last edited 17 years ago |
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Time: 2007/11/18 18:02:04 GMT-8 |
Note: Re: just change the signature of BY |
changed: - Split from #358 From anonymous Wed Jun 6 15:45:26 -0500 2007 From: anonymous Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 15:45:26 -0500 Subject: SEG Float is a valid constructor Message-ID: <20070606154526-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org> In-Reply-To: <20070603121347-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org> I think Axiom is "stupid" to even think ... Why isn't $[$h(i) for i in -1.0..0.0 by 0.5$]$ sensible (especially in Axiom)? Why is the signature of BY given (for any S in SEG S) by '(%, Integer)->%' and not '(%, S)->%' (when S is Float)? \begin{axiom} fs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2 expand fs gs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2.0 \end{axiom} From billpage Wed Jun 6 16:33:52 -0500 2007 From: billpage Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 16:33:52 -0500 Subject: Re: Axiom is "stupid" Message-ID: <20070606163352-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org> ... Anonymous asked:: Why is the signature of BY ... (%, Integer)->% and not (%, S)->% I think that's a good question! The definition of BY is:: BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment in which only every n-th ++ element is used. and the representation for Segment is:: Segment(S:Type): SegmentCategory(S) with ... Rep := Record(low: S, high: S, incr: Integer) ( See "seg.spad.pamphlet":http://wiki.axiom-developer.org/axiom--test--1/src/algebra/SegSpad ) So this is how it works by design, but I think it would be quite easy to define a new type of segment that has the properties that you expect. From wyscc Thu Jun 7 05:03:55 -0400 2007 From: wyscc Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2007 05:03:55 -0400 Subject: Functions and Segments Message-ID: <20070606163352-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org> Let's examine Segment S:: So this is how it works by design, but I think it would be quite easy to define a new type of segment that has the properties that you expect. The function 'BY' is specified in 'SEGCAT' as:: [1] (D,Integer) -> D from D if D has SEGCAT D2 and D2 has TYPE and SEGCAT D2 exports BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment in which only every \spad{n}-th ++ element is used. and 'SEGCAT' exports:: ------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- BY : (%,Integer) -> % ?..? : (S,S) -> % convert : S -> % hi : % -> S high : % -> S incr : % -> Integer lo : % -> S low : % -> S segment : (S,S) -> % In fact, 'BY' does not do anything other than record the 'low', 'high' and 'incr' of the segment and there is no requirement on 'S' (I think to define any segment, 'S' should be at least a lattice (without 'BY') and a linearly ordered set (with 'BY')):: Rep := Record(low: S, high: S, incr: Integer) BY(s, r) == [lo s, hi s, r] The current implementation of 'BY' is incorrect (the bug is obvious once exposed, since 'BY' does not do anything other than to update the representation; it should of course *do* some computation!) \begin{axiom} a:=2..10 by 2 expand a b:= a by 4 expand b c:=(2..10 by 2) by 3 expand c \end{axiom} The answer for 'b' and 'c' are both wrong. Note that the signature of 'BY' allows iterated use, and one should have the mathematical equality:: (a..b by c) by d = a..b by c*d (multiplication in Integer) So 'b' should be '2..10 by 8' and 'c' should be '2..10 by 6'. This can be fixed as:: BY(s,r)==(lo s, hi s, r*incr(s)) Ah, but there is more! Since 'BY' does not actually enumerate, expansion into a list is done externally from 'SEGCAT', is specified by 'SEGXCAT', but unfortunately, is *inconsistent* with 'BY' :: SegmentExpansionCategory(S: OrderedRing, L: StreamAggregate(S)). expand: % -> L ++ expand(l..h by k) creates value of type L with elements ++ \spad{l, l+k, ... lN} where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}. ++ For example, \spad{expand(1..5 by 2) = [1,3,5]}. Using this specification, expand a should be $[2,4,6,8,10]$. However, it is not clear what 'c' should return since '(2..10 by 2)' is not expanded; if it were (note '(expand a) by 3' would have syntax error, but 'expand(a by 3)' would not), expanding 'c' should cause an error since 'low + incr = 2+3=5' is not in the expanded segment $[2,4,6,8,10]$ for 'a'. As it is, it seems one may interpret 'c' as '(2..10 by 5)', where '5' is the sum of the two incr's, and *when* expanded, $[2,7]$. Of course, neither is consistent with the definition of 'BY', which simply *counts* and *does not add*. I am not sure about the design principle behind leaving a segment unexpanded. As we shall see, this seems to cause more confusion when 'BY' is generalized and iterated.:: SegmentExpansionCategory(S: OrderedRing, L: