Monoid(m:Symbol,u:Symbol): Category == with
m: (%,%) -> % ++ returns the product of x and y
u: () -> % ++ unit
associative(m) ++ m(a,m(b,c)) = m(m(a,b),c)
identity(u) ++ m(a,u) = m(u,a) = a
Group(m:Symbol,inv:Symbol,u:Symbol): Category == Monoid(m,u) with
inv: % -> % ++ inverse
inverse(m,inv) ++ m(inv(a),a) = m(a,inv(a)) = u
AbelianGroup(m:Symbol,inv:Symbol,u:Symbol): Category
== Group(m,inv,u) with
commutative(m) ++ m(a,b) = m(b,a)
Ring(s:Symbol,inv:Symbol,z:Symbol, m:Symbol,u:Symbol): Category
== Join(AbelianGroup(s,inv,z),Monoid(m,u)) with
distributes(m,s) ++ m(a,s(b,c)) = s(m(a,b),m(a,c))
++ m(s(a,b),c) = s(m(a,c),m(b,c))
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/5748985099523682154-25px001.spad using
old system compiler.
initializing NRLIB MONOID for Monoid
compiling into NRLIB MONOID
;;; *** |Monoid| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB MONOID
Processing Monoid for Browser database:
--------(m (% % %))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/MONOID.spad-->Monoid((m (% % %))): Improper first word in comments: returns
"returns the product of \\spad{x} and \\spad{y}"
--------(u (%))---------
--------(associative (attribute m))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/MONOID.spad-->Monoid((associative (attribute m))): Improper first word in comments: m
"\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{m}(\\spad{b},{}\\spad{c})) = \\spad{m}(\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{b}),{}\\spad{c})"
--------(identity (attribute u))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/MONOID.spad-->Monoid((identity (attribute u))): Improper first word in comments: m
"\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{u}) = \\spad{m}(\\spad{u},{}a) = a"
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/MONOID.spad-->Monoid(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/MONOID.spad-->Monoid(): Missing Description
Monoid is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Monoid will be automatically loaded when needed from
initializing NRLIB GROUP for Group
compiling into NRLIB GROUP
;;; *** |Group| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB GROUP
Processing Group for Browser database:
--------(inv (% %))---------
--------(inverse (attribute m inv))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/GROUP.spad-->Group((inverse (attribute m inv))): Improper first word in comments: m
"\\spad{m}(inv(a),{}a) = \\spad{m}(a,{}inv(a)) = \\spad{u}"
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/GROUP.spad-->Group(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/GROUP.spad-->Group(): Missing Description
Group is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Group will be automatically loaded when needed from
initializing NRLIB ABELGRP for AbelianGroup
compiling into NRLIB ABELGRP
;;; *** |AbelianGroup| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB ABELGRP
Processing AbelianGroup for Browser database:
--------(commutative (attribute m))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ABELGRP.spad-->AbelianGroup((commutative (attribute m))): Improper first word in comments: m
"\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{b}) = \\spad{m}(\\spad{b},{}a)"
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ABELGRP.spad-->AbelianGroup(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/ABELGRP.spad-->AbelianGroup(): Missing Description
AbelianGroup is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
AbelianGroup will be automatically loaded when needed from
initializing NRLIB RING for Ring
compiling into NRLIB RING
;;; *** |Ring| REDEFINED
Time: 0.01 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB RING
Processing Ring for Browser database:
--------(distributes (attribute m s))---------
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/RING.spad-->Ring((distributes (attribute m s))): Improper first word in comments: m
"\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{s}(\\spad{b},{}\\spad{c})) = \\spad{s}(\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{b}),{}\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{c})) \\spad{m}(\\spad{s}(a,{}\\spad{b}),{}\\spad{c}) = \\spad{s}(\\spad{m}(a,{}\\spad{c}),{}\\spad{m}(\\spad{b},{}\\spad{c}))"
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/RING.spad-->Ring(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->/usr/local/lib/axiom/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/../../src/algebra/RING.spad-->Ring(): Missing Description
Ring is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Ring will be automatically loaded when needed from
)sh Ring(+,-,"0"::Symbol,*,"1"::Symbol)
Ring(+,-,0,*,1) is a category constructor.
