new(cisCycle, cycleOrder);
import from String;
expression: SpeciesExpression == leaf("Cycle");
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/8188642503154069003-25px003.as using
AXIOM-XL compiler and options
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
Use the system command )set compiler args to change these
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
"/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/8188642503154069003-25px003.as", line 94:
[L94 C2] #2 (Warning) Suspicious juxtaposition. Check for missing `;'.
Check indentation if you are using `#pile'.
Compiling Lisp source code from file
Issuing )library command for 8188642503154069003-25px003
Reading /var/lib/zope/combinat/src/8188642503154069003-25px003.asy
Cycle is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Cycle will be automatically loaded when needed from
LinearOrder is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
LinearOrder will be automatically loaded when needed from
labels: SetSpecies ACINT := set [i::ACINT for i in 1..3]
Type: SetSpecies
? ACInteger
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
(2) [[1,2,3],[1,2,2]]
Type: ACList
? Cycle ACInteger
I := ACMachineInteger
(3) ACMachineInteger
Type: Domain
Z := ACInteger
(4) ACInteger
Type: Domain
Q := ACFraction Z
(5) ACFraction ACInteger
Type: Domain
V := CycleIndexVariable
(6) CycleIndexVariable
Type: Domain
T := SparseIndexedPowerProduct(V, I)
(7) SparseIndexedPowerProduct(CycleIndexVariable,ACMachineInteger)
Type: Domain
P := SparseDistributedPolynomial(Q, V, T)
SparseDistributedPolynomial(ACFraction ACInteger,CycleIndexVariable,SparseInd
Type: Domain
S := CycleIndexSeries;
Type: Domain
X := A(Z)
(10) A ACInteger
Type: Domain
)show X
A ACInteger is a domain constructor.
Abbreviation for A is A
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit 5200085684951427974-25px002.as to see algebra source code for A
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?=? : (%,%) -> Boolean coerce : % -> OutputForm
hash : % -> SingleInteger latex : % -> String
?~=? : (%,%) -> Boolean
?<<? : (OutputForm,%) -> OutputForm
IsomorphismType : () -> IsomorphismTypeCategory ACInteger
cycleIndexSeries : () -> CycleIndexSeries
expression : () -> SpeciesExpression
generatingSeries : () -> ExponentialGeneratingSeries
isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries : () -> OrdinaryGeneratingSeries
structures : SetSpecies ACInteger -> Generator %
labels: SetSpecies Z := set [i::Z for i in 1..3]
(11) [1,2,3]
Type: SetSpecies
? ACInteger
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
[((1, "nil"), ((2, "nil"), ((3, "nil"), "nil"))),
((1, "nil"), ((3, "nil"), ((2, "nil"), "nil"))),
((1, "nil"), ((2, ((3, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")),
((1, "nil"), ((3, ((2, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")),
((2, "nil"), ((1, "nil"), ((3, "nil"), "nil"))),
((2, "nil"), ((3, "nil"), ((1, "nil"), "nil"))),
((2, "nil"), ((1, ((3, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")),
((2, "nil"), ((3, ((1, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")),
((1, ((2, "nil"), "nil")), ((3, "nil"), "nil")),
((2, ((1, "nil"), "nil")), ((3, "nil"), "nil")),
((3, "nil"), ((1, "nil"), ((2, "nil"), "nil"))),
((3, "nil"), ((2, "nil"), ((1, "nil"), "nil"))),
((3, "nil"), ((1, ((2, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")),
((3, "nil"), ((2, ((1, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")),
((1, ((3, "nil"), "nil")), ((2, "nil"), "nil")),
((3, ((1, "nil"), "nil")), ((2, "nil"), "nil")),
((2, ((3, "nil"), "nil")), ((1, "nil"), "nil")),
((3, ((2, "nil"), "nil")), ((1, "nil"), "nil")),
((1, ((2, "nil"), ((3, "nil"), "nil"))), "nil"),
((1, ((3, "nil"), ((2, "nil"), "nil"))), "nil"),
((1, ((2, ((3, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")), "nil"),
((1, ((3, ((2, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")), "nil"),
((2, ((1, "nil"), ((3, "nil"), "nil"))), "nil"),
((2, ((3, "nil"), ((1, "nil"), "nil"))), "nil"),
((2, ((1, ((3, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")), "nil"),
((2, ((3, ((1, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")), "nil"),
((3, ((1, "nil"), ((2, "nil"), "nil"))), "nil"),
((3, ((2, "nil"), ((1, "nil"), "nil"))), "nil"),
((3, ((1, ((2, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")), "nil"),
((3, ((2, ((1, "nil"), "nil")), "nil")), "nil")]
Type: ACList
? A ACInteger
)set output tex on
)set output algebra off
Let's count how many structures of a certain size exist.
This is encoded in the generating series. Note that this is an
exponential generating series.
es: ExponentialGeneratingSeries := generatingSeries()$X;
Type: ExponentialGeneratingSeries
[coefficient(es, i) for i in 0..10]
Type: List ACFraction
? ACInteger
[count(es, i) for i in 0..10]
AldorCombinat? can also count the number of isomorphism types of structues.
That is encoded in the isomorphim type series.
os: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries := isomorphismTypeGeneratingSeries()$X;
Type: OrdinaryGeneratingSeries
[coefficient(os, i) for i in 0..10]
[count(os, i) for i in 0..10]
cs: S := cycleIndexSeries()$X;
The output of the next command apparently causes a "Proxy Error" on the mathaction server.
This can be avoided by changing the output from LaTeX? to ASCII mode:
)set output tex off
)set output algebra on
coeffs3: ACList P := [coefficient(cs, i) for i in 0..5]
(20) [(1)*1, (1)*x1^1, (2)*x1^2, (5)*x1^3, (14)*x1^4, (42)*x1^5]
Type: ACList
? SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
)set output tex on
)set output algebra off
P is the polynomial domain in infinitely many variables with rational coefficients.
p: P := 1$P
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
v: V := 3::I::V
Type: CycleIndexVariable
t: T := power(v,2) * power(5::I::V,3)
Type: SparseIndexedPowerProduct
t2: T := power(v,3) * power(1::I::V,2)
Type: SparseIndexedPowerProduct
p := t :: P + 3*t2
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
Let's do some more advanced stuff with
Aldor-Combinat .
See the
functorial composition testpage
for more details.
Here we compute the
cycle index series
of simple graphs.
e: S := cycleIndexSeries() $ SetSpecies(Z);
e2: S := term(coefficient(e, 2), 2);
h: S := functorialCompose(e * e, e2 * e);
coefficient(h, 0)
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
coefficient(h, 1)
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
coefficient(h, 2)
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
coefficient(h, 3)
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
coefficient(h, 4)
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger
coefficient(h, 5)
Type: SparseDistributedPolynomial
? ACInteger