StreamAggregate(S)). To require an 'OrderedRing' for 'expand' is overkill, to imply possibly using multiplication by integer instead of iterated addition by 'incr' is promoting inefficiency, and to require that 'incr' must be an 'Integer' is plainly wrong. There is no requirement that 'S' includes the 'Integer' as a subring (even though one can embed 'Integer' into a domain of characteristic zero; clearly, a strongly typed system like Axiom would not allow adding apples to oranges without coercion). But even if 'Integer' is a subring, the restriction is unjustifiable. Since 'Float' has 'OrderedRing', this unreasonable insistance on 'incr:Integer' *a priori* requires any numerical algorithm (such as Runge-Kutta methods for differential equations or Newton's method for solving an equation) that wants to iterate through an incremental step to manually translate a float segment to an integer segment and back. In my opinion, there should be two versions of 'BY' (and corresponding 'expand'): <ul> <li> one 'expand' (with 'incr:Integer') marches through 'low' to 'high' every 'incr' item in the segment 'low..high' in any linearly ordered set (for example, one should be able to iterate through 'MWF' in 'MTWTFS' using 'M..S by 2'); call this *expansion by counting* <li> the other 'expand' (with 'incr:S', where 'S' is an 'OrderedAbelianMonoid'), marches through 'low' to 'high', incrementing by 'incr' (via addition in 'S') until just before out of bound; call this *expansion by adding* </ul> Note that even when 'S' contains (or is) 'Integer', the two segment constructions and 'expand' may be different depending on where the second argument of 'BY' comes from: 'Integer' or 'S' (for example:: (2..10 by 2::Integer) by 4::Integer %% =[2, 10] (after expansion by counting) is not the same as:: (2..10 by 2::S) by 4::S %% = [2,8] (after expansion by adding) The compiler would require the author to distinguish the two 'BY' 's, but the interpreter may have difficulty if domains are not given. We also need some rules to simplify iterated 'BY' 's and there are four cases and we need a new representation of segments. As a first attempt to deal with the two "pure" cases, we may try:: Record[low:S, high:S, incr:Union(Integer, S)] BY: (%, Union(Integer, S)) -> % BY(s,r) == r case Integer and incr(s) case Integer => [low s, high s, r*incr(s)]$Rep r case S and incr(s) case S => [low s, high s, r+incr(s)]$Rep %%one interpretation But these are "pure" compositions of the same 'BY' 's. Moreover, by combining the two types in one construct, we raise the requirement on 'S' when we may only need expansion by counting in an application. If a segment is constructed by iterated mixed 'BY' 's, that requirement would be okay. But it seems we then have to interpret intermediate segments in the expanded sense (which might not be compatible with the previous composition using two similar "pure" ways). So we have a dilemma. We may finesse the issue if we separately implement two types of segments and do not allow them to mix. That would be the simplest route. On the other hand if we want to allow mixed segment constructions, we may need a recursive data structure to represent segments:: baserep:= Record[low:S, high:S, incr:Union(Integer, S)] Rep:=Record[baserep, incr:Union(Integer, S)] The implementation of 'expand' would be more complicated. From wyscc Sat Jun 9 10:40:20 -0500 2007 From: wyscc Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 10:40:20 -0500 Subject: Possible original intention of 'by' Message-ID: <20070609104020-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org> >From seg.spad:: BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment in which only every \spad{n}-th ++ element is used. This should be changed to:: BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} resets the increment (default being 1) of a segment s to n, ++ keeping the original bounds That would be consistent with the current behavior and implementation. Iterating 'BY' would not cause any ambiguity. However, 'expand' still is inconsistent with 'BY'(which is expanding by counting, not by adding). From wyscc Sat Jun 9 11:40:30 -0500 2007 From: wyscc Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 11:40:30 -0500 Subject: Example Message-ID: <20070609114030-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org> In the example below, the domain 'dom' is linearly ordered by lexicographical order. Thus it should be possible to increment by any element (or equivalently in any rational direction, including the vertical) in the domain. Axiom currently only allows incrementing by 'Integer' which is coerced into the domain via the diagonal. Certainly this is not expansion by counting along the segment. \begin{axiom} dom:=DirectProduct(2,INT) aa:dom:=directProduct([2,1]) bb:dom:=directProduct([10,8]) ss:SEG dom:=aa..bb by 3 expand ss \end{axiom} Note