Abbreviation for Ring is RING
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/5748985099523682154-25px001.spad to see algebra source
code for RING
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?*? : (%,%) -> % ?+? : (%,%) -> %
-? : % -> % 0 : () -> %
1 : () -> %
Ring(+,-,"0"::Symbol,*,"1"::Symbol) has commutative(+)
Type: Boolean
Let's try this ...
)sh Ring(a,b,c,d,e)
Ring(a,b,c,d,e) is a category constructor.
Abbreviation for Ring is RING
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/5748985099523682154-25px001.spad to see algebra source
code for RING
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
a : (%,%) -> % b : % -> %
c : () -> % d : (%,%) -> %
e : () -> %
Ring(a,b,c,d,e) has commutative(a)
Type: Boolean
Interesting! Is it somewhere written that "has" can have a category as its first argument?
OK, we are going to implement...
)abbrev domain MYINT MyInteger
MyInteger: Ring(a,b,c,d,e) == add
a(x: %, y: %): % == x
b(x: %): % == x
c(): % == 0 pretend %
d(x: %, y: %): % == x
e(): % == 0 pretend %
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/4007632824524312372-25px004.spad using
old system compiler.
MYINT abbreviates domain MyInteger
initializing NRLIB MYINT for MyInteger
compiling into NRLIB MYINT
compiling local a : ($,$) -> $
MYINT;a is replaced by x
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local b : $ -> $
MYINT;b is replaced by x
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling local c : () -> $
MYINT;c is replaced by 0
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local d : ($,$) -> $
MYINT;d is replaced by x
Time: 0 SEC.
compiling local e : () -> $
MYINT;e is replaced by 0
Time: 0 SEC.
>> System error:
The index, 7, is too large.
Oops, that's not so easy. Have I made some error?
(You originally wrote begin{axiom} but this is spad code.
Unfortunately, this won't work. For example in the above definition of
, we are effectively creating to different things with the same name, but different types. We have an
of type
, and another one of type
. As soon as we add a default implementation, this mistake surfaces:
)abbrev category MYMON MyMonoid
MyMonoid(m:Symbol): Category == with
m:(%,%) -> %
square:% -> %
square(a:%):% == m(a,a)$%
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/1161784151565736029-25px005.spad using
old system compiler.
MYMON abbreviates category MyMonoid
initializing NRLIB MYMON for MyMonoid
compiling into NRLIB MYMON
;;; *** |MyMonoid| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
MYMON- abbreviates domain MyMonoid&
initializing NRLIB MYMON- for MyMonoid&
compiling into NRLIB MYMON-
compiling exported square : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |MyMonoid&| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor MyMonoid&
Time: 0 seconds
finalizing NRLIB MYMON-
Processing MyMonoid& for Browser database:
--->-->MyMonoid&((m (% % %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid&((square (% %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid&(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid&(): Missing Description
MyMonoid& is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyMonoid& will be automatically loaded when needed from
finalizing NRLIB MYMON
Processing MyMonoid for Browser database:
--->-->MyMonoid((m (% % %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid((square (% %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid(): Missing Description
MyMonoid is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyMonoid will be automatically loaded when needed from
)abbrev domain WORD Word
Word(c:Symbol): MyMonoid(c) with
coerce:String -> %
coerce:% -> OutputForm
== add
Rep := String
coerce(a:String):% == a pretend %
coerce(x:%):OutputForm == message(x pretend String)$OutputForm
c(a:%, b:%):% == concat(a::Rep, b::Rep)
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/4459260466707001674-25px006.spad using
old system compiler.
WORD abbreviates domain Word
initializing NRLIB WORD for Word
compiling into NRLIB WORD
compiling exported coerce : String -> $
WORD;coerce;S$;1 is replaced by a
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : $ -> OutputForm
Time: 0.01 SEC.
compiling exported c : ($,$) -> $
WORD;c;3$;3 is replaced by STRCONC
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |Word| REDEFINED
;;; *** |Word| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] coerce: pretend$ -- should replace by @
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor Word
Time: 0.02 seconds
finalizing NRLIB WORD
Processing Word for Browser database:
--->-->Word((coerce (% (String)))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->Word((coerce ((OutputForm) %))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->Word(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->Word(): Missing Description
Word is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
Word will be automatically loaded when needed from
)sh Word
Word c: Symbol is a domain constructor
Abbreviation for Word is WORD
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/4459260466707001674-25px006.spad to see algebra source
code for WORD
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
c : (%,%) -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm
coerce : String -> % square : % -> %
)sh Word("p"::Symbol)
Word p is a domain constructor.
