last edited 17 years ago |
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Time: 2007/11/18 17:57:35 GMT-8 |
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changed: - This seems to work if the category is defined in the same source file (i.e. same section in MathAction). The code is based on the Spad version [SandBox Category of Graphs in Spad] \begin{aldor} #pile #include "axiom.as" -- -- First we define the general category of graphs. -- GraphCategory(nodes:Type, edges:Type): Category == with source:edges->nodes target:edges->nodes -- -- Now we define finite graphs as follows: -- edges ==> Record(source:nodes,target:nodes) FiniteGraph(nodes: BasicType):GraphCategory(nodes,edges) with new: % addNode: (%,List nodes) -> List nodes addNode: (%,nodes) -> List nodes addEdge: (%,nodes,nodes) -> edges edgeList: (%) -> List edges nodeList: (%) -> List nodes == add import from NonNegativeInteger Rep == Record(node: List nodes, edge: List edges) new:% == n:List(nodes):=[] e:List(edges):=[] per([n,e]$Rep) addNode(g:%,n:nodes):List nodes == addNode(g,[n]) addNode(g:%,n:List nodes):List nodes == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; if #G.node=0 then G.node:=n else concat!(G.node,n) n addEdge(g:%,source:nodes,target:nodes):edges == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; if #G.edge=0 then G.edge:=[[source,target]$edges] else concat!(G.edge,[[source,target]$edges]) [source,target]$edges edgeList(g:%):List edges == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; G.edge nodeList(g:%):List nodes == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; G.node source(ed:edges):nodes == ed.source target(ed:edges):nodes == ed.target \end{aldor} \begin{axiom} )sh FiniteGraph \end{axiom} Example 1: create a simple finite graph: \begin{axiom} g:FiniteGraph(INT) g:=new() addNode(g,1) addNode(g,2) e:=addEdge(g,1,2) source(e)$FiniteGraph(INT) edgeList(g) nodeList(g) \end{axiom}
This seems to work if the category is defined in the same source file (i.e. same section in MathAction). The code is based on the Spad version SandBox Category of Graphs in Spad
(1) -> <aldor> #pile #include "axiom.as" -- -- First we define the general category of graphs. -- GraphCategory(nodes:Type,edges:Type): Category == with source:edges->nodes target:edges->nodes -- -- Now we define finite graphs as follows: -- edges ==> Record(source:nodes, target:nodes) FiniteGraph(nodes: BasicType):GraphCategory(nodes, edges) with new: % addNode: (%, List nodes) -> List nodes addNode: (%, nodes) -> List nodes addEdge: (%, nodes, nodes) -> edges edgeList: (%) -> List edges nodeList: (%) -> List nodes
== add import from NonNegativeInteger
Rep == Record(node: List nodes,edge: List edges)
new:% == n:List(nodes):=[] e:List(edges):=[] per([n,e]$Rep)
addNode(g:%,n:nodes):List nodes == addNode(g, [n])
addNode(g:%,n:List nodes):List nodes == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; if #G.node=0 then G.node:=n else concat!(G.node, n) n
addEdge(g:%,source:nodes, target:nodes):edges == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; if #G.edge=0 then G.edge:=[[source, target]$edges] else concat!(G.edge, [[source, target]$edges]) [source, target]$edges
edgeList(g:%):List edges == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; G.edge
nodeList(g:%):List nodes == G:Rep:=g pretend Rep; G.node
source(ed:edges):nodes == ed.source target(ed:edges):nodes == ed.target</aldor>
Compiling FriCAS source code from file /var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/1676669208528368195-25px001.as using Aldor compiler and options -O -Fasy -Fao -Flsp -lfricas -Mno-ALDOR_W_WillObsolete -DFriCAS -Y $FRICAS/algebra -I $FRICAS/algebra Use the system command )set compiler args to change these options. "/var/lib/zope2.10/instance/axiom-wiki/var/LatexWiki/1676669208528368195-25px001.as",line 2: #include "axiom.as" ^ [L2 C1] #1 (Error) Could not open file `axiom.as'.