that the lexicographic order is not particular kind to segments, which can have infinitely many elements if allowed to increment by arbitrary elements of the domain. Axiom has 'UNISEG' which allows expansion into 'Stream S' but even there, the increment is limited to an "integer". Billpage wrote:: So this is how it works by design, but I think it would be quite easy to define a new type of segment that has the properties that you expect. I think it is more like a summer project! **Bill Page wrote:** If we insist that segments are only defined over rings, then it is possible to generalize the increment specified in the BY clause as originally expected by Anonymous. \begin{spad} )abbrev category SEGCAT SegmentCategory ++ Author: Stephen M. Watt ++ Date Created: December 1986 ++ Date Last Updated: June 11, 2007 by Bill Page ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: range, segment ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This category provides operations on ranges, or {\em segments} ++ as they are called. SegmentCategory(S:Type): Category == Type with SEGMENT: (S, S) -> % ++ \spad{l..h} creates a segment with l and h as the endpoints. BY: (%, S) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment containing elements separated ++ by \spad{n}. lo: % -> S ++ lo(s) returns the first endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{lo(l..h) = l}. hi: % -> S ++ hi(s) returns the second endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{hi(l..h) = h}. low: % -> S ++ low(s) returns the first endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{low(l..h) = l}. high: % -> S ++ high(s) returns the second endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{high(l..h) = h}. incr: % -> S ++ incr(s) returns \spad{n}, where s is a segment containing ++ elements separated by \spad{n}. ++ Note: \spad{incr(l..h by n) = n}. segment: (S, S) -> % ++ segment(i,j) is an alternate way to create the segment \spad{i..j}. convert: S -> % ++ convert(i) creates the segment \spad{i..i}. )abbrev category SEGXCAT SegmentExpansionCategory ++ Author: Stephen M. Watt ++ Date Created: June 5, 1991 ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: Segment, UniversalSegment ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This category provides an interface for expanding segments to ++ a stream of elements. SegmentExpansionCategory(S: OrderedAbelianMonoid, L: StreamAggregate(S)): Category == SegmentCategory(S) with expand: List % -> L ++ expand(l) creates a new value of type L in which each segment ++ \spad{l..h by k} is replaced with \spad{l, l+k, ... lN}, ++ where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}. ++ For example, \spad{expand [1..4, 7..9] = [1,2,3,4,7,8,9]}. expand: % -> L ++ expand(l..h by k) creates value of type L with elements ++ \spad{l, l+k, ... lN} where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}. ++ For example, \spad{expand(1..5 by 2) = [1,3,5]}. map: (S -> S, %) -> L ++ map(f,l..h by k) produces a value of type L by applying f ++ to each of the succesive elements of the segment, that is, ++ \spad{[f(l), f(l+k), ..., f(lN)]}, where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}. )abbrev domain SEG Segment ++ Author: Stephen M. Watt ++ Date Created: December 1986 ++ Date Last Updated: June 3, 1991 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: range, segment ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This type is used to specify a range of values from type \spad{S}. Segment(S:Ring): SegmentCategory(S) with if S has SetCategory then SetCategory if S has OrderedRing then SegmentExpansionCategory(S, List S) == add Rep := Record(low: S, high: S, incr: S) a..b == [a,b,1$S] lo s == s.low low s == s.low hi s == s.high high s == s.high incr s == s.incr segment(a,b) == [a,b,1$S] BY(s, r) == [lo s, hi s, r] if S has SetCategory then (s1:%) = (s2:%) == s1.low = s2.low and s1.high=s2.high and s1.incr = s2.incr coerce(s:%):OutputForm == seg := SEGMENT(s.low::OutputForm, s.high::OutputForm) s.incr = 1 => seg infix(" by "::OutputForm, seg, s.incr::OutputForm) convert a == [a,a,1$S] if S has OrderedRing then expand(ls: List %):List S == lr := nil()$List(S) for s in ls repeat l := lo s h := hi s inc := (incr s)::S zero? inc => error "Cannot expand a segment with an increment of zero" if inc > 0 then while l <= h repeat lr := concat(l, lr) l := l + inc else while l >= h repeat lr := concat(l, lr) l := l + inc reverse_! lr expand(s : %) == expand([s]$List(%))$% map(f : S->S, s : %): List S == lr := nil()$List(S) l := lo s h := hi s inc := (incr s)::S if inc > 0 then while l <= h repeat lr := concat(f l, lr) l := l + inc else while l >= h repeat lr := concat(f l, lr) l := l + inc reverse_! lr \end{spad} \begin{axiom} fs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2 expand fs gs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2.0 