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(1) -> <spad>
)abbrev domain RR Real
++ ===================================
++ ===================================
++ Modified version of Expression R 
++ Original header:
++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 19 July 1988
++ Date Last Updated: October 1993 (P.Gianni), February 1995 (MB)
++ Description: Expressions involving symbolic functions.
++ Keywords: operator, kernel, function.
Real : Exports == Implementation where
  R   ==> Integer
  Q   ==> Fraction Integer
  K   ==> Kernel %
  MP  ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
  AF  ==> AlgebraicFunction(R, %)
  EF  ==> ElementaryFunction(R, %)
  CF  ==> CombinatorialFunction(R, %)
  LF  ==> LiouvillianFunction(R, %)
  AN  ==> AlgebraicNumber
  KAN ==> Kernel AN
  FSF ==> FunctionalSpecialFunction(R, %)
  ESD ==> ExpressionSpace_&(%)
  FSD ==> FunctionSpace_&(%, R)
  POWER  ==> '%power
  SUP    ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial
Exports ==> FunctionSpace R with if R has IntegralDomain then AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R TranscendentalFunctionCategory CombinatorialOpsCategory LiouvillianFunctionCategory SpecialFunctionCategory reduce : % -> % ++ reduce(f) simplifies all the unreduced algebraic quantities ++ present in f by applying their defining relations. number? : % -> Boolean ++ number?(f) tests if f is rational simplifyPower : (%, Integer) -> % ++ simplifyPower(f, n) \undocumented{} if R has GcdDomain then factorPolynomial : SUP % -> Factored SUP % ++ factorPolynomial(p) \undocumented{} squareFreePolynomial : SUP % -> Factored SUP % ++ squareFreePolynomial(p) \undocumented{} if R has RetractableTo Integer then RetractableTo AN setSimplifyDenomsFlag : Boolean -> Boolean ++ setSimplifyDenomsFlag(x) sets flag affecting simplification ++ of denominators. If true irrational algebraics are removed from ++ denominators. If false they are kept. getSimplifyDenomsFlag : () -> Boolean ++ getSimplifyDenomsFlag() gets values of flag affecting ++ simplification of denominators. See setSimplifyDenomsFlag.
Implementation ==> add import from KernelFunctions2(R, %)
SYMBOL := '%symbol ALGOP := '%alg
retNotUnit : % -> R retNotUnitIfCan : % -> Union(R, "failed")
belong? op == true
retNotUnit x == (u := constantIfCan(k := retract(x)@K)) case R => u::R error "Not retractable"
retNotUnitIfCan x == (r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(K,"failed")) case "failed" => "failed" constantIfCan(r::K)
SPCH ==> SparsePolynomialCoercionHelpers(R, Symbol, K)
if R has Ring then poly_to_MP(p : Polynomial(R)) : MP == ps := p pretend SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, Symbol) vl1 : List Symbol := variables(ps) vl2 : List K := [kernel(z)$K for z in vl1] remap_variables(ps, vl1, vl2)$SPCH
if R has IntegralDomain then reduc : (%, List Kernel %) -> % algreduc : (%, List Kernel %) -> % commonk : (%, %) -> List K commonk0 : (List K, List K) -> List K toprat : % -> % algkernels : List K -> List K algtower : % -> List K evl : (MP, K, SparseUnivariatePolynomial %) -> Fraction MP evl0 : (MP, K) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Fraction MP
Rep := Fraction MP 0 == 0$Rep 1 == 1$Rep one? x == (x = 1)$Rep zero? x == zero?(x)$Rep - x : % == -$Rep x n : Integer * x : % == n *$Rep x coerce(n : Integer) == coerce(n)$Rep@Rep::% x : % * y : % == algreduc(x *$Rep y, commonk(x, y)) x : % + y : % == algreduc(x +$Rep y, commonk(x, y)) (x : % - y : %) : % == algreduc(x -$Rep y, commonk(x, y)) x : % / y : % == algreduc(x /$Rep y, commonk(x, y))
number?(x : %) : Boolean == if R has RetractableTo(Integer) then ground?(x) or ((retractIfCan(x)@Union(Q,"failed")) case Q) else ground?(x)