The )library system command was not called after compilation.
)sh FiniteGraph
FiniteGraph(S: SetCategory) is a category constructor Abbreviation for FiniteGraph is FGRPH This constructor is not exposed in this frame. ------------------------------- Operations --------------------------------
?+? : (%,%) -> % ?=? : (%, %) -> Boolean addObject! : (%, S) -> % coerce : % -> OutputForm flatten : DirectedGraph(%) -> % initial : () -> % isAcyclic? : % -> Boolean isDirected? : () -> Boolean isFunctional? : % -> Boolean kgraph : (List(S), String) -> % latex : % -> String loopsArrows : % -> List(Loop) loopsNodes : % -> List(Loop) looseEquals : (%, %) -> Boolean max : % -> NonNegativeInteger merge : (%, %) -> % min : % -> NonNegativeInteger terminal : S -> % unit : (List(S), String) -> % ?~=? : (%, %) -> Boolean addArrow! : (%, String, S, S) -> % addArrow! : (%, String, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, List(NonNegativeInteger)) -> % addArrow! : (%, String, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> % addArrow! : (%, Record(name: String, arrType: NonNegativeInteger, fromOb: NonNegativeInteger, toOb: NonNegativeInteger, xOffset: Integer, yOffset: Integer, map: List(NonNegativeInteger))) -> % addObject! : (%, Record(value: S, posX: NonNegativeInteger, posY: NonNegativeInteger)) -> % adjacencyMatrix : % -> Matrix(NonNegativeInteger) arrowName : (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> String arrowsFromArrow : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) arrowsFromNode : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) arrowsToArrow : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) arrowsToNode : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) createWidth : NonNegativeInteger -> NonNegativeInteger createX : (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger createY : (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger cycleClosed : (List(S), String) -> % cycleOpen : (List(S), String) -> % deepDiagramSvg : (String, %, Boolean) -> Void diagramHeight : % -> NonNegativeInteger diagramSvg : (String, %, Boolean) -> Void diagramWidth : % -> NonNegativeInteger diagramsSvg : (String, List(%), Boolean) -> Void distance : (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> Integer distanceMatrix : % -> Matrix(Integer) getArrowIndex : (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger getArrows : % -> List(Record(name: String, arrType: NonNegativeInteger, fromOb: NonNegativeInteger, toOb: NonNegativeInteger, xOffset: Integer, yOffset: Integer, map: List(NonNegativeInteger))) getVertexIndex : (%, S) -> NonNegativeInteger getVertices : % -> List(Record(value: S, posX: NonNegativeInteger, posY: NonNegativeInteger)) inDegree : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger incidenceMatrix : % -> Matrix(Integer) isDirectSuccessor? : (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean isFixPoint? : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean isGreaterThan? : (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean laplacianMatrix : % -> Matrix(Integer) loopsAtNode : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(Loop) map : (%, List(NonNegativeInteger), List(S), Integer, Integer) -> % mapContra : (%, List(NonNegativeInteger), List(S), Integer, Integer) -> % max : (%, List(NonNegativeInteger)) -> NonNegativeInteger min : (%, List(NonNegativeInteger)) -> NonNegativeInteger nodeFromArrow : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) nodeFromNode : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) nodeToArrow : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) nodeToNode : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) outDegree : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger routeArrows : (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) routeNodes : (%, NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> List(NonNegativeInteger) spanningForestArrow : % -> List(Tree(Integer)) spanningForestNode : % -> List(Tree(Integer)) spanningTreeArrow : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Tree(Integer) spanningTreeNode : (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Tree(Integer) subdiagramSvg : (Scene(SCartesian(2)), %, Boolean, Boolean) -> Void
Example 1: create a simple finite graph:
FiniteGraph(Integer) is a category,not a domain, and declarations require domains.