expand gs \end{axiom} But the Axiom interpreter is still not able to parse this: \begin{axiom} [i for i in -1.0..0.0 by 0.5] \end{axiom} William Sit wrote: If all we want is for 'BY' to be defined as constructing a segment to be used with expansion by adding, all we need is to just change the signature of 'BY' *without* requiring even 'Ring' or 'AbelianMonoid'. Remember 'BY' does not *do* anything other than recording info. Since 'OrderedAbelianMonoid' is both necessary and sufficient for 'expand' to work on segments defined by the new 'BY', that is, expansion by adding (ordering is needed for termination by comparing with the upper bound), the place to change is SEGXCAT (see edited version above; where I changed *in situ* from 'Ring' back to 'Type' but in SEGXCAT, I changed from 'OrderedRing' to 'OrderedAbelianMonoid', and modified the fourth line of your demo to 'expand gs' from 'expand fs'). The problem with 'for' is that it expects a list after 'in', except that the interpreter will default to an integer segment if the object of 'in' is not a list. A segment is not a list, just a specification for a list. So, not finding a list, the interpreter begins to compute the lower bound, expecting the result to be an integer. \begin{axiom} [i for i in expand(1.0..10.0 by 2.5)] )set mess bot on [i for i in 1..10 by 3] [i for i in 2.8] [i for i in 1.0..10.0 by 3] expand(1.0..10.0 by 3) )set mess bot off \end{axiom} The function 'float: (INT, INT, PI)->Float' from Float is nothing but evaluating a floating point representation where the first argument is the mantissa, the second the exponent, and the third, the base. Note that there is no need to find signatures for the first 'for' above; it finds one 'float' in the second and third, but two 'float' functions for the last. From billpage Mon Jun 11 19:56:40 -0500 2007 From: billpage Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 19:56:40 -0500 Subject: Re: just change the signature of BY Message-ID: <20070611195640-0500@wiki.axiom-developer.org> William Sit wrote:: If all we want is for BY to be defined as constructing a segment to be used with expansion by adding, all we need is to just change the signature of BY without requiring even Ring or AbelianMonoid. No, the critical thing here is to allow 'incr' to be of type S, the same type as the end points:: Segment(S:Ring): SegmentCategory(S) with if S has SetCategory then SetCategory if S has OrderedRing then SegmentExpansionCategory(S, List S) == add Rep := Record(low: S, high: S, incr: S) But this requires that S be a Ring since we need:: a..b == [a,b,1$S] William Sit continued:: Remember BY does not do anything other than recording info. Since OrderedAbelianMonoid is both necessary and sufficient for expand to work on segments defined by the new BY, that is, expansion by adding (ordering is needed for termination by comparing with the upper bound), the place to change is SEGXCAT (see edited version above; where I changed in situ from Ring back to Type but in SEGXCAT, I changed from OrderedRing to OrderedAbelianMonoid, I have no objection to these changes however notice in Segment where the category is introduced:: if S has OrderedRing then SegmentExpansionCategory(S, List S) Thus at least in this use of SEGXCAT the differences is moot and there is no increase in generality of the domain Segment. William Sit continued:: and modified the fourth line of your demo to expand gs from expand fs). Right, sorry that was just a typo.
Split from #358
Why isn't h(i) for i in -1.0..0.0 by 0.5 sensible (especially in Axiom)? Why is the signature of BY given (for any S in SEG S) by (%, Integer)->%
and not (%, S)->%
(when S is Float)?
(1) -> fs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2
(1) |
expand fs
(2) |
gs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2.0...
There are 1 exposed and 0 unexposed library operations named BY having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable. Use HyperDoc Browse,or issue )display op BY to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named BY with argument type(s) Segment(Float) Float
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
Anonymous asked:
Why is the signature of BY ... (%, Integer)->% and not (%, S)->%
I think that's a good question!
The definition of BY is:
BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment in which only every n-th ++ element is used.
and the representation for Segment is:
Segment(S:Type): SegmentCategory(S) with ... Rep := Record(low: S, high: S, incr: Integer)
( See seg.spad.pamphlet )
So this is how it works by design, but I think it would be quite easy to define a new type of segment that has the properties that you expect.
Let's examine Segment S:So this is how it works by design, but I think it would be quite easy to define a new type of segment that has the properties that you expect.