simplifyPower(x : %, n : Integer) : % == k : List K := kernels x is?(x, POWER) => -- Look for a power of a number in case we can do -- a simplification args : List % := argument first k not(#args = 2) => error "Too many arguments to ^" number?(args.1) => reduc((args.1) ^$Rep n, algtower(args.1))^(args.2) (first args)^(n*second(args)) reduc(x ^$Rep n, algtower(x))
x : % ^ n : NonNegativeInteger == n = 0 => 1$% n = 1 => x simplifyPower(numerator x, n::Integer) / simplifyPower(denominator x, n::Integer)
x : % ^ n : Integer == n = 0 => 1$% n = 1 => x n = -1 => 1/x simplifyPower(numerator x, n) / simplifyPower(denominator x, n)
x : % ^ n : PositiveInteger == n = 1 => x simplifyPower(numerator x, n::Integer) / simplifyPower(denominator x, n::Integer)
smaller?(x : %, y : %) == smaller?(x, y)$Rep x : % = y : % == (x - y) =$Rep 0$Rep numer x == numer(x)$Rep denom x == denom(x)$Rep
EREP := Record(num : MP, den : MP)
coerce(p : MP) : % == [p, 1]$EREP pretend %
coerce(p : Polynomial(R)) : % == en := poly_to_MP(p) [en, 1]$EREP pretend %
coerce(pq : Fraction(Polynomial(R))) : % == en := poly_to_MP(numer(pq)) ed := poly_to_MP(denom(pq)) [en, ed]$EREP pretend %
reduce x == reduc(x, algtower x) commonk(x, y) == commonk0(algtower x, algtower y) algkernels l == select!(x +-> has?(operator x, ALGOP), l) toprat f == ratDenom(f, algtower f )$AlgebraicManipulations(R, %)
alg_ker_set(x : %) : List(K) == resl : List(K) := [] ak1 : List(K) := [] for k in kernels x repeat not(is?(k, 'nthRoot) or is?(k, 'rootOf)) => "iterate" ak1 := cons(k, ak1) while not(empty?(ak1)) repeat ak := ak1 ak1 := [] for k in ak repeat needed := true for k1 in resl while needed repeat if EQ(k1, k)$Lisp then needed := false for k1 in resl while needed repeat if k1 = k then needed := false not(needed) => "iterate" resl := cons(k, resl) ak1 := cons(k, ak1) arg := argument(k) for k1 in kernels(arg.1) repeat if (is?(k1, 'nthRoot) or is?(k1, 'rootOf)) then ak1 := cons(k1, ak1) resl
algtower(x : %) : List K == reverse!(sort! alg_ker_set(x))
simple_root(r : K) : Boolean == is?(r, 'nthRoot) => al := argument(r) al.2 ~= 2::% => false a := al.1 #algkernels(kernels(a)) > 0 => false true false
root_reduce(x : %, r : K) : % == a := argument(r).1 an := numer(a) dn := denom(a) dp := univariate(denom x, r) n0 := numer x c1 := leadingCoefficient(dp) c0 := leadingCoefficient(reductum(dp)) n1 := dn*(c0*n0 - monomial(1, r, 1)$MP*c1*n0) d1 := c0*c0*dn - an*c1*c1 reduc(n1 /$Rep d1, [r])
DEFVAR(algreduc_flag$Lisp, false$Boolean)$Lisp
getSimplifyDenomsFlag() == algreduc_flag$Lisp
setSimplifyDenomsFlag(x) == res := getSimplifyDenomsFlag() SETF(algreduc_flag$Lisp, x)$Lisp res
algreduc(x, ckl) == x1 := reduc(x, ckl) not(getSimplifyDenomsFlag()) => x1 akl := algtower(1$MP /$Rep denom x1) #akl = 0 => x1 if #akl = 1 then r := akl.1 simple_root(r) => return root_reduce(x, r) sas := create()$SingletonAsOrderedSet for k in akl repeat q := univariate(x1, k, minPoly k )$PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP, %) x1 := retract(eval(q, sas, k::%))@% reduc(x1, akl)
x : MP / y : MP == reduc(x /$Rep y, commonk(x /$Rep 1$MP, y /$Rep 1$MP))
-- since we use the reduction from FRAC SMP which asssumes -- that the variables are independent, we must remove algebraic -- from the denominators
reducedSystem(m : Matrix %) : Matrix(R) == mm : Matrix(MP) := reducedSystem(map(toprat, m))$Rep reducedSystem(mm)$MP
reducedSystem(m : Matrix %, v : Vector %): Record(mat : Matrix R, vec : Vector R) == r : Record(mat : Matrix MP, vec : Vector MP) := reducedSystem(map(toprat, m), map(toprat, v))$Rep reducedSystem(r.mat, r.vec)$MP
