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The following versions of Axiom have been pre-compiled for specific hardware and software platforms. See also BuildAxiom? for instructions on how to build the binaries yourself.

Manual Installation

To install the above pre-release versions of Axiom follow the instructions below the appropriate system.

Linux (General)

  • Axiom+Aldor (binary, 50.4 Mbytes) {\bf\longleftarrow} Recommended Download

    MD5: 3bca6606061a02bf6b07dfdff662e060

    This tarball contains the binary versions of Axiom (April 2006) and Aldor (1.0.2) as currently installed on the MathAction (Axiom Wiki) system. It should work on most Linux systems. It has been tested on Debian Sarge and RedHat? 9.

    Note: Parts of Aldor are not yet open source although a binary version of Aldor is freely available. Please sign the Free Aldor letter and visit http://www.aldor.org for information concerning the Aldor license.

    Unpack this tarball in a directory of your choice such as '/home':

             1) cd /home
             2) tar -zxf axiom-aldor-20060621.tgz

    Modify environment variables and PATH. You can add these commands to your .bashrc file:

             3) export AXIOM=/home/axiom/mnt/linux
             4) export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
             5) export ALDORROOT=/home/aldor/linux/1.0.2
             6) export PATH=$ALDORROOT/bin:$PATH

    Update the AXIOM variable in the axiom script:

             7) edit $AXIOM/bin/axiom
                #!/bin/sh -

    Start Axiom (or use FRICASsys for command line only):

             8) axiom

    Command to compile Aldor source files:

             9) )compile test.as


  1. You must use the 3.1 (Sarge) version of Debian.
  2. Ensure that the /etc/apt/sources.list file includes an entry for the unstable distribution. E.g.:
    deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free

    Consult the apt-get documentation to configure and upgrade your distribution if necessary.

  3. Use the command:
    apt-get install axiom

    and optionally:

    apt-get install axiom-doc
    apt-get install axiom-test
    apt-get install axiom-source

  4. Run axiom from the command line:


RedHat? 9 (binary)

This is a binary version of Axiom for a Redhat 9 system. Unpack this tarball in a directory such as /home:

         1) cd /home
         2) tar -zxf axiom-Sept2005-Redhat9-bin.tgz
         3) cd axiom

         4) export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/linux
         5) export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
         6) axiom

RedHat? 7.3 (binary)

This is a binary tree for a Redhat 7.3 system. Unpack this tree in a directory such as /home:

         1) cd /home
         2) tar -zxf axiom-Sept2005-Redhat7.3-bin.tgz
         3) cd axiom
         4) export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/linux
         5) export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
         6) axiom

Fedora Core 1 (binary)

This is a binary tree for a Fedora Core 1 system. Unpack this tree in a directory such as /home:

         1) cd /home
         2) tar -zxf axiom-Feb2005-Fedora1-bin.tgz
         3) cd axiom
         4) export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/linux
         5) export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
         6) axiom

Fedora Core 3 (binary)

This is a binary tree for a Fedora Core 3 system. Unpack this tree in a directory such as /home:

         1) cd /home
         2) tar -zxf axiom-Feb2005-Fedora3-bin.tgz
         3) cd axiom
         4) export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/fedora3 
         5) export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
         6) axiom

Fedora Core 4 (binary)

This is a binary tree for a Fedora Core 4 system. Unpack this tree in a directory such as /home:

         0) echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
         1) cd /home
         2) tar -zxf axiom-Sept2005-FC4-bin.tgz
         3) cd axiom
         4) export AXIOM=`pwd`/mnt/linux
         5) export PATH=$AXIOM/bin:$PATH
         6) axiom

Note: See comments from RenaudRioboo? below concerning installation step 0).

RPM Distributions

An experimental binary distribution of Axiom consisting of the following RPM files was prepared from the current Axiom on Debian distribution using the alien program.

These files should work on most linux systems that support rpm (such as RedHat?, Fedora, Suse, Mandrake etc.). Download at least the first two rpm's above and then install via:

    # rpm -ihv axiom-20050901-3.i386.rpm axiom-databases-20050901-3.noarch.rpm

For missing dependencies consult the Axiom on Debian page.

Since this distribution of Axiom is still experimental please report both success or failure in the comment form at the bottom of this page.

We will update this list as new versions are compiled, tested and uploaded. Please let us know if you have a request for a specific platform not mentioned above. You may use the issues system to report problems.

These versions of Axiom do not provide typeset quality mathematical output (such as available here), however they can be used with the OldTeXmacs interface which allows Axiom commands and output to be included in mathematical documents.


  1. Download the installer program (use right-click / SaveAs in your browser.)
  2. Execute this program and specify the location where you would like to install Axiom e.g.:
    C:\Program Files\axiom
  3. The AXIOM variable will be automatically added to the environment. To check it refer to
    Start / Settings / Control Panel / System / Advanced / Environment Variables

    Notice that this variable must use / not \

  4. The PATH is also update by the installed to permit Axiom to run from the command line:
    Start / Settings / Control Panel / System / Advanced / Environment Variables / Edit
    Path ... ;C:\Program Files\axiom\mnt\windows\bin

    The Path must use the \ character.

  5. A short-cut with an AXIOM icon is created on the desktop that points to FRICASsys
  6. Start Axiom by double-clicking the AXIOM icon, from the Start menu

    or from the command window:

    Start/Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt

  7. The Axiom Book and a tutorial on using Axiom with OldTeXmacs is also available from the Start menu
  • Windows version 0.1.4 ( download faster use BitTorrent? ) {\bf\longleftarrow} Recommended Download

    (49 Mb.) This version includes the additional C compiler (gcc) files needed to )compile spad library files. It also corrects some problems relating to installation of Axiom in paths containing spaces. The Axiom algebra files have been optimized using a fixedPoint iteration procedure which ensures consistency of the generated code in the presence of cyclic dependencies (mutual recursion). Optimizations include inline code generation for special cases and greater use of type information.

    All 1,800+ dvi files documenting the algebra and other parts of the system have been converted to PDF format. The use of PDF is the main reason for the increase in size. I would like to know the opinion of people who download this file whether conversion to PDF is a good idea. Is it more convenient? Would you prefer to save space and download time by omitting the files or is dvi format acceptible to most Windows users?

    • Windows version 0.1.3

      (19 Mb.) This version corrects a bug which prevented the OldTeXmacs interface from working when Axiom is installed in a non-default location. It also includes improvements to the OldTeXmacs interface to allow the user or installer to specify several options which controls how OldTeXmacs formats Axiom output. For example it is possible to change the line width (specified in inches)

      )set output texmacs width 5.5

      or to disable the interface line breaking algorithm completely.

      )set output texmacs break off

      This version also permits an unformatted output mode.

      Easy windows installation program (courtesy of Dan Martens!). The original windows version of Axiom was prepared by Mike Thomas.

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