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Edit detail for SandBoxOpenAxiom revision 3 of 25

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Editor: page
Time: 2007/12/12 09:58:59 GMT-8
Note: Domain domain

-New **Domain** domain:
New  domain **Domain**:
)show Domain

For example:


New domain **Syntax**:
)show Syntax


What version?

)version Value = "Tuesday December 11, 2007 at 16:51:37 "

New domain Domain:

)show Domain Domain is a domain constructor Abbreviation for Domain is DOMAIN This constructor is not exposed in this frame. Issue )edit /home/page/local/lib/open-axiom/x86_64-unknown-linux/1.1.0-2007-12-09/src/algebra/domain.spad to see algebra source code for DOMAIN ------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- coerce : % -> OutputForm reify : % -> Syntax

For example:

LatexWiki Image(1)
Type: List Domain

New domain Syntax:

)show Syntax Syntax is a domain constructor Abbreviation for Syntax is SYNTAX This constructor is exposed in this frame. Issue )edit /home/page/local/lib/open-axiom/x86_64-unknown-linux/1.1.0-2007-12-09/src/algebra/syntax.spad to see algebra source code for SYNTAX ------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- buildSyntax : (%,List %) -> % ?case? : (%,Domain) -> Boolean coerce : String -> % coerce : Symbol -> % coerce : DoubleFloat -> % coerce : Integer -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm convert : % -> String convert : % -> Symbol convert : % -> DoubleFloat convert : % -> Integer convert : SExpression -> % convert : % -> SExpression getOperands : % -> List % buildSyntax : (Symbol,List %) -> % getOperator : % -> Union(Integer,DoubleFloat,Symbol,String,%)

reify(String) Function: convert : String -> % is missing from domain: Syntax Internal Error The function convert with signature $(String) is missing from domain Syntax