The function BY
is specified in SEGCAT
[1] (D,Integer) -> D from D if D has SEGCAT D2 and D2 has TYPE and SEGCAT D2 exports BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment in which only every \spad{n}-th ++ element is used.
------------------------------- Operations -------------------------------- BY : (%,Integer) -> % ?..? : (S,S) -> % convert : S -> % hi : % -> S high : % -> S incr : % -> Integer lo : % -> S low : % -> S segment : (S,S) -> %
In fact, BY
does not do anything other than record the low
, high
and incr
the segment and there is no requirement on S
(I think to define any segment,
should be at least a lattice (without BY
) and a linearly ordered set (with
Rep := Record(low: S, high: S, incr: Integer) BY(s, r) == [lo s, hi s, r]
The current implementation of BY
is incorrect (the bug is obvious once
exposed, since BY
does not do anything other than to update the
representation; it should of course do some computation!)
a:=2..10 by 2
(3) |
expand a
(4) |
b:= a by 4
(5) |
expand b
(6) |
c:=(2..10 by 2) by 3
(7) |
expand c
(8) |
The answer for b
and c
are both wrong. Note that the signature of BY
iterated use, and one should have the mathematical equality:
(a..b by c) by d = a..b by c*d (multiplication in Integer)
So b
should be 2..10 by 8
and c
should be 2..10 by 6
This can be fixed as:
BY(s,r)==(lo s, hi s, r*incr(s))
Ah, but there is more!
Since BY
does not actually enumerate, expansion into a list is done
externally from SEGCAT
, is specified by SEGXCAT
, but unfortunately, is
inconsistent with BY
SegmentExpansionCategory(S: OrderedRing, L: StreamAggregate(S)). expand: % -> L ++ expand(l..h by k) creates value of type L with elements ++ \spad{l, l+k, ... lN} where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}. ++ For example, \spad{expand(1..5 by 2) = [1,3,5]}.
Using this specification, expand a should be . However, it is
not clear what c
should return since (2..10 by 2)
is not expanded; if it
were (note (expand a) by 3
would have syntax error, but expand(a by 3)
not), expanding c
should cause an error since low + incr = 2+3=5
is not in
the expanded segment for a
. As it is, it seems one may
interpret c
as (2..10 by 5)
, where 5
is the sum of the two incr's, and when
expanded, . Of course, neither is consistent with the definition of
, which simply counts and does not add. I am not sure about the design
principle behind leaving a segment unexpanded. As we shall see, this seems
to cause more confusion when BY
is generalized and iterated.:
SegmentExpansionCategory(S: OrderedRing, L: StreamAggregate(S)).
To require an OrderedRing
for expand
is overkill, to imply possibly using
multiplication by integer instead of iterated addition by incr
is promoting
inefficiency, and to require that incr
must be an Integer
is plainly wrong.
There is no requirement that S
includes the Integer
as a subring (even
though one can embed Integer
into a domain of characteristic zero; clearly,
a strongly typed system like Axiom would not allow adding apples to oranges
without coercion). But even if Integer
is a subring, the restriction is
unjustifiable. Since Float
has OrderedRing
, this unreasonable insistance on
a priori requires any numerical algorithm (such as Runge-Kutta
methods for differential equations or Newton's method for solving an
equation) that wants to iterate through an incremental step to manually
translate a float segment to an integer segment and back.
In my opinion, there should be two versions of BY
(and corresponding
(with incr:Integer
) marches through low
to high
every incr
item in the segment low..high
in any linearly ordered set (for example, one
should be able to iterate through MWF
using M..S by 2
); call this
expansion by counting
(with incr:S
, where S
is an OrderedAbelianMonoid
marches through low
to high
, incrementing by incr
(via addition in S
) until
just before out of bound; call this expansion by adding
Note that even when S
contains (or is) Integer
, the two segment
constructions and expand
may be different depending on where the second
argument of BY
comes from: Integer
or S
(for example:
(2..10 by 2::Integer) by 4::Integer %% =[2, 10] (after expansion by counting)
is not the same as:
(2..10 by 2::S) by 4::S %% = [2,8] (after expansion by adding)
The compiler would require the author to distinguish the two BY
's, but the
interpreter may have difficulty if domains are not given. We also need some
rules to simplify iterated BY
's and there are four cases and we need a new
representation of segments. As a first attempt to deal with the two "pure"
cases, we may try:
Record[low:S, high:S, incr:Union(Integer, S)] BY: (%, Union(Integer, S)) -> % BY(s,r) == r case Integer and incr(s) case Integer => [low s, high s, r*incr(s)]$Rep r case S and incr(s) case S => [low s, high s, r+incr(s)]$Rep %%one interpretation
But these are "pure" compositions of the same BY
's. Moreover, by combining
the two types in one construct, we raise the requirement on S
when we may
only need expansion by counting in an application. If a segment is
constructed by iterated mixed BY
's, that requirement would be okay. But it
seems we then have to interpret intermediate segments in the expanded sense
(which might not be compatible with the previous composition using two
similar "pure" ways). So we have a dilemma. We may finesse the issue if we
separately implement two types of segments and do not allow them to mix.