Abbreviation for Word is WORD
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/4459260466707001674-25px006.spad to see algebra source
code for WORD
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
coerce : % -> OutputForm coerce : String -> %
p : (%,%) -> % square : % -> %
Type: Word p
Type: Word p
The function p is not implemented in Word p .
The function p is not implemented in Word p .
Function: m : (%,%) -> % is missing from domain: Word p
Internal Error
The function m with signature $$$ is missing from domain Wordp
What we really would like to have would be something along the lines of:
)abbrev category MYMON1 MyMonoid1
MyMonoid1(S:SetCategory, m: (S,S)-> S): Category == with
m: (S,S)-> S
square: S -> S
square a == m(a,a)
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/6825787861264248532-25px008.spad using
old system compiler.
MYMON1 abbreviates category MyMonoid1
initializing NRLIB MYMON1 for MyMonoid1
compiling into NRLIB MYMON1
;;; *** |MyMonoid1| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
MYMON1- abbreviates domain MyMonoid1&
initializing NRLIB MYMON1- for MyMonoid1&
compiling into NRLIB MYMON1-
compiling exported square : S -> S
Time: 0 SEC.
(time taken in buildFunctor: 0)
;;; *** |MyMonoid1&| REDEFINED
Time: 0 SEC.
[1] unknown Functor code m
Cumulative Statistics for Constructor MyMonoid1&
Time: 0 seconds
finalizing NRLIB MYMON1-
Processing MyMonoid1& for Browser database:
--->-->MyMonoid1&((m (S S S))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid1&((square (S S))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid1&(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid1&(): Missing Description
MyMonoid1& is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyMonoid1& will be automatically loaded when needed from
finalizing NRLIB MYMON1
Processing MyMonoid1 for Browser database:
--->-->MyMonoid1((m (S S S))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid1((square (S S))): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid1(constructor): Not documented!!!!
--->-->MyMonoid1(): Missing Description
MyMonoid1 is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyMonoid1 will be automatically loaded when needed from
)sh MyMonoid1
MyMonoid1(S: SetCategory,m: ((t#1,t#1) -> t#1)) is a category
Abbreviation for MyMonoid1 is MYMON1
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/6825787861264248532-25px008.spad to see algebra source
code for MYMON1
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
m : (S,S) -> S square : S -> S
)set functions compile on
Type: ((String,String) -> String)
Type: String
)sh MyMonoid1(String,m1)
MyMonoid1(String,LAMBDA-CLOSURE(G1567 G1568 envArg)(SPADCALL G1567 G1568 (ELT
*2;anonymousFunction;0;initial;internal;MV 0))) is a category constructor.
Abbreviation for MyMonoid1 is MYMON1
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/6825787861264248532-25px008.spad to see algebra source
code for MYMON1
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
square : String -> String
(LAMBDA-CLOSURE (G1567 G1568 envArg) (SPADCALL G1567 G1568 (ELT
*2;anonymousFunction;0;initial;internal;MV 0))) : (String,String) -> String
Function declaration m2 : (String,String) -> String has been added
to workspace.
Type: Void
Compiling function m2 with type (String,String) -> String
Type: String
)sh MyMonoid1(String,m2)
>> System error:
The function MAP is undefined.
Word: MyMonoid1(String,(a:String,b:String):String+->concat(a,b)) with
coerce: String -> %
== add
Rep := String
coerce(a: String): % == a
c(a:%, b:%):% == concat(a::Rep, b::Rep)
However, there are two problems here:
- it is not possible to refer to the category to be defined in the parameter, as in
MyMonoid(m: (%,%)-> %)
- it is not possible to refer to an operation which is not yet defined as in
Word: MyMonoid(c) with
Martin wrote:
Unfortunately, this won't work. For example in the above
definition of Monoid, we are effectively creating to different
things with the same name, but different types. We have an
m of type Symbol, and another one of type (%,%)->%.
I agree that there is a scope issue here. Perhaps it comes from
the idea of allowing default implementation as part of the category
definition. But I think the proper semantics are quite easy to define.