-- The result MUST be left sorted deepest first MB 3/90 commonk0(x, y) == ans := empty()$List(K) for k in reverse! x repeat if member?(k, y) then ans := concat(k, ans) ans
rootOf(x : SparseUnivariatePolynomial %, v : Symbol) == rootOf(x, v)$AF rootSum(x : %, p : SparseUnivariatePolynomial %, v : Symbol) : % == rootSum(x, p, v)$AF pi() == pi()$EF exp x == exp(x)$EF log x == log(x)$EF sin x == sin(x)$EF cos x == cos(x)$EF tan x == tan(x)$EF cot x == cot(x)$EF sec x == sec(x)$EF csc x == csc(x)$EF asin x == asin(x)$EF acos x == acos(x)$EF atan x == atan(x)$EF acot x == acot(x)$EF asec x == asec(x)$EF acsc x == acsc(x)$EF sinh x == sinh(x)$EF cosh x == cosh(x)$EF tanh x == tanh(x)$EF coth x == coth(x)$EF sech x == sech(x)$EF csch x == csch(x)$EF asinh x == asinh(x)$EF acosh x == acosh(x)$EF atanh x == atanh(x)$EF acoth x == acoth(x)$EF asech x == asech(x)$EF acsch x == acsch(x)$EF
abs x == abs(x)$FSF Gamma x == Gamma(x)$FSF Gamma(a, x) == Gamma(a, x)$FSF Beta(x, y) == Beta(x, y)$FSF digamma x == digamma(x)$FSF polygamma(k, x) == polygamma(k, x)$FSF besselJ(v, x) == besselJ(v, x)$FSF besselY(v, x) == besselY(v, x)$FSF besselI(v, x) == besselI(v, x)$FSF besselK(v, x) == besselK(v, x)$FSF airyAi x == airyAi(x)$FSF airyAiPrime(x) == airyAiPrime(x)$FSF airyBi x == airyBi(x)$FSF airyBiPrime(x) == airyBiPrime(x)$FSF lambertW(x) == lambertW(x)$FSF polylog(s, x) == polylog(s, x)$FSF weierstrassP(g2, g3, x) == weierstrassP(g2, g3, x)$FSF weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x) == weierstrassPPrime(g2, g3, x)$FSF weierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x) == weierstrassSigma(g2, g3, x)$FSF weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x) == weierstrassZeta(g2, g3, x)$FSF -- weierstrassPInverse(g2, g3, z) == weierstrassPInverse(g2, g3, z)$FSF whittakerM(k, m, z) == whittakerM(k, m, z)$FSF whittakerW(k, m, z) == whittakerW(k, m, z)$FSF angerJ(v, z) == angerJ(v, z)$FSF weberE(v, z) == weberE(v, z)$FSF struveH(v, z) == struveH(v, z)$FSF struveL(v, z) == struveL(v, z)$FSF hankelH1(v, z) == hankelH1(v, z)$FSF hankelH2(v, z) == hankelH2(v, z)$FSF lommelS1(mu, nu, z) == lommelS1(mu, nu, z)$FSF lommelS2(mu, nu, z) == lommelS2(mu, nu, z)$FSF kummerM(mu, nu, z) == kummerM(mu, nu, z)$FSF kummerU(mu, nu, z) == kummerU(mu, nu, z)$FSF legendreP(nu, mu, z) == legendreP(nu, mu, z)$FSF legendreQ(nu, mu, z) == legendreQ(nu, mu, z)$FSF kelvinBei(v, z) == kelvinBei(v, z)$FSF kelvinBer(v, z) == kelvinBer(v, z)$FSF kelvinKei(v, z) == kelvinKei(v, z)$FSF kelvinKer(v, z) == kelvinKer(v, z)$FSF ellipticK(m) == ellipticK(m)$FSF ellipticE(m) == ellipticE(m)$FSF ellipticE(z, m) == ellipticE(z, m)$FSF ellipticF(z, m) == ellipticF(z, m)$FSF ellipticPi(z, n, m) == ellipticPi(z, n, m)$FSF jacobiSn(z, m) == jacobiSn(z, m)$FSF jacobiCn(z, m) == jacobiCn(z, m)$FSF jacobiDn(z, m) == jacobiDn(z, m)$FSF jacobiZeta(z, m) == jacobiZeta(z, m)$FSF jacobiTheta(q, z) == jacobiTheta(q, z)$FSF lerchPhi(z, s, a) == lerchPhi(z, s, a)$FSF riemannZeta(z) == riemannZeta(z)$FSF charlierC(n, a, z) == charlierC(n, a, z)$FSF hermiteH(n, z) == hermiteH(n, z)$FSF jacobiP(n, a, b, z) == jacobiP(n, a, b, z)$FSF laguerreL(n, a, z) == laguerreL(n, a, z)$FSF meixnerM(n, b, c, z) == meixnerM(n, b, c, z)$FSF
if % has RetractableTo(Integer) then hypergeometricF(la, lb, x) == hypergeometricF(la, lb, x)$FSF meijerG(la, lb, lc, ld, x) == meijerG(la, lb, lc, ld, x)$FSF
x : % ^ y : % == x ^$CF y factorial x == factorial(x)$CF binomial(n, m) == binomial(n, m)$CF permutation(n, m) == permutation(n, m)$CF factorials x == factorials(x)$CF factorials(x, n) == factorials(x, n)$CF summation(x : %, n : Symbol) == summation(x, n)$CF summation(x : %, s : SegmentBinding %) == summation(x, s)$CF product(x : %, n : Symbol) == product(x, n)$CF product(x : %, s : SegmentBinding %) == product(x, s)$CF