That would be the simplest route.
On the other hand if we want to allow mixed segment constructions, we may need a recursive data structure to represent segments:
baserep:= Record[low:S, high:S, incr:Union(Integer, S)] Rep:=Record[baserep, incr:Union(Integer, S)]
The implementation of expand
would be more complicated.
From seg.spad::
BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment in which only every \spad{n}-th ++ element is used.
This should be changed to:
BY: (%, Integer) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} resets the increment (default being 1) of a segment s to n, ++ keeping the original bounds
That would be consistent with the current behavior and implementation. Iterating BY
would not cause any ambiguity. However, expand
still is inconsistent with BY
(which is expanding by counting, not by adding).
is linearly ordered by lexicographical order. Thus it should be possible to increment by any element (or equivalently in any rational direction, including the vertical) in the domain. Axiom currently only allows incrementing by Integer
which is coerced into the domain via the diagonal. Certainly this is not expansion by counting along the segment.
(9) |
(10) |
(11) |
ss:SEG dom:=aa..bb by 3
(12) |
expand ss
There are 4 exposed and 2 unexposed library operations named expand having 1 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable. Use HyperDoc Browse,or issue )display op expand to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named expand with argument type(s) Segment(DirectProduct(2,Integer))
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
Note that the lexicographic order is not particular kind to segments, which can have infinitely many elements if allowed to increment by arbitrary elements of the domain. Axiom has UNISEG
which allows expansion into Stream S
but even there, the increment is limited to an "integer".
Billpage wrote:
So this is how it works by design, but I think it would be quite easy to define a new type of segment that has the properties that you expect.
I think it is more like a summer project!
Bill Page wrote:
If we insist that segments are only defined over rings, then it is possible to generalize the increment specified in the BY clause as originally expected by Anonymous.
)abbrev category SEGCAT SegmentCategory ++ Author: Stephen M. Watt ++ Date Created: December 1986 ++ Date Last Updated: June 11,2007 by Bill Page ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: range, segment ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This category provides operations on ranges, or {\em segments} ++ as they are called.
SegmentCategory(S:Type): Category == Type with SEGMENT: (S,S) -> % ++ \spad{l..h} creates a segment with l and h as the endpoints. BY: (%, S) -> % ++ \spad{s by n} creates a new segment containing elements separated ++ by \spad{n}. lo: % -> S ++ lo(s) returns the first endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{lo(l..h) = l}. hi: % -> S ++ hi(s) returns the second endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{hi(l..h) = h}. low: % -> S ++ low(s) returns the first endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{low(l..h) = l}. high: % -> S ++ high(s) returns the second endpoint of s. ++ Note: \spad{high(l..h) = h}. incr: % -> S ++ incr(s) returns \spad{n}, where s is a segment containing ++ elements separated by \spad{n}. ++ Note: \spad{incr(l..h by n) = n}. segment: (S, S) -> % ++ segment(i, j) is an alternate way to create the segment \spad{i..j}. convert: S -> % ++ convert(i) creates the segment \spad{i..i}.
)abbrev category SEGXCAT SegmentExpansionCategory ++ Author: Stephen M. Watt ++ Date Created: June 5,1991 ++ Date Last Updated: ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: Segment, UniversalSegment ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This category provides an interface for expanding segments to ++ a stream of elements. SegmentExpansionCategory(S: OrderedAbelianMonoid, L: StreamAggregate(S)): Category == SegmentCategory(S) with expand: List % -> L ++ expand(l) creates a new value of type L in which each segment ++ \spad{l..h by k} is replaced with \spad{l, l+k, ... lN}, ++ where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}. ++ For example, \spad{expand [1..4, 7..9] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]}. expand: % -> L ++ expand(l..h by k) creates value of type L with elements ++ \spad{l, l+k, ... lN} where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}. ++ For example, \spad{expand(1..5 by 2) = [1, 3, 5]}. map: (S -> S, %) -> L ++ map(f, l..h by k) produces a value of type L by applying f ++ to each of the succesive elements of the segment, that is, ++ \spad{[f(l), f(l+k), ..., f(lN)]}, where \spad{lN <= h < lN+k}.