The exports need to have priority over the parameters. The m
type Symbol is not exported by MyMonoid
but the m of type
(%,%)-> % is exported. The m in the implementation m(a,a)
refer to m
that is being exported.
So I think this is a compiler error.
Based on an idea posted to this page by Martin Rubey, I have
constructed what I think is a good facsimile of a generic
monoid. I think think that this construction is only possible
in Aldor.
The idea is basically to specify a monoid as a tuple in the
usual manner, consisting of a set S
, an associative binary
operator m
and unit u
. In this example MyMonoid? exports two
operations and a constant: *
for the binary operation in the
monoid (whatever it happens to be), ^
for repeated *
repeated n times, and 1
denoting the ring identity.
This is rather different that the notion that we started with
in this thread - in fact more or less the opposite: from any
more complex domain we can extract the monoid part. Of course
this is fundamentally very simple, just as it should be. :)
#include "axiom"
define associative(S:SetCategory, m:(S,S)->S):Category == with {
default ForAll(a:S,b:S,c:S):Boolean == m(a,m(b,c)) = m(m(a,b),c);
define identity(S:SetCategory, m:(S,S)->S, u:S): Category == with {
default ForAll(a:S):Boolean == m(a,u) = a and m(u,a) = a;
MyMonoid(S:SetCategory, m:(S,S)->S, u:S): with {
*:(%,%) -> %;
1: %;
^:(%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %; ++ a^0 = 1, a*a^n = a^(n+1)
coerce: S -> %;
coerce: % -> OutputForm;
} == add {
Rep == S;
coerce(a: S): % == per(a);
coerce(x:%):OutputForm == coerce(rep(x))$S;
-- product
(a:%) * (b:%):% == per(m(rep(a),rep(b)));
-- Repeated squaring
(x:%)^(n:NonNegativeInteger):% == {
import from Integer,NonNegativeInteger;
(n = 0) => return 1;
odd?(n::Integer) => return x*(x*x)^shift(n,-1);
return (x*x)^shift(n,-1);
-- unit
1 == per(u);
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/ using AXIOM-XL compiler and
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
Use the system command )set compiler args to change these
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
Compiling Lisp source code from file ./mymonoid.lsp
Issuing )library command for mymonoid
Reading /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/mymonoid.asy
identity is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
identity will be automatically loaded when needed from
associative is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
associative will be automatically loaded when needed from
MyMonoid is already explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyMonoid will be automatically loaded when needed from
This is how the MyMonoid
domain looks to the Axiom interpreter.
)sh MyMonoid
MyMonoid(S: SetCategory,m: ((S,S) -> S),u: S) is a domain constructor
Abbreviation for MyMonoid is MYMON
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit to see algebra source code for MYMON
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?*? : (%,%) -> % 1 : () -> %
ForAll : (S,S,S) -> Boolean ForAll : S -> Boolean
coerce : S -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm
?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
)sh MyMonoid(String,concat,"")
MyMonoid(String,theMap(ISTRING;concat;3$;7,928),) is a domain constructor.
Abbreviation for MyMonoid is MYMON
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit to see algebra source code for MYMON
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?*? : (%,%) -> % 1 : () -> %
ForAll : String -> Boolean coerce : % -> OutputForm
coerce : String -> %
ForAll : (String,String,String) -> Boolean
?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
)sh MyMonoid(List INT,concat,[])
MyMonoid(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[]) is a domain constructor.
Abbreviation for MyMonoid is MYMON
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit to see algebra source code for MYMON
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?*? : (%,%) -> % 1 : () -> %
ForAll : List Integer -> Boolean coerce : % -> OutputForm
coerce : List Integer -> %
ForAll : (List Integer,List Integer,List Integer) -> Boolean
?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
Here is Martin Rubey's String monoid example:
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
And of course we can construct a large number
of other examples.