erf x == erf(x)$LF erfi x == erfi(x)$LF Ei x == Ei(x)$LF Si x == Si(x)$LF Ci x == Ci(x)$LF Shi x == Shi(x)$LF Chi x == Chi(x)$LF li x == li(x)$LF dilog x == dilog(x)$LF fresnelS x == fresnelS(x)$LF fresnelC x == fresnelC(x)$LF integral(x : %, n : Symbol) == integral(x, n)$LF integral(x : %, s : SegmentBinding %) == integral(x, s)$LF
operator op == belong?(op)$AF => operator(op)$AF belong?(op)$EF => operator(op)$EF belong?(op)$CF => operator(op)$CF belong?(op)$LF => operator(op)$LF belong?(op)$FSF => operator(op)$FSF belong?(op)$FSD => operator(op)$FSD belong?(op)$ESD => operator(op)$ESD nullary? op and has?(op, SYMBOL) => operator(kernel(name op)$K) (n := arity op) case "failed" => operator name op operator(name op, n::NonNegativeInteger)
reduc(x, l) == for k in l repeat p := minPoly k x := evl(numer x, k, p) /$Rep evl(denom x, k, p) x
evl0(p, k) == numer univariate(p::Fraction(MP), k)$PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP, Fraction MP)
-- uses some operations from Rep instead of % in order not to -- reduce recursively during those operations. evl(p, k, m) == degree(p, k) < degree m => p::Fraction(MP) (((evl0(p, k) pretend SparseUnivariatePolynomial(%)) rem m) pretend SparseUnivariatePolynomial Fraction MP) (k::MP::Fraction(MP))
if R has GcdDomain then noalg? : SUP % -> Boolean
noalg? p == while p ~= 0 repeat not empty? algkernels kernels leadingCoefficient p => return false p := reductum p true
gcdPolynomial(p : SUP %, q : SUP %) == noalg? p and noalg? q => gcdPolynomial(p, q)$Rep gcdPolynomial(p, q)$GcdDomain_&(%)
factorPolynomial(x : SUP %) : Factored SUP % == uf := factor(x pretend SUP(Rep))$SupFractionFactorizer( IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP) uf pretend Factored SUP %
squareFreePolynomial(x : SUP %) : Factored SUP % == uf := squareFree(x pretend SUP(Rep))$SupFractionFactorizer( IndexedExponents K, K, R, MP) uf pretend Factored SUP %
if (R has RetractableTo Integer) then x : % ^ r : Q == x ^$AF r minPoly k == minPoly(k)$AF definingPolynomial x == definingPolynomial(x)$AF retract(x : %) : Q == retract(x)$Rep retractIfCan(x : %) : Union(Q, "failed") == retractIfCan(x)$Rep
if not(R is AN) then k2expr : KAN -> % smp2expr : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer, KAN) -> % R2AN : R -> Union(AN, "failed") k2an : K -> Union(AN, "failed") smp2an : MP -> Union(AN, "failed")
coerce(x : AN) : % == smp2expr(numer x) / smp2expr(denom x) k2expr k == map(x +-> x::%, k)$ExpressionSpaceFunctions2(AN, %)
smp2expr p == map(k2expr, x +-> x::%, p )$PolynomialCategoryLifting(IndexedExponents KAN, KAN, Integer, SparseMultivariatePolynomial( Integer, KAN), %)
retractIfCan(x : %) : Union(AN, "failed") == ((n := smp2an numer x) case AN) and ((d := smp2an denom x) case AN) => (n::AN) / (d::AN) "failed"
R2AN r == (u := retractIfCan(r::%)@Union(Q, "failed")) case Q => u::Q::AN "failed"
k2an k == not(belong?(op := operator k)$AN) => "failed" is?(op, 'rootOf) => args := argument(k) a2 := args.2 k1u := retractIfCan(a2)@Union(K, "failed") k1u case "failed" => "failed" k1 := k1u::K s1u := retractIfCan(a2)@Union(Symbol, "failed") s1u case "failed" => "failed" s1 := s1u::Symbol a1 := args.1 denom(a1) ~= 1 => error "Bad argument to rootOf" eq := univariate(numer(a1), k1) eqa : SUP(AN) := 0 while eq ~= 0 repeat cc := leadingCoefficient(eq)::% ccu := retractIfCan(cc)@Union(AN, "failed") ccu case "failed" => return "failed" eqa := eqa + monomial(ccu::AN, degree eq) eq := reductum eq rootOf(eqa, s1)$AN arg : List(AN) := empty() for x in argument k repeat if (a := retractIfCan(x)@Union(AN, "failed")) case "failed" then return "failed" else arg := concat(a::AN, arg) (operator(op)$AN) reverse!(arg)