)abbrev domain SEG Segment ++ Author: Stephen M. Watt ++ Date Created: December 1986 ++ Date Last Updated: June 3,1991 ++ Basic Operations: ++ Related Domains: ++ Also See: ++ AMS Classifications: ++ Keywords: range, segment ++ Examples: ++ References: ++ Description: ++ This type is used to specify a range of values from type \spad{S}.
Segment(S:Ring): SegmentCategory(S) with if S has SetCategory then SetCategory if S has OrderedRing then SegmentExpansionCategory(S,List S) == add
Rep := Record(low: S,high: S, incr: S)
a..b == [a,b, 1$S] lo s == s.low low s == s.low hi s == s.high high s == s.high incr s == s.incr segment(a, b) == [a, b, 1$S] BY(s, r) == [lo s, hi s, r]
if S has SetCategory then (s1:%) = (s2:%) == s1.low = s2.low and s1.high=s2.high and s1.incr = s2.incr
coerce(s:%):OutputForm == seg := SEGMENT(s.low::OutputForm,s.high::OutputForm) s.incr = 1 => seg infix(" by "::OutputForm, seg, s.incr::OutputForm)
convert a == [a,a, 1$S]
if S has OrderedRing then expand(ls: List %):List S == lr := nil()$List(S) for s in ls repeat l := lo s h := hi s inc := (incr s)::S zero? inc => error "Cannot expand a segment with an increment of zero" if inc > 0 then while l <= h repeat lr := concat(l,lr) l := l + inc else while l >= h repeat lr := concat(l, lr) l := l + inc reverse_! lr
expand(s : %) == expand([s]$List(%))$% map(f : S->S,s : %): List S == lr := nil()$List(S) l := lo s h := hi s inc := (incr s)::S if inc > 0 then while l <= h repeat lr := concat(f l, lr) l := l + inc else while l >= h repeat lr := concat(f l, lr) l := l + inc reverse_! lr
Compiling FriCAS source code from file /var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/5339802333908862612-25px004.spad using old system compiler. SEGCAT abbreviates category SegmentCategory ------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB SEGCAT for SegmentCategory compiling into NRLIB SEGCAT
;;; *** |SegmentCategory| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB SEGCAT Processing SegmentCategory for Browser database: --------constructor--------- --------(SEGMENT (% S S))--------- --------(BY (% % S))--------- --------(lo (S %))--------- --------(hi (S %))--------- --------(low (S %))--------- --------(high (S %))--------- --------(incr (S %))--------- --------(segment (% S S))--------- --------(convert (% S))--------- ; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SEGCAT.NRLIB/SEGCAT.lsp" (written 10 DEC 2024 01:06:47 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SEGCAT.NRLIB/SEGCAT.fasl ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SegmentCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial SegmentCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SEGCAT.NRLIB/SEGCAT
SEGXCAT abbreviates category SegmentExpansionCategory ------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB SEGXCAT for SegmentExpansionCategory compiling into NRLIB SEGXCAT
;;; *** |SegmentExpansionCategory| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
finalizing NRLIB SEGXCAT Processing SegmentExpansionCategory for Browser database: --------constructor--------- --------(expand (L (List %)))--------- --------(expand (L %))--------- --------(map (L (Mapping S S) %))--------- ; compiling file "/var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SEGXCAT.NRLIB/SEGXCAT.lsp" (written 10 DEC 2024 01:06:47 AM):
; wrote /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SEGXCAT.NRLIB/SEGXCAT.fasl ; compilation finished in 0:00:00.004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SegmentExpansionCategory is now explicitly exposed in frame initial SegmentExpansionCategory will be automatically loaded when needed from /var/aw/var/LatexWiki/SEGXCAT.NRLIB/SEGXCAT
SEG abbreviates domain Segment ------------------------------------------------------------------------ initializing NRLIB SEG for Segment compiling into NRLIB SEG compiling exported SEGMENT : (S,S) -> %
;;; *** |SEG;SEGMENT;2S%;1| REDEFINED Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported lo : % -> S SEG;lo;%S;2 is replaced by QVELTs0 Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported low : % -> S SEG;low;%S;3 is replaced by QVELTs0 Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported hi : % -> S SEG;hi;%S;4 is replaced by QVELTs1 Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported high : % -> S SEG;high;%S;5 is replaced by QVELTs1 Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported incr : % -> S SEG;incr;%S;6 is replaced by QVELTs2 Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported segment : (S,S) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported BY : (%,S) -> % Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported = : (%,%) -> Boolean Time: 0 SEC.