i1:=[1,2]::MyMonoid(List INT, concat,[])
Type: MyMonoid
?(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[])
i2:=[3]::MyMonoid(List INT, concat,[])
Type: MyMonoid
?(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[])
Type: MyMonoid
?(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[])
Type: MyMonoid
?(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[])
Type: MyMonoid
?(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[])
i1*1$MyMonoid(List INT, concat,[])
Type: MyMonoid
?(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[])
1$MyMonoid(List INT, concat,[])*i1
Type: MyMonoid
?(List Integer,theMap(STAGG-;concat;3A;7,436),[])
i1:=10::MyMonoid(INT, +, 0)
Type: MyMonoid
i2:=20::MyMonoid(INT, +, 0)
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
i1*1$MyMonoid(INT, +, 0)
Type: MyMonoid
1$MyMonoid(INT, +, 0)*i1
Type: MyMonoid
i1:=10.1::MyMonoid(Float, *, 1)
Type: MyMonoid
i2:=20.2::MyMonoid(Float, *, 1)
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
Type: MyMonoid
i1*1$MyMonoid(Float, *, 1)
Type: MyMonoid
1$MyMonoid(Float, *, 1)*i1
Type: MyMonoid
Now try to define a group.
#include "axiom"
#library MyMonoid "";
import from MyMonoid;
define inverse(S:SetCategory, m:(S,S)->S, inv:S->S, u:S): Category == with {
default ForAll(a:S):Boolean == m(inv(a),a)=u and m(a,inv(a))=u;
MyGroup(S:SetCategory, m:(S,S)->S, inv:S->S, u:S): with {
~:% -> %;
*:(%,%) -> %;
1: %;
^:(%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %; ++ a^0 = 1, a*a^n = a^(n+1)
coerce: S -> %;
coerce: % -> OutputForm;
} == MyMonoid(S,m,u) add {
Rep == S;
coerce(a: S): % == per(a);
coerce(x:%):OutputForm == coerce(rep(x))$S;
-- inverse
~(a:%):% == per(inv(rep(a)));
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/ using AXIOM-XL compiler and
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
Use the system command )set compiler args to change these
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
Compiling Lisp source code from file ./mygroup.lsp
Issuing )library command for mygroup
Reading /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/mygroup.asy
inverse is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
inverse will be automatically loaded when needed from
MyGroup is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyGroup will be automatically loaded when needed from
This is how the MyGroup
domain looks to the Axiom interpreter.
)sh MyGroup
MyGroup(S: SetCategory,m: ((S,S) -> S),inv: (S -> S),u: S) is a domain
Abbreviation for MyGroup is MYGROUP
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit to see algebra source code for MYGROUP
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?*? : (%,%) -> % 1 : () -> %
ForAll : (S,S,S) -> Boolean ForAll : S -> Boolean
coerce : S -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm
~? : % -> %
?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
)sh MyGroup(INT,+,-,0)
MyGroup(Integer,theMap(INT;+;3$;37,904),theMap(INT;-;2$;36,904),0) is a domain
Abbreviation for MyGroup is MYGROUP
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit to see algebra source code for MYGROUP
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?*? : (%,%) -> % 1 : () -> %
ForAll : Integer -> Boolean coerce : % -> OutputForm
coerce : Integer -> % ~? : % -> %
ForAll : (Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Boolean
?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
For example:
Type: MyGroup
![LatexWiki Image](images/4334490642977929713-18.0px.png)
Type: MyGroup
![LatexWiki Image](images/4334490642977929713-18.0px.png)
Type: MyGroup
![LatexWiki Image](images/4334490642977929713-18.0px.png)
I am not impressed. However, this kind of finessed the whole issue of notation and neglected the dual inheritance situation, and I expect one will get into trouble when one wants to go on to
. Any domain in
should work without unnecessary package calls in the Interpreter. All this mechanism did was passing a function
to constructors, here to be used as the monoid categorically defined multiplication. This technique has been used before, in Axiom, in
. The notation in an Interpreter session is still
, the operator declared in
. So even though we have
and we can compute using
to really get the sum of
, this is not using
notation. Notice also that
should have been implemented as a category constructor. In
)sh MyGroup
, the group operation is
, the unit is
and the inverse is
(which is incompatible with
and wrong, since a group should not be commutative in general). But these last two comments are minor quibbles and easily corrected.
I indicated before that I believe one needs to make some deeper changes to implement inheritance that would support notational changes in a way such that multiple inheritance of MyMonoid
to the same domain constructor can distinguish the operators. Any proposed solution under the currently available systems, if possible at all, should include MyRing
(as a category, not domain) and MyInteger
as a domain in MyRing
I am more interested in the associative
category and the ForAll
in Aldor. How exactly does that differ from Axiom? ForAll
seems to be only a case by case verification, given actual elements of the domain.