smp2an p == (x1 := mainVariable p) case "failed" => R2AN leadingCoefficient p up := univariate(p, k := x1::K) (t := k2an k) case "failed" => "failed" ans : AN := 0 while not ground? up repeat (c := smp2an leadingCoefficient up) case "failed" => return "failed" ans := ans + (c::AN) * (t::AN) ^ (degree up) up := reductum up (c := smp2an leadingCoefficient up) case "failed" => "failed" ans + c::AN
if R has ConvertibleTo InputForm then convert(x : %) : InputForm == convert(x)$Rep import from MakeUnaryCompiledFunction(%, %, %) eval(f : %, op : BasicOperator, g : %, x : Symbol) : % == eval(f, [op], [g], x) eval(f : %, ls : List BasicOperator, lg : List %, x : Symbol) == -- handle subscripted symbols by renaming -> eval -- -> renaming back llsym : List List Symbol := [variables g for g in lg] lsym : List Symbol := removeDuplicates concat llsym lsd : List Symbol := select (scripted?, lsym) empty? lsd => eval(f, ls, [compiledFunction(g, x) for g in lg]) ns : List Symbol := [new()$Symbol for i in lsd] lforwardSubs : List Equation % := [(i::%)= (j::%) for i in lsd for j in ns] lbackwardSubs : List Equation % := [(j::%)= (i::%) for i in lsd for j in ns] nlg : List % := [subst(g, lforwardSubs) for g in lg] res : % := eval(f, ls, [compiledFunction(g, x) for g in nlg]) subst(res, lbackwardSubs)
if R has PatternMatchable Integer then patternMatch(x : %, p : Pattern Integer, l : PatternMatchResult(Integer, %)) == patternMatch(x, p, l)$PatternMatchFunctionSpace(Integer, R, %)
)abbrev domain RSPACE RealSpace
++ Author: kfp
++ Date Created: Thu Nov 06 03:51:56 CET 2014
++ License: BSD (same as Axiom)
++ Date Last Updated:
++ Basic Operations: 
++ Related Domains: 
++ Also See:
++ AMS Classifications:
++ Keywords: 
++ Examples:
++ References:
++ Description:
RealSpace(n) : Exports == Implementation where
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger PI ==> PositiveInteger I ==> Integer R ==> Real n:NNI
Exports == Join(CoercibleTo OutputForm, ConvertibleTo String) with
coerce : % -> OutputForm coerce : List R -> % coerce : R -> %
dot : (%,%) -> R dim : % -> NNI
"+" : (%,%) -> % "-" : (%,%) -> % "*" : (R,%) -> % "*" : (NNI,%) -> % "*" : (PI,%) -> % "*" : (I,%) -> % "/" : (%,R) -> %
"#" : % -> NNI "-" : % -> % "=" : (%,%) -> Boolean "~=": (%,%) -> Boolean
unitVector : PI -> % elt : (%,I) -> R
eval: (%, Equation R) -> % eval: (%, List Equation R) -> %
every?: (R -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean map: (R -> R, %) -> % -- strange, to check member?: (R, %) -> Boolean any?: (R -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean copy: % -> % D: (%, Symbol) -> % D: (%, Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> % D: (%, List Symbol) -> % D: (%, List Symbol, List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
dist : (%,%) -> R
Implementation == DirectProduct(n,R) add
Rep := DirectProduct(n,R)
coerce(l:List R):% == #l=n => directProduct((vector l)::Vector(R))$Rep
coerce(x:R):% == x*unitVector(1)$Rep
if n=1 then coerce(x:%):OutputForm == elt(x,1)::OutputForm
dim(x:%):NNI == n dist(x:%,y:%):R == sqrt dot(x-y,x-y)</spad>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file 
      using old system compiler.
   RR abbreviates domain Real 
   initializing NRLIB RR for Real 
   compiling into NRLIB RR 
   importing KernelFunctions2(Integer,%)
   compiling exported belong? : BasicOperator -> Boolean
      RR;belong?;BoB;1 is replaced by QUOTET 
Time: 0.03 SEC.
compiling local retNotUnit : % -> Integer Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local retNotUnitIfCan : % -> Union(Integer,failed) Time: 0 SEC.