compiling exported coerce : % -> OutputForm ****** comp fails at level 5 with expression: ****** error in function coerce
(SEQ (|:=| |seg| (SEGMENT (|::| (|s| |low|) (|OutputForm|)) (|::| (|s| |high|) (|OutputForm|)))) (|:=| (|:| #1=#:G41 (|Boolean|)) (= (|s| |incr|) 1)) (|exit| 1 (IF #1# |seg| (|infix| | << | (|::| " by " (|OutputForm|)) | >> | |seg| (|::| (|s| |incr|) (|OutputForm|)))))) ****** level 5 ****** $x:= (:: by (OutputForm)) $m:= $EmptyMode $f:= ((((#:G41 # #) (|seg| #) (|s| # #) (|/\\| #) ...)))
>> Apparent user error: Cannot coerce by of mode (String) to mode (OutputForm)
fs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2
(13) |
expand fs
(14) |
gs:=-3.5..8.0 by 2.0
There are 1 exposed and 0 unexposed library operations named BY having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable. Use HyperDoc Browse,or issue )display op BY to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named BY with argument type(s) Segment(Float) Float
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
But the Axiom interpreter is still not able to parse this:
[i for i in -1.0..0.0 by 0.5]
The lower bound in a loop must be an integer.
William Sit wrote:
If all we want is for BY
to be defined as constructing a segment to be used with expansion by adding, all we need is to just change the signature of BY
without requiring even Ring
or AbelianMonoid
. Remember BY
does not do anything other than recording info. Since OrderedAbelianMonoid
is both necessary and sufficient for expand
to work on segments defined by the new BY
, that is, expansion by adding (ordering is needed for termination by comparing with the upper bound), the place to change is SEGXCAT (see edited version above; where I changed in situ from Ring
back to Type
but in SEGXCAT, I changed from OrderedRing
to OrderedAbelianMonoid
, and modified the fourth line of your demo to expand gs
from expand fs
The problem with for
is that it expects a list after in
, except that the interpreter will default to an integer segment if the object of in
is not a list. A segment is not a list, just a specification for a list. So, not finding a list, the interpreter begins to compute the lower bound, expecting the result to be an integer.
[i for i in expand(1.0..10.0 by 2.5)]
There are 1 exposed and 0 unexposed library operations named BY having 2 argument(s) but none was determined to be applicable. Use HyperDoc Browse,or issue )display op BY to learn more about the available operations. Perhaps package-calling the operation or using coercions on the arguments will allow you to apply the operation.
Cannot find a definition or applicable library operation named BY with argument type(s) Segment(Float) Float
Perhaps you should use "@" to indicate the required return type,or "$" to specify which version of the function you need.
The function float: (INT, INT, PI)->Float
from Float is nothing but evaluating a floating point representation where the first argument is the mantissa, the second the exponent, and the third, the base.
Note that there is no need to find signatures for the first for
above; it finds one float
in the second and third, but two float
functions for the last.
If all we want is for BY to be defined as constructing a segment to be used with expansion by adding, all we need is to just change the signature of BY without requiring even Ring or AbelianMonoid.
No, the critical thing here is to allow incr
to be of type
S, the same type as the end points:
Segment(S:Ring): SegmentCategory(S) with if S has SetCategory then SetCategory if S has OrderedRing then SegmentExpansionCategory(S, List S) == add Rep := Record(low: S, high: S, incr: S)
But this requires that S be a Ring since we need:
a..b == [a,b,1$S]
William Sit continued:
Remember BY does not do anything other than recording info. Since OrderedAbelianMonoid is both necessary and sufficient for expand to work on segments defined by the new BY, that is, expansion by adding (ordering is needed for termination by comparing with the upper bound), the place to change is SEGXCAT (see edited version above; where I changed in situ from Ring back to Type but in SEGXCAT, I changed from OrderedRing to OrderedAbelianMonoid,
I have no objection to these changes however notice in Segment where the category is introduced:
if S has OrderedRing then SegmentExpansionCategory(S, List S)
Thus at least in this use of SEGXCAT the differences is moot and there is no increase in generality of the domain Segment.
William Sit continued:
and modified the fourth line of your demo to expand gs from expand fs).
Right, sorry that was just a typo.