William, it seems to me that you are easily
not impressed ;)
But thanks for your comments.
I agree that the second half of this page implements a different
structure than the first half - I said as much above. It is in a
formal sense the exact opposite thing. But opposites can be useful.
I am working out the details here because I am hoping that in the
end we can see the issue of inheritance more precisely as the dual
to this construction.
The point here is that MyGroup(INT,+,-,0)
declares that this
combination of domain, operations and constant constitutes a group.
It does not attempt to construct this group in INT
but rather
it extracts this part of INT as a subdomain having the structure
of a group:
MyGroup(INT,+,-,0) >-----> INT
with *, ~, 1 with +, -, 0, *, /, 1, ...
In categorical terms both MyMonoid
and MyGroup
are monomorhic
functors, i.e. subdomain constructors.
(Note that I changed the notation for inverse in MyGroup
to ~
so that perhaps it is less confusing.)
is not implemented as a category constructor because
as I said, the intent here is not to construct MyInteger
inheritance. In this case the implementation of Integer
given and we are simply identifying parts of it.
Inheritance does require something similiar:
MyInteger: Join(Group(%,+,-,0), Monoid(%, *, 1), ...
with *, ~, 1 with *, 1
In this case the categories Group
, Monoid
, etc. are given and
we wish to provide new names for their operations in MyInteger
as suggested by Ralf. Unfortunately as Martin demonstrated on
the first part of this page, the SPAD compiler does not compile
it correctly. Maybe we can still find a way to do this with Aldor.
I haven't given up yet, I am just working on a different aspect
of the problem.
The associative
category as I implemented it above in Aldor
can also be written this way in SPAD. But as far as I know Aldor
does not implement Axiom's axioms (assertions) so in Aldor these
must be coded as categories with a possibly empty with { }
is not an Aldor primitive construct, it is just a simple
export that is intended to express the axioms in a manner that
could be used in some kind of theorem proving subsystem (which
does not exist yet :). You are right however that this could very
easily be used to implement an automatic verification system.
Such as system could least provide useful counter examples when
the axioms fail.
I am still thinking about how best to encode these sort of axioms,
so the ForAll
construct above is likely to change a little.
Stay tuned to this channel ...
Define an Abelian (commutative) group:
#include "axiom"
#library MyMonoid "";
import from MyMonoid;
#library MyGroup "";
import from MyGroup;
define commutative(S:SetCategory, m:(S,S)->S): Category == with {
default ForAll(a:S,b:S):Boolean == m(a,b) = m(b,a);
MyAbelianMonoid(S:SetCategory, s:(S,S)->S, z:S): with {
+:(%,%) -> %;
0: %;
^:(%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %; ++ a^0 = 1, a*a^n = a^(n+1)
coerce: S -> %;
coerce: % -> OutputForm;
} == add {
Rep == S;
coerce(a: S): % == per(a);
coerce(x:%):OutputForm == coerce(rep(x))$S;
-- product
(a:%) + (b:%):% == per(s(rep(a),rep(b)));
-- Repeated squaring
(x:%)^(n:NonNegativeInteger):% == {
import from Integer,NonNegativeInteger;
(n = 0) => return 0;
odd?(n::Integer) => return x+(x+x)^shift(n,-1);
return (x+x)^shift(n,-1);
-- unit
0 == per(z);
MyAbelianGroup(S:SetCategory, s:(S,S)->S, inv:S->S, z:S): with {
-:% -> %;
+:(%,%) -> %;
0: %;
^:(%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %; ++ a^0 = 1, a*a^n = a^(n+1)
coerce: S -> %;
coerce: % -> OutputForm;
} == MyAbelianMonoid(S,s,z) add {
Rep == S;
coerce(a: S): % == per(a);
coerce(x:%):OutputForm == coerce(rep(x))$S;
-- inverse
-(a:%):% == per(inv(rep(a)));
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/ using AXIOM-XL
compiler and options
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
Use the system command )set compiler args to change these
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
Compiling Lisp source code from file ./myabeliangroup.lsp
Issuing )library command for myabeliangroup
Reading /var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/myabeliangroup.asy
commutative is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
commutative will be automatically loaded when needed from
MyAbelianGroup is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyAbelianGroup will be automatically loaded when needed from
MyAbelianMonoid is now explicitly exposed in frame initial
MyAbelianMonoid will be automatically loaded when needed from
MyAbelianMonoid? is a MyMonoid?. MyAbelianGroup? is a MyGroup? and a MyMonoid?.