processing macro definition SPCH ==> SparsePolynomialCoercionHelpers(Integer,Symbol,Kernel %) compiling local poly_to_MP : Polynomial Integer -> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,Kernel %) Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported Zero : () -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported One : () -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported one? : % -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported zero? : % -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported - : % -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : (Integer,%) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Integer -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported * : (%,%) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported + : (%,%) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported - : (%,%) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported / : (%,%) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported number? : % -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported simplifyPower : (%,Integer) -> % Time: 0.04 SEC.
compiling exported ^ : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported ^ : (%,Integer) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported ^ : (%,PositiveInteger) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported smaller? : (%,%) -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported = : (%,%) -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported numer : % -> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,Kernel %) Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported denom : % -> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,Kernel %) Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Integer,Kernel %) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Polynomial Integer -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : Fraction Polynomial Integer -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported reduce : % -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local commonk : (%,%) -> List Kernel % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local algkernels : List Kernel % -> List Kernel % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local toprat : % -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local alg_ker_set : % -> List Kernel % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local algtower : % -> List Kernel %
>> Apparent user error: algtower is local and exported

There are no library operations named RealSpace Use HyperDoc Browse or issue )what op RealSpace to learn if there is any operation containing " RealSpace " in its name.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named RealSpace with argument type(s) PositiveInteger
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.

You cannot now use Real in the context you have it.


\label{eq1}Q + P(1)
Type: Polynomial(Integer)

\label{eq2}- Q + P(2)
Type: Polynomial(Integer)

\label{eq3}- P(3)
Type: Polynomial(Integer)
There are 2 exposed and 2 unexposed library operations named dot having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable. Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue )display op dot to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named dot with argument type(s) Variable(P) Variable(Q)
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type, or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.


f:Real -> Real
You cannot now use Real in the context you have it.

You cannot now use Real in the context you have it.

You cannot now use Real in the context you have it.

-- continue with PROP domain

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