)sh MyAbelianMonoid
MyAbelianMonoid(S: SetCategory,s: ((S,S) -> S),z: S) is a domain constructor
Abbreviation for MyAbelianMonoid is MYABELI
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit to see algebra source code for MYABELI
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?+? : (%,%) -> % 0 : () -> %
ForAll : (S,S) -> Boolean ForAll : (S,S,S) -> Boolean
ForAll : S -> Boolean coerce : S -> %
coerce : % -> OutputForm
?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
)sh MyMonoid(MyAbelianMonoid(INT,+,0),+,0)
MyMonoid(MyAbelianMonoid(Integer,+,0),+,0) is not a valid type.
)sh MyAbelianGroup
MyAbelianGroup(S: SetCategory,s: ((S,S) -> S),inv: (S -> S),z: S) is a
domain constructor
Abbreviation for MyAbelianGroup is MYABELI
This constructor is exposed in this frame.
Issue )edit to see algebra source code for MYABELI
------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?+? : (%,%) -> % -? : % -> %
0 : () -> % ForAll : (S,S) -> Boolean
ForAll : (S,S,S) -> Boolean ForAll : S -> Boolean
coerce : S -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm
?^? : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
)sh MyGroup(MyAbelianGroup(INT,+,-,0),+,-,0)
MyGroup(MyAbelianGroup(Integer,+,-,0),+,-,0) is not a valid type.
)sh MyMonoid(MyAbelianGroup(INT,+,-,0),+,0)
MyMonoid(MyAbelianGroup(Integer,+,-,0),+,0) is not a valid type.
Define a ring:
#include "axiom"
#library MyMonoid "";
import from MyMonoid;
#library MyGroup "";
import from MyGroup;
#library MyAbelianGroup "";
import from MyAbelianGroup;
define distributes(S:SetCategory, m:(S,S)->S, s:(S,S)->S): Category == with {
default ForAll(a:S,b:S,c:S):Boolean ==
m(a,s(b,c)) = s(m(a,b),m(a,c)) and
m(s(a,b),c) = s(m(a,c),m(b,c));
MyRing(S:SetCategory, s:(S,S)->S, inv:S->S, z:S, m:(S,S)->S, u:S): with {
*:(%,%) -> %;
1: %;
+:(%,%) -> %;
0: %;
^:(%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %; ++ a^0 = 1, a*a^n = a^(n+1)
coerce: S -> %;
coerce: % -> OutputForm;
} == {
} add { }
Compiling FriCAS source code from file
/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/ using
AXIOM-XL compiler and options
-O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -laxiom -Mno-AXL_W_WillObsolete -DAxiom -Y $AXIOM/algebra
Use the system command )set compiler args to change these
#1 (Warning) Deprecated message prefix: use `ALDOR_' instead of `_AXL'
"/var/zope2/var/LatexWiki/", line 32:
[L32 C6] #2 (Error) No one possible return type satisfies the context type.
These possible return types were rejected:
-- Join(associative(S, m), identity(S, m, u)) with
The context requires an expression of type
Join(distributes(S, m, s), associative(S, s),....
The )library system command was not called after compilation.
It looks like this.
)sh MyRing
The )show system command is used to display information about types
or partial types. For example, )show Integer will show
information about Integer .
MyRing is not the name of a known type constructor. If you want
to see information about any operations named MyRing , issue
)display operations MyRing
Integer is a MyRing?.
Category, domain or package constructor MyRing is not available.
There are 3 exposed and 0 unexposed library operations named ~
having 1 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable.
Use HyperDoc Browse, or issue
)display op ~
to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps
package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments
will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named ~
with argument type(s)
Variable x3
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,
or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
Type: Polynomial Integer
Type: Polynomial Integer
Martin Rubey discovered a way to use the Aldor extend
to add Monoid(Integer,*,1)
as a category to an existing domain,
thus in principle also allowing this to be distinguished from
in a if ... has ...
statement. But there
may be problems. See: [SandBox Monoid